In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 601 Boundless cause and effect

There is no doubt that Cui Yu has the ability to create another channel?

Of course he has the ability.

But he doesn't!

no way!

Although Cui Hushan has an extraordinary relationship with Zhenwushan and is one of the seven sons of Zhenwushan, Cui Yu will never make an exception to help Cui Hushan.


Because after Yu Ji was pushed into the thunder and fire, the monks in Zhenwu Mountain chose to be an accomplice.

Cui Yu can say that he is now very disappointed with the disciples of Zhenwu Mountain.

Zhenwu Mountain and the people of the Han Dynasty are colluding, how can Cui Yu save each other?

Wang Yanchun stood in the thunder and fire and looked at Cui Yu from a distance. For a moment, it was difficult to tell whether what Cui Yu said was true or false.

Cui Yu, you just want to retaliate! You just want to retaliate against me! Cui Cancan stood behind Wang Yanchun and angrily yelled: You did it on purpose. You deliberately stood by and watched and did not save me.

So what? You and I are not relatives, so what can I do even if I stand by and watch and die without saving anything? Cui Yu's voice was full of pride.

The void channel had collapsed, and the pure air spread in the void, covering Cui Yu's figure like a cloud, leaving the desperate people waiting to die in the Tianjue Formation.

Being able to die in the Tianjue Formation can be regarded as a blessing that you have cultivated for several lifetimes. Cui Yu muttered as he looked at the gradually repaired space until the space passage completely disappeared.

The Han Dynasty is just that. Although it is powerful, it only occupies a small area. Zhenwu Mountain is not the case. It is a powerful force that dominates the world and can be called the leader of the Qi Practitioner lineage. If you are so direct in offending, is it... ... Zhao Siyue looked at Cui Yu, with a hint of worry in her eyes.

Did I do anything? Cui Yu looked at Zhao Siyue: Be reasonable. I opened the passage, and I allowed them to come out of the passage. But the passage suddenly collapsed. What does it have to do with me?

Zhao Siyue was speechless upon hearing this.

Okay, the matter is over, what's the point of talking so much now? Tang Zhou came out to smooth things over.

Now that the matter has been resolved, let's leave this ghost place quickly. Tang Zhou said. He didn't want to stay in this ghost place for more than a quarter of an hour.

Hearing Tang Zhou's words, Zhao Siyue showed a hint of unwillingness in her eyes. She hadn't found what she wanted, so how could she leave?

Don't think about it. There is no so-called East China Sea Dragon Palace here. It's all just a scam. Cui Yu looked at Zhao Siyue and said.

He couldn't bear Zhao Siyue to continue taking risks here. To be honest, Zhao Siyue could stand up for Yu Ji and would not hesitate to fight against the great Zhao Kingdom. Cui Yu's view of Zhao Siyue changed greatly.

What? Zhao Siyue's face became even paler, and she looked at Cui Yu with weak and helpless eyes: How could it be? How do you know?

If you believe me, just go back and think of other solutions. If you don't believe me, just continue searching here. Cui Yu replied, and began to think about Chi You's head.

At this time, the atmosphere in the venue was serious. Everyone looked at me and others with serious eyes, waiting for Zhao Siyue to speak.

Zhao Siyue stood there with a helpless face, not looking like a great monk who dominated the world at all, but like a helpless little girl.

Cui Yu ignored Zhao Siyue, but looked deeper into the space with his eyes and found Chi You's suppressed head.

What a wonderful formation. Cui Yu opened his palms and observed the operation of the formation with eyes filled with the power of destruction, looking thoughtful.

This is a large formation spread all over the yellow sand, and the rules of its operation are beyond Cui Yu's understanding.

Brother. Yu Ji came to Cui Yu and asked curiously: Brother, what are you looking at?

I have a friend who asked me to do something. Cui Yu replied.

I'm back this time, are you going back? Cui Yu asked.

Upon hearing this, Yu Ji looked at Cui Yu with a pair of sparkling eyes: I want to stay with my eldest brother. He is already so capable. I will go to Yaochi to learn skills from his master, so I can just follow him.

Following the elder brother, you will starve for nine meals in three days. Cui Yu said angrily: I think that woman treats you well. I am also relieved that you are practicing in Yaochi. When will you develop magical powers and become powerful? Come and help me with your strength.

Cui Yu felt that it was necessary to ask Yu Ji to practice in Yaochi.

Yaochi has the most orthodox teachings, but he is just a Yehu Zen. His current abilities are all muddle-headed, and it is impossible to teach others.

Yu Ji looked disappointed when she heard this, and the light in her big eyes dimmed: But I want to stay with my

Cui Yu touched Yu Ji's head: When will you complete the disaster realm, come down the mountain to look for me again. The chaos in the world is about to begin. It's hard for me to protect myself alone in the chaotic world. How can I protect you? I just hope You can cultivate a little higher in the future, and then come and help me.

Really? Yu Ji's eyes lit up again. When she heard that Cui Yu needed her help, Yu Ji's eyes began to shine.

Of course. Cui Yu smiled, paused and said, But before you return to the mountain, the power of blood in your body can be improved to enhance your self-protection power.

Yu Ji nodded obediently.

Cui Yu turned to look at Zhao Siyue who was in despair: I'll lend it to your apprentice.

Zhao Siyue stood there without responding. Cui Yu randomly found a space and shattered the formation with a snap of his fingers, and the two of them fell into it.

Li Si looked at Cui Yu's methods with a hint of fear in his eyes: This kid is a bit evil and is not easy to mess with. We need to think about it in the long term.

This is a relatively peaceful formation, an ordinary five-element formation. The entire formation collapsed, and it had no lethality.

Cui Yu looked at Yu Ji with his eyes: Now that you are embarking on the path of becoming a Qi practitioner, your body has been tempered and can withstand more blood. I will increase the blood concentration for you, please bear with it.

Do you want to take off your clothes? Yu Ji blinked her big eyes and looked at Cui Yu expectantly.

No need. A black line appeared on Cui Yu's forehead.

Today's Cui Yu is not what he used to be.

Holding Yu Ji's soft and boneless palm, divine blood poured into it the next moment.

Yu Ji's palms were very white and sparkling.

The divine blood in Cui Yu's body was poured in, and the divine blood in Yu Ji's body boiled, like a shark that smelled the smell of blood, swarming up and swallowing Cui Yu's divine blood.

Yu Ji is not an ordinary person of blood, but a 'second generation human god' created by Cui Yu and approved by heaven.

As Cui Yu continued to infuse divine blood, Yu Ji's body began to turn red and hot, and streams of green smoke came out of her head.

Yu Ji has been practicing hard in the past few years and constantly tempering her body. Although the Qi practitioner's physical training was not as good as martial arts, he still made a qualitative breakthrough and swallowed five thousand drops of Cui Yu's divine blood.

Note that it was the five thousand drops of divine blood that swallowed Cui Yu.

Then Yu Ji fell into a deep sleep again and began to transform. There seemed to be an inexplicable sound wave invisibly, constantly impacting Yu Ji's internal organs, constantly tempering the bones of Yu Ji's body, and Yu Ji's whole body seemed to have undergone an inexplicable transformation.

After three full days, Yu Ji woke up from her deep sleep. She looked at Cui Yu with her eyes and shouted with surprise: Master, things are different! Yu Ji is different! Yu Ji can control sound waves.

Excited, he called his master back.

Practice hard, and you will be even better in the future. Cui Yu smiled and touched the girl's head. The girl's little head came close and rubbed, enjoying Cui Yu's touch.

Okay, let's go back. Cui Yu patted Yu Ji's head.

Brother. Yu Ji suddenly shouted, looking at Cui Yu with flickering eyes.

Huh? What's the matter? Cui Yu understood Yu Ji too well. When he saw the other party's expression, he knew that there was something wrong with the other party.

Can you save the master's friend? She is very pitiful! Yu Ji came forward, grabbed Cui Yu's hand, and said pitifully.

Zhao Xindou's life span has expired. Unless he finds a life-extending elixir, no one can save him. Cui Yu shook his head.

But I know that eldest brother has that ability. The wine in the gourd that eldest brother gave me could extend my life. Yu Ji looked at Cui Yu longingly.

How do you know? Cui Yu was surprised.

After eating, I felt warm all over my body. When I broke through the realm of supernatural powers, I realized that the vitality in my body was very different from that of my brothers and sisters. I am not a fool. The only one who can do this for me is my eldest brother. I If you stay with your elder brother all the time, how can you get any chance to extend your life? Yu Ji looked at Cui Yu with her big eyes twinkling.

I have to say, Yu Ji is very smart.

Cui Yu was silent when he heard this. The golden elixir of all calamities was nothing to him, but he had no friendship with Zhao Xindou. Moreover, treating Zhao Xindou would inevitably reveal that he had the golden elixir of all calamities. If Zhao Siyue and Zhao Xindou had a second thought, he would definitely die without a burial place.

The key is is it worth it?

Cui Yu looked at Yu Ji and remained silent.

Brother~ Yu Ji looked at Cui Yu pitifully: Master is a very nice person.

There is nothing to say about Zhao Siyue's character, Cui Yu saw it with his own eyes. The key is that Zhao Xindou...

Let me think about it. Cui Yu was a little upset.

If Zhao Xindou can't be saved, the master will marry that shameless old man Li Si. Brother, you and Li Si have a grudge. When the master marries Li Si, won't it increase Li Si's power? Yu Ji said eloquently: On the contrary. , if you can save Zhao Xindou, and your master and Zhao Xindou can restrain Li Si for you, Li Si will not be able to do anything to you.

It has to be said that Cui Yu was moved by what Yu Ji said.

Li Si accidentally revealed his identity. He has an innate spiritual treasure in his body, and Li Si will never give up.

Li Si is not an ordinary Qi practitioner, but a holy figure. Although he is not afraid of Li Si, he still finds it troublesome. If Li Si was killed, how could the Zhou court give up?

When the time comes, strong men from all walks of life will surround you, and you will inevitably fall into a huge crisis.

But I don’t know what Zhao Xindou’s character is. If the news about the Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations is exposed, I don’t even know how he died. What should I do then?

what to do?

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Cui Yu's mind, and he thought of the Three Corpse Insects.

You can use the Three Corpse Insects to check and balance Zhao Xindou.

If Zhao Xindou had some unwanted thoughts, he would use the Three Corpse Insects to take away the opponent's life.

Cui Yu thought about it and already made a decision.

Okay, I promise you. Cui Yu said.

At the same time, a Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations was formed in Cui Yu's hand, but there were dozens of undetectable three-corpse insect eggs hidden in the Golden Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations, and it was integrated with the Golden Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations without any flaws.

Even if anyone comes to see it, no one can see anything wrong with it.

He also prevented the other party from eating the Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations separately, and deliberately arranged the eggs evenly.

When the two left the formation world, Zhao Siyue and Li Si had disappeared. Only Tang Zhou was waiting there.

Where are they two? Cui Yu asked.

It seems that he left because of something urgent. He only left a sentence, asking Yu Ji to go to Yaochi to find her. Tang Zhou said.

Cui Yu glanced at Yu Ji: Go and inform your master to wait for me in Baicao Hall.

Hearing this, Yu Ji glanced at Cui Yu reluctantly, then turned into sound waves and left.

You're a good boy. No one thought that that little country girl turned out to be so beautiful. It's unbelievable. You got a big deal. Tang Zhou came over with a smile on his face and said with a very wretched expression. : It just so happens that we meet this time, why not take her red pill, and a good thing will come in pairs.

Cui Yu shook his head and was too lazy to pay attention to the rude Tang Zhou: Li Si, how much do you know?

When did you become enemies with Li Si? Tang Zhou's expression rarely became serious when he heard Cui Yu mention Li Si.

Cui Yu was silent.

What could he say? If he made it clear, wouldn't it expose Han Xin?

What should we do then?

Han Xin was the nail that drove him into Taiping Road.

Seeing that Cui Yu had no explanation, Tang Zhou knew that Cui Yu had something to hide, so he solemnly said: If we talk about the world's masters, Li Si can definitely be ranked in the top ten.

At this point, Tang Zhou felt that what he said was not accurate and weighty enough, so he added: Even if we include those old bastards who have been hiding from the world, they will definitely be ranked in the top ten.

Who can you rank at the top? Cui Yu looked at Tang Zhou: How are you and Lisby?

Tang Zhou shook his head when he heard this: I don't know how strong I am, because my three hundred and sixty-five incarnations have never been integrated into one.

Keep an eye on Li Si for me. Cui Yu replied.

As long as I'm here, Li Si can't harm you. Tang Zhou patted Cui Yu on the shoulder: Don't worry, I will take responsibility for the cause and effect between you and Li Si.

You can't bear it. Cui Yu slapped him back: The cause and effect between Li Si and me is greater than you can imagine.

Although Cui Yu didn't know that he had released Han Fei, ruined Li Si's plan, and had Li Si dominate the Legalist family, he still knew that the cause and effect between him and Li Si was boundless.

I have unintentionally been involved in the legalist dispute.

You and Li Si have never met, how can there be cause and effect? Tang Zhou was puzzled. This was what he was most confused about.

Cui Yu smiled and said nothing.

Let's go. Tang Zhou looked at Cui Yu. He didn't want to stay in this ghost place for a quarter of an hour now.

I have one more thing! There is one more big thing! Cui Yu replied.

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