Looking at the little nun Miaoshan with a slight smile in front of him, what can Cui Yu do?

He has no choice!

The mighty karma fell, which was a punishment from heaven, and Cui Yu didn't know if he could handle it.

If Goldfinger can hold it, there is no need to say more. By then, I will have an extra ability.

What if Goldfinger can’t bear it?

He was reborn in the Dharma Realm. He didn't know how many years it would take, but he always had to leave means to protect Yu.

Cui Yu looked at Miaoshan, and at the same time took out the Innate Divine Sword and handed it to Miaoshan.

It turns out that this Innate Divine Sword actually fell into your hands. Miaoshan looked at the Innate Divine Sword handed over by Cui Yu with surprise in his eyes.

She really didn't expect it!

Thinking about how many masters were in Liangjie Mountain who wanted to seize the Innate Divine Sword, everyone even thought that the Innate Divine Sword fell into Chen Lu's hands. They searched for Chen Lu everywhere and wanted to destroy Chen Lu. But who knew that Chen Lu was just a scapegoat, and that the real innate sword fell into Cui Yu's hands?

Miao Shan looked at Cui Yu, his eyes full of disbelief. How many secrets did this boy hide?

Back then, a group of people almost went crazy for the Innate Divine Sword, but who knew that Cui Yu would take advantage of them.

No one knows yet that the Innate Divine Sword fell into Cui Yu's hands.

Powerful men from all walks of life are secretly investigating the whereabouts of the treasure, but the whereabouts of the innate sword remains a mystery.

Miaoshan couldn't figure out how Cui Yu could do something that countless powerful people couldn't do.

At this time, Miaoshan looked at Cui Yu, looked at the innate divine sword handed over by Cui Yu, shook his head slightly, but did not take the innate divine sword: If you can hold one breath, I can save you.

Cui Yu was stunned and held his breath?

If you can't hold on, I will take your innate sword to fulfill your instructions. Miaoshan clasped his hands together and said, Amitabha.

While he was talking, suddenly the karma of the outside world, like a landslide and a tsunami, poured over Cui Yu like the Milky Way in the sky, and seemed to drown Cui Yu.

Cui Yu's divine power was flowing around his body, and he wanted to stop it, but the karma ignored all Cui Yu's magical powers, ignored the spatial distance, and poured directly into Cui Yu's body.

The karma fell into Cui Yu's body and turned directly into a blazing karma fire, which seemed to ignite Cui Yu.

Can't stop it!

Just when the overwhelming karma fell, Cui Yu knew that the karma belonged to the power of heaven's reckoning. It was the cause and effect he provoked. It had a causal relationship with him and was not within the scope of Gold Finger's usurpation ability, so he blocked it. Can't stop! Nor will his golden finger be touched.

And the moment the karma of cause and effect entered the body, Cui Yu knew that not only his physical body, but also the heart of the Dharma Realm could not escape the sanctions of cause and effect. The karma of cause and effect would follow the inexplicable connection in nothingness, directly Enter the Dharma Realm and burn out your heart.

This is the power of cause and effect that comes from one of the supreme laws of heaven and earth. Unless you are a Hunyuan Saint who has attained enlightenment, you cannot stop it at all.

The nectar fell and passed through the karma of cause and effect in an instant, but was ignored by the karma of cause and effect.

For karma, nectar is like an illusory bubble that travels directly into the past.

Oops! The power of the rain can't be stopped. Cui Yu suddenly changed his face.

He wanted to use Gonggong's true body, but an inexplicable thought came to Cui Yu's mind: No power can shake the cause and effect, unless the saint's true body is mobilized.

Unfortunately, the true form of the saint, Cui Yu, has not yet been unlocked.

If you want to mobilize the true form of a saint, you not only need divine power, but also realm.

A ray of innate yin and yang power fell from the Dharma Realm and turned into a yin and yang diagram, but the yin and yang diagram was still like an illusory thing, and the two seemed not to be in the same dimension at all.

One in two dimensions and one in three dimensions.

Or maybe it was like two parallel worlds that did not interfere with each other and passed by each other, but Cui Yu's body was still burned by the fire of karma.

Seeing that there was nothing he could do about the innate yin and yang diagram, Cui Yu knew that no amount of magical power he could use would be able to stop the overwhelming karma.

If the karma can stop it, Gonggong and Zhurong will not die.

He wanted to use Gonggong's real body, but Gonggong's real body had just come into contact with the power of Karma Fire, and was shocked and was knocked back to its original form in an instant.

Gonggong's real body was beaten back to his original shape.

His Gonggong real body seemed to be frightened.

Seeing the waves of karmic fire burning his internal organs into nothingness, Cui Yu's power of destruction appeared at the critical moment.

After the karma came into contact with the power of destruction, it was directly offset.

Not much, it was directly offset by the power of destruction.

Cause and effect also belongs to 'positive' energy for the power of destruction. As long as it is positive energy, there is nothing that cannot be offset.

It's a pity that the power of cause and effect is too huge and endless, and it drowns Cui Yu in an instant. The power of destruction in Cui Yu's body is too weak. He only lasted a third of his breath before he was already overwhelmed by the mighty cause and effect. The power is wiped out.

Heaven will kill me!

Miaoshan said that as long as he could hold on for one breath, he would be rescued. But he couldn't hold on for a breath at all.

A breath of time is just an ordinary breath for Cui Yu on ordinary days, but for Cui Yu now, it is extremely precious.

Unfortunately, if you can't stop it, you can't stop it.

Are you going to die? Feeling the overwhelming karma drowning him, Cui Yu felt cold in his heart. This was the first time he felt such despair and helplessness.

Goldfinger lost its effectiveness, and all his magical powers became mere decorations.


Endless despair surged into my heart.

One breath!

He really can't do it.

I thought that I, Cui Yu, was a troublemaker in this world and was considered a figure. Even Jin Chi died in my hands. I never expected that I would be reduced to such a state. Killing my enemy is a terrible cause and effect in the world. . Cui Yu felt desperate, but still did not give up. He stared at his own page with his eyes, scanning his magical powers, hoping to find a way to break the situation.

Although the power of cause and effect burns extremely quickly, the thoughts in Cui Yu's spiritual world fluctuate even faster.

No one will give up life.

People who fall into the water, even if they can't swim, still have to flop a few times instinctively.

Fortunately, the road is boundless. At the last moment, Cui Yu saw a message on his page:

‘Give it up. ’

This was the backup plan Zilu had left for him back then, but unfortunately Cui Yu never had time to use it.

In other words, no one can force Cui Yu into a desperate situation.

The magical power of 'giving up', theoretically speaking, as long as Cui Yu is willing to give up, he can get incredible power in exchange.

Can you use your willingness to exchange for the power of destruction? This was the last thought in Cui Yu's mind at this time.

The next moment, Cui Yu looked at the page in the spiritual world, scanning his own magical powers, thinking about which one he should choose to discard:

[Name: Cui Yu. 】

[Talent: Usurpation. 】

[Talent: Space-time Interference]

[Divine blood: 10,000 drops. 】Three hundred drops in one breath.

[Demon God Gonggong’s blood: 30,000 drops. 】Fifteen breaths.

Magical power categories:

[Supernatural power: Resurrection from the dead (big). 】

[Supernatural power: refers to the physical form (small). 】

[Supernatural power: Sitting on fire. 】

[Supernatural power: Dingxian divine light (+). 】

[Wonderful method: Tightening Curse. 】

[Wonderful method: nectar technique. 】

【Time Concept】

[Wonderful method: The Book of Seven Nail-Head Arrows] If you want to use the Seven Nail-Head Arrows to kill an innate creature, you must first make the innate creature be disgusted by heaven and earth and lose the immunity and blessing of the authority of heaven and earth. Otherwise, your Seven Nail-Head Arrows will be equivalent to direct Curse the authority of heaven and earth. The Seven Arrows are vital and can suppress cause and effect.

【Samadhi True Fire】

【Transform into a canopy】

[Dragon Lock Control Technique. 】

[Reduction method (small)]

[Space bloodline (one drop)]

[Swallowing clouds and spitting out mist (magical power)]

[Hidden Mind Technique]

【The wonderful way to live without intention】

【Mahayana Fruition Position】

[Supernatural power: Gonggong’s true form. (fifteen breaths)]

【Apotheosis of Gods on behalf of Heaven】

【God and Demon Skin】

【The power of breaking the forbidden】

[willing to give up]

【Master the Five Elements】

Magic weapon categories:

[Yin Yang Diagram (Ten Drops of Divine Blood)]


[Mountains and Rivers Yuantai - Evolving into a small world]

[Magic weapon: Dinghai Divine Pearl. 】

【Tightening Curse】

【Dragon Binding Lock】

[Golden Light Array (Incomplete) Note: Completeness: Eight Mirrors]

【Pangu Chalcedony】

[Dutian Divine Thunder (Sealed. Physical strength is enough to unlock)]

【Tongtian avatar】

【Hongjun's true body】

[Three-Legged Golden Crow (One Breath Ten Thousand Drops of Divine Blood)]

【East Emperor Bell】(Ten Thousand Drops of Divine Blood)

Show willingness!

As Cui Yu displayed his magical power of She Will, a strange feeling flooded into his heart, as if everything in his body could be exchanged and balanced.

It was a wonderful feeling. When Cui Yu used it, he knew how to mobilize it.

[Give up your magical power [Sitting on fire]]

Cui Yu thought in his mind, and his magical power disappeared from the page.

Transformed into the power of destruction. Cui Yu's thoughts flickered, and Shehe's magical powers changed accordingly. Who knew that there was actually a power of destruction that was transformed by Shehe.

It's just that the power of destruction that was born was too weak. It only blocked the invasion of the flames for a while, and the power of destruction was exhausted in the next moment.


Seeing this scene, Cui Yu not only was not depressed, but showed a look of ecstasy.

He has so many magical powers and magic weapons that he can always save himself. It is not difficult to block the raging fire of karma for just one breath.

He didn't know how long this magical power could last, but Cui Yu didn't dare to delay and quickly continued to use the exchange technique. Cui Yusheng was even afraid that the power of destruction he exchanged was not enough, so he directly selected five magical powers, and even discarded the golden light formation, for fear that he would not exchange enough magical powers.

Cui Yu glanced across the page and made a choice in an instant:

Give up the [wonderful method of living without a heart], discard the magical power [temporal conception], discard the magical power [space bloodline], discard the magical power [swallowing clouds and spitting mist], and discard the [golden light formation].

Cui Yu couldn't help it. Looking at the magical power that he had given up, he felt a little heartbroken, but the dog's life was important.

He couldn't use the magical method of being able to live without a mind. He had the hidden mind technique and had no chance to use it at all.

Time mood? Although I don't know what effect it has, Cui Yu doesn't need it at the moment.

As for the space bloodline, it was too weak, so Cui Yu simply gave it up.

Although it's a pity to give up Tunyuntuwu, it has no effect on the battle.

What he regrets most is the golden light formation!

This is a good thing!

Unfortunately, having mastered the magical power of giving up at this time, he knew that just relying on the first four items to exchange for the power of destruction would not be of much value at all. Whether it is the magical method of being able to live without a heart, or the artistic conception of time, or the blood of space, they are all too weak, not even comparable to a swallowing cloud.

The golden light array is the main force that exchanges the power of destruction.

What can he do?

Except for these few, he couldn't bear to part with any other magical powers and magic weapons.

If you don't want to give up the Golden Light Array, you ask him to give up the Yin-Yang Diagram, Jianmu, Small World, Dinghai Divine Pearl, Tightening Curse, Dragon Binding Lock, Pangu Chalcedony, Dutian Divine Thunder, Tongtian Body, Hongjun True Body, and Three-Legged Golden Crow. , Donghuang Bell?

No Cui Yu could bear to part with him!

It seems that the golden light array has the least effect, so just forget it.

As Cui Yu displayed his magical power, Sorrow, all kinds of power on Cui Yu's magical power page disappeared, and then the mighty power of destruction came out at the next moment, blocking the endless karma of cause and effect.

A third of a breath!

Even if Cui Yu gave up so many methods, he could still only block one-third of his breath.

After the karma that filled the sky was blocked for a while, it still attacked Cui Yu with great momentum, and it seemed that it would not stop until Cui Yu was set alight.

Didn't block it? Cui Yu's pupils shrank and his heart beat wildly. The power of karma was beyond his expectation.

Cui Yu's eyes moved on the page, and the next moment the [Dingxian Divine Light] disappeared from the page.

The power of destruction was finally born again. It must be said that although the immortal light is weak, its essence is superior to many magical powers and golden light arrays. The power of destruction that was born actually blocked the last third of Cui Yu. A breath.

It's time to take a breath.

Although he went through many twists and turns and lost his magical power, it hurt Cui Yurou, but fortunately, it stopped him from breathing.

Next we have to look at Miao Shan.

However, after seeing the power of Karma Fire, Cui Yu did not have high expectations for Miaoshan.

Without him, the karma is too strong.

The power of reluctance has not dissipated, and the magical power has not stopped. Cui Yu's eyes scanned the page, and finally his eyes stopped on Tongzhen.

Faced with the huge karma, Cui Yu knew in his heart that ordinary magical powers were just a small trick, and it was impossible to block the overwhelming karma.

The most powerful means must be used!

I wonder if Saint Tongtian's fate can save me. Cui Yu smiled bitterly.

He felt that the only thing he could give up at this time was the fate of Saint Tongtian.

He has the fate of Patriarch Hongjun, and it seems that it is okay to give up the fate of Saint Tongtian.

Even the physical appearance of Gonggong and Donghuang Taiyi, Cui Yu felt that they were not enough!

Even if you give it up yourself, you may not be able to resolve the overwhelming karma. Only the destiny of a saint will have incredible hope.

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