In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 498 Zhang Jiao Huangtian Formation

Since the people from Taiping Road arrived, Chen Sheng has not gotten better, but has become more and more drowsy. Now he is completely unable to wake up. He is as breathless as a gossamer and can only hang on with his last breath, just like the lesions of a chronically ill person. The anger is about to burst out, as if he could die at any time.

The situation is complicated now. There are soldiers from the Yu Kingdom outside, and the ten generals inside have their own thoughts at this time. If they are not careful, they will fall apart.

The army stopped in place and did not advance. Everyone knew that there was not much time left for them.

People's hearts are separated from each other. When they rebelled, everyone gathered around Chen Sheng for various reasons. Now that Chen Sheng has suffered an accident and seems to be dying of anger at any time, everyone must of course find a way out for their own future.

Now that the general has fallen into a coma, I am leaderless. I wonder how you can teach me? Nangong Quan, one of the ten generals, spoke, breaking the silent atmosphere in the tent.

Of course, according to the strategy that the general decided when he was awake, go to Daliang City and capture Daliang City. Then sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and watch the seven-nation coalition and the Xiang family lose. Wen Hong, one of the top ten generals, said. sentence.

Now and then, when the general was awake, we went to Daliang City, and we were able to conquer everything. Now that the general has fallen into a deep sleep, if we go to Daliang City again, can we really capture Daliang City? Listen? People say that Daliang City is a forbidden area, and Haoran's lineage is stationed in it. I'm afraid it won't be that easy to capture Daliang City, right? Han Xin took over.

Then what do you mean? Wen Hong frowned.

My suggestion is to take the initiative to join one of the Seven Nations Allied Forces, or join forces with the Seven Nations Allied Forces to form an alliance to conquer the capital of Dayu together. Nangong Quan spoke.

Surfing yourself to the Seven-Nation Alliance? No! Absolutely not! We cede the land and become kings and live a happy life. Why should we join the Seven-Nation Alliance? We are all from a reckless background. If we go to join the Seven-Nation Alliance, how can those people put us in the wrong place? In your eyes? If you go, you will have no choice but to be cannon fodder. After hearing this, Wen Hong immediately spoke out and objected with a very firm attitude.

Then tell me, if we don't surrender to the Seven-Nation Alliance, where will we go? Can't we just wait for death? How can we fight with the Xiang family without a general in charge? By then, it doesn't matter whether the Seven-Nation Alliance wins or the Xiang family wins. We will be spared. It’s better to stand in line now and establish a firm foothold. Nangong Quan retorted.

At this time, there was chaos in the big tent. The ten generals were arguing in the big tent because you couldn't convince me and I couldn't convince you.

Seeing this scene, Han Xinxin sighed slightly: The Road to Peace is over.

The ten generals left unhappy, and sure enough, they didn't wait long before the soldiers came back to report: General, Nangong Quan led an army of 800,000 people, took countless refugees, and turned back to the Seven Kingdoms.

Among the top ten generals, I don't know how many of them are spies planted by the outside world, or even spies planted by the seven major vassal states. Han Xin stroked the stubble on his chin.

Before Chen Sheng died, the army had already fallen apart.

What should we do now? The guard looked at Han Xin.

The general can't wake up, let's go. Han Xin stood up: Give me my order and those who are willing to follow me should sneak with me quietly and don't let the outside world know. Let's go find a place deep in the mountains. Training troops in the old forest, quietly waiting for the opportunity.

Han Xin touched the Qiankun bag in his sleeve, which was left to him by Cui Yu.

Cui Yu not only left him the Qiankun Bag, but also left him countless grains, enough for him to hide in a place to train his troops, and then unexpectedly ran thousands of miles to attack the Seven Kingdoms' lair.

If I want to destroy the Seven Kingdoms, I need the help of masters. I also need to contact the masters of Taiping Dao and use the masters of Taiping Dao to suppress the masters of the Seven Kingdoms. Han Xin's eyes were full of thoughts: I can't leave yet, I want to Wait for Zhang Jiao to come back.

Han Xin changed his order and asked the army to set up camp and train on the spot.

If you want to sneak attack on the seven vassal states, you can't do it without a master.

Han Xin had food and was not panicking at this time.

As the ten generals fell apart, each general led his army away, leaving only Han Xin, who led an army of 500,000, to stay in place.

General, a message has been sent back. Seven of the nine generals are spies from the seven vassal states. They led their armies to defect to the vassal states. The remaining two separatist parties have already proclaimed themselves kings and made themselves public. . The spies reported on the third day.

Han Xin looked at the letter in his hand and said nothing, feeling sorry for Chen Sheng in his heart. Seven of the ten generals under his command were spies from the vassal states. Counting himself, there were eight people who secretly wanted to stab him in the back.

It would be strange if Chen Sheng did not fall.

Even Zhang Liang saw that the situation was not good and disappeared into the crowd, not knowing where he ended up.

In the evening, Zhang Jue returned. Han Xin quickly asked Zhang Jue to sit down, but he saw Zhang Jue's face was gloomy, obviously he had heard the news.

Looking at the messy camp, with eighty-nine percent of the soldiers and horses missing, Zhang Jiao felt worried.

Traitors! They are all traitors! I, Taiping Dao, have promoted them, how can they betray them if they want to? They have gained benefits in my Taiping Dao, borrowed my Taiping Dao's hand, borrowed chickens to lay eggs, and they want to kick me away Are you going to live happily alone in Taiping Dao? Do you really think that Taiping Dao is made of mud? Zhang Jiao's heart surged with murderous intent.

This wind cannot last long!

If I don't use thunderous means today, how will I suppress those bastards in the future? In the future, Taipingdao will have a bigger problem, so won’t it be less of a deterrent?

The lives of those traitors were easy to obtain, but what was difficult was that the newly formed army of Taiping Dao was now falling apart. How should we go next?

The only way right now is to kill in the face of adversity. The Seven Kingdoms dare to betray their trust and directly dig up my Taiping Dao. Next, I will let them know how powerful my Taiping Dao is. I will bury them all in Dayu. Domestic! The hatred in Zhang Jiao's heart reached the extreme. These millions of troops and tens of millions of refugees all came for the Taiping Road, and now they are being picked off peaches. Is Zhang Jiao the kind of person who can swallow his anger? ?

The most important thing is that the other party picks peaches without any secret.

These people openly support Taiping Dao, but secretly none of them take Taiping Dao in their eyes. They are all just dealing with it on the surface. Zhang Jiao was furious in his heart, thinking about how to regain his position on the battlefield and bring everyone together. All were buried.

The key issue now is that the first fire that Taipingdao finally ignited will be extinguished inexplicably, and the frame he built will fall down. He will put it back up again, and then think about how to gain a foothold in the world. Build your own territory.

Strictly speaking, the seven vassal states have a cooperative relationship with Taiping Dao. Being stabbed in the back by one of their allies, the other party really doesn't give them any face.

It’s really infuriating!

Why don't you leave? Zhang Jiao looked at Han Xin.

I am helpless, where can I go with the army? Han Xin sighed with emotion.

Isn't it easy to follow the example of those two traitors and cede territory and make kings? Zhang Jiao asked.

But he saw Han Xin shaking his head: It's just self-destruction. When the Seven Kingdoms Allied Forces destroy Dayu, or Dayu takes care of the Seven Kingdoms Allied Forces, they will not let them go, and will take care of them. Only by following the Great Xianliang Master, only with the help of masters of Taiping Dao can we survive and preserve our foundation in this troubled world.

You are a smart man. It's a pity that they don't know such a simple truth. Zhang Jiao sighed: Without the support of Taiping Dao, although they have hundreds of thousands of troops, they are nothing more than ants. . As long as we send experts to assassinate them, we can take their lives. They don't understand such a simple truth.

Judging from your performance, it seems that you have read a book? Zhang Jiao asked.

Han Xin smiled bitterly: I was born in South Korea and am a descendant of Han Feizi. Unfortunately, I offended Dharma Saint Li Si and had to live in exile.

Zhang Jiao was stunned. He didn't expect that Han Xin had such a background, and he couldn't help but think highly of him.

Han Fei was imprisoned in the Shifang Merit Forest. Li Si suppressed Han Fei's bloodline. I didn't expect you to break out of Li Si's shackles and play a game of chess. It's really not easy. Zhang Jiao looked at Han Xin: I Let me test you, what do you think Taipingdao should do next?

Han Xin pondered for a moment after hearing this, then turned to look at the sleeping Chen Sheng: How is General Chen?

Him? He offended someone who shouldn't be offended, and I can't save him. Zhang Jiao replied.

Han Xin's heart trembled when he heard this, knowing that it was Cui Yu who took action, but he did not expect that his eldest brother's methods were so overbearing, and the great virtuous teacher returned without success. However, Chen Sheng's death was his chance to make a difference.

He knew that Zhang Jue asked him to speak at this time because he wanted to test himself, but he already had an idea in his mind: If I were a great teacher, I would wait until the seven vassal states came out to carve up Dayu, and then I would lead the army straight to the seven major kingdoms. The home of the vassal states. After all the masters of the seven vassal states are out, the country must be empty at this time. If we can sneak attack on the home of the seven vassal states, destroying one country can be the foundation of our peace. Destroying three kingdoms will be the cause of the king's hegemony. When the seven kingdoms are completely destroyed, he will become the king of vassals. If he advances, he can swallow up the whole world. If he retreats, he can dominate one area.

Zhang Jiao was stunned and looked at Han Xin blankly. He never expected that such earth-shattering words would come out of Han Xin's mouth.

So scary!

The hair on Zhang Jiao's body exploded as he said this, and he looked at Han Xin with horror in his eyes.

How can people have such wild ideas?


Is this a strategy that anyone can come up with?

When he was still thinking of leading the remaining troops to fight with the seven vassal states in the land of Dayu, everyone was thinking of sneak attacks on their lair and directly burning the flames of war to the other side's lair.

Zhang Jiao looked at Han Xin with horror in his eyes. He really didn't understand how a person could have such unreasonable ideas.

A sneak attack on the home bases of the seven vassal states? Taking advantage of the fact that the main force of the seven major vassal states was involved in the Dayu Kingdom, he destroyed the seven major vassal states, and then outflanked the Dayu Kingdom, killing all these people.

The tent fell into a deathly silence, and Zhang Jiao quickly weighed the feasibility of Han Xin's plan in his mind.

Although it sounds a bit absurd, but based on careful deduction, it is really possible. Zhang Jiao looked at Han Xin: All the seven major princes have our Taiping Dao spies, and there are many nobles who have secretly defected to our Taiping Dao. . If the main force of the seven major vassal states is involved in the Yu Kingdom, it is really possible for us to send troops with lightning speed.

How did you think of it? Zhang Jiao looked at Han Xin with his eyes. It was obvious that his heart was moved.

It was not a normal heartbeat, but his whole heart was beating wildly. He saw the opportunity to achieve the Taiping Road in one fell swoop, directly achieve the king's hegemony, and reach the sky in one step.

The teachings of Legalism are also applicable to the art of war. Han Xin said.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Jiao stared at Han Xin with his eyes. After looking at Han Xin for a long time, he said, I want to support you as the commander-in-chief of the new generation of Taiping Road. What do you think?

If I can be favored by a great sage, I will go through fire and water without hesitation, and I will conquer the seven vassal states as a general. Han Xin knelt down on one knee and pledged his allegiance to Zhang Jiao.

Zhang Jiao smiled when he heard this, patted Han Xin on the shoulder, and then slowly took out a leather scroll from his sleeve: This is the basic military formation of my Taiping Dao, and I will teach it to you today.

Military formation? Han Xin was stunned, suddenly raised his head, and looked at Zhang Jiao in disbelief.

That's a military formation!

Once you have a military formation, the possibilities are endless.

My Yellow Turban Formation in Taiping Dao can summon the Yellow Turban Warriors. If the Yellow Turban Warriors are trained to the extreme, they will have the strength to carry mountains and chase the moon. Even those who are masters of imperial edicts will stay away from the ultimate Yellow Turban Warriors. Worse still. , you can ask Huang Tian to come, and you will never miss the military formation of the Great Zhou Dynasty. If you want to destroy the Seven Kingdoms, how can you do it without the military formation? It is simply impossible to invade the Seven Kingdoms with those mud legs. This day The master promised that if you destroy the seven vassal states, you can be allowed to become the king. Zhang Jiao looked at Han Xin with his eyes.

He was thinking more than just this. Once Han Xin could really destroy the Seven Kingdoms, he could monopolize the ancient Dongting Lake Dragon Palace in Dayu.

I'm afraid I'll be able to master the Huangtian Dafa directly by then, right?

Don't worry, great virtuous master, I will fight to the death for you. Han Xin said respectfully.

I make a bet with you. As long as you can destroy one vassal state and prove that your idea can be realized, then all the Taiping Dao forces and layouts in the next six vassal states will be at your disposal. Zhang Jiaopai said. Patted Han Xin on the shoulder.

It is true that there is no way out despite the mountains and rivers, and there is another village with dark flowers and bright flowers.

He was originally thinking about the future path of Taiping Road. When he was having a headache, God sent Han Xin to him.

When the country is destroyed, the enemy must have masters, and the general will be afraid that he will not be able to cope with it. Han Xin hesitated slightly.

If we can really achieve great results, I will come personally. Zhang Jiao looked at Han Xin, his eyes full of burning light.

The war between Dayu and Yu is not fierce enough. I need to add some more material to them. A thought flashed in Zhang Jiao's mind:

How about releasing the aura of the Ancient Dragon Palace in Dongting Lake first? To stimulate the seven vassal kingdoms?

In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

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