In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 581 The Second Nantian Gate

This kind of thing is a matter of mutual consent, and no one can say anything.

One sacrificed his body, the other risked his life.

Only Tang Zhou was cursing and looking at Li Si with disdain in his eyes.

At this time, the atmosphere in the venue was solemn. Everyone stood in front of the underground entrance. Although they were anxious in their hearts, they did not show it.

Cui Yu walked through every corner of Xiaodongtian, and there was indeed nothing hidden by fate, nor did he find anything wrong, so he activated his escape technique and appeared directly at the entrance.

Boy, can you go in? You've already delayed everyone's time. Li Si looked at Cui Yu with unkind eyes.

Wasting your time? If you want to go in, just go in? I didn't stop you, and I didn't catch you to prevent you from going in. Cui Yu raised the corner of his mouth, with a hint of mockery in his eyes: Can I go shopping with you? What does it matter? I wasn’t invited by you.

You... Cui Yu's words left Li Si speechless. He glared at Cui Yu's angry body and trembled.

who is he?

He is a dignified Legalist saint, the top boss in the world. Since he became enlightened, who dares to talk to him like this?

Cui Yu is not used to Li Si's bad habits. He and Li Si don't know each other, and they don't sell each other's favors. Why should the other party point fingers at him?

As for cultivation?

He has the real body of Gonggong and the golden crow real body of Donghuang Taiyi. When facing Li Si, it is still uncertain who will die and who will survive.

Shu Zi is not worthy of a plan! Li Si stamped his feet angrily.

But looking at Tang Zhou who was watching eagerly from the side, he wished he could have a fight between his two giants. Why do you want to humiliate yourself?

At this time, the atmosphere in the court became serious. Zhao Siyue rarely spoke or took the initiative to help Li Si, leaving Li Si alone and embarrassed.

Cui Yu's eyes moved and looked at the bronze gate not far away. That door was opened by the Great Sage of the Ape Demon and various powerful men. I thought that behind the door was the legendary great creation, but who knew that it turned out to be the road to death opened by everyone with their own hands.

At this time, the atmosphere in the venue was solemn. Cui Yu had a look in his eyes and quickly came to the bronze door: Turn over this bronze door for me.

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and then they all looked at Tang Zhou and Li Si.

Tang Zhou turned around, humming a tune with his hands behind his back, and looked at the blue sky and white clouds in the distance.

He is the bodyguard hired by Cui Yu, not the other party's coolie. How can he give up his identity to work?

Tang Zhou was humming a tune beside him. Zhihu quickly ran over and wanted to turn over the door, but he could not shake the door made of unknown materials.

Zhao Siyue and Zhao Mingzhu took action together, but they still couldn't shake the door.

Zhao Siyue looked at Li Si, and Li Si looked at Tang Zhou. Seeing that Tang Zhou was indifferent, he had no choice but to turn over the door himself.

This kind of hard labor was embarrassing enough for Li Si.

With an earth-shattering sound, the door flipped over, revealing the front of the door.

Cui Yu couldn't help but be stunned when he looked at the bronze-made gate in front of him. The gate is carved with simple cloud patterns, and there are strange fortresses and countless looming figures on it.

It is somewhat similar to the first door he opened.

The second Nantian Gate? Cui Yu looked at the cloud patterns on the Nantian Gate with a hint of thought in his eyes.

After looking carefully for a long time, he couldn't see anything. At this moment, the door in Cui Yu's sleeves jumped slightly and made a strange movement.

Cui Yu's heart moved, and then he used Qiankun in his sleeves, and the second Nantian Gate was directly put into his sleeves by Cui Yu.

As soon as the second Nantian Gate entered the Xiuli Qiankun, it vibrated loudly, and then the second Nantian Gate resonated with the first gate, and then the two gates stuck together and merged into one gate.

Seeing this strange scene, Cui Yu couldn't help but be stunned, his eyes full of surprise.

But this is not the time to delve deeper. He originally thought that the first door was a back-up plan arranged by Donghuang Taiyi, but now it seems that it is not the case. This bronze door seems to contain a big secret.

Why did you collect the bronze door? Tang Zhou looked at Cui Yu curiously.

Cui Yu did not explain, but looked at the entrance of the black hole with his eyes. It was like a bottomless pit. No one knew how deep the hole was. It was like a beast with its mouth open, waiting for prey to come to the door automatically.

Cui Yu casually took out a torch, threw it behind the bronze door with blazing flames, and then said in surprise: It turns out to be a slope.

It's a downward slope.

We've been in there before, just walk in. Zhihu explained from the side.

Cui Yu took out the torch and entered the cave first.

The darker the place, the brighter the torch.

In particular, Cui Yu's torch was very big. Regardless of the burning of the fuel, the huge 'fire head' was like a big ball, and the illuminated cave was clearly visible thirty meters away.

For monks, as long as there is a fire source, they can see clearly in the dark night.

There was a hint of caution in Cui Yu's eyes, and he looked carefully at his feet, which were all paved with neat bluestones.

There were blood stains on the ground. There was no need to explain the origin of those blood stains. They must have been left by people who escaped from the depths of the cave.

And after walking a hundred meters, Cui Yu saw a corpse.

The corpse could no longer be seen, and fell quietly to the ground. Countless dragon maggots were restlessly shuttled among the corpse.

Be careful, there is something strange on that corpse that is difficult to deal with. Once it is touched by this thing, it will be difficult to get rid of it. Zhao Siyue shouted.

Cui Yu turned to look at Zhao Siyue, looking at the ever-twisting red line under the wound on Zhao Siyue's face. It was obvious that Zhao Siyue was also stuck to the real dragon's maggots.

Not only Zhao Siyue, the real dragon maggots on the little lady's body were squirming visibly to the naked eye, and half of her face was hollowed out.

It's a good intention. Cui Yu stopped in front of the True Dragon's Maggot, and the next moment he lowered the torch in his hand towards the corpse.

The real dragon maggot was not afraid of the burning flames. Facing Cui Yu's torch, it actually pounced on it, as if it were devouring energy, directly devouring all the energy on the torch.

This ghost is invulnerable to invulnerability, water and fire. Once it touches it, it will become parasitic in the three treasures of human spirit, energy, and spirit. It will never stop dying! Zhao Siyue stepped forward: You must not be touched by this ghost.

Tang Zhou next to him sneered after hearing Zhao Siyue's words, feeling that Zhao Siyue looked down on others.

Could Cui Yu be an ordinary person?

Cui Yu glanced at Zhao Siyue who was close at hand. She was as beautiful as jade under the torch, but she was a rare beauty. The most important thing is that she is a beautiful woman!

In terms of appearance, she is not inferior to Yu Ji, and her figure is plump and plump, leaving Yu Ji several blocks behind.

A rare beauty.

Most of the people who entered the cave fell into the hands of this thing and slowly waited for death. Everyone's lifespan is not long, and if this thing devours life force, they can only sit and wait for death. Zhao Siyue kept reminding Cui Yu.

Cui Yu didn't say much, nor did he offer to kill the real dragon's maggots for Zhao Siyue. He had nothing to do with Zhao Siyue, and he was not a good person, so how could he reveal his trump card at will?

The power of destruction is definitely one of the trump cards that can turn things around for Cui Yu at critical moments.

Cui Yu is now very interested in the real dragon's maggots. He doesn't know how such a ghost thing could be born in the body of a real dragon. If I can master the True Dragon's Maggot, if I offend someone in the future, I will kill him directly and keep him until the other person's soul is shattered.

Thousands of thoughts flashed in Cui Yu's mind. He looked at the real dragon's maggots that were restlessly turning on the corpse. He didn't know if his golden fingers could restrain this thing.

This is good stuff.

Even if a powerful person from the Golden Order encounters it, he can only wait for death slowly. If he can control this thing, he may be able to bring surprises if he uses this thing to control his opponent in the future.

As for being invaded by real dragon maggots?

Is Cui Yu afraid?

Not to mention that the Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations provided him with infinite lifespan, but even with his own power of destruction, it would be easy to destroy this thing.

Cui Yu handed the torch to Tang Zhou, and then under the shocked gazes of the three people, he actually stepped forward and stretched out his hand, touching the real dragon maggot.

Bang~ Cui Yu didn't touch the real dragon's maggot, but Zhao Siyue stepped forward and pulled him back as fast as lightning.

What are you doing? Are you trying to commit suicide? Zhao Siyue pulled Cui Yu behind him, her voice full of panic.

I have my own sense of proportion. Cui Yu ignored Zhao Siyue, but opened Zhao Siyue's slender jade fingers, and felt a great change in his mind about this woman: This woman is also very good.

Zhao Siyue, my brother's methods are beyond your imagination. He never does anything he's not sure of. It's just a weird thing, can it also pose a threat to my brother? Tang Zhou sneered at the side: You Just put your heart back into your belly obediently.

Seriously? Zhao Siyue said.

Cui Yu did not answer Zhao Siyue's words, but stretched out his hand again.

Unfortunately, he was only halfway out when Zhao Siyue held him back: I'm afraid you don't know the horror of this thing. Once it is parasitized by this thing, it will merge with the three treasures of human spirit, energy, and spirit, and cannot be killed at all. You can live and wait to die.”

Cui Yu turned to look at Zhao Siyue. Zhao Siyue's fingers were as cold as cold jade.

I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me. Cui Yu patted the back of Zhao Siyue's hand, making Li Si's eyes sparkle.

He hasn't touched Zhao Siyue's hand yet.

Seeing that Cui Yu still insisted on going his own way, Zhao Siyue sighed: You must think clearly. Once you touch this thing, it will be too late to regret it.

Since he is seeking death on his own, just ask him to do it. It's hard to persuade him to die. If he wants to die himself, who's to blame? Li Si said nonchalantly from the side.

Cui Yu slapped Zhao Siyue's fingers away, then stretched out his hand. Under the horrified eyes of several people, he unhurriedly stretched out his index finger and pointed at the True Dragon's Maggot.

Seeing Cui Yu's actions, the hairs on Zhao Siyue and Zhao Mingzhu's bodies stood up, their pupils tightened and their eyes were full of horror.

But Cui Yu had made up his mind and the two of them could not stop him.

Then in the shocked eyes of several people, Cui Yu touched a red silk thread. The next moment, the red silk thread was attached to Cui Yu's hand. Before Cui Yu could react, it was directly reflected in Cui Yu's spiritual world.

The Divine Demon Skin was ignored by the other party and directly entered the Three Treasures of Jing Qi Shen, transforming in an incredible way, trying to completely integrate with Cui Yu's Jing Qi Shen.

Cui Yu looked at the rapidly changing True Dragon Maggot, and mobilized the power of destruction within his body, ready to annihilate the True Dragon Maggot at any time.

If his golden finger is ineffective against this thing, he will immediately mobilize the power of destruction to destroy the opponent. He doesn't want to really let this ghost thing parasitize in his body.

However, Cui Yu made the right bet!

Goldfinger did not disappoint Cui Yu.

[Ding, I found a strange force invading, do you want to usurp it? 】

[After the usurpation is successful, you will receive one thousand divine blood. Gain the magical power ‘Dragon-Insect Transformation’. 】

[Note: In the ancient times, there was an ancestor dragon born, named: Zulong. He is the overlord of heaven and earth, commanding the oceans between heaven and earth. He is both majestic and respected by all races. However, the heaven and earth are majestic, and there are many strong men. The ancestor dragon violated the great way of heaven and earth and went against heaven. He was eventually abandoned by heaven and earth and fell into calamity. The body of the ancestral dragon fell, and corpse insects were born. However, after the ancestral dragon killed three corpses, the three corpse worms mutated and merged with the corpse worms, known as the 'real dragon's maggots'. 】

[When the maggots of a true dragon enter the body, they can invade the host's body, devour the host's three corpse insects, replace them, and steal the host's life creation. The host is immortal, and the maggots of the true dragon are immortal. Unless you develop supreme power and kill the three corpse insects, you cannot escape this disaster. 】

[Excuse me, do you want to usurp this weird thing? 】

Goldfinger's voice sounded in Cui Yu's mind.

Cui Yu looked at the page introduction in front of him with horror in his eyes: What the hell is this monster? It's actually fused with the three corpse insects of the ancestor dragon. No wonder this thing has no room for resistance when the Golden Immortal encounters it. No.

What are three corpse insects?

The Three Corpse Insects steal the source of human life and can be said to be the biggest nemesis of human life span.

Human aging is all due to the three corpse insects.

Even the so-called five declines of heaven and man are all caused by three corpse insects.

The true dragon's maggots fused with the three corpse insects are simply a nightmare for all practitioners in the world.

After all, how many people have been able to kill the Three Corpse Insects since ancient times?

The three corpse worms and maggots merged together to form a strange mutation. Cui Yu suspected that this was simply the product of the distortion of heaven in this world.

This thing is the nemesis of Qi practitioners.

Stealing your life force continuously, even a tough person can't stand it!

Unless you are a saint, even a quasi-sage, it would be extremely difficult to completely kill the Three Corpse Insects.

Cui Yu looked at the 'Dragon-Insect Transformation' with his eyes, and he didn't know what the so-called Dragon-Insect Transformation was.

How could such a ghost thing be born in the world? The Golden Immortal in this world is already the highest, and even Taiyi cannot be born. This thing has no natural enemies, and it is simply an inexplicable existence. Cui Yu's eyes were full of horror .

However, what Cui Yu didn't know was that when everyone looked at Cui Yu, their expressions were even more horrifying.

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