In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 473: I am willing to turn into a stone bridge for him and endure the wind and rain for five

Cui Yu didn't think that Miao Shan had the ability to save him from the fire of karma.

This karma that fills the sky, the liquidation of the power of cause and effect, is already the power of heaven.

Cui Yu looked into the void with serious eyes. He did not place his hope on Miao Shan.

The strong should strengthen himself and save himself.

Seeing that the magical power he invested in it was just a drop in the bucket, Cui Yu set his sights on the fate of Saint Tongtian.

I don’t know if the fate of the saint who is burning to the sky can block the karma that fills the sky.

Choosing the destiny of Saint Tongtian is already the best choice for Cui Yu.

I have the destiny of Donghuang Taiyi and Gonggong, which can ensure my early development. When he enters the Daluo Immortal Realm, he can directly mobilize the incarnation of Taoist Hongjun. Although there is no excess of the saint's fate, Cui Yu feels that this is the best way.

Moreover, he felt that if he gave up the fate of Donghuang Taiyi and Gonggong, he would not be able to stop the overwhelming karma. When the time comes, if he gives up the fate of Tongtian Saint, the loss would be even greater.

At this time, Cui Yu had a deeper understanding of the twisted rules of this world, which was not reasonable at all. Zilu is just a quasi-golden edict, and the natal magical power he has learned can shake even the fate of a saint. Isn't it extremely distorted?

No wonder the ancient gods suffered great losses.

Cui Yu looked at his own page:

[Name: Cui Yu. 】

[Talent: Usurpation. 】

[Talent: Space-time Interference]

[Divine blood: 10,000 drops. 】Three hundred drops in one breath.

[Demon God Gonggong’s blood: 30,000 drops. 】Fifteen breaths.

Magical power categories:

[Supernatural power: Resurrection from the dead (big). 】

[Supernatural power: refers to the physical form (small). 】

[Wonderful method: Tightening Curse. 】

[Wonderful method: nectar technique. 】

[Wonderful Method: Nailhead Seven Arrows Book]

【Three flavors of real fire】

【Transform into a canopy】

[Dragon Lock Control Technique. 】

[Reduction method (small)]

[Hidden Mind Technique]

【Mahayana Fruition Position】

[Supernatural power: Gonggong’s true form. (fifteen breaths)]

【Apotheosis of Gods on behalf of Heaven】

【God and Demon Skin】

【The power of breaking the forbidden】

[willing to give up]

【Master the Five Elements】

Magic weapon categories:

[Yin Yang Diagram]


[Mountains and Rivers Yuantai - Evolving into a small world]

[Magic weapon: Dinghai Divine Pearl. 】

【Tightening Curse】

【Dragon Binding Lock】

【Pangu Chalcedony】

【Dutian Divine Thunder】

【Tongtian avatar】

【Hongjun's true body】

【Three-Legged Golden Crow】

【Donghuang Bell】

These magical powers of his own are either too strong or too weak. Cui Yu's life has reached a critical moment at this time. His whole life is already hanging by a thread. How can he still have a choice?

It seems that the only thing that can support the settlement of cause and effect is the fate of a saint.

But just when Cui Yu was about to use the magical power of giving up again to 'give up' the fate of Saint Tongtian, Miao Shan on the side suddenly said: Enough! It's completely enough!

The next moment, Miao Shan slowly stretched out his hand and landed on Cui Yu's shoulder: I never thought that you could actually block the sky-wide karma with just one breath.

Miaoshan's eyes were full of disbelief.

Can she believe it?

With such huge karma, even if the golden edict comes, even one breath will be burned into dregs.

In one breath, enough karma descended from heaven and earth, which was enough for her to use Mahayana Buddhism to rescue Cui Yu.

Miaoshan's palm fell on Cui Yu's shoulder, with a sacred expression, and a pair of eyes looking at the endless karma in the world: I am willing to bear all the karma for him, and bear all the backlash for him. I am willing to use three Over six thousand years, accumulated merit will repay the cause and effect.”

Miao Shan actually made great aspirations.

Cui Yu has the seal of Mahayana Buddhism and is the master of Mahayana Buddhism. Cui Yu cannot die!

Great ambitions cannot be achieved just by wanting to achieve them, there must be sufficient conditions.

For example, only when enough karma comes down can she make big aspirations!

As Miao Shan made his great ambition, the karma that burned Cui Yu's body suddenly stopped, and the karmic flames also stopped rolling.

The next moment, the endless flames of cause and effect retreated from Cui Yu's body and poured directly into Miao Shan's body.

The fire of karma surged, and the twelve golden lotuses under Miaoshan's feet flickered, and then an illusory figure appeared behind Miaoshan. The figure suddenly opened its mouth and swallowed up all the overwhelming karma.

The blazing fire of karma is burning in the shadow, and Miao Shan sits cross-legged on the golden lotus, constantly chanting mantras and reciting Mahayana Buddhism.

Then he saw that under the burning of the karma fire all over the sky, the phantom gradually condensed into a solid body, and it turned out to be another wonderful thing.

A lifelike girl with a red lotus on the headband and a red lotus dotted between her eyebrows.

Dharmakaya of sin!

Master Miaoshan, you... Cui Yu looked at Miaoshan with disbelief and shock in his eyes.

He couldn't imagine why Miao Shan would do this, bear the karma for himself, and even bear the karma for himself.

The Dharma Body of Sin walked behind Miaoshan and disappeared into the void. Miaoshan looked at Cui Yu with his eyes, raised the corners of his mouth, and restrained all visions.

Dressed in white, she looks better than the snow, just like the little nun from Lijia Village back then.

Did little nun Miao Shan fall in love with me? Are she willing to go to hell for her? A thought popped into Cui Yu's mind.

Apart from this reason, since he and Miao Shan are not close friends, how could the other party do such a thing for him?

You are the Lord Mahayana Buddha. If you die here, the future of Mahayana Buddhism will be cut off. Miao Shan looked at Cui Yu quietly: Besides, I also want to thank you.

Thank me? You saved me, and you still want to thank me? Cui Yu looked confused, his eyes filled with disbelief. Could it be that this little nun really fell in love with him?

He actually hooked up with a nun, what a heinous crime!

Cui Yu's eyes were full of shock.

What are you thinking about? Miaoshan's eyes seemed to be able to see through everything in the world, and he said to Cui Yu: Thank you for temporarily getting rid of the trouble of longevity for me. I can live at least 36,000 years.

I told you to live an extra 36,000 years? Cui Yu's eyes were full of confusion, and he had no idea what was happening.

I made use of Mahayana Buddhism to make great aspirations, and using your karma as a guide, my great aspirations were recognized by the heavens. In this world, the heavens have fallen shackles, and all living beings cannot escape the three disasters of five hundred years, and I made I have made great ambitions for thirty-six thousand years. During this period, I will repay my debt to Heaven. Heaven will never deprive me of my life span. A smile appeared on Miaoshan's face.

Cui Yu was horrified when he heard this. This little nun is really cruel!

Can you think of this method?

Although he was burdened with karma and had a hard time paying off his debts every day, he gained 36,000 years of life and 36,000 years of stability in vain. This transaction was not a loss!

Not only did you not lose money, but you also made a lot of money.

Cui Yu's eyes were full of shock.

Sure enough, those who buy are not as good as those who sell.

And Cui Yu also thought of one thing. During these thirty-six thousand years, little nun Miaoshan must not die. If Miao Shan dies, no one can resist those karma, and he will be equally unlucky then.

At that time, I didn’t have the magical power to give up.

Cui Yu looked at Miao Shan and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Practice well. Great changes are coming soon, and the end of the Dharma world has already emerged. Maybe it won't take ten thousand years for heaven and earth to repeat themselves. If we can't escape the disaster, what's the use of having a longer life? He looked at Cui Yu with serious eyes:

You should cultivate as soon as possible, break the shackles as much as possible within five thousand years, and transcend this world. Otherwise, everyone will be buried here!

After Miaoshan finished speaking, he walked away, leaving Cui Yu standing there with a confused look on his face.

He seemed to understand Miaoshan's words, but he didn't quite understand them.

Miaoshan left, leaving Cui Yu standing alone on the mountain col. Feeling the obscure gazes from all directions, he turned into air and disappeared in place.

What will happen in five thousand years? Miaoshan should know something, but he didn't explain it in detail. Cui Yu landed in the Kunlun Mountains, controlled the earth element, and opened up a space underground.

No matter what happens in the future, the most important thing for him right now is to practice escape.

The most important thing is to master the Five Elements Escape Technique.

You must at least reach the second stage of cultivation before you have the capital to waste money everywhere.

Although the Five Elements Escape Technique is not the most powerful, it is the most reliable among all escape techniques.

Especially the air of the earth is the most stable and thick.

Cui Yu used water to escape. He knew water best and chose to use water to escape.

To be honest, water escape is relatively useless.

After all, soil is everywhere, but water has many constraints.

Apart from growing up by the sea, practicing water escape is of little use.

Cui Yu has Gonggong's demonic blood and knows the water energy best, but in just three days, he has already escaped from the water.

As long as you make a hand and recite a mantra, you can escape in the water.

There was an underground river, and on a fossil beside the river, Cui Yu looked at the cold underground river water. The next moment, he clasped his hands and chanted a mantra. After three breaths, he saw the void twisting, and Cui Yu turned into a streak of blue water. Colorful light fell into the river.

What does water escape feel like?

I am like a train, and the river is the train track. I shuttle through the river and integrate with the entire track, without any discomfort.

The river water is your body, and you are a part of the river water.

As long as you think about it, you can shuttle through the river in an inexplicable form.

However, the speed of water escape made Cui Yu frown.

After Cui Yu escaped from the water veins of three hundred miles, a blue light flashed on the riverside, and Cui Yu's figure appeared on the riverside.

It's difficult! The speed is too slow! It's only three hundred miles in one hour. Cui Yu was a little dissatisfied.

It has nothing to do with the realm of cultivation. Even if he cultivates Water Escape to the third realm, it will still be at the same speed.

How could Cui Yu be satisfied?

To be honest, a speed of three hundred miles per hour is indeed not slow, a quarter slower than a car traveling at 100 kilometers per hour.

But in this world of cultivation, a speed of three hundred miles is a bit too slow.

It's better to have it than not. And the Five Elements Escape Technique is better at hiding than rushing. Cui Yu made a secret in his hand, turned into blue light again, fell into the river, and when he emerged, he was in the underground cave where he practiced.

Then Cui Yu began his journey of retreat.

As for Xiang Caizhu and Xiang Yu?

Cui Yu couldn't care about it for the time being. There were too many powerful people in the small cave. If he didn't master an escape technique, he would be at a disadvantage.

The divine power in Cui Yu's body is rolling. Regardless of the consumption of his divine power and the blessing of Gonggong's bloodline, a month has passed. Cui Yu has been able to escape instantly as long as he touches anything that moves with water. technique.

His water escape technique has reached the second level.

As for the third level?

It was not something Cui Yu could comprehend at this time.

Cui Yu didn't want to waste time on water escape, but instead focused on earth escape.

The escape methods of the five elements are connected and the breaths are connected. As long as you master one of the escape methods, Cui Yu can understand the other escape methods by analogy.

In the corner of the cave, Zilu's body was lying quietly. At this time, most of the poison in Zilu's body had gone away, but it would still take some time for him to be fully resurrected.

I'm willing to give it up! Cui Yu sighed leisurely.

He must revive Zilu, and then try his best to learn Zilu's magical power of giving up.

This magical power is really too heaven-defying.

As long as there are enough things to ‘give up’, there seems to be nothing that cannot be achieved.

The Kunlun Mountains are rich in earth energy. Cui Yu followed the method of practicing water escape to understand the earth energy, and he got started in just an hour.

The next moment Cui Yu chanted a mantra, and after three breaths, his figure disappeared directly onto the stone.

When Cui Yu appeared again, he was already at the top of the mountain.

Looking at the uncultivated mountains in the distance, Cui Yu was in a good mood.

Then there is the continuous understanding of Earth Escape Technique.

Earth escape is easy to practice but difficult to master.

For Cui Yu, it is indeed difficult to practice earth escape and enter the second level of earth escape.

Even if his water escape technique has been cultivated to the second level, it can be used as a reference, but water is a fluid force, while earth is immovable like a mountain, but a solid force. The nature of the two sides' powers are completely different, and it is impossible to follow the script. .

Cui Yu was studying earth escape in the mountains. At this time, Zhihu was standing in the small cave sky, looking at Linglong Tower with his eyes full of thinking.

More than a month has passed since the body of Donghuang Taiyi was lost, and countless grave objects inside were missing. No matter how many people searched, they could not find the whereabouts of the missing objects.

I always feel that the treasure fell into the hands of that boy Cui Yu. Zhihu muttered to himself.

Zhihu had already learned about Cui Yu's evil ways.

Moreover, he had personally watched Cui Yu enter the next level of the palace, disappear into the palace, and even directly disappear into the entire cave world.

Zhihu had a judgment in his mind. He always felt that Cui Yu had taken away the treasure.

Although the tombkeeper said it was impossible, at least it would take Jin Chi's power to have a chance to shake the body of Donghuang Taiyi, but in front of Cui Yu, what was impossible?

Cui Yu has clearly accomplished many incredible things.

Have you found any trace of Cui Yu? Zhihu asked the men beside him.

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