In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 530: Kill the Golden Emperor Again

In Cui Yu's eyes, Gonggong's demon blood continued to increase. At this time, a gap opened on his body that was not covered by the skin of gods and demons, and dark red blood flowed out.

Behind Cui Yu, the female slave grinned and revealed a sneer: Boy, I told you to play with fire. This time I will show you how powerful I am. ’

Twenty-nine thousand and one drop

Twenty-nine thousand and two drops

Twenty-nine thousand and three drops

Twenty-nine thousand five hundred drops

In the end, Gonggong's demonic blood stopped at 30,000 drops. With Cui Yu's prayer, Gonggong's demonic blood stopped increasing.

Damn it, it finally stopped! Cui Yu took a deep breath,

Cui Yu's eyes were full of horror. Looking at the cracks on his body, dark red blood slowly flowed out. Cui Yu's eyes were full of the joy of surviving the disaster.


He suspected that if there was one more drop, he would be burst by the divine blood.

But 30,000 drops of Gonggong's demonic blood was also a big gain for Cui Yu.

Cui Yu narrowed his eyes, his eyes full of joy. Although he was 'stretched' at the moment, he was very happy.

There are so many things that can be done with 30,000 drops of Gonggong's demonic blood.

Looking inside Cui Yu's body, the Pangu Chalcedony began to grow and grow rapidly. After being nourished by a large amount of Gonggong's demonic blood, the Pangu Chalcedony in Cui Yu's body also grew to the size of a rice grain.

The Gonggong organ in Cui Yu's abdominal cavity began to grow and develop at this time, and seemed to evolve into the shape of a heart, gradually withdrawing the Gonggong demon blood in Cui Yu's body into the heart-type organ.

At the same time, a hazy figure was slowly forming in the organ.

Although the human form is illusory, even Cui Yu can't see it clearly. At a glance, Cui Yu only feels that the water vapor on the organ is hazy, and even Cui Yu can't see the human form clearly.

But even through the hazy mist, Cui Yu's spirit and will could be felt. There seemed to be an indescribable majesty around the figure, an indescribable barbaric aura, overwhelming Cui Yu. The host was so shocked that he had to look away.

What the hell is this? Cui Yu looked at the extra organs in his body, feeling a little confused.

The organs growing in his body, but he can't explore them. Do you think he feels better? Can you not feel uneasy?

Thirty thousand drops of Gonggong's demonic blood. Cui Yu felt the amount of Gonggong's demonic blood in the organ, his eyes were full of smiles, but looking at the cracks on his body, Cui Yu's smile gradually faded.

The sweet rain fell, and the flesh-white bone magical power was used. The cracks on Cui Yu's body were slowly repaired at this time.

It's loaded. Cui Yu narrowed his eyes.

The physical strength cannot keep up, so there is a load.

Cui Yu's Gonggong demon blood flows into the strange organs in his body, so Cui Yu's whole body has no Gonggong blood in his meridians, so he can easily repair his injuries.

But if Cui Yu uses Gonggong's blood next time, his body will still be stretched open.

At this time, Cui Yu was like an overloaded train. There was no problem if it stopped there quietly, but if it started moving, it would be a big problem.

Fortunately, he has nectar and immortality. What is he afraid of?

I don't know how long I can last for 30,000 drops of Gonggong's demonic blood. Cui Yu said thoughtfully.

How long it can last is not a general rule, and there is no unified standard.

If he could rely solely on Gonggong's physical strength and move 30,000 drops of demonic blood in every move, then of course he would be able to shoot dozens of times without any problem.

But if a magical power is used, the amount of Gonggong's demonic blood consumed must be determined based on the power of the magical power.

Looking at myself, it seems that there is only one magical power that can be mobilized throughout the body.

The rest of the magical powers are not suitable for Gonggong's real body.

Yes, he only inherited the power of Gonggong's true body, but he did not inherit the magical powers of Gonggong's true body.

Controlling the flow of water does not count because it is Gonggong’s instinct.

Cui Yu stood up, glanced outside the formation, counted the time, then placed Zhao Kuo's scarecrow on the altar again, and bowed to the scarecrow.

Along with Cui Yu's worship, some inexplicable and mysterious aura seemed to come from the scarecrow's body.

However, Cui Yu is not in a hurry. He is close to capturing Zhao Kuo's soul. In just a few days, the whereabouts of the Xiang brothers and sisters will surely be revealed.

If I want to find Xiang Yu, I'm afraid I'll have to kill people. Cui Yu stood thoughtfully in front of the altar and began to mobilize the breath in his body to understand the laws of heaven and earth.

If there is no accident, Cui Yu's physical strength will not increase in the future.

Unless Cui Yu finds a way to cultivate the golden body.

Thirty thousand drops of Gonggong's demonic blood was already the limit of Cui Yu's physical body.

Having said that, Cui Yu's development of the law of power has just begun, and his power is still far from its upper limit.

Speaking of Miao Shan, he walked out of the golden light formation worriedly, his eyes full of seriousness.

It's difficult to handle. The soldiers of Dayu heard my words, but they still refused to retreat. I'm afraid that they still have support, and there will be a bloody storm. Miaoshan thought of this and felt that she should stand by and watch. Now that the willow branch is reborn, she will not Anxious to enter the Dragon Palace of Dongting Lake.

For her, whether she can enter the Dongting Lake Dragon Palace is not too important.

Seeing Miao Shan return, Li Xianwen hurriedly stepped forward: Master, what's the matter?

Miaoshan shook his head: He said that if Xiang Yu and Xiang Caizhu are not handed over, he will never give up the place.

Shuzi is arrogant! Li Xianwen turned to look at Zhao Mu, the old Dragon King, and the great uncle of the Han Dynasty with cold eyes: Everyone, the warrior of the Dayu Kingdom has reached the end of his strength, otherwise how could he be chased to Jinguangda by me? Dare not come out of the formation? Relying on the evil flame defense? Master Miaoshan can't bear to fight again, but this person is ignorant and has failed Master Miaoshan's good intentions. We might as well use thunder to break his golden light Formation, how about killing him?

After hearing Li Xianwen's words, several people looked a little hesitant. Before, Zhao Wuji died and even the Tianxin Seal was shattered. This was no child's play.

Li Xianwen looked at the imperial uncle of the Han Dynasty with his eyes: Liu Zhen, Xia Houying was captured alive and is not dead yet. If you are too late to take action, Xia Houying's life may really be in danger.

Liu Zhen looked ugly when he heard this: Are you really sure that person has run out of gas?

If he hadn't run out of gas, how could I have come back alive? Li Xianwen replied.

That's the truth. The other party even broke Zhao Wuji's Tianxin Seal. How could he let Li Xianwen go with such strength?

Kill! Liu Zhen looked at Zhao Mu with a murderous look on his face: Zhao Mu, what do you think?

Zhao Wuji is the ancestor of my country, the Han Dynasty. Zhao Wuji is dead and has no way out. No matter what, we, the country of the Han Dynasty, must seek justice. Zhao Mu's voice was cold.

He is not Jin Chi, he is a bloodline person.

But he is not an ordinary bloodline person, but a strong man who is in his prime, whose bloodline has reached its peak, and can rival Jin Chi.

Looking at the old Dragon King again, the old Dragon King hesitated slightly.

That's the Undersea Dragon Palace that you must win in the West Sea. I heard that the peacock is practicing in seclusion, preparing to hit the legendary realm. Once he succeeds, I'm afraid your world will completely disappear in the long river of history, and the demon clan Will fall into a unified state. Li Xianwen has a eloquent tongue.

After hearing Li Xianwen's words, the old Dragon King looked grim: I have no enmity with him, but he just doesn't care about life and death and blocks our way, so he deserves to die.

Kill! The old Dragon King looked at Miao Shan with murderous intent.

Miao Shan shook his head: The poor nuns are outsiders and should not be killed casually.

Seeing this, the four people did not press, but looked at the golden light formation with one pair of eyes, and rushed towards it.

Senior of Dayu, why don't you come out and die quickly! If you repent now, that's fine. Get out of the way and we will spare your life. Otherwise, today will be the day when you will be wiped out in ashes. What a pity for your conduct! The Emperor of Han Dynasty Uncle Liu Zhen shouted loudly.

He is also a bloodline person, a bloodline person whose bloodline has reached its peak.

To be honest, facing a powerful man who could shatter the Heaven's Heart Seal, he really didn't want to do it if he could.

Within the formation

Cui Yu stood on the high platform with a sneer on his lips. The next moment he stretched out his palm and directly closed the golden light array.

Since he knew that the golden light array could not deal with the strong men in the Jinzhi realm, he no longer did any useless work, lest the eight mirrors that were finally repaired be damaged.

Cui Yu put away the golden light array and put the scroll of Qiankun in his sleeves, including Xia Houying and Han, and the altar appeared in front of the four people.

Several people couldn't help but be stunned when they looked at Cui Yu, who was dressed in coarse linen clothes and wearing a mask, without any trace of a strong man's demeanor.

Everyone is the top powerhouse in this world. Of course it can be seen that Cui Yu is definitely a young monk of the third level of martial arts.

An ant from the third level of martial arts actually killed a powerful person from the Golden Order? Also shattered the opponent's Tianxin Seal?

Why does it sound so fantastical?

Are you a scholar of Dayu? Zhao Mu asked, his words full of doubts.

Cui Yu smiled when he heard this. Now that Gonggong's demonic blood was in his body, he was very proud: Are you here to die too?

Zhao Mu's face darkened: How arrogant! There's no telling who will die.

Cui Yu looked Zhao Mu up and down, and then looked at Li Xianwen, who was missing an arm: Hey, you came back to die again? Last time I asked you to run away, but you didn't repent. This time, just leave your life here.

Li Xianwen was furious and was about to speak, but was stopped by Zhao Mu: Did you kill Zhao Wuji?

Who is Zhao Wuji? Cui Yu asked in surprise.

I have killed too many people, and too many people have died in my hands. I think the so-called Zhao Wuji is also an unknown person, I can't remember it. Cui Yu said.

Very pretentious!

Very stylish!

Zhao Mu was choked.

How could he endure that a powerful man from the Jin Dynasty was called a nobody?

The emperor's uncle over there, Liu Zhen, couldn't help but said: Your Excellency has captured Xia Houying. I wonder where Xia Houying is? As long as your Excellency hands over Xia Houying, everything will be easy for us to discuss.

Xia Houying? Who is Xia Houying? Cui Yu was puzzled.

He really didn't know who Xia Houying was.

That's the Jinzhi monk you caught. Liu Zhen explained patiently, but his heart was a little frantic. What this grandson said was so damn irritating. Isn't it true that a powerful man from the Jin Dynasty doesn't deserve to be known by his name?

So it's that unlucky guy? Cui Yu smiled when he heard this: Who are you?

I am his junior. Zhao Zhen said.

Oh... Cui Yu looked Zhao Zhen up and down, unable to tell how serious he was, but the more he looked like this, the more he had to be on guard: Okay! Okay! Okay! It turns out that I came here to save my ancestors, so what? It depends on whether you are sincere or not.

What sincerity? Zhao Zhen asked quickly.

He was really concerned about Xia Houying's safety.

It is much more important for a powerful person of the Golden Order than for a bloodline person to reach the strength of the Golden Order.

No matter how powerful the bloodline is, the bloodline will definitely age within two hundred years, but the lifespan of a strong Jinqi man is 129,600 years, which is really the Dinghai Shenzhen that protects an orthodox lineage.

I want the Xiang brothers and sisters. Just hand over the Xiang brothers and sisters, otherwise... I will kill him. Cui Yu looked at Zhao Zhen.

Zhao Zhen's expression changed upon hearing this and he looked at Li Xianwen.

Hand over the Xiang brothers and sisters?

It’s simply impossible!

He can't meet this condition!

Everyone, this kid is at the end of his strength. As long as you join forces with me, we will definitely be able to kill him. We don't have to talk nonsense with him, just stand shoulder to shoulder and kill him. Li Xianwen snorted coldly.

Wait! Wait! The old Dragon King said quickly, his voice full of anxiety.

Everyone looked at the old Dragon King, who stared at Cui Yu: Do you have to block the entrance to Dongting Lake? Is there no room for maneuver?

Cui Yu smiled coldly: Just hand over the Xiang brothers and sisters, otherwise no one will be able to enter Dongting Lake.

Alas. The old Dragon King suddenly sighed, his voice full of unbearability.

Now that the matter is over, the four of them no longer have any doubts.

Li Xianwen snorted coldly, and the next moment he used his magical power, he saw a large purple flag appear around Li Xianwen, with thunder rolling on it, and he headed towards Cui Yu at the head of the horse.

I don't know whether to live or die. Looking at Li Xianwen who was beheading him, Cui Yu shook his head. Gonggong's real body was activated, and in an instant Cui Yu turned into a monster with a python head and body.

The breath of ancient wildness appears between heaven and earth.

The true form of Gonggong at its peak.

With eight thousand drops of Gonggong's demonic blood, Cui Yu could last for three breaths. Now that Cui Yu's Gonggong's demonic blood had reached thirty thousand drops, it actually extended the time not only for ten breaths, but to fifteen breaths.

Five more breaths.

There are so many things that can be done with five breaths.

Once Gonggong's true form unfolds, Cui Yu will consume Gonggong's demonic blood even if he doesn't use his magical powers.

The laws of heaven and earth!

Facing Li Xianwen's magic weapon, Cui Yu still chose the simplest magic weapon, Heaven and Earth.

It's just that the laws of heaven and earth and the laws of heaven and earth are definitely different.

Gonggong's real body, the Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth, really holds the sun, moon, heaven and earth in his hands.

The purple flagpole collapsed. Li Xianwen faced Cui Yu's palm and felt that the palm covered the sky, which was the claw of the sky. Only when you really face this palm will you know how terrifying this palm is.

That palm is the way of heaven and the principle of its operation.

Opening his palms, Li Xianwen felt like a monkey under the Five Fingers Mountain. He didn't even have the strength to resist, and his body was shattered in the next moment.

Only when you really face this palm can you know how terrifying this palm is.

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