Cui Yu is not a great monk, but Cui Yu has the great supernatural power to bring the dead back to life, and he is the most sensitive to people's spirits and physical opportunities.

Looking at the old dragon king's newly grown dragon claw, its muscles and bones were obviously not as strong as the leg he had eaten before.

This leg is newly grown and has not been tempered by the dragon essence and blood. The taste will definitely not be as good as the previous leg. Cui Yu thought thoughtfully.

Just like a newly grown arm, it is definitely not as strong as an arm that has been exercised for several years.

The old Dragon King's claws were created by Cui Yu's magical power. They have not been tempered by the dragon's essence and blood, and they seem to be no different from ordinary pork.

As the claws were shaped, you could see the old dragon king's blood flowing through them. The dragon claws that Cui Yuxin had molded were getting stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the muscles and bones were getting stronger.

Well, this is good! This way you can have a lot of dragon meat to eat. Cui Yu looked at the old Dragon King with a smile.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea looked at Cui Yu with eyes full of disbelief: Rebirth of flesh and blood! Rebirth of flesh and blood! You actually master such incredible means?

Is the means of rebirth of flesh and blood hard to come by?

Think about it, only the Empress Nuwa in the world can create humans. After Nezha's body was destroyed, he had to create a lotus root body.

The means of rebirth of flesh and blood is of course rare.

Who doesn’t have a few enemies these days?

Who is not injured?

It's common to lose your head, not to mention missing arms and legs.

Normally, when everyone loses an arm or a thigh, they are left disabled, and some people even have their path to spiritual practice cut off. Where can they find a way to regenerate a broken limb?

The old Dragon King looked at Cui Yu with disbelief in his eyes.

It's a pity that Cui Yu did not respond to the old Dragon King's words, but continued to use Gonggong's magical power to freeze the old Dragon King and seal it in ice!

Then he put the old Dragon King into the Qiankun in his sleeves. Cui Yu stroked the Qiankun in his sleeves, thinking deeply in his heart.

The power of Gonggong's bloodline cannot move the world within his sleeves.

Only Cui Yu's almighty divine blood can move the universe in his sleeves.

As Cui Yu practices day and night, Cui Yu's connection with the Qiankun in his sleeves becomes deeper and deeper, to the point where the Qiankun in his sleeves has gradually transformed from a silk mesh into a ball of gray energy.

Yes, it's just a cloud of gray air.

At this time, Qiankun in the sleeve is in a state of half energy and half object.

I don't know what other methods the great sage of the ape demon has waiting for Daliang City! Cui Yu turned around and glanced at the tide of beasts rushing out, with a serious look in his eyes: If the old Confucian scholar does not attain enlightenment, he will never be able to defeat the ape. The biggest hidden danger is the Demonic Great Sage.

Cui Yu wandered around, preparing to return to Daliang City to take charge of the overall situation, and rushed towards Daliang City.

Let's talk about the Monkey Demon Great Sage. The plain cloud flag in his hand turned into a stick as thick as an arm. His eyes looked in the direction of Daliang City, showing a hint of hesitation.

If you want to pry Daliang City, you can't just pry it casually. Only at key points can you pry the entire ground without causing the soil to break. The Ape Demon Great Sage was carrying a stick and thinking among the mountains.

Just like a person burying a stick in the soil, because the soil is too soft, it cannot be pried away with a little force, and the stick will be pressed out of the soil.

The Monkey Demon Great Sage scanned Daliang City with his eyes, and finally set his sights on a wilderness five miles outside Daliang City.

That is the best node that can leverage the entire Daliang City leyline, but it is in a forbidden area.

In other words, once he enters the forbidden area, if he encounters any accident, it will be enough for him to drink a pot.

Of course, he has a plain cloud flag, so he is not afraid of losing his life.

Although he has obtained the legacy of gods and demons in chaos, he is not a real demon. At this time, he has not yet integrated the true original laws of the demon, so it is still difficult to escape the shackles of the old Confucian scholar who imprisoned the world.

After thinking for a long time, the Great Monkey Demon finally carried a stick on his back and used a stone to grind a big stone hammer, and walked towards the outside of Daliang City.

After arriving at that node, the Monkey Demon Great Sage felt the breath in the air and couldn't help but frowned: What a disgusting place. The laws of heaven and earth were actually made false by the old Confucian scholar. When the monks arrived here, they just couldn't help but frown. If you can be bullied and humiliated by mortals, you are making yourself uncomfortable by coming here.

As the Ape Demon Great Sage spoke, he inserted the stick into the ground at a forty-five-degree angle according to the previously predetermined angle.

Then he picked up a big stone hammer and started smashing it.

After only three or five blows, the stick was already halfway in.

Then the Ape Demon Great Sage rolled up his sleeves and kept hitting the stick with a stone hammer.

He used a stone hammer to smash the stick into the soil, and the stick automatically grew by one point. Outside, I could see the great ape demon hitting the rocks with stones, but I didn’t see the stick sinking in. But I didn’t know

Although the Great Sage of the Ape Demon was suppressed by heaven and earth in strength, he himself is a different species from heaven and earth. Although he has lost his magical powers, the fundamental strength of his muscles, bones and skin can still produce hundreds of thousands of kilograms of force.

There is no doubt that the great sage of the ape demon demonstrated the Tao through force, and he definitely understood the existence of the law of force.

Cui Yu walked through the mountains and through the chaotic herd of animals, and saw the weird monkey in front of the Daliang City Gate from a distance.

The monkey was less than 1.5 meters tall. He was holding a stone hammer bigger than himself and smashed an iron rod on the ground.

The stone hammer was swung and the wind was roaring. When the passing beasts heard the terrifying roar, they all moved out of the way.

Cui Yu saw the Great Ape Demon. Of course, the Great Ape Demon also saw Cui Yu, but he ignored it and continued to smash piles on the ground.

What is this monkey doing? Cui Yu actually stepped forward to watch.

Seeing Cui Yu's actions, the Great Ape Demon looked at him impatiently, and the next moment he bared his teeth with a terrifying expression.

Cui Yu looked at the monkey's movements and expressions and only felt funny.

The next moment, he took out a piece of cake from his sleeve and threw it casually, hitting the monkey demon great sage on the head.

The Great Sage of the Ape Demon stopped swinging his hammer and looked at Cui Yu with a pair of eyes, showing a slightly confused expression.

Was he being fed?

who is he!

He, the great ape demon sage, was actually fed and thrown into death?

The ape demon bared his teeth in a sagely manner. The next moment, he grabbed a tiger that was running in front of him and swung it towards Cui Yu on the opposite side.

The roaring tiger weighs a thousand kilograms.

Of course Cui Yu didn't dare to accept it forcefully.

Regardless of whether the innate sword energy shatters the opponent's brain or freezes the opponent into a lump of ice, the thousand-pound tiger will still continue to smash him down, eventually smashing him into meat cakes.

So Cui Yu chose to dodge.

With the blessing and tempering of Gonggong's blood, his current physical reaction is pretty good.

The tiger let out a wail and knocked down a large number of the charging beasts, directly clearing a clean passage.

This monkey is so strong. Cui Yu looked at the Ape Demon Monkey King with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Cui Yu was surprised, but he didn't know that the Ape Demon Great Sage was also surprised.

If you pull out a ferocious tiger, ordinary people will never be able to escape it.

Even a monk who has lost his magic power will never be able to escape.

But Cui Yu escaped.

Then the Ape Demon Great Sage began to look at Cui Yu, his eyes fixed on Cui Yu, wondering if Cui Yu could still use the power of his magical bloodline.

Cui Yu looked at the Ape Demon Monkey King and thought the monkey was very interesting and weird.

I offer you my kindness with good intentions. It's fine if you don't accept it. Why are you still so angry? You really don't know what is good and what is evil. Cui Yudi mumbled.

He was now even more curious about this monkey.

The next moment Cui Yu strolled forward, the extremely cold air surged out. As Cui Yu's gaze focused on it, the monkey's body began to stiffen, and streaks of frost appeared on its hair.

Who can not like such an interesting monkey?

Moreover, during this catastrophe, a monkey was smashing the ground and shaking a stick. Is it strange for you?

So Cui Yu became obsessed with this monkey.

The extremely cold air circulated, and the monkey had no time to react. In an instant, it turned into an ice sculpture and was sealed by the ice air.

Inside the frozen sculpture, the great ape demon felt the cold air that was constantly attacking his body, with a look of disbelief in his eyes: This cold air?

Although weak, it is extremely pure.

It is so pure that even if there is only a trace of it, it can still exert incredible power.

Even the bloodline of the ancient demon ape in my body stagnated in the face of this quintessence of cold air, exuding a smell of crisis. The Great Ape Demon was shocked.

His bloodline is that of the ancient Chaos Demon Ape, but now he is frightened by a ray of cold air. What does this mean?

This shows that the nature of this ray of power is much more advanced than one's own bloodline.

So the monkey demon great sage was shocked.

But unfortunately, this ray of cold air was too weak.

Moreover, he also refined the innate plain cloud flag, and had the power of innate Taisu to protect his body. The cold air was refined by the power of Taisu, and then the Ape Demon Great Sage returned to normal, but he still acted like he was frozen. posture, quietly waiting for Cui Yu to walk in.

Seeing Cui Yu getting closer and closer, looking at himself and the stick with curiosity, the next moment the ape demon great sage suddenly rose up and suddenly rushed towards Cui Yu.

As long as he is asked to hug Cui Yu, with his tens of thousands of kilograms of strength, Cui Yu will definitely be torn into two pieces.

What a sin! You can actually plot against someone? Cui Yu glared at the Ape Demon Monkey King with a hint of horror in his eyes.

Seeing that the Great Sage of the Ape Demon was about to hug him, Cui Yu used True Water Formlessness at the next moment and appeared directly behind the Great Sage of the Ape Demon.

A ray of innate sword energy burst out from the fingertips in his body, like a winding poisonous snake. After circling in the air, it came to the back of the Ape Demon Monkey King in an instant and was about to disembowel the Monkey Demon Monkey King. Belly.

Innate Sword Qi!

! The voice of the Monkey Demon Great Sage was full of disbelief: Do you have an innate divine sword? You actually have an innate divine sword!

The voice of the Great Monkey Demon now turned into the angry squeaking of a monkey.

Seeing that the wisp of sword energy was about to pierce into the skin of the Great Ape Demon, the next moment a wisp of white air flowed around the body of the Great Ape Demon. The white air flow instantly decomposed into thousands of threads, and then the thousands of threads intertwined, In a few breaths, it turned into a piece of white cloth, rotating around the Ape Demon Monkey King, and actually dissolved Cui Yu's sword energy.

It’s a plain cloud flag!

The flag of the innate plain cloud flag is in the body of the great sage of the ape demon. Thousands of silk ribbons are decomposed and shuttled inside the body of the great sage of the ape demon. While being tempered by the great sage of the ape demon, it is refining the gods and demons in the body for the great sage of the ape demon. skeleton.

However, although the flag of the plain cloud flag was in the body of the Monkey Demon, it was not separated from the flagpole. Instead, the two were still connected together in an incredible and indescribable way.

Then the white cloth turned into a white light and swept towards Cui Yu, trying to wrap Cui Yu.

Cui Yu didn't recognize the plain cloud flag, and he didn't see the flow of innate energy. He just thought that the white light was the monkey's magical power, and couldn't help shouting: What a magical power!

The next moment, Cui Yu dodged. The cloth was so fast that Cui Yu couldn't dodge at all.

Seeing that he was about to be wrapped in the weird cloth, Zhen Shui Wulian hurriedly used it and appeared behind the Ape Demon Monkey King again, and at the same time cut off the Monkey Demon Monkey King's head with a sword.

Feeling the murderous intent on his back, the Ape Demon Great Sage was frightened and rolled on the ground, causing Cui Yu to miss with his sword. Then the white chain returned to the body of the Great Ape Demon, guarding the Great Sage.

At this point, the two of them stopped moving. You looked at me and I looked at you, both eyes were full of caution.

Cui Yu was too lazy to pay attention to this weird monkey, and then left with fear in his heart.

Looking at Cui Yu's back, the Ape Demon Great Sage had no expression on his face. It wasn't until Cui Yu walked into Daliang City that he saw the Ape Demon Great Sage continue to pick up the stone hammer and beat it on the ground.

Climbing the tower, Cui Yu looked at the monkeys banging sticks among the beasts from a distance, and said thoughtfully: What a weird monkey.

Daliang City gradually restored order, the wild beasts were cleared out, and the new elites belonging to Daliang City were also beginning to be formed at this time.

Those who can survive the tide of beasts are undoubtedly the lucky ones who have a few brushes or are favored by God.

Moreover, everyone had a tacit understanding because of their cooperation, and under the command of the disciples of Haoran's lineage, they easily formed a team.

Cui Yu saw Gao Dachong in the crowd. At this time, Gao Dachong was busy working hard to re-establish and organize the new order of Daliang City.

The corpses left by those wild beasts are the best gifts for the people of Daliang City.

In another seven or eight days, I should take away his last soul. Cui Yu looked at Gao Dacong with a hint of contemplation in his eyes.

At this moment, he discovered that Gao Dachong seemed to look very similar to someone.

Much like the protector of the Sanhe Gang: Gao Dasheng.

Cui Yu's eyes were full of surprise: Are these two still connected?

The Sanhe Gang's hand is stretched too far. Cui Yu secretly replied.

Cui Yu walked through the street, and all the disciples of Haoran's lineage kept greeting Cui Yu respectfully when they saw him.

There is no doubt that Cui Yu has made the disciples of Haoran's line see his strength through a series of performances.

Cui Yu used his own ability to win the respect of countless disciples of Haoran's lineage.

The shouts of nephew and junior brother made Cui Yu feel a little drifting in his heart.

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