In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 499: Hate the sky without handle, hate the earth without ring

Han Xin's plan sounds fanciful and unrealistic, but upon careful consideration, it is feasible.

Now is the only chance for Taiping Dao, the only chance to establish a true Taoist kingdom on earth.

As long as the seven major vassal states join forces and use all their strength, then it will be their chance.

And thinking about it carefully, Zhang Jiao felt that Han Xin's plan was very feasible.

He is just a qi practitioner. Even if he is selected by Huang Tian, ​​he cannot be said to be proficient in everything.

For example, Zhang Jiao is not proficient in leading troops in battle.

Zhang Jiao said goodbye to Han Xin and escaped all the way. In the blink of an eye, he arrived at the junction of Kunlun Mountain and Daliang City, three hundred miles away from Daliang City.

If Cui Yu were here, he would definitely be able to recognize it as the ruins of Xiaoli Village.

However, Xiaoli Village has been completely wiped out over the years, and there are no traces left.

I saw Zhang Jiao walking all the way to the ruins of Xiaoli Village, and then stopped in front of the well at the head of the village.

After all the changes in the world, who would have thought that the entrance to Dongting Lake would be here? Zhang Jiao shook his head and jumped directly into the well: We still need to raise the stakes to induce the Allied Forces of the Seven Kingdoms to come out, so that Han Xin can have the opportunity to take over the old nest of the Seven Kingdoms. .”

Han Xin still needs some time to train his troops. This matter is not urgent. I will prepare my backup plan in advance. There are four entrances to the ancient Dongting Lake. The entrance to Dongting Lake in Xiaoli Village has been suppressed by the power of time and has not been revealed for a long time. If the master hadn't pointed it out, I wouldn't have known that the entrance to the cave was actually here. When the master came to Xiaoli Village, he might have been looking for the entrance to Dongting Lake. Zhang Jiao disappeared into the darkness with a beeping sound.

Let’s talk about the hilltop where Cui Yu lived in seclusion

The big man who passed by Zhang Jiao walked through the dangerous mountains all the way to the place where Cui Yu was.

Brother Cui, I miss you so much. Xiang Yu looked at Cui Yu from a distance, his eyes full of joy.

Cui Yu looked at Xiang Yu and raised his eyebrows: Very strong! Xiang Yu is very strong now. All the laws around him seemed to be suppressed by it.

Looking at the beaming Xiang Yu, Cui Yu shook his head: The Yu Kingdom is about to be destroyed, can you still laugh?

As long as I am here and as long as you are here, Dayu will never be destroyed. Xiang Yu was very sure, his words full of confidence.

Does anyone know where you are? Cui Yu asked.

Of course no one knows. Xiang Yu shook his head.

Come on, I will improve your bloodline. I only hope that you can enter the realm of demigod this time and withstand 129,600 drops of divine blood, so that the Yu Kingdom can be saved. Cui Yu waved to Xiang Yu.

It should be noted that the innate gods and the great gods of bloodline origin cultivated by the human race are not the same thing.

What flows in the human race is the blood of ancient gods, which is more similar to the ancient times. In today's world, all innate species nurtured by heaven and earth are called innate gods.

But the innate gods and the Kaitian gods are different.

Can the first gods born at the beginning of the world be the same as the gods nurtured by mountains, rivers and rivers now?

And this also involves the bloodline passed down from the ancient times.

The bloodline people of this world are more capable of inheriting the sanctity of the prehistoric world.

Therefore, as long as Xiang Yu's blood transformation is completed, he will have the combat power of the Golden Immortal realm. As for the innate gods in this world, such as He Bo and others, even the innate gods are only at the peak of the Golden Immortal. They are not allowed to break through and are handcuffed by the shackles of heaven and earth.

Cui Yu didn't want to talk nonsense, and now was not the time to talk nonsense.

Cui Yu looked surprised when his fingers landed on Xiang Yu's shoulders. As expected of martial arts, Xiang Yu's training progress far exceeded Cui Yu's imagination. He had completely exceeded the upper limit and completely used the bloodline he had created before for his own use.

Cui Yu didn't say much and directly mobilized his own non-attributed divine blood to feed the blood of the ancient giant spirit god in Xiang Yu's body.

With the infusion of divine blood in Cui Yu's body, the blood in Xiang Yu's body began to transform rapidly, and the second-generation blood began to be quickly replaced by the blood of the innate god.

At the same time, a bronze light burst out from Xiang Yu's body. The bronze light helped Xiang Yu's physical body transform further. Some inexplicable changes occurred in Xiang Yu's whole person, and he could easily accommodate the transformed ancestral blood in his body.

Cui Yu looked at the bronze light emerging from Xiang Yu's body and called out in surprise: Golden body.

The word golden body refers broadly.

And this is not an ordinary golden body that is acquired through cultivation, but a golden body that is born from nature.

I just don't know what's so mysterious about this golden body. A thought flashed in Cui Yu's mind.

With the infusion of the innate divine blood, countless blood flows in Cui Yu's body, and his mastery of the innate divine blood seems to have improved.

After a day and a night passed, Cui Yu retracted his palm and looked at Xiang Yu, who was glowing bronze.

Xiang Yu succeeded!

A person who has achieved enlightenment through the law of force and reached the pinnacle of bloodline life will surprise the world.

So strong! Xiang Yu's whole body's light shrank, and he muttered as if he was in a dream.

How strong is it? Cui Yu asked.

He was a little curious.

It seems that even the sky can be broken, and the earth can be lifted up by me. Xiang Yu's body became taller, and his whole body grew by a third.

Hate the sky without a handle, hate the earth without a ring. A thought flashed in Cui Yu's mind.

What are your plans next? Cui Yu looked at Xiang Yu.

Enter the capital of Dayu, kill Xiang Shaolong, and then organize the forces in the capital of Dayu. Xiang Yu said this, with a cold look in his eyes: I want to separate the seven-nation coalition forces before they arrive at the capital of Dayu. Defeat them and make them sink in the sand halfway.

Zhao Kuo is indeed a good soldier. He did not bring the Seven Kingdoms Allied Forces together. Instead, he divided the Seven Kingdoms Allied Forces into seven groups and fought all the way towards Dayu Kingdom. They captured the seven great passes of Dayu Kingdom and defeated Dayu Kingdom. The seven dragon veins were suppressed.

In this way, it can avoid the seven-nation coalition fighting for territory, fighting with the same house, and fighting among themselves before the Yu Kingdom has reached its capital. It can also avoid being intercepted again after being discovered by Xiang Yu.

Now the army is divided into seven groups, and Xiang Yu is only one person. No matter how brave he is, he is weak and can only watch the destruction of Yu Kingdom.

Zhao Kuo used his troops like a god, but he was not a god after all. Unexpectedly, Cui Yu took action and greatly enhanced Xiang Yu's strength.

Moreover, Xiang Yu arrived at the capital of Dayu in advance, preparing to attack the enemy head-on and defeat seven different enemies.

Can you handle the next thing? Cui Yu looked at Xiang Yu with his eyes.

Leave it to me. If I can't handle it, it's God's will that the Yu Kingdom will perish. Xiang Yu looked at Cui Yu.

Okay, I'm going to practice in seclusion. Cui Yu looked at Xiang Yu: Before I go into seclusion, I have a few things to tell you. After you seize control of the Dayu Kingdom, you don't have to rashly ascend the throne and support a legacy left by the late emperor. Just make your offspring a puppet, and then figure it out slowly. As for the late emperor’s remaining son, I have already chosen it for you. You can just choose the three-year-old. After the disaster of Dayu Kingdom has been quelled, after the repeated requests of the ministers, Now, if the emperor takes the initiative to write an edict of abdication, you can legitimately inherit the throne.

Is it so troublesome? Xiang Yu frowned: I saved Dayu Kingdom and preserved Dayu Kingdom. Am I not enough to sit in the position of the leader of Dayu Kingdom?

People's hearts. Cui Yu looked at Xiang Yu: It's just my suggestion.

When you break through the limits of the Law of Power, are there any levels you need to pay attention to? Cui Yu asked.

You also want to follow the path of enlightenment through the law of force? Xiang Yu was stunned when he heard this, and looked Cui Yu up and down. How do you look like someone who wants to achieve enlightenment through force? His body is thin and frail, and there is no trace of him being able to achieve enlightenment through his strength.

Isn't it similar? Cui Yu asked.

Xiang Yu shook his head honestly: It's not similar at all.

When it came to the levels of achieving enlightenment through strength, Xiang Yu did not hide his secrets and taught Cui Yu one by one:

If you want to use force to achieve enlightenment, there are three levels. The first level is to feel the law of force. The second level is to transform the law of force into magical power. The third level is to refine the law of force. If you can pass these three levels, This is the threshold for entering the law of force. However, the most difficult thing is to refine the law of force. Every inch of skin and every drop of flesh and blood on the body will be imprinted by the law of force, and it will collapse if you are not careful. , turned into a pool of blood, so this third level is the most difficult and dangerous. If you want to pass the third level, your physical body must be strong, otherwise it will not be able to withstand the refinement of the law of force, and your physical body will have to be advanced in advance. collapsed.

Cui Yu kept asking about the key points. After he understood all the key points, he nodded thoughtfully.

Where is my sister? Xiang Yu asked.

Cui Yu pointed at the transforming Xiang Caizhu in the distance: She has already fallen into a state of transformation. It won't be long before she can become the top bloodline peak powerhouse in the world like you.

Xiang Yu's eyes lit up when he heard this.

There is no doubt that if Xiang Caizhu succeeds in his transformation, he will be the most powerful assistant to Xiang Yu, adding more chances to his victory.

Then Xiang Yu said goodbye to Cui Yu and left, leaving Cui Yu sitting on the top of the mountain, looking at Chen Sheng's scarecrow: It's almost! In three days, I can curse Chen Sheng to death, and then I can go into seclusion and practice.

Let's talk about Xiang Yu. He ran straight towards the capital of Dayu. Looking at the corpses on the battlefield, there was anger brewing in his eyes.

When they arrived at the city wall of the capital of Dayu, they saw Xiang Yu leaping up and landing on the top of the city before the guards could react.

Then Xiang Yu was like a yellow bullet, leaving shadows in the air and heading straight towards King Yu's city.

Xiang Shaolong, you traitor! How dare you disobey me, kill your father and kill your king, why don't you come out and die quickly! In just a few breaths, Xiang Yu had already arrived above the palace of Dayu Kingdom, standing alone On the eaves, his eyes were full of evil spirits.

Inside the Palace of Dayu

Xiang Shaolong was sitting in front of the light with a haggard mind and body, constantly reading the memorials and thinking about ways to break the situation.

Only when he actually sat in this position did he understand that the position of the leader of Dayu Kingdom was not as glamorous as it seemed on the outside.

Especially at this time, the country of Dayu was in turmoil due to internal and external troubles and could be destroyed at any time, making his life even more difficult.

At this moment, an angry roar came from the dark night, like thunder, and the ground of the Ouchi Palace continued to tremble.

Xiang Yu? Such a powerful force! Why is he here? Shouldn't he be guarding the border and fighting against the seven-nation coalition? Xiang Shaolong's heart suddenly trembled.

At this time, the guards outside the door moved quickly and surrounded the palace where Xiang Yu was.

The masters in the Ouchi Palace, as well as the old antiques of the Xiang family who were always nervous, flew out one after another, landed in all directions, and surrounded Xiang Yu.

The elders of the Xiang family looked at Xiang Yu and felt relieved that he was not a foreign enemy.

Xiang Yu, why did you come to Da Nei Palace to cause trouble? Aren't you guarding the border? Why did you leave your post without permission? An elder of the Xiang family looked at Xiang Yu, frowned involuntarily, and reprimanded:

Why are you making such a big fuss? Do you want to rebel?

Xiang Yu and Xiang Caizhu, the elders of the Xiang family, originally did not like them. If it were not for the fact that the two brothers and sisters were so talented, they would have been abandoned long ago.

Rebellion? I didn't rebel, but someone has. Xiang Yu's voice was cold.

If you are not fighting against the Allied Forces of the Seven Nations at the border, what are you doing back here? If the Allied Forces of the Seven Nations come in and break through the border defenses, you will be the sinner of the Xiang family. Another elder yelled at Xiang Yu.

Someone plotted to rebel against the government, but you turned a blind eye and came to accuse me. Now it seems that you old guys have joined the traitor? Xiang Yu couldn't help but feel chilled when he saw the attitude of the elders of the Xiang family. The murderous intention was even more serious. : I'll simply kill them all, so as not to become an obstacle to my ascending to the throne in the future.

These old guys have been unhappy with Xiang Yu for a long time, but they don't know that Xiang Yu is even more upset with these old guys.

Especially the humiliation he suffered in the clan's mansion, Xiang Yu will never forget it.

The king has been harmed by evil people, and I am here to clear him up. Whoever dares to stop me, don't blame me for ignoring blood ties and treating you all as traitors. Xiang Yu's voice was cold, and he took a step forward, stepping on the void. The palace forced him to come.

You bastard, are you going to rebel? I am your third grandfather, how dare you be rude to me? But an old man came forward angrily: Is there anyone in the capital of Dayu who rebels? Of course I am the Xiang family. When will it be your junior’s turn to take charge of the family’s affairs? Why don’t you quickly go back to the border to guard the Seven Kingdoms Alliance? If the Seven Kingdoms Alliance breaks through the encirclement, you are the only one to ask.”

Haha. Traitor! Xiang Yu looked at the third grandfather who was rushing over, his eyes full of coldness, and he punched out at the next moment.

A punch was thrown out, nothing unusual.

It was like an ordinary person throwing a punch.

But in the eyes of the third grandpa, Xiang Yu's punch was extremely domineering. It seemed to contain some extremely unique power. It could be compared to the great masters of the Imperial Realm. His soul was directly blasted out of the body by Xiang Yu. In an instant, his body It exploded, and the soul was shattered and dispersed between heaven and earth.

How can I, the leader of the Dayu Kingdom, occupy the position of a fatherless and kingless man who killed his father and killed his king? Xiang Yu's voice was cold.

In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

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