In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 506 Zhao Kuo’s grievance

Xiang Yu has now shown his prominence, and is just around the corner to sweep the Great Yu Kingdom. The seven vassal states will never be so foolish as to kill Xiang Yu.

Zhang Jiao was certain that Xiang Yu would be besieged, and Han Xin's thoughts were turning, and he had already made speculations.

Because of the ancient Dongting Lake? Han Xin asked.

Of course. For the sake of the ancient Dongting Lake, those people did not hesitate to flood hundreds of millions of people in the Yu Kingdom. How could they stop casually? The subsequent backlash will only be more severe. Zhang Jiao looked at Han Xin.

I know that, in this way, I will have confidence in my heart. Han Xin said with a smile: With the help of Xiang Yu to suppress the rebellion, we can withdraw our troops in an honest manner, pretend to be chased by Xiang Yu, and approach Daxia. Wait until When Xiang Yu liquidates the seven major vassal states, we will then contact the monarchs of Daxia and ask them to provide us with food, grass and weapons, and we will block Xiang Yu's encirclement and suppression for them. At that time, with the help of the power of Daxia, we will feed the men and horses under his command. Let’s look for another opportunity to destroy Daxia.”

It doesn't matter if we lack weapons now. When the seven vassal states face the threat of Xiang Yu, we will not be short. Han Xin said with a smile.

Zhang Jiao glanced at Han Xin after hearing this: It seems that I made no mistake in choosing you to be the new generation commander of Taiping Dao.

Han Xin gave Zhang Jiao a plan to deal with it in a snap.

What happened next was indeed as Zhang Jiao expected. Facing Xiang Yu's absolute strength, all the rebels retreated steadily. Without the trouble from foreign forces, Xiang Yu had already put down Dayu in just three months. Domestic rebellion.

Seeing that the overall situation was decided, Xiang Yu decided to liquidate the seven vassal states.

Now that Xiang Yu has great power in Dayu, the whole country follows him with one word. At Xiang Yu's order, an army of 300,000 people marched towards the Wei Kingdom in a mighty manner.

Facing Xiang Yu's dominance, the Wei Kingdom seemed vulnerable.

No matter how many thousands of troops and horses you have in the Wei Kingdom, you can dispatch military formations, but Xiang Yu will always kill the enemy general alone among thousands of troops, causing the enemy's army to collapse on the spot.

Then, just like chasing a duck, Xiang Yu chased the opponent's rebel army and killed them all behind.

One day, one city, Xiang Yu opened and closed, and no one could stop him wherever he went.

In just three months, they had already approached the capital of the Wei Kingdom, which frightened the leader of the Wei Kingdom to move the capital in a hurry, and sent his envoys to intercede, hoping to reconcile with the Yu Kingdom and willing to cede territory for compensation.

But what Xiang Yu wants is the land separated from the Great Wei State?

He not only wanted the great Wei Kingdom, but also the seven vassal states.

Xiang Yu was unwilling to negotiate peace, so he directly killed the envoys and then led his army to continue the crusade.

The king of Wei moved his capital, fled in panic, and frantically asked for help from the other six kingdoms.

Seeing Xiang Yu vowing to destroy the Wei Kingdom, the six countries were all frightened and panicked. They panicked and asked for help from all directions.

Xiang Yu was so powerful that the six vassal states knew that they were no match for Xiang Yu.

Great Qin

Zhao Kuo was sitting in a mountain in Da Qin, opposite the young master Zheng.

Master, what do you think of Dayu and the Seven Kingdoms now? Zhao Kuo asked.

Xiang Yu's strength is very strong, especially since he inherited the law of force. He is simply invincible in the world. Zhao Zheng seemed not to know the meaning of Zhao Kuo's words, and just wrote lightly.

I mean, what do you think of Xiang Yu's move to destroy the seven kingdoms? Zhao Kuo asked.

Zhao Zheng fell into silence after hearing this. What do you think of him?

Of course he watched while standing, sitting, or lying down.

When Xiang Yu destroys the seven kingdoms, the Great Yu Kingdom will be bordering the Great Qin and the Han Dynasty. With Xiang Yu's current style, he is not a ruler who can keep his peace. Xiang Yu must continue to expand the strength of the Great Yu Kingdom and cause friction with the Great Qin and the Great Han. It is inevitable. The Seven Kingdoms are a buffer between the Han and the Qin. Three of them regard the Qin as the main country, and the other four regard the Han as the main country. Once the Great Yu destroys the Seven Kingdoms and directly borders the Han and Qin, Xiang Yu It would not be in the interests of the Han Dynasty or the Qin Dynasty to fall to any one of them. Now is not the time for princes to compete for hegemony, and it is not appropriate for the Qin Dynasty and the Han Dynasty to directly conflict.

Zhao Kuo said with a sharp tongue: Xiang Yu destroyed the seven kingdoms and once he fell to the Han Dynasty, the Qin Dynasty would be in big trouble.

After hearing this, Zhao Zheng continued to drink tea calmly, his eyelids drooped slightly, and he didn't seem to hear what Zhao Kuo said.

Xiang Yu is difficult to deal with. I have secretly collected information about this person. He is not an ordinary Jin Chi. He is a demigod with perfect blood. Zhao Zhengdao.

There is no need for Da Qin to take action, and there is no need for Da Han to take action. As long as Da Qin and Da Han express their stance to the Seven Kingdoms and ask the Seven Kingdoms to support me with all their strength, I will have a way to seal Xiang Yu. Xiang Yu is invulnerable, which is indeed very troublesome, but I can Use the armies of the seven countries to form a formation of tens of millions of people. I have a method called the Seven Stars Formation. With the help of the soldiers of the seven countries, I can set up this supreme formation and suppress Xiang Yu. Then use Beidou The Seven Stars and the Six Stars of the South Dipper took away Xiang Yu's lifespan and made him die in the formation. As long as Xiang Yu dies, the Yu Kingdom can be destroyed with just a few clicks. Zhao Kuo's eyes were full of ambition.

The Kingdom of Yu was the emperor of Zhou's spy between the Han Dynasty and the Qin Dynasty. It was a nail in the northwest land. If the Qin Dynasty or the Han Dynasty wants to make a difference, they must first pull out this nail. Otherwise, with the help of With the Great Yu Kingdom, the Emperor of Zhou could restrain everyone and prevent them from moving. Now is the best time to eradicate the Great Yu Kingdom. Although the Great Zhou royal family did not know why they turned a blind eye to the affairs of the Great Yu Kingdom and did not interfere, they missed this opportunity. If we have this opportunity, it will be difficult to eradicate the Yu Kingdom again. Zhao Kuo's tongue was as sharp as yellow, and Zhao Zheng couldn't help but feel moved when he said this.

Young Master, please think about it carefully. I will go to the Han Dynasty right away. I had an acquaintance with Liu Bang, the prince of Han Dynasty, in the past, and I was about to pay a visit. Zhao Kuo did not delay, and stood up and left directly.

Seeing Zhao Kuo walking away, Zhao Zhengcai slowly put down the tea cup: General Bai Qi.

Young Master. A figure walked out of the mountain, it was Bai Qi who sealed the Kunlun beast Lu Wu.

What do you think of Xiang Yu? Zhao Zheng asked.

With the help of the power of the Kunlun Mountain God, my subordinates may be able to compete with Xiang Yu. But Xiang Yu has copper skin and iron bones and an indestructible body. After all, my subordinates are still mortals and will lose one day. Bai Qi said respectfully.

Don't you have the power to seal all things? Zhao Zheng was curious after hearing this.

Bai Qi smiled bitterly: My subordinates can seal everything in the world, but they cannot seal the human race.

Xiang Yu is too defiant. He is immortal and undefeated. If we ask him to unite the seven kingdoms, we will definitely have an additional enemy. Zhao Zheng stood up and said, Send people to the Yu Kingdom. In my name, Da Qin, mediate disputes.”

Bai Qi was stunned: What if Xiang Yu angered the Qin Dynasty and turned to the Han Dynasty?

Is he that kind of person? Zhao Zheng asked.

Bai Qi was stunned by this question.

Xiang Yu is indeed not that kind of person.

It is the common will of all the major forces to oppress the Yu Kingdom to bow its head and open the restricted area. Xiang Yu must not be allowed to annex the Dragon Palace of Dongting Lake. The emperor's grandfather is about to die, and he needs the elixir of immortality in the Dragon Palace of Dongting Lake to extend his life. Here. Zhao Zhengdi muttered.

Bai Qi heard the words and went down the mountain to do it, leaving Zhao Zheng standing in the mountain, sighing leisurely: It is indeed a time of great strife. Even such immortal golden bodies have appeared. Our Great Qin Empire should take advantage of the situation and rise up. There must be no hesitation.”

Great Han Kingdom

Liu Bang was entertaining Cui Cancan from Zhenwu Mountain for tea in the mountains.

If Liu Bang wants to conquer the world, he needs the support of Zhenwu Mountain. If he can get the support of Zhenwu Mountain, he will almost get the support of 30% of the Qi Practitioner lineage, so it is very necessary for him to be a disciple of Zhenwu Mountain and to win over Cui Cancan.

Cui Cancan was complaining to Liu Bang at this time, scolding Cui Yu for not giving Zhenwushan face.

And Liu Bang caught the crux of the question: You mean Cui Yu took care of the golden light monster?

Anyway, after Cui Yu entered the territory of the golden light monster, the golden light monster suddenly disappeared. Cui Cancan said.

Liu Bang was silent when he heard this: How did he do it?

Cui Cancan was silent. How did he know how Cui Yu did it?

While he was talking, the guard at the foot of the mountain announced: Sir, Zhao Kuo is here to visit.

Zhao Kuo is here? Let him come in. He is defeated on the battlefield of Dayu Kingdom. He must be unwilling to accept it. He must be a lobbyist. Liu Bang showed a strange expression: Zhao Kuo is a military genius, known as the The most successful military strategist is the favorite of all the military disciples. If you can win over Zhao Kuo, you will win over the entire military strategist.

While he was talking, a person walked down the mountain, it was Zhao Kuo dressed in black.

Before anyone arrived, Zhao Kuo's complaint could be heard from a distance: Liu Bang, you bastard, why don't you apologize to me quickly?

Liu Bang asked curiously: Apologise to you? I didn't provoke you, why should I apologize to you?

Let me ask you, is Xiang Yu your brother-in-law? Zhao Kuo yelled.

Liu Bang was speechless when he heard this, and for a moment he didn't know how to speak.

As mentioned before, Xiang Caizhu had a sister who went to Qi Practitioner Daotong to seek Taoism, and she once made a marriage contract with a certain noble son.

Yes, it was Liu Bang who made the engagement.

I think back when Xiang Yan was still very popular in the capital of Dayu Kingdom and was regarded as the future prince by the entire Dayu Kingdom. At that time, in order to win over the Xiang family and gain a bargaining chip to subdue the Qin Empire on the battlefield, the Han Dynasty sent Liu Bang and Marriage of Xiang Yan's eldest daughter.

Later, Xiang Yan was implicated in the matter of the eldest princess of the Zhou royal family and was sent to the distant city of Daliang. However, Xiang Yan's eldest daughter went away to study under the mysterious Taoist priest, and the engagement between Liu Bang and Xiang Yan's children also ended. Give it up and no one mentions it again.

Liu Bang almost forgot about this incident, but he didn't expect to be hooked by Zhao Kuo.

According to Zhao Kuo's logic, he deserved the scolding because Xiang Yu was indeed his brother-in-law.

Come on, brother, calm down, I'll toast to you. Liu Bang smiled and put his arm around Zhao Kuo's shoulders, and then asked Zhao Kuo to sit down.

I said, if you want to take care of your brother-in-law, the sky will poke a hole in it. If you don't take care of it now, you won't have the chance to take care of it in the future. When he causes trouble, someone will definitely say, what are you doing? My brother-in-law's teachings are useless. Zhao Kuo cursed.

Looking at Zhao Kuo's expression, Liu Bang knew that Zhao Kuo was deliberately taking advantage of Xiang Yu. To be able to force the noble son Zhao Kuo into this state, it can be seen what Xiang Yu did.

He punched the old master to death.

Wangbaquan is the nemesis of all martial arts masters.

No matter what tricks you have, if I throw a bastard punch at you, can you block it? Tear or not?

If you tear it apart, the routine will be useless.

No tearing?

If the bastard punch comes over, you won't be able to use any tricks, so just wait to be beaten.

Seeing Zhao Kuo downing a glass of wine, Liu Bang said: To be honest, when I heard the news of your fall, I still can't believe it and thought there was some mistake.

Zhao Kuo's face turned purple when he heard this, and his body trembled with anger. After a long time, he cursed and said: Damn it, I have never seen this pervert, he is simply not a human being. It doesn't matter if you have thousands of troops and millions of troops, in front of him It seems to have no effect at all. He rushes into the formation alone. What is the difference between your army of ten thousand and your army of hundreds of millions? There are only a dozen or so people who can reach him. If you set up an army formation, he will go there specifically. You ran from your base camp, specifically to the crowd of your army, and asked you whether to kill or not? Those were all your army, all your comrades. They didn’t die in Xiang Yu’s hands, but they died in the hands of their own people. In his hands. The nobles who controlled the formation hesitated for a moment, but Xiang Yu caught the flaw and directly broke through the formation.

Furthermore, that fellow has mastered the law of force and used martial arts to achieve enlightenment. His magical power seems to be endless. He can exert a force of 129,600 kilograms with his hands and feet. That is already magical power. Even a military formation is composed of soldiers. Are there times when you are tired? But Xiang Yu doesn't know how to be tired at all, and forcefully exhausted the soldiers controlling the formation to death, causing the formation to break down. Even if you use the military formation to contain him, he will still be invulnerable to fire and water. , there is nothing you can do about him. Your soldiers always have to eat? They always have to rest, right? Once your soldiers are tired, what awaits you is a massacre. No matter how many strategies I have, no matter how many formations I have in mind, But facing a monster with no flaws, what can I do?

Zhao Kuo's voice was full of bitterness.

He felt that he was a little unjust. He was stunned by Xiang Yu's punch. By the time he reacted, the army of the Seven Kingdoms had already been defeated.

Is Xiang Yu really that strong? Liu Bang looked at Zhao Kuo in disbelief.

To put it bluntly, give me an army of millions, and even a saint can slaughter it for you. But facing that tireless monster, my strategy is of no use at all. Everything I have learned in the past seems to have become empty talk. . Zhao Kuo drank a large glass of wine, his eyes full of helplessness.

It's not that Zhao Kuo is incompetent, but that damn Xiang Mangzi is just too powerful.

You can't drag it to death, you can't beat it to pieces, no one can do anything about it.

It was no different from Zhao Kuo's fate.

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