The passage is destroyed!

Everyone could see that the ladder was broken, and the tail was shattered by the Dinghai Divine Pearl.

But fortunately, we are all monks, so even if the stairs collapse, it doesn't matter. Everyone has the means to fly to the sky and escape.

But Cui Yu's cold and ruthless face frightened everyone. Pairs of eyes looked at Cui Yu, their eyes full of awe.

Do you really want to fight to the death with me, the Han Dynasty? Liu Bang's voice began to become cold at this time: For an ordinary ordinary woman, you are so cruel to cut off my life and offend my country, is it worth it? ?”

Haha. You are wrong. I originally created this staircase. I can ask whoever I want to go up. How can I ruin your chance of survival? If you have the ability, why waste time here and directly Just create a passage. I have no ability, and I even said that I cut off your life. I have never seen anyone with a thicker skin than you. Cui Yu mocked mercilessly, making Liu Bang's body tremble with anger, and his eyes Staring at Cui Yu, his eyes were full of anger.

You have built a passage, why do you ask me to wait for a ride? How can you be so vicious? Liu Bang's body trembled angrily: You are just a woman. I, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, and the nobles, have already bowed their heads to you. I’ve apologized, what else do you want?”

Cui Yu shook his head when he heard this: If you apologize, I will forgive you? If you apologize, I will accept it. It's so ridiculous. Just a woman? I think you are still a man. You have a miserable life. I Even if you are not allowed to pass, what will happen?

Cui Yu was as arrogant as he wanted at this time, his eyes full of pride: If all the people in the Han Dynasty kneel down and kowtow to me to apologize, I might consider it. I'll give you three time to breathe. If you don’t kowtow, I will leave.”

A scholar can be killed but not humiliated. Don't even think about it! Liu Bang's voice was full of anger.

But the next moment, the third uncle on the side had already knelt on the ground and kowtowed directly: Please give me a way to survive. I was wrong. I kowtow to apologize to you.

Third Uncle. Liu Bang looked at the old man who was kowtowing, his eyes full of disbelief.

Cui Yu above also twitched his brows: Sure enough, people become mature with age. After passing the test of fame and fortune, as long as they can survive, they are willing to do anything. However, I have already broken the relationship with the Han Dynasty. I am afraid that once this old guy escapes God, the first one will kill me.

Kneel down. The third uncle looked at Liu Bang, his eyes full of red, obviously anxious.

For an old antique like him who is accustomed to seeing everything, as long as he can escape, what does it mean to have a mere face?

So worth it!

Liu Bang's body trembled with anger. Although there is no such sentence in this world as keeping green mountains alive, you will not be afraid of running out of firewood, but looking at his third uncle's face, Liu Bang already knew what it meant.

I, Liu Bang, was wrong. Please show me your noble hand and let me live. In the future, you will only ask for anything. We, the Han Dynasty, will not be stingy about fame, fortune, beauty, and wealth, and we will let you grab it.

Liu Bang also knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing.

Liu Bang and his third uncle knelt down. The next moment, all the people affiliated with the Han Dynasty fell to their knees in large groups, kowtowing and admitting their mistakes.

Hahaha! Hahaha! Cui Yu looked at the people of the Han Dynasty who were kneeling on the ground, and felt extremely happy in his heart: Okay, okay! Seeing you guys kneeling down, my heart is full of pride. . Unexpectedly, you, the emperor and nobleman, will one day kneel down. But unfortunately, I thought about it and decided not to rescue you. You might as well die in there.'re fucking kidding me!!! Liu Bang's eyes were splitting when he heard this, and he stood up suddenly and glared at Cui Yu above.

I'm just teasing you, how do you treat me? Cui Yu smiled coldly.

The next moment, Liu Bang turned into a rainbow light, rose up with lightning speed, and rushed straight towards Cui Yu.

The speed of light is 300,000 kilometers per second. Naturally, Liu Bang's strength has not yet mastered the art of turning the golden crow into a rainbow to the ultimate level, but he can still cover a distance of 10,000 kilometers in one breath.

The speed of light is 300,000 kilometers per second, and one thousand meters equals one kilometer, which means one breath is 300,000 miles.

The art of Golden Crow Transformation into Rainbow is extremely fast. Although he has not reached the peak of the Golden Crow Transformation into Rainbow technique, and the influence of the innate divine thunder has greatly affected his speed, as long as you give him a breath, he can rush from here. Go out and tear that hateful face to pieces.

The Golden Crow Rainbow Transformation Technique is too fast.

But fortunately, Cui Yu is not an ordinary person. He has long been on guard against the opponent's move.

Although the technique of Golden Crow turning into rainbow is fast, Cui Yu only needs a thought to activate the Dinghai Divine Pearl.

The colored light rose up and hit the rainbow light directly. In an instant, a scream was heard, and Liu Bang fell directly into the clouds like a bird with broken wings.

The ancestor of the Han Dynasty on the side saw the Dinghai Divine Pearl hitting Liu Bang and then returning, and secretly screamed in his heart: This is the moment.

He just wanted to rush out while the power of the Dinghai Divine Pearl was exhausted.

The old guy jumped directly into the sky and turned into fire. Although his escape speed was not as fast as Liu Bang's Golden Crow, but for this short one-kilometer passage, there was no difference.

At this time, it was too late to sacrifice the Dinghai Divine Pearl again. The third uncle of the Liu family roared with a ferocious expression: Boy, let's see how you can stop me! I want you to die! I want you to die! If you dare to insult my Han nobles like this, even if you are Even if the human king comes, he won’t be able to protect you.”

Do you remember eating but not fighting? Cui Yu looked at the firelight that came towards him. The firelight twisted into an angry face. The next moment, Cui Yu spread his palms and an eye appeared in his palms.

A black light shot out.

I have been on guard for a long time! Although your light is powerful, it must be able to hit me. The third uncle of the Liu family flipped around in the passage, trying to avoid the dark light.

Cui Yu smiled softly when he heard this, his eyes full of contempt: Haha. These are my eyes, which can see the entire passage, not just a ray of light.

The next moment, the dark light in Cui Yu's palm hit the third uncle of the Liu family accurately. The third uncle of the Liu family screamed and was knocked back to his original shape again. However, Cui Yu did not give the opponent a chance this time, and directly vaporized the opponent with his eyes of destruction.

Cui Yu retracted his eyes and clenched his fists: Fortunately, the space is small, otherwise I really wouldn't be able to help you.


Third uncle!!! Liu Bang screamed, with blood and tears streaming from his eyes, as he watched helplessly as his third uncle evaporated in front of him.

Such a tragic situation immediately frightened the people below.

At this time, everyone in Zhenwu Mountain could not sit still.

I'm Wang Yanchun of Zhenwushan, this little brother, we met in Daliang City. I, Zhenwushan, have no grievances with you. Can you let me live? I will be grateful to Zhenwushan in the future. Wang Yanchun raised his hand and saluted. .

The Han Dynasty has enmity with Cui Yu, but Zhen Wushan has no enmity with him.

Cui Yu smiled when he heard this and glanced at Wang Yanchun: You're the same raccoon dog. Unfortunately, even if I want to let you live, it's too late.

Although Zhenwushan did not take action against Yu Ji, he was always helping Liu Bang and helping Liu Bang stop Zhao Siyue who avenged Yu Ji.

What do you mean? Wang Yanchun had a bad premonition in his heart.

The next moment, the entire passage slowly collapsed, and the means of defense against the innate divine thunder disappeared.

Time for thirty breaths.

Without the protection of that barrier, even if Cui Yu asked everyone to step onto that passage, everyone would not be able to resist the innate divine thunder and would be under the innate divine thunder.

How could this happen!!! Wang Yanchun's face turned pale, and everyone in Zhenwu Mountain suddenly panicked.

Cui Yu, you did it on purpose! You did it on purpose! Cui Cancan stared at the condescending Cui Yu above, his eyes full of anger.

Whatever you say. You have a villain's heart and judge a gentleman's heart. What can I do? When the passage existed just now, you didn't take the initiative to come up. You insisted on getting involved with the people of the Han Dynasty. Now the people of the Han Dynasty People do a lot of evil and are struck by lightning all the time, why are you blaming me now that you have been implicated?

Cui Yu now had enough time to make sarcastic remarks. Cui Cancan turned pale with fright. He lost his sense of control at the critical moment of life and death and was about to curse, but was stopped by Wang Yanchun. Wang Yanchun raised his hand and saluted:

Your Excellency's skills are superb, and I admire you in my heart. I wonder if you can lend a helping hand and rescue me. You are a great kindness, and I will never forget it in Zhenwu Mountain.

Cui Yu raised the corner of his mouth after hearing this, and was about to taunt Wang Yanchun when Zhao Siyue on the side said: Master Cui, Zhenwu Mountain is very powerful, and the ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain is known as the strongest person in the world. You can Think twice.

The group of people outside also recovered from the shock at this time, and looked at Cui Yu with eyes full of shock.

I really didn't expect that Cui Yu would have such means.

Yu Ji also looked at Cui Yu in disbelief, her beautiful eyes full of horror. Is this really the original owner of his house? He actually possesses such incredible magical powers?

When I went to Yaochi to practice, I thought I had seen a wider world and developed more powerful magical abilities. However, I never thought that my master would be so strong after not seeing him for just a few years.

Create a channel in the innate divine thunder.

Cut off the life and death of masters in the Golden Imperial Realm.

Even his own master, the ancestor of the dignified Golden Imperial Realm, must speak respectfully when facing his master. Is it because I don’t recognize the world anymore, or is the world going crazy?

When did my master have the strength to make Jin Chi bow his head?

Yu Ji's eyes were full of disbelief. Her eyes were fixed on Cui Yu. She blinked and she felt like she was getting wet.

Over there, Zhao Siyue recovered from the shock and opened her mouth to comfort Cui Yu. She didn't mean any harm, she was just worried that Cui Yu wouldn't know the details of Zhenwu Mountain and would cause big trouble.

Zhenwu Mountain is known as the 'mountain top' of Qi practitioners. The leader of Qi practitioners in the world, his strength can be imagined.

Oh? Cui Yu turned to look at Zhao Siyue: You little girl, you have to figure something out. I built this passage. Do I have the right to tell anyone to leave?

Zhao Siyue was speechless upon hearing this. Even though he said so, if you do this, it will offend others.

It's a matter of affection to let them go, otherwise it's their duty to let them go. This is my passage, I have the final say. Cui Yu looked at Zhao Siyue who was speechless, and said with a smile: Besides, you also saw it, I also agreed to call They came up, but they couldn't stop the innate divine thunder from coming up. What can I do? I'm not his ancestor, so I have to protect them all the time. I'm not related to them, so why should I open up another way for them? Isn’t there just one passage?”

Cui Yu spoke so plausibly that Zhao Siyue was stunned.

She thought what Cui Yu said made sense.

Having said that, if you stand idly by if you have the ability, that would be enmity. Zhao Siyue smiled bitterly.

It's like you and a group of people fell into the water, and someone rescued everyone, but ignored you and asked you if you were angry?

Are you afraid that you will be angry to death?

You will definitely feel resentful when you come out.

Enmity? Let's wait until they can escape from this heavenly formation. Cui Yu smiled coldly.

Tianjue Formation? Do you know the origin of this space? Zhao Siyue showed a hint of curiosity on her face.

Cui Yu didn't hide it either. It was just Tianjue Formation. What was there to hide?

He directly said the Tianjue Formation: This formation is called the Heavenly Jue Formation. It is a formation refined by someone who has surpassed our imagination. In this formation, the three talents of heaven and earth are reversed, and the secret calculation is even more difficult to guess. If a god encounters the Tian Jue Formation, his limbs will instantly turn into ashes. This formation is the result of a great master who performed an innate number and obtained the innate pure energy. It contains the mechanism of chaos. There are three flags in it, according to the sky, the earth, and the human beings. The three talents are combined into one energy. If a person enters this formation, where there is thunder, it will turn into dust; even if it is a great master who has surpassed the realm of the Golden Imperial Order, if he encounters this place, his limbs will be shattered into pieces.

Hearing what Cui Yu said, Zhao Siyue turned pale. On the side, Li Si looked at the Sancai Formation seriously through the passage. He had heard a little information about the Ten Jue Formation in the Netherworld. He never expected to bump into the Ten Jue Formation today. The Tian Jue Formation.

Sure enough, I am very lucky to have escaped today. Li Si said with horror in his heart.

Then he turned to look at Cui Yu, looking at Cui Yu's thin back, his heart was full of horror: How did he know about the Ten Jue Formations? Can he open up a passage? I don't know what kind of supernatural bloodline he has mastered. Is it possible? Is it the power of space?”

Li Si's eyes were full of disbelief.

Wang Yanchun in the formation looked at the gradually annihilating stairs, with fear in his eyes: Please save this person. This person is the direct descendant of my Zhenwushan ancestor, the direct bloodline of my Zhenwushan ancestor, and the only descendant's great-grandson . If you, Your Excellency, can save him, I, Zhenwushan, will have no reason to shirk anything from you in the future.

Wang Yanchun pointed to Cui Cancan next to him and pleaded to Cui Yu.

It's not that I won't save you, nor that I won't help. As a great monk, you should know how difficult it is to create a passage in this thunder light. Cui Yu said unhurriedly.

is it hard?

Is it difficult for Cui Yu?

Alas, he just didn’t help. He just stood by and watched!

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