In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 507 The Great Han Liu Bang

Zhao Kuo can say without exaggeration that he hates the Kingdom of Yu to death.

From Daliang City to the capital of Dayu Kingdom.

The humiliation he suffered in Daliang City before was nothing more than that, but now Xiang Mangzi is a black history that Zhao Kuo will never be able to erase in his life.

How much momentum did he create to get out of the mountain?

It can be said that the entire Dayu Kingdom is a shame that Zhao Kuo cannot erase.

How much power has he created by traveling around the country, constantly provoking famous generals in the world, and promoting his own reputation? The Kingdom of Dayu is his proving ground and the first step towards becoming famous all over the world. The seven major vassal states joined forces to overturn the situation in the Yu Kingdom, but who knew it would turn over!

I have worked hard for more than ten years to build momentum, and all of it has made Xiang Mangzi successful.

Unless Xiang Yu dies, it will be difficult for him to raise his head as a human being, and even less worthy of the title of Tianjiao.

Zhao Kuo was cursing, but Liu Bang didn't laugh. He couldn't laugh.

Of course he knew about Zhao Kuo's strength, he had never lost in military games, but who would have thought that he would be defeated by the brute force of an ordinary man. This was an unspeakable shame for all the military strategists in the world.

Is Xiang Yu really that strong? Liu Bang asked his soul.

Zhao Kuo looked at Liu Bang with seriousness in his eyes: To put it bluntly, I think no one in the world can defeat him in a one-on-one duel. In front of him, the so-called military formation and number of people are basically nothing. False, it's just a number. No matter what battle formation you set up, he will rush forward alone, kill the boss, and make your formation collapse. You decide whether it is strong or not.

Liu Bang was silent, stroking the Chixiao Sword on his waist: He has an indestructible body. I have the Divine Sword Chixiao, so I may not be able to break his invincible golden body.

But he has proved the Tao with his strength, and his bloodline has grown to become a demigod. Who in the world can compete with him? Although you have the divine sword Chixiao, your cultivation is too far behind Xiang Yu. Zhao Kuo is not very optimistic about Liu Bang. , he acknowledged the power of the innate spiritual treasure, but he believed more in Xiang Yu's invincible golden body.

We must not let Xiang Yu destroy the Seven Kingdoms. Once Xiang Yu falls to the Qin Dynasty, it will be a fatal threat to you, the Han Dynasty. Even if Xiang Yu is killed in the end, I'm afraid he will have to pay a heavy price. Zhao Kuo began to provoke. .

Liu Bang looked at Zhao Kuo with his eyes: What do you mean?

I want the military power of the seven countries. As long as the military power of the seven countries is handed over to me, I can arrange a seven-star formation and mobilize the power of the six stars of the South Dipper and the Seven Stars of the Big Dipper to seal Xiang Yu. At that time, the seven countries will carve up Dayu together. country, or using the Yu Kingdom as the battlefield, the Han and the Qin will compete. Zhao Kuo looked at Liu Bang.

Liu Bang was silent after hearing this, and after a long time he said: I have to think about this matter. After all, I am not the one who makes the decision in the Han Dynasty. I have to report this matter to the king.

Zhao Kuo finished his drink and left, leaving Liu Bang silent.

Call Fan Zeng over.

After a long time, Liu Bang gave instructions.

If Zhao Kuo knew that Fan Zeng, who had captured him as a duck, was actually in the Han Dynasty and had joined Liu Bang's command, he didn't know how he would react.

Not long after, Fan Zeng came from down the mountain.

Nowadays, Fan Zeng is pampered. Although he is dressed in coarse linen clothes, his whole person has a bookish air because he has practiced the qigong master's formula.

After Fan Zeng worshiped in Zhenwu Mountain, he obtained the inheritance method of Zhenwu Mountain, and then after reading a large number of books on Zhenwu Mountain to broaden his horizons, Fan Zeng quickly gained Liu Bang's appreciation.

Especially after Fan Zeng inadvertently used some tricks to help Liu Bang execute several kings and grandsons who threatened his status, Liu Bang completely regarded Fan Zeng as his right-hand man.

Greetings to the young master. Fan Zeng bowed respectfully.

Have you heard about the Great Yu Kingdom? Liu Bang asked.

The news of Zhao Kuo's defeat shocked the princes of the world, and all the major forces were in an uproar. That was Zhao Kuo, a military strategist. He was disgraced in the first battle after he came out of the mountain. He was defeated in an unknown manner. I have already found out about this. Fan Zeng said.

What do you think? Liu Bang asked.

Either Zhao Kuo is just a false name, or Xiang Yu is really powerful beyond everyone's imagination. Fan Zeng gave his own answer.

After hearing Fan Zeng's words, Liu Bang was thoughtful.

Sir, was Zhao Kuo blown out by everyone? And then he was cracked down? Fan Zeng asked, expressing his doubts.

It’s no wonder Fan Zeng has such doubts.

Who is Xiang Yu?

A little-known nobleman.

Where is Zhao Kuo?

The famous military strategists of the three hundred and sixty-five vassal states hope for the future.

The two sides are as different as clouds and mud. One is the bright moon in the sky, and the other is a small nobleman in the ditch. There is no comparison at all.

But it was such a person who caused Zhao Kuo to suffer a huge defeat. His defeat was completely inexplicable, which made people doubt Zhao Kuo's ability.

Who would have thought that after listening to Fan Zeng's words, Liu Bang's face became serious: I can tell you responsibly that Zhao Kuo is definitely worthy of his name, and his depth is far beyond our knowledge. His reputation is spread among the outside world. I feel that only half of it has been disseminated, and the real details have not yet been discovered.”

Wouldn't it be more terrifying if Xiang Yu could punch Zhao Kuo with a punch? Fan Zeng couldn't believe it.

Zhao Kuo has never seen someone as unreasonable as Xiang Yu. He charged directly into the battle and challenged the entire army by himself. He was immediately stunned. He had no expectations at all and naturally had no defense. Before he could think about it, The Seven Kingdoms Allied Forces have already been defeated by Xiang Mangzi's method. Liu Bang looked at Fan Zeng: But this does not mean that Zhao Kuo is weak.

Fan Zeng was silent when he heard this, thinking about Liu Bang's words.

What do you mean, Master? Fan Zeng asked in return.

Zhao Kuo came to me before and wanted me to join forces with Da Qin and order the seven kingdoms to hand over their military power. He would give unified command to destroy Da Yu and explore the Dragon Palace in Dongting Lake together. Liu Bang looked at Fan Zeng: What do you think?

Fan Zeng thought briefly: I heard someone say that the young master seems to be engaged to Xiang Yu's sister, and that Xiang Yu is the young master's brother-in-law.

That's what happened. Liu Bang nodded.

How about you use the marriage proposal as an excuse to go to the Dayu Kingdom to meet Xiang Yu and complete the marriage? Take the opportunity to mediate the conflicts between Xiang Yu and the seven kingdoms. If Xiang Yu agrees to the marriage contract, stops the war and quells the war, the seven vassal kingdoms can be preserved, and the future of the great The Yu State and the Han State are in-laws. We can use Xiang Yu to intimidate the seven vassal states and force the seven vassal states to destroy the Qin together. If Xiang Yu does not agree, let Zhao Kuo destroy Xiang Yu. Both the seven vassal states and Xiang Yu will suffer. Take the opportunity to weaken the seven vassal states and clear the battlefield in advance for the decisive battle between Qin and Han. Fan Zeng suggested.

Liu Bang clapped his hands when he heard this. Fan Zeng's suggestion was perfect and just what he wanted.

Send someone to send a letter to Xiang Yu and tell him that I want to see him in Wei. Liu Bang ordered.

He was not optimistic about Fan Zeng's strength, but Fan Zeng's planning methods were the most precious.

Fan Zeng heard the words and went to do it.

One day later, Liu Bang set off secretly towards the border of the Wei Kingdom.

Along the way, we saw that the land of the Great Wei State was devastated, and the entire Great Wei State was riddled with holes and in chaos.

The Wei Dynasty was destroyed, and the entire Wei Dynasty was brought under the control of Dayu.

The capital of Dayu Kingdom

Xiang Yu was renovating, looking at the map in his hand, thinking about the route to destroy Daxia.

There is no problem in pushing Daxia sideways, but the most important thing is how to push with the least effort and not to let the opponent run away.

The royal family of Daxia is not a puppet, standing there and letting Xiang Yu destroy it. If the nobles of Daxia divide into several groups and occupy all directions to fight guerrilla warfare with Xiang Yu, or even simply disperse among the people, Xiang Yu will have a headache.

Commander, there is a letter from Liu Bang.

At this moment, Xiang Zhuang walked in and handed over the letter.

Has this coward finally come forward? When I first came to the Dayu Kingdom, I wanted to compete for the position of the leader of the Dayu Kingdom. I asked him to send someone to support me, but this person was ignored. Now that I am prosperous, I will open the door for Dayu. The territory is expanding, and he comes to look for me? Haha... Xiang Yu's eyes were full of disdain.

They are still in-laws after all, so the general should meet him. Xiang Zhuang advised: The general is planning to destroy the seven kingdoms, so it is not appropriate to make enemies again.

After hearing this, Xiang Yu took the letter, glanced at it and snorted coldly: Inviting me to the border for a secret meeting is really ridiculous. But at least it is a marriage, so I will go and see him.

Xiang Yu put away the letter and went all the way to the agreed place on the border.

Half a day later

Liu Bang came quietly from a distance. He saw a strong man standing on the top of the mountain like an iron tower from a distance, and he couldn't help but feel an inexplicable suddenness in his heart.

The entire mountain seemed to be trampled under the feet of the iron tower-like figure. It seemed that as long as that person exerted force suddenly, the entire mountain would collapse into powder.

Although the man's back was turned to him, the figure was like a big mountain, pressing down on his heart, causing the bluestone under Liu Bang's feet to crack.

Looking at Xiang Yu's back, Liu Bang couldn't help but shrink back: What kind of monster is this? What kind of monster is this? The opponent's back was turned to him, and the aura he exuded unintentionally almost suppressed him. What is the cultivation level of this person? How terrifying is it?

Liu Bang crushed the bluestone and alarmed Xiang Yu on the top of the mountain. He saw Xiang Yu turn around. Liu Bang felt that the world in front of him seemed to be filled with Xiang Yu. He was squeezed into a box and could be crushed into a meat pie at any time.

Liu Bang's eyes were full of horror, this was definitely not Xiang Yu! It's not the Xiang Yu in his memory.

Although the Xiang Yu in his memory was strong, he was only slightly stronger than himself. He could never be suppressed by an inadvertent movement like he was in front of him.

After all, I am also a master in the disaster realm!

Brother Xiang, long time no see? Liu Bang's Chixiao sword vibrated slightly, and a stream of heat came from the scabbard and flowed through Liu Bang's body, resolving the pressure.

Looking at Xiang Yu's gaze, Liu Bang felt his scalp numb and his whole body seemed to be uncomfortable. He subconsciously said hello to lighten the atmosphere.

It's been a long time. How come you have time to ask me to meet? Xiang Yu seemed to be aware of Liu Bang's embarrassment, and all his breath calmed down, with a smile on his face.

As Xiang Yu smiled, the mountains seemed to become brighter, and the birds began to chirp, adding a sense of relaxation.

You caused such a big commotion in Dayu Kingdom, how could I not come to see you? After all, I am your future brother-in-law! Liu Bang walked up from the mountain with a smile.

Hearing the word brother-in-law, the expression on Xiang Yu's face couldn't help but freeze for a while.

I was thinking, since we are all grown up now, we should marry your sister home as soon as possible. Let's arrange the marriage so that our parents can rest assured. Liu Bang came over with a smile on his face:

We will be a family by then. How dare the seven countries dare to embarrass Dayu? I will definitely take action to uphold justice for you.

Xiang Yu looked at Liu Bang's playful smile and cursed in his heart, Damn it, you're taking advantage of me. He said calmly: It's just the Seven Kingdoms, when have I ever put it in my eyes?

As for the marriage between you and my sister... Xiang Yu said this, looking at Liu Bang: I want to get married now, but I'm afraid it won't happen. My sister went to a place outside the country to study with a teacher, and she hasn't come back for many years. I don’t know where she is now, so how can she marry you?”

Xiang Yu did not object to marrying Liu Bang.

Not only did he not object, but he supported it in his heart.

Marrying a big man would also bring many benefits to him.

After all, in addition to the seven major vassal states, there are 357 other vassal states. As the territory becomes larger in the future, Xiang Yu will definitely not be able to resist it alone.

Moreover, after conquering the world, he still needs to rule the world. At that time, the remnants of all countries will come out to cause trouble. Even if he is exhausted every day, he will not be able to suppress it.

So Xiang Yu also needs allies.

Seeing Xiang Yu's intention to form an alliance, Liu Bang couldn't help but feel happy. He had seen Xiang Yu's strength. If he could join forces with Xiang Yu, he would make a lot of money by then.

The destruction of the Qin Kingdom is just around the corner.

Looking at Xiang Yu, Liu Bang said with a smile: Of course I know that the eldest sister is nowhere to be found, so I came here this time to propose marriage to the younger sister.

Little sister? Xiang Yu was stunned: That one?

The Xiang family's royal family has many sisters waiting to be married off.

Sister Caizhu. Liu Bang said with a smile.

He has long known the details of the Dayu Kingdom. The colorful pearl controls the power of the earth's magnetism. If he marries himself, wouldn't half of the entire Dayu Kingdom belong to him?

You want to marry Xiang Caizhu? Xiang Yu frowned upon hearing this.

Yes. Liu Bang said with a smile: Brother, please help me. In this way, we will become a real family.

You are very calculating. You actually want two women to serve one husband. You are so beautiful. You don't even urinate and look after yourself. You are just like a toad who wants to eat swan meat. Xiang Yu said unceremoniously: You want to marry my family. My little sister, you are simply wishful thinking. My little sister already has a master, and you are not the one to covet her. Give up this idea as soon as possible, otherwise don’t blame me for beating you.

Looking at Xiang Yu's bowl-sized fist, Liu Bang trembled and quickly changed his words: It's just a joke, why are you angry? I'm here this time to work for your Yu Kingdom. It's fine if you don't treat me well. Why can’t you make a joke?”

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