In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 567: The descendants of Emperor Gaoyang

There is no doubt that Cui Yu is taking advantage now and still behaves well. In order to be resurrected and to take the lead in the Dharma-ending world, the Corpse Ancestor paid a high price and spent a lot of thought.

But this time everything came true for Cui Yu.

Without the Corpse Ancestor to gather the corpse energy from all eternity and turn it into a huge strange force to invade, how would Cui Yu have the means to repair the East Emperor Bell?

The thirteen innate divine taboos of the East Emperor Bell have been completely repaired, and the remaining thirty-six dark and extinct innate divine taboos are slowly lighting up at this time, emitting light again.

The ancient bells in the East Emperor Bell rang, and the thirty-six innate divine prohibitions began to be reborn. The thirty-six innate divine prohibitions turned into thirty-six hazy divine forbidden embryos, which were being resurrected and reshaped.

But Cui Yu still kept moving, with mighty divine power pouring into him. The Donghuang Bell was also very powerful. No matter how much divine power Cui Yu provided, the Donghuang Bell would not refuse anyone who came. In the end, it even took the initiative to continuously absorb the divine power from Cui Yu's body.

Cui Yu walked leisurely on Donghuang Taiyi's body, feeling the majestic and majestic aura of Donghuang Taiyi's body. Cui Yu's eyes were full of seriousness.

Too strong!

It's simply too powerful!

It is hard to imagine that someone as powerful as Donghuang Taiyi would also fall.

Cui Yu walked and walked over every inch of Donghuang Taiyi's skin. He didn't know how many billions of years of divine power was poured into the Donghuang Bell, which was enough to make up for the lack of time in the Donghuang Bell.

Cui Yu's eyes were full of joy, but it was a pity that the corpse spots consumed were still a drop in the ocean. There was a long way to go to prevent the Corpse Ancestor from seizing Taiyi. The power gathered by the Corpse Ancestor is simply too huge. How many creatures have fallen over the ages, and how many corpses have provided strength to the Corpse Ancestor?

From gods and demons to ants, countless people have fallen, and they have all become the source of power for the Corpse Ancestor.

Let alone a saint, even Ancestor Hongjun at his peak might not have such a huge source of power as the Corpse Ancestor.

It can be said that the longer the timeline stretches, the more dead creatures in the world, and the stronger the Corpse Ancestor becomes.

In the end, the entire world will die, and the world will become the source of power controlled by the Corpse Ancestor.

After another half a day, Cui Yu was suddenly stunned because he noticed that the Donghuang Bell finally stopped absorbing divine power.

There was a trace of thought in Cui Yu's eyes. Although the Donghuang Bell was an innate treasure, it had already been fed at this time.

The thirty-six innate divine bans are still being gestated. As for how many years it will take to gestate, Cui Yu still doesn't know.

On the contrary, the original appearance of the Donghuang Bell has been restored, and even the marks and traces left by the unknown strong man on the surface of the bronze bell have disappeared.

It's just that the sun, moon and stars above are still chaotic and blurry, making it difficult to see clearly.

Donghuang Bell. Cui Yu stroked the Donghuang Bell with excitement in his eyes.

The Donghuang Bell has been completely refined by him.

Thanks to the heavy damage to the Donghuang Bell, Cui Yu was able to successfully sacrifice the Donghuang Bell.

Innate treasures such as the Donghuang Bell must have strong Taoist practices and realms to be completely refined, not that they can be refined as long as they have enough magic power.

Cui Yu was able to refine the Donghuang Bell, thanks to the heavy damage to the Donghuang Bell and a big bargain. Otherwise, where would Cui Yu's turn be?

How the hell did you do that? Chi You looked at Cui Yu in shock, eyes full of disbelief.

Cui Yu not only sacrificed the Donghuang Bell, but even refined the Donghuang Bell? This is simply a fantasy and completely violates the laws of spiritual practice.

What state is Cui Yu in?

What level is Donghuang Bell?

The two are not of the same magnitude at all.

Cui Yu smiled when he heard this, and ignored Chi You's words, but looked at the body of Donghuang Taiyi at his feet.

He had devoured 30% of the spots on Donghuang Taiyi's body, and Cui Yu could do nothing for the remaining 70%.

As for the body of Donghuang Taiyi?

Cui Yu still couldn't collect it.

Even if he had the Donghuang Bell, the level of Donghuang Taiyi's corpse was so high that Cui Yu couldn't even look up at it.

Not even qualified to look up.

Although Taiyi is dead, the powerful source of divine power in his body still exists, which cannot be shaken by Cui Yu at all.

He could do nothing with the body of Donghuang Taiyi, and now that he had obtained the Donghuang Bell, Cui Yu felt that his goal had been achieved.

He already got what he wanted.

The next step is to think about how to find the origin of this cave world and completely swallow up the entire cave world.

The Chaos Bell is an innate spiritual treasure. If it is placed in chaos, the recovery speed should be faster, which will be more conducive to the gestation of the Donghuang Bell's innate divine ban. Cui Yu raised his head and looked at the void three feet above his head.

The acquired world is the acquired world after all, and it lacks the conditions for the birth of innate treasures.

A pond cannot support whales, this is an eternal law.

Cui Yu looked at the void above his head, and there happened to be a ten-foot-long chaos.

With a flick of Cui Yu's finger, the Chaos Bell passed through the legal world and fell into chaos.


The Donghuang Bell fell into chaos, and saw the opportunities within the chaos swaying, and the infinite energy of chaos was turbulent. The Donghuang Bell seemed like a dragon returning to the sea, a whale swallowing the energy of chaos, and even formed a thousands-mile chaotic vortex in the chaos.

Chaos has no size.

A point is chaos, and chaos can be a point.

Cui Yu's Shizhang Chaos can be countless Chaos, or it can be one Chaos.

The energy of chaos is endless. After the Donghuang Bell absorbed the energy of chaos, it emitted long-lasting bell sounds.

With the blessing of the bell, Cui Yu felt that his Chaos Mark had changed and began to expand silently.

The control of Chaos, which was ten feet long, turned into ten feet long.

And it is still increasing at a slow rate.

When Cui Yu saw this, his eyes were full of strange color and curiosity.

Why can the Chaos Clock enhance the power of its own mark?

Just unbelievable.

Cui Yu raised his head and looked at the Chaos Clock in the distance. After observing it for a while, he withdrew his gaze and looked at the space in front of him: The body of Donghuang Taiyi is right in front of me. I am unwilling to give up like this.

He is indeed unwilling!

What an earth-shattering creation this is?

Even if Daluo Jinxian comes, there is nothing he can do about this corpse. It's not that you don't do your best, but Donghuang Taiyi is too powerful!

Chi You replied.

But at this time, the female demon behind Cui Yu couldn't help but shrink her pupils and looked at Donghuang Taiyi's body: Oops! Oops!

Although the Donghuang Bell is broken, it has innate laws that suppress the invasion of the Corpse Ancestor, so that the last body of Donghuang Taiyi cannot be invaded by the Corpse Ancestor. Now Cui Yu has captured the body of Donghuang Taiyi, and the Corpse Ancestor has lost Donghuang Taiyi. With Huang Zhong's obstruction, Cui Yu is doing a great favor to the Corpse Ancestor! The female slayer's heart was lifted.

In the eyes of the female demon, the countless corpse spots below are rapidly growing.

The Corpse Ancestor is making a comeback!

The female slave looked at Cui Yu and Chi You who had no idea, and suddenly became anxious and quickly sent a message to Chi You.

Chi You couldn't help but be stunned when he heard what the female slave said. Then he lowered his head and looked at the growing spots on Jin Wu's corpse, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly:

You really underestimate this little brother. Why didn't you realize that this little brother had such an ability during the deer fight?

Corpse Ancestor is his little brother!

Now that the little brother is resurrected, it doesn't seem to do any harm to him, right?

But thinking that his own head seemed to have been harmed by his little brother, Chi You suddenly felt bad.

He didn't even let go of Donghuang Taiyi's body, let alone his own head?

What can't this person who was killed by a thousand swords do?

Chi You wanted to curse, but couldn't.

If the Corpse Ancestor were to seize Donghuang Taiyi's body, what would he do then?

Do you still want your own head?

Who will be the boss then? Who is the little brother?

You and I can work together and try to move Donghuang Taiyi's body away, but where should we move such a huge body of Donghuang Taiyi? He began to think in his mind.

The two of them looked at each other, and finally the female demon's eyes fell on the void space, and her eyes seemed to see the Donghuang Bell in the chaos.

How about sealing it in the Donghuang Bell? the female demon asked.


Chi You was also a little hairy.

If the Corpse Ancestor were asked to stand up and take charge, his life would probably not be easy.

I'm talking about Cui Yu, have you noticed anything wrong? Chi You suddenly spoke, attracting Cui Yu's eyes.

The bad thing? What's the bad thing? Cui Yu was puzzled.

He is doing very well now!

Not average!

Because he discovered that the divine blood in his body actually reached 10,000 drops.


After countless transformations of divine blood, the divine blood in Cui Yu's body increased again, which meant that the power in his body increased again.

Ten thousand drops of divine blood is by no means a small amount.

His physical body has been transformed by a huge amount of divine blood and has become stronger. This is definitely not a small matter.

It represents that his law of force has progressed again.

And after refining the Donghuang Bell, the innate restraints in the Donghuang Bell fed back, and he could feel that his understanding of the power of the five elements had deepened. He felt that as long as he found a place to retreat for three to five days, he might be able to cultivate his first A magical power: mastering the five elements.

Is there anything wrong with it? Cui Yu looked at the small space in front of him with his eyes, but didn't notice anything wrong.

Chi You's eyes were full of seriousness when he heard this, and he pointed at the Jinwu's body with his finger: Didn't you notice anything wrong?

Cui Yu didn't dare to be careless after hearing this and quickly looked at Jinwu's body.

Since Chi You has spoken, there must be something wrong.

Cui Yu stared at Jinwu's body seriously, and suddenly his vision blurred. In the blink of an eye, a corpse patch was born out of thin air in the originally empty place.

Huh? Cui Yu was stunned, staring at Jin Wu's corpse with his eyes. Sure enough, in the blink of an eye, another corpse stain appeared.

Another corpse stain appeared?

The speed of derivation is so fast 1

At this rate, wouldn't it be long before the entire corpse would be occupied by corpse spots?

Then won’t the Corpse Ancestor be resurrected by then?

Cui Yu's eyes were full of seriousness. If the corpse ancestor was resurrected, would he still have a good life?

It's no wonder that he can live a good life with the corpse in the other party's hands.

Just hide and wait to die.

What should I do? Cui Yu's head was a little dizzy, and his original happy mood was gone in an instant.

Cui Yu's eyes were full of seriousness, and he looked toward the sky in the distance with a hint of seriousness in his eyes.

what to do?

What can he do?

He is also very helpless!

Cui Yu looked at Chi You with his eyes.

You take out the Donghuang Bell, and I may have a way to put the body of Donghuang Taiyi into the Donghuang Bell. Chi You said.

Cui Yu was overjoyed when he heard this: You are such a great demon god Chi You. I didn't expect you to hide something?

Cui Yu's eyes were filled with joy.

Then Cui Yu took out the Donghuang Bell without saying a word.

He was worried that Taiyi's body was here, but he didn't have the ability to take it away, but who knew that this piece of shit Chi You actually gave him a surprise at the critical moment.

Cui Yu was pouring money into the third space, but he didn't know that the corpse ancestors in the second space were going crazy at this time!

The Corpse Ancestor was furious. The moment Cui Yu attacked Donghuang Taiyi and regarded the mark as the source of divine power, the Corpse Ancestor had already felt something in his heart.

And as Cui Yu devoured more and more corpses, the connection between him and Donghuang Taiyi's corpse became weaker and weaker, and he had already sensed that something was wrong.

He really sensed something was wrong!

Damn, someone has changed their own layout.

How much effort did you put into trying to seize the body of Donghuang Taiyi? How much did it cost?

If it weren't for Donghuang Zhong's suppression, which ruined his own affairs, he would have controlled Donghuang Taiyi's body to be born at this time.

But who knew that at the critical moment, someone would ruin things.

How much price did he pay to breed Donghuang Taiyi's body? How much effort was made?

Is it easy for him to search for sacred corpses from all over the place to help him transform Taiyi's corpse?

Now it's overturned!

He will never agree!

Corpse Ancestor was so angry that his eyes were burning and his voice was almost hoarse:

You ants, why don't you get out of my way quickly!

It's a pity that he is now dragged into the second space by the Ape Demon Monkey King and others. He is unable to enter the third space to control the situation and stop Cui Yu's actions.

Corpse Ancestor fought with everyone, but he didn't know that Liu Bang on the side had quietly arrived at the candlelight.

Looking at the long candlelight, Liu Bang showed a smile: I am a descendant of Emperor Gaoyang, and my emperor is called Boyong. The reason why my Han bloodline can naturally control all kinds of flames in the world is because of my Han bloodline. The blood of the legendary innate god Donghuang Taiyi flows in it. The Han Dynasty is naturally able to control flames because of the power of Taiyi. As long as I enter the third layer of space, I will be able to see the corpse of my ancestor, and even destroy the entire ancestor. My body will be sealed into my body, and then my cultivation will advance by leaps and bounds, entering an unprecedented realm.

No one would have thought that the Han Dynasty could control flames because the blood of the legendary Emperor Taiyi of the Middle East flowed in his body.

Who would have thought?

That was so high and sacred, how could it have anything to do with a mere mortal vassal state?

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