In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 482: Killing Three Corpses

In the eyes of several people, Cui Yu was standing there as if he was under a restraining spell, standing motionless. The insect that made everyone's hair stand on end and scared them out of their wits actually rushed forward without any hindrance. into the hands of Cui Yu.

He's done! He's done! The horrible bugs invaded his body, and the horrible bugs directly integrated into his spirit. He's done! Zhao Mingzhu looked at Cui Yu's body being invaded by the bugs, his eyes full of Terrified.

No matter how high your cultivation level is, as long as you are invaded by this terrifying insect, you will have no choice but to wait for death. This is a great terror recognized by everyone.

Ever since this insect appeared in the world, it seems that there has not been any kind of power or any master that can avoid the invasion of this insect.

I asked you to show off, will you reap the consequences this time? Li Si saw Cui Yu being invaded by insects, his eyes were full of joy, and he finally let out a bad breath.

However, no one noticed that in Li Si's eyes, there was a red thread under his eyelids, and it was constantly swimming faintly in the eye sockets.

Hurry up and pull him away! Zhao Siyue stepped forward quickly and wanted to pull Cui Yu away from the body. However, Zhao Siyue only took half a step forward when Tang Zhou blocked him:

Don't disturb him.

Are you crazy? Once those bugs touch a new corpse, they will just swarm in like a swarm. The first bug has already broken in, and the second bug has climbed onto his finger. You Do we have to watch him die? Zhao Siyue looked at Tang Zhou with disbelief in her eyes.

I still know what my friend is capable of. Tang Zhou said calmly.

Although Zhihu on the side also felt creepy, after hearing what Tang Zhou said, he also felt that it made sense. Cui Yu is a man who can create miracles. If Cui Yu can really create miracles, can he also pull out the bugs on his body?

Will my troubles be eliminated directly by then?

His eyes were full of anxiety, expectation, and ecstasy.

Haha, you are not fools. Don't you know how powerful this kind of bug is? Even if the Jin Dynasty is invaded by this kind of bug, it can only wait for death. Countless Jin Dynasty strong men can do nothing about this bug, don't you think? He is just an ant in the realm of supernatural powers. How can he be more capable than the powerful people of Jin Dynasty? More intelligent? Li Si poured a basin of cold water next to him:

Zhihu, you made a mistake this time. This guy is obviously a fool and can't create the miracle you want. Could it be that you were deceived by someone, right?

Zhihu glanced at Li Si and remained calm in the face of Li Si's ridicule, not angry. In official circles, you still have these tools.

Let's wait and see whether we can create a miracle. Zhihu glanced at Li Si, and then stared at Cui Yu with his eyes.

Cui Yu, you must help me a little bit. Our fortunes and lives all depend on you. Zhihu narrowed his eyes. Although his heart kept beating, his face was calm.

Zhao Siyue's eyes were full of seriousness, and she looked at Cui Yu with a pair of eyes full of anxiety and expectation, countless complicated looks mixed together.

Zhao Mingzhu was also gritting her teeth, blood-red bugs rolling over half of her face, and her only remaining eye was filled with anxiety.

However, everyone didn't have to wait long before Cui Yu, who was stunned, finally took action.

In Cui Yu's spiritual world, looking at the introduction on the Golden Finger page, Cui Yu's eyes showed a hint of shock: A pervert who fused three zombies? Unless he kills three corpses, he will have to wait for death.

Speaking of killing three corpses, Cui Yu thought of his own technique for killing three corpses, and his eyes flashed inexplicably: Usurpation.

[Successful usurpation]

[Divine blood +1000]

【Dragon-Insect Transformation】

As soon as the golden finger page flashed, Cui Yu had a piece of information in his mind, which was about the dragon-worm transformation.

Cui Yu was not disappointed, the Dragon Worm Transformation really restrained the True Dragon Maggot.

But it's not ordinary restraint, but a kind of training method that transforms into a dragon and insect.

In the ancient times, there was a supreme power who mastered the art of controlling insects and gu insects. He gave up his body and used the poisonous insects to make his own body. The dragon insect transformation evolved on this basis.

To practice this magical power is to refine countless true dragon maggots, and then use the true dragon maggots to form your own skin.

Just like Wu Bufan, the whole person is directly composed of worms. As he thought in his heart, his whole body turned into a larvae, and then with another thought, countless larvae reorganized into Wu Bufan's body.

The same goes for this 'Dragon-Insect Transformation', using the three corpse insects of one's own as a guide to cultivate a supreme magical power.

Isn't this the same as killing three corpses directly? Cui Yu looked at the dragon and insect transformation, his eyes twinkling.

The technique practiced in the ancient times is to use innate spiritual treasures to kill three corpses, and the 'dragon insect transformation' directly mobilizes Cui Yu's three corpses to cultivate into supernatural powers. One thought can separate the body, and one thought can divide into thousands. These three damn corpses Isn't it the same as killing three corpses after leaving the body?

The magical power given by the system has never disappointed Cui Yu. As the dragon insect transformed into Cui Yu's body, the next moment Cui Yu only felt that his three treasures of energy, energy and spirit were changing. Along with the inexplicable rolling, Cui Yu's body Three hazy and illusory shadows actually appeared.

Three corpse gods!

Those are Cui Yu’s Three Corpse Gods!

With the blessing of the dragon and insect transformation, Cui Yu's three corpses were actually manifested by Gold Finger with an inexplicable power.

Why three corpses?

In terms of Taoism, it is called good, evil and self-grasping.

For Qi practitioners, it is called greed, anger and ignorance.

For ordinary people, the name of the upper corpse is: Peng Guo, white and green in color, it can make people's appetite sluggish, hurt people's appetite, cause dark eyes, hair loss, bad breath, wrinkled face, and tooth loss, and it lives in the upper Dantian. Zhongshi: Named Peng Zhi, white and yellow in color, can make people greedy for money, can communicate with ghosts and gods, attack people's five possessions, have less Qi and more forgetfulness, make people prone to do evil things, eat food, or have dreams and confusion, and live in the middle Dantian . Lower Corpse: Named Peng Jiao, white and black in color, can cause people to indulge in drinking and lust, and the five emotions are surging with lustful evil, unable to restrain themselves, and resides in the lower Dantian.

The three corpses are the root of the five declines of heaven and man, and the source of birth, old age, sickness and death for all sentient beings.

It stands to reason that killing three corpses requires great merit, great perseverance, and great practice, but Cui Yu's golden finger is indeed a golden finger. In this weird and twisted world, nothing seems impossible. It doesn't seem unreasonable that a mortal with a strong bloodline can suppress the friction of a Qi practitioner in the Jinzhi realm, and that Cui Yu can manifest the three corpses on his body with his strange power.

This world is so distorted that everything that is impossible and irrational seems to be reasonable at this time.

Along with the movement of the mantra, the magical power flashed, and after the first true dragon maggot entered Cui Yu's body, it fell directly into the three corpses. The second real dragon maggot fell into Cui Yu's body and was absorbed by the evil corpse. As soon as you enter the third one, you will be swallowed up by self-grasping.

Then in Cui Yu's shocked eyes, his three corpses turned into three true dragon maggots in an instant. After a while, the true dragon maggots twisted like larvae and began to transform into three terrifying-looking insects. .

The bug was similar to a mosquito, but looked completely different.

There are three bugs, one black, one white, and one transparent.

The insect couldn't see its face clearly, and could only see clearly three groups of light.

The white light exudes kindness, and seems to be compassionate and compassionate to all things in the world.

Black light is evil. It seems that all the evil in the world can be seen in black light. It is the tangled body of sin and the source of all evil.

As for the white light, it represents self-obsession, vaguely transformed into a human form. What is seen in it is Cui Yu's past, with countless obsessions flickering in it.

The three rays of light were connected and seemed to represent changes in the past and future. Then, under the power of the 'Dragon-Insect Transformation', the three rays of light were drawn closer and merged into one, turning into a blurry and twisted shadow.

Is this the dragon-worm transformation? Cui Yu had a look of disbelief in his eyes.

The next moment, Cui Yu suddenly opened his eyes, and the black twisted shadow walked directly out of Cui Yu's eyes and landed on the body in the passage.

The countless corpse insects in the corpse seemed to have met their owner, and poured directly into the vague shadow without saying a word.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, the red thread on the corpse disappeared, and the vague shadow's right hand actually condensed into a solid body at this time.

That is!!!

Everyone in the field looked at the shadow with horror, their eyes full of disbelief. What method did Cui Yu use?

Actually collected all the bugs?

The next moment, the black shadow disappeared, and Cui Yu opened his eyes, looking thoughtful.

Cui Yu, how are you? Zhihu jumped up and looked at Cui Yu eagerly.

Cui Yu glanced at Zhihu: It's going well. I've developed a magical power. are those corpse insects? Zhao Siyue's eyes were filled with horror.

Haha, of course I have conquered you. You don't know that my ancestors have insect control methods. These insects are very dangerous to you and others, but they are just fine for me. Cui Yu swept away the insects slowly. Passing the crowd, his eyes paused on Li Si's face, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Li Si actually had real dragon maggots on his body, but Li Si didn't even know it.

Can you control this kind of insect? Zhao Siyue's eyes were full of horror, and at the same time there was a hint of hope in her eyes.

She, her niece, and Zhihu were all infected by this bug.

Yes! Cui Yu spit out one word.

Cui Yu, you are my uncle! Please help me get rid of this bug. I am scared to death all day long. Zhihu grabbed Cui Yu's hand.

Cui Yu looked at Zhihu with his eyes and shook his head.

What do you mean? Can't you master this kind of bug? Zhihu was stunned when he saw Cui Yu's movements.

When you bring me what you promised me, I will pull out this bug for you. Cui Yu's eyes showed a hint of pride.

Something? What thing? Zhihu was stunned. Then he suddenly realized, his heart thumped, and he said to himself, We are in big trouble.

The treasure that breaks through the law of force has been spotted by Shaojun. The reason why he agreed to Cui Yu in the first place was just to 'obey the authority in urgent matters'. He deceived Cui Yu to help him first, and then waited for the matter to be completed. Reward with other treasures.

Originally, when I saw Cui Yu's successful breakthrough, I thought the trouble was over. Although he didn't know how Cui Yu broke through the law of power, he was so happy! Cui Yu no longer needed the treasure that broke through the law of power, and thought he could fool him, but who knew that Cui Yu would bring up the old matter again?

You've already made a breakthrough, why do you need that thing? Zhihu looked at Cui Yu blankly.

Don't worry about it. Give me the treasure I want, and I will remove the bugs from your body. Cui Yu said unhurriedly.

Zhihu's heart fell directly from the clouds to the ground. He looked at Cui Yu with a pair of eyes and showed an ugly smile.

What? Is there a problem? Cui Yu looked at Zhihu.

Can't you pull out the bugs from my body first? This thing is always devouring people's lives. It's too disturbing. I'm always worried. Zhihu looked at Cui Yu, his eyes filled with helplessness. .

What can he do?

First, deceive Cui Yu.

If you can fool it, fool it. If you can't fool it, think of another way.

Pretend to be pitiful first and see if you can fool him.

You guys are trying to trick me again. Cui Yu glanced at Zhihu and stretched out his hand.

When Zhihu saw Cui Yu's actions, he couldn't help but feel ecstatic: It's been fooled.

But the next moment, Cui Yu retracted his palm. Zhihu looked at Cui Yu with a confused face, wondering what Cui Yu did to his face.

I just told the bugs in your body to sleep for a month. They will not devour your vitality during this month. When you bring the things to me, I will completely solve your worries. Cui Yu said with a smile.

You...can't you pull it out for me? With our relationship, can I still fool you? Can I still rely on you? Zhihu looked a little angry:

Based on our friendship, isn't it worth a mere treasure? This place is thousands of miles away from Haojing. It would take too long for me to go back and forth. If I encounter an accident along the way, wouldn't I be dead? By then. If you lose a friend who hurts you, won't you regret it for the rest of your life?

Zhihu looked at Cui Yu with his eyes full of sorrow: Haojing is too far away from here. How about this? Now that you have broken through, the treasure that breaks the limit of power is no longer useful to you. How about me? According to the principle of equivalence, how about using other treasures to top it off? In this way, it saves me the trouble of traveling and countless unknown variables, and it is also of great benefit to you.

Cui Yu shook his head when he heard this. To others, Pangu Chalcedony was just a breakthrough treasure, but to him, Pangu Chalcedony meant infinite possibilities:

I only want that treasure. You will do what you say! It just takes some time, I can afford to wait!

Cui Yu was so frustrated that Zhihu had a headache: Why are you so stubborn? You've already made a breakthrough, so what's the use of that thing to you?

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