In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 529: Pay homage to He Bo again

Cui Yu glanced at Miao Shan, and the real water was activated, and the sweet rain penetrated directly into the deepest part of the willow branches. Then a ray of innate building energy poured into the willow branches.

Seeing the innate Qi of building wood, the Miaoshan child's eyes shrank, and his heart surged like an undercurrent. The 'rurudao heart' that had been immovable through the ages suddenly surged into a terrifying wave.

The innate building wood is the ancestor of all trees.

The two sounds of hum and ha accompanied the will of heaven and earth, and the innate willow shook gently, and a wisp of wonderful vitality revived in the willow branches.

In Miao Shan's disbelieving eyes, the innate willow tree actually gave birth to a tender root.

That hollow willow tree came alive.

Miao Shan looked at Cui Yu with eyes full of disbelief.

How did Cui Yu do it?

Why does he do it?

Miao Shan did not ask, but happily took the willow branch, her eyes full of ecstasy: God help me with Mahayana Buddhism.

Sweet rain can prolong life, and there are willow branches that are wonderful and good. In this era when everything in the world needs the right instructions to prolong life, it is difficult for Mahayana Buddhism not to flourish.

It's just that the matter of his own willow branches has been solved, but the matter of Cui Yu has given Miao Shan a headache.

To be honest, Miaoshan really doesn't want Cui Yu to be ga. After all, in Miaoshan's opinion, Cui Yu is the boy chosen by heaven to give money.

Believer, are you really going to go your own way? Miao Shan looked at Cui Yu with his big eyes, and at the same time took back the innate willow branch.

The whereabouts of the Xiang brothers and sisters are unknown now. I can't just ignore them, right? Cui Yu looked at Miaoshan with his eyes: You should know how deep my friendship with Xiang Caizhu is. I don't know whether the Xiang brothers and sisters are alive or dead. How can I? Can you just sit back and watch?

Do you know what's going on outside now? Miao Shan asked.

She understood Cui Yu, but she didn't agree with Cui Yu's approach.

Huh? What's going on outside? Cui Yu has been inside the golden light array and really doesn't know what's going on outside.

There are three more Golden Emperors outside who have just arrived, waiting for you. If you refuse to let go, those three Golden Emperors will definitely take action and break your golden light formation. By then you will be passive. If you want to save There are many ways for the Xiang brothers and sisters, and they don’t necessarily have to use this lowest method. Miaoshan looked at Cui Yu with his eyes:

You are not only blocking the way of the Great Han Kingdom and the Great Qin Kingdom now, but also blocking the way of all the Golden Emperors in the world. From the human clan Golden Emperors to the weird ones, gods, and the Great Wild Demon King, they are all watching. You If you want to find out the whereabouts of the Xiang brothers and sisters, go directly to Zhao Kuo and have a fight with the seven vassal states, the Great Qin Kingdom, and the Great Han Kingdom. What you are doing now is directly standing against the strongest in the world, but Not a wise move.

Cui Yu wanted to speak, but was blocked by Miao Shan, not giving Cui Yu a chance to speak: After the golden light monster left Longmen Stream, it was no longer the invincible golden light monster before. Your current golden light formation is in no way capable of defeating a strong person in the Jinzhi realm. As long as two Jinzhi powerhouses can defeat your golden light formation.

Don't say anything yet. There are no fools among the powerful Jin Chi. You killed Zhao Wuji. The death of the first Jin Chi in five thousand years is indeed shocking. But, do you think that with just one Zhao Wuji, you can stop the world? Have all the old antiques taken action? Do you think you can intimidate them? There are also three, six or nine levels of Jin Chi, and there are also strong and weak ones. Miao Shan looked at Cui Yu with his eyes.

Cui Yu was silent when he heard this. He felt that what Miao Shan said made sense, but he also had his own plans?

In less than three to five days, the Gonggong demon blood in his body will return to its peak state. By then, if he kills another Golden Emperor, he will eventually be able to kill them.

But there is no need to say this to Miao Shan.

Miaoshan is doing it for his own good, and there is no need for him to argue with Miaoshan.

Who is Miaoshan?

Old Antique, who has been practicing Buddhism for countless years, saw the expression on Cui Yu's face, and his eyes were full of emotion:

Do you know that there is a fatal flaw in your actions this time?

Cui Yu was stunned when he heard this and looked at Miao Shan: Please give me some advice.

Miaoshan stretched out a slender jade finger:

You can't hide your truth from those old antiques. If you were really that strong, you shouldn't have blocked the Dongting Lake. Instead, after killing Zhao Wuji, you went directly to the door instead of causing trouble here. Those old antiques The guys with the shortest life spans have lived for a thousand years, and they are all well-informed old men. Previously, they were just shocked that Xia Houying was suppressed and Zhao Wuji was beheaded, which made everyone dizzy. As long as they wake up , I will be able to see through your true identity, and you will probably die without a burial place. Don’t play tricks with those old guys, your life span is too short, and you cannot hide it from them.

Cui Yu was shocked when he heard this. He didn't expect Miaoshan to see through his own lies at a glance.

Yes, if he could really kill Jin Chi, he should have gone directly to the door instead of staying here.

On the contrary, this makes me feel guilty.

This is my biggest flaw.

It's really blocked.

I can't even hide it from a little nun, let alone those old foxes?

Why don't you retreat now. I'll just come out and find you a way to get down. You have the ability to kill Jin Chi. As long as you get out of the way, those old guys will never want to fight with you to the end. Zhao Wuji's death They will never pursue it. Miao Shan looked at Cui Yu with his eyes.

Her attitude was very sincere, and this was indeed the most correct thing for Cui Yu to do at this time.

But is Cui Yu willing?

Cui Yu is unwilling to give in!

He will never give in!

What should the Xiang brothers and sisters do?

Cui Yu stood on the altar, looking at Miaoshan with his eyes, and he was silent.

What? Are you still unwilling to stop? Miaoshan asked.

I want to stop, but I'm afraid it's too late. Cui Yu sighed: How can I be willing to not ask about the cause of death of the Xiang brothers and sisters?

Let's go. Cui Yu turned around, his back facing Miaoshan.

He couldn't leave now. If he left now, it would appear that he was even more guilty and afraid of them.

Zhao Kuo and others will never let him go.

He killed Zhao Wuji and almost killed Li Xianwen. These people would never give up.

Miao Shan looked at Cui Yu's back with his eyes. After looking at it for a long time, he sighed helplessly, then turned around and walked out of the formation.

Miao Shan left, and Cui Yu stood alone in the formation, with countless thoughts running rapidly in his mind, and finally his eyes fell on Gong Gongzhen: How could I not know the flaw in Miao Shan's words? How could I not Not prepared?

Cui Yu is not a fool.

The fastest way to restore Gonggong's demonic blood is to use the Seven Arrows Book of Nail Heads. Cui Yu turned his sleeves, and He Bo's scarecrow appeared.

He Bo's scarecrow is in Cui Yu's hands: If you want to get the divine blood quickly, the key is to rely on these old guys.

He Bo is a good man, and Corpse Ancestor is a good man.

Cui Yu looked at the altar. There was no need to replace the oil lamp, he could just take down Zhao Kuo's scarecrow.

The only flaw I have now is that after the divine blood is exhausted, I need to worship the scarecrow to obtain a large amount of divine blood and convert it into Gonggong demon blood, which is equivalent to the CD of the skill.

As long as you can give yourself time to resume worshiping after returning to the camp, you can kill even if there are many gods.

Especially now that he has proven the Tao with his strength and his physical body strength has increased rapidly, the amount of Gonggong's demonic blood contained in his body should also increase.

Cui Yu looked at the scarecrow on the altar and smiled: He Bo, what a good man.

Then Cui Yu bowed respectfully to the scarecrow.

The next moment, the golden finger page in Cui Yu's mind popped up again:

[I discovered a strange power, do you want to usurp it? 】

[After usurping it, you will receive 50,000 drops of divine blood. 】

Is fifty thousand drops too much?

Cui Yu's one breath is 300 drops, ten breaths are 3,000 drops, and one hundred breaths are 30,000 drops.

Fifty thousand drops of divine blood is not much.

But Cui Yu didn't panic, he just said calmly: Usurpation.

Then overwhelming divine blood was poured into Cui Yu's body. Cui Yu poured the divine blood directly into the Pangu Chalcedony behind his head. The Pangu Chalcedony refused to accept Cui Yu's divine blood and continuously transformed it into Gonggong Demonic Blood. .

The 50,000 drops of divine blood were quickly consumed, but Cui Yu did not panic, because he knew that a bigger and more turbulent strange power was coming.

What I saw before me was just an appetizer.

In fact, Cui Yu never saw that the fair and tender face of the nvba behind him suddenly darkened, and countless black corpse spots appeared in an instant, making the nvbang tremble with anger.

She wanted to remove all the curses of the corpse ancestors, but who knew that all her hard work would be in vain!

The power of the endless curse seemed to be swallowing her up like a tide.

While breathing, the female demon's back and limbs were covered with dense corpse spots filled with a strange and ominous aura.

You kid, can't you stop for a while? Is it difficult to find a place to practice for a while? Is it difficult? Why can't you wait until you have completely removed the corpse stains before you go to the trouble again?

The female demon cursed loudly in her heart.

She knew that Cui Yu had the ability to transform strange power into divine blood. At this moment, she saw Cui Yu standing in the tent with a face filled with anticipation, and the female slayer's forehead was covered with black lines.

She has lived a long time, what kind of person has not seen her? But this was the first time I met such a mean person.

The power of the corpse ancestor is not something that the female demon can contend with.

Seeing Cui Yu's expression, the female slayer rushed forward without saying a word.

Don’t you fucking want weird power?

I will help you!

What do you think I am?

Your robot?

Your doll?

Let you mess around?

Cui Yujing was waiting quietly. The next moment, just as he expected, overwhelming and strange power poured into his body. Golden Finger responded in time:

[I discovered that a strange power has invaded. Do you want to usurp it? After usurping it, you will receive 30,000 drops of divine blood. 】

[I discovered that a strange power has invaded. Do you want to usurp it? After usurping it, you will receive fifty thousand drops of divine blood. 】

[I discovered that a strange power has invaded. Do you want to usurp it? After usurping it, you will receive 80,000 drops of divine blood. 】

[I discovered that a strange power has invaded. Do you want to usurp it? After usurping it, you will receive 150,000 drops of divine blood. 】

The system's voice sounded in Cui Yu's mind. At this moment, Cui Yu felt like a spring breeze, and his whole face was filled with joy.

After mastering the law of power with Wu Chengdao, his body's ability to tolerate the divine blood has reached an indescribable level.

【usurp! 】

【usurp! 】

【Usurp them all for me! 】

Cui Yu's voice sounded, and countless divine blood poured into his body. In the past, Cui Yu would have been burst by this huge amount of divine blood, and the divine blood would not have had time to transform Gonggong's demonic blood. But it is different now. He has Pangu Chalcedony.

Although Pangu Chalcedony is small, it seems to have endless magical effects, and it can be swallowed up by more divine blood.

As the drops of Gonggong's demonic blood were transformed, the eight thousand drops of Gonggong's demonic blood were quickly refilled, but the birth of demonic blood still did not stop, and the Gonggong's demonic blood in Cui Yu's body quickly exceeded eight The limit of one thousand drops has skyrocketed to nine thousand drops in just a few breaths.

Then Cui Yu's physical body was still as stable as a mountain and could withstand the circulation of demon blood, and Gonggong's demon blood was still increasing rapidly.

After eight more breaths, the Gonggong demon blood in Cui Yu's body had exceeded 10,000 drops.

Ten thousand drops

Eleven thousand drops

Twelve thousand drops

Fifteen thousand drops

Eighteen thousand drops

Nineteen thousand drops

Nineteen thousand and one drop

Nineteen thousand and two drops

Nineteen thousand and three drops

Nineteen thousand five hundred drops

Then under Cui Yu's eager eyes, the Gonggong demon blood in Cui Yu's body actually exceeded 20,000 drops.

Twenty thousand drops of Gonggong's demonic blood? Cui Yu took a breath.

Demonic blood circulates in the body, but Cui Yu's body, which has become a Taoist with strength, still does not feel the limit.

At this time, the birth of Gonggong's demonic blood still did not stop. In Cui Yu's horrified eyes, Gonggong's demonic blood surpassed 20,000 drops and rushed into 21,000 drops without stopping.

Then Gonggong's demonic blood continued to grow at a rapid rate.

Twenty-one thousand drops

Twenty-two thousand drops

Twenty-five thousand drops

At this moment, Cui Yu finally felt that his body was beginning to approach its limit. With the increase in Gonggong's demonic blood, Cui Yu's meridians seemed to be making an overwhelming 'creep' sound.

We've reached our limit! Cui Yu took a deep breath.

He had noticed the load on his body and quickly stopped the transformation of Gonggong's demonic blood. However, after the overwhelming divine blood was poured in, Cui Yu's body load became even more serious. In an instant, cracks burst out on the skin of his body. It seemed that Cui Yu The fish can explode anytime and anywhere at this time and explode into powder.

There was too much divine blood derived, forcing Cui Yu to forcibly convert the divine blood into Gonggong demon blood.

Without converting the divine blood into Gonggong's demonic blood, Cui Yu would die faster.

We've reached our limit! Don't transform! Don't transform! I just paid homage, why are you treating me like this? I'm afraid that I will die from the divine blood in my body today if I don't wait for those people to kill me. .”

In the past, he was dissatisfied that he did not have enough Gonggong's demonic blood, but now Cui Yu felt that he had too much Gonggong's demonic blood.

There's nothing he can do. If he doesn't transform Gonggong's demonic blood, he will die faster.

Twenty-eight thousand drops

Twenty-nine thousand drops

ps: Sorry everyone, the name of the former scholar was wrong. The Dragon King of the East China Sea has been arrested, and the one who took action was the ancestor of the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas.

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