In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 566: Repairing the Restriction

The vast world is not enough to give birth to a saint.

Cui Yu even felt that none of the Heavenly Dao in the world was a match for Dao Ancestor Hongjun, but all the masters in the ancient world were dead!


What happened in ancient times?

At this time, Chi You looked at Cui Yu, who was refining the Donghuang Bell, with a pair of dog-like eyes, full of disbelief.

The worm shakes the tree!

Are you crazy? Has your brain been burned out by the true fire of the sun? Or has your body been snatched away? Is the Donghuang Bell something you can sacrifice? The most sensible thing for us to do now is to move on to the next step. Layer, find my body instead of wasting time here. As long as I can find the head, the Donghuang Bell will definitely not be able to escape by then, and it must be yours. Chi You advised earnestly from the side.

However, Cui Yu ignored Chi You and slowly transformed the divine blood into the Donghuang Bell.

In fact, the damage to the Donghuang Bell was extremely serious, more serious than what Cui Yu saw outside.

With the infusion of Taotao's divine power and Cui Yu's infusion regardless of the cost, after more than 300,000 drops of divine blood were poured in, the first restriction finally regained its brightness.

The first innate restriction that was about to disappear was restored at this time. At this time, Cui Yu also took the opportunity to master the first innate restriction of the Donghuang Bell.

Facing Cui Yu's sacrifice, the innate restraint did not resist at all, but actively swallowed Cui Yu's divine blood. Therefore, Cui Yu's sacrifice was extremely fast, even faster than the seven-star sword he originally sacrificed.

However, the price was that Cui Yu consumed 300,000 drops of divine blood.

Is three hundred thousand drops of divine blood a lot?

Equivalent to three hundred thousand years of mana!

An era only lasts 129,600 years. Cui Yu consumes three eras of mana in just one thousand breaths.

Even a saint cannot afford this kind of consumption.

But Cui Yu did it.

The price was that all the corpse spots within one meter of Cui Yu's feet would disappear.

Cui Yu moved his steps, changed his position, and continued to usurp the corpse ancestor's power.

The Donghuang Bell is very large, dozens of meters long. If Cui Yu wants to walk the entire length, he doesn't know how much divine blood will be produced.

The first innate restriction was revived, and the aura of the Donghuang Bell changed slightly, with an inexplicable aura on it.

Chi You looked at Cui Yu's movements and couldn't help but be stunned, his eyes full of disbelief.

Along with the changes in the innate aura on the Donghuang Bell, he could sense that the aura of the Donghuang Bell was recovering and everything was getting better. Cui Yu had really repaired the restriction on the Donghuang Bell.


Simply incredible!

The Donghuang Bell is an innate treasure. To repair the Donghuang Bell, it consumes a huge amount of divine power. How did Cui Yu do it?

Chi You couldn’t understand!

Even if a saint wants to repair the Donghuang Bell, it is an extremely difficult task, and it will take a long time to make up for it bit by bit.

But what about Cui Yu?

Cui Yu, an ordinary mortal ant, actually did it?

Did you really do it?

Simply incredible!

As for why the Corpse Ancestor could provide Cui Yu with such huge divine power?

Almost incredible power?

Of course, from ancient times to the present, countless strong men have fallen, and they have all become nourishment for the Corpse Ancestor.

In order to control the body of Donghuang Taiyi, the Corpse Ancestor spent an unknown amount of manpower and material resources, and consumed a lot of the Corpse Ancestor's energy.

Countless heroes have fallen in ancient and modern times.

Countless ordinary mortal beings will also provide strength to the Corpse Ancestor, otherwise how could he be resurrected in time and space?

Are you planning on Donghuang Taiyi?

Cui Yuji finished refining the first Innate Divine Forbidden and looked at the second Innate Divine Forbidden.

The Donghuang Bell is an innate treasure with a total of forty-nine innate divine prohibitions.

However, thirty-six of the innate divine prohibitions completely extinguished the light. Among the remaining thirteen innate divine prohibitions, only one innate divine prohibition was intact, and the remaining twelve innate divine prohibitions had dimmed their luster.

The luster of the Innate Divine Forbidden City is dim, which means that the Innate Divine Forbidden City has been severely damaged and the power belonging to the Innate Divine Forbidden City is being lost.

Once the power of the innate divine restraint is exhausted, it will also collapse, just like the thirty-six innate restraints, falling into darkness.

The innate restraint has been severely damaged, just like a deflated balloon. If it is not repaired, all the divine power will eventually be exhausted. It is like the immortal body that has no leaks. Once it is severely damaged, it will also fall.

The Donghuang Bell is an innate treasure, shouldn't it just be useless? Cui Yu looked at the dim light of the twelve innate divine prohibitions, with a hint of worry in his eyes.

With only one complete innate divine ban, and coupled with twelve damaged innate divine bans, how much more power can it have?

But now that he had enough divine power to consume the corpse ancestor's power, Cui Yu didn't think too much and poured his mighty divine power into the second innate divine ban.

Let’s first master these twelve damaged innate divine taboos.

Even if the Donghuang Bell is useless, with its innate treasure material, it cannot be missed, and it can be modified into other magic weapons in the future.

Even waste can be reused to create powerful magic weapons.

However, when the sacrifice reached the second innate restriction, things suddenly took a turn for the better. This turn of events was beyond Cui Yu's expectations.

Because the second innate divine restraint was damaged, Cui Yuji had no trouble refining the second innate divine restraint. He only wasted one hundred thousand drops of divine blood, which was one hundred thousand years of mana, and had already mastered the second innate divine restraint.

But after the second innate divine restraint was mastered by Cui Yu, when Cui Yu wanted to sacrifice the third innate divine restraint, when the divine power in his body passed by the second innate divine restraint, all the divine power was actually absorbed. .

It is simply impossible to pass through the second innate divine forbidden area and flow into the third innate divine forbidden area.

Cui Yu was stunned and stared blankly at the second innate divine ban, his eyes filled with astonishment: What happened?

Cui Yu looked at the second innate divine restraint with his eyes, and saw that the second innate divine restraint had recovered a little at this time. There are still black cracks on it, which are the points where it was forcibly broken and broken by external forces.

However, under the infusion of Cui Yu's endless divine power, the second innate divine ban and the first innate divine ban actually resonated with each other, emitting a unique wave of resonance. The broken node on the second innate divine ban , the lines are slowly lighting up and repairing.

Can the innate divine ban repair itself? Cui Yu was shocked, then ecstatic.

He was not afraid of the consumption of the innate divine restraint. He was also worried about how much power the Donghuang Bell's innate divine restraint would have left if it was damaged. But who knew that the other party would give him a big surprise in the blink of an eye.

The innate divine ban has been repaired!

The innate divine ban has been repaired!

He is not afraid of depleting his divine power, but he is afraid that the innate divine ban cannot be repaired.

Seeing that the innate divine prison was slowly being repaired, Cui Yu poured more divine power into it without saying a word.

It can be said that no matter how much divine power there is, the Donghuang Bell will not refuse anyone who comes, and all of them will be under its control.

Cui Yu didn't let Cui Yu wait long. After ten breaths, Cui Yu took three steps. All the corpse spots within three meters disappeared, and the second innate divine ban was repaired.

Seeing the two innate divine bans shining in the darkness, Cui Yu was overjoyed and poured more divine power into them.

For Cui Yu, this is definitely the best thing.

As for the lack of divine power?

Haha, Cui Yu grinned when he looked at the body of Donghuang Taiyi that looked like an ancient mountain.

The second Innate Divine Forbidden Sacrifice was completed, and the third Innate Divine Forbidden Sacrifice began to be repaired.

With the first and second perfect innate divine ban, for Cui Yu, the repair speed of the third innate divine ban has actually increased.

The first innate divine ban and the second innate divine ban actually accelerated the repair of the third innate divine ban.

When the third innate divine ban was repaired, the twisted body of the East Emperor Bell moved slightly and was slightly repaired.

Chi You stared at Cui Yu with wide eyes, his eyes full of disbelief: Is he crazy? Or is the world crazy?

A mere person who refines energy and transforms into a god is actually repairing the Donghuang Bell? Is there any fucking reason for this? He can repair the Donghuang Bell, so are all the saints eating shit? Is Daluo Jinxian a loser? ?”

Is the world crazy, or is Chi You crazy?

No matter how distorted the world is, it can't be so distorted, right?

You, an ant who refines energy and becomes a god, go to repair the Donghuang Bell. What do you ask him to do, the majestic Chiyou Demon God?

Cui Yu repaired the innate restrictions very quickly. With the continuous supply of divine power and Cui Yu's investment regardless of the cost, the repair speed of the innate divine restrictions became faster and faster.

I don't know how long it took, but after Cui Yu walked around the Donghuang Bell, the thirteenth restriction on the Donghuang Bell happened to be repaired.

Within the Donghuang Bell, the thirteen innate restraints were flashing with divine light. The appearance of the Donghuang Bell also continued to twist and shrink, and finally took on the appearance of a 'bell'.

Thirteen innate restraints have been repaired, but there are still thirty-six innate divine restraints that are completely dim.

At this time, there were no corpse spots around the Donghuang Bell that Cui Yu could reach.

If he wants to continue to gain the power of Corpse Spot, Cui Yu has only two choices.

First, carry the Donghuang Bell and run over the corpse, continuing to touch the corpse spots.

Second, Cui Yu touched the corpse, and then poured his divine power into the Donghuang Bell.

Needless to say about the first one, if Cui Yu had the strength, he would have run away with the Donghuang Bell on his shoulders.

The second one was too troublesome and greatly reduced Cui Yu's efficiency.

Cui Yu stood in front of the Donghuang Bell, his eyes looking at the Donghuang Bell with the divine light flowing in front of him, but his spiritual world looked at the thirty-six innate divine bans that had completely fallen into silence in the darkness.

The thirty-six innate divine prohibitions have completely collapsed. Can I still repair it? Or can the Donghuang Bell still repair itself? Cui Yu stroked the Donghuang Bell in front of him.

At this time, the Donghuang Bell was still twisted, but it no longer looked like a pot lid, but instead looked like a big pot.

A big iron pot in the countryside!

And he continued to channel his divine power. He wanted to touch the corpse spots, but he was in trouble.

Just when Cui Yu was troubled, the Donghuang Bell in front of him suddenly vibrated slightly, and then a stream of information poured into Cui Yu's mind from the Thirteen Innate God Forbiddens.

How big or small is it?

Cui Yu was stunned.

This is the forbidden power of Donghuang Bell.

Cui Yu raised his hand and poured thousands of drops of divine blood into it. He saw that the Donghuang Bell began to shrink and turned into the size of a ceramic bowl, floating in front of Cui Yu.

Chi You on the side was completely shocked when he saw this scene.

What did he see?

I saw that Cui Yu had really repaired the Donghuang Bell, and even had control over the Donghuang Bell.

What a treasure! What a spiritual thing! Cui Yu stroked the Donghuang Bell and walked towards the place where the corpses were stained.

Since the Donghuang Bell can be moved, the next thing will be simple. As long as he exerts his magical power, the next thing will be a piece of cake.

All he has to do is be a qualified machine.

A qualified divine blood transformation machine.

Cui Yu walked by, the corpse spots disappeared, and the mighty power of divine blood poured into the Donghuang Bell.

Although Cui Yu didn't know whether the Donghuang Bell could repair the remaining thirty-six innate divine bans by itself, but with so much divine blood available now, of course he had to give it a try.

Endless divine blood flowed into the Donghuang Bell, and the surface of the Donghuang Bell began to twist and change. Under Cui Yu's consumption of divine blood regardless of the cost, and the supply of hundreds of millions of drops of divine blood, the Donghuang Bell began to continuously rise and change. It gradually transformed from a large bowl into an exquisite bronze bell.

The clock hammer swings gently. The only regret is that the sun, moon, stars, and all living beings on the surface of the Donghuang Clock are still blurry, as if they have been wiped out abruptly.

Cui Yu walked leisurely, he was not in a hurry.

Now that he has endless divine blood, and the Donghuang Bell has repaired thirteen innate restrictions, he feels that even if those powerful people from the Golden Order come, he can teach them how to behave.

Cui Yu's attention was focused on the Donghuang Bell. He saw that the thirteen innate divine restraints in the Donghuang Bell were connected together. The fourteenth innate restraint, which had completely collapsed, actually experienced a subtle change. Change, not resurrection, but turned into a hazy embryo.

The innate restrictions are actually being reborn.

Greed the innate restriction again? Cui Yu was stunned, his eyes were full of disbelief, and his whole person was in shock.

Now that we are in the age of tomorrow, can innate restrictions be reborn?

No one answered Cui Yu's words. After the fourteenth innate restriction absorbed enough divine blood, it no longer absorbed the divine blood, but allowed the innate divine blood to flow into the fifteenth innate restriction.

Then the embryo of the fifteenth innate restriction was born, and after absorbing enough divine power, it flowed to the sixteenth innate restriction.

Then there are the seventeenth innate restriction, the eighteenth innate restriction, the nineteenth innate restriction...

Cui Yu walked past Donghuang Taiyi's body, and the corpse spots under his feet were disappearing, while the innate restrictions in Cui Yu's Donghuang Bell were constantly reviving and gestating.

How much power has the Corpse Ancestor gathered and attached to the body of Donghuang Taiyi? Cui Yu's eyes widened, filled with disbelief: I'm afraid that since the immeasurable calamity, the corpse energy of the saint's death has been suppressed. Is it on Taiyi?

Zi Zu, what a good man! Corpse Zu is such a good man! I want to thank him properly when I have time! Cui Yu was good at being cheap, and his eyes were full of pride.

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