Just like now, Cui Yu grilled a dragon leg. The dragon leg was very big, several meters in size. If it weren't for the collapsed houses everywhere, Cui Yu really couldn't find a suitable place to barbecue.

As Cui Yu grilled the dragon legs, a strange aroma spread between heaven and earth.

The people in Daliang City didn't think anything of it, but the wild beasts and poisonous insects in Daliang City started to become restless at this time. They attacked each other, killed each other, and blood flowed like rivers in a short time.

The situation in Daliang City was instantly reversed.

The disaster in Daliang City is finally over!

Inside Baicaotang

Zhang Liang and his party stood in the ice, their bodies trembling with cold.

At this time, Zhang Liang was wrapped in a thick layer of clothes and said angrily: You guys with lumpy heads, I can't explain to you at all. What ability does Cui Yu have? Why did he win the Dragon King of the East China Sea? Surely? Is he an innate demon?

Zhang Liang muttered in the yard, his words full of dissatisfaction.

He is the true pride of heaven, a powerful man who stands at the top of this world, but now he is trapped in the small Daliang City without knowing whether he will live or die. He has no control over his own life. How can he not be impatient?

Then Cui Yu is just a lucky boy. Do you really think he can achieve anything big? With your eyesight, have you seen any great masters? Have you seen those races that defy the heavens? Do you know what the Dragon Clan is? Even the Dragon Clan. It is a newly born young dragon, and it is much stronger than the powerful Yuan Shen realm of the human race. The power of the dragon race is beyond your imagination! Do you know what a dragon king is? The old dragon king in the East China Sea has lived for at least tens of thousands of years ! Do you know the concept of tens of thousands of years? Zhang Liang was babbled at this time, and he kept spewing nonsense.

He wants to escape!

Escape from Daliang City!

Being in Daliang City was a kind of torture for him, from physical to mental torture.

Zhang Liang decided not to come to Daliang City even if he died.

This feeling of losing your life at any time and having your life in someone's hands is simply so satisfying.

Zhang Liang was filled with impatience at this time. It was precisely because he stood high and saw far that he knew how powerful the Dragon King of the East China Sea was and how desperate Daliang City was now.

The tide of beasts has receded! The tide of beasts has receded! Those beasts are killing each other! Those beasts are killing each other!

Just when Zhang Liang was trying to convince everyone in the courtyard, he suddenly heard a disciple from Haoran Academy shouting loudly, his voice full of ecstasy.

Really? Everyone in the yard was overjoyed when they heard this, and they all followed the stairs and climbed up the ice wall.

When they saw that the beast tide outside the yard had subsided, lions and wolves were attacking each other, tigers and hunting dogs were biting each other, everyone's eyes showed a hint of excitement.

It is impossible for the Dragon King of the East China Sea to cancel the attack on his own initiative, which means Cui Yu succeeded!

Impossible! Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Zhang Liang pushed away the crowd and quickly climbed up the wall. He stared blankly at the hyenas biting outside the alley, his eyes full of disbelief.

Why? Why did he do it? Why did he do it? Zhang Liang's eyes were full of shock: Is the Dragon King of the East China Sea made of clay? Or is the name of the Dragon King of the East China Sea just blown up by people?

The title of Dragon King of the Four Seas was blown out, right? After all, no one has ever seen the Dragon King of the Four Seas take action. This thought suddenly popped into Zhang Liang's mind.

It's right to think about it. If the Dragon King of the Four Seas was really that powerful, would he be driven out of China by the human race?

At this moment, Zhang Liang's thoughts began to spread: Could it be that all the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas are just the same?

As he was talking, he saw a familiar figure outside the alley. The figure walked casually from a distance, followed by a large group of people, using carts, horses and mules to transport huge ice cubes.

Tell me, how did you do it? How did you do it? Zhang Liang jumped directly from the ice wall and fell next to Cui Yu. He stared at Cui Yu with his eyes full of fear. A look of confidence.

What are you talking about? Cui Yu looked at Zhang Liang.

Dragon King of the East China Sea!

! How did you convince the Dragon King of the East China Sea to retreat from the beast tide? Zhang Liang grabbed Cui Yu's shoulders.

Has the tide of beasts receded? No wonder all the beasts started fighting on their own and ran out of the city while I was walking. I haven't even seen the Dragon King of the East China Sea, so what chance do I have to lobby the Dragon King of the East China Sea? Cui Yu looked at Zhang Liang opened the opponent's hand and said, Let's put the bet between you and me at this point.

Cui Yu is in a good mood now.

He ate a dragon leg, and one of his six internal organs was completely tempered.

According to this speculation, as long as he eats the Dragon King of the East China Sea, he can hit the third level of martial arts: the martial arts heavenly being.

When the time comes, he will be able to challenge the martial arts heavenly beings, and with the help of the power of heaven and earth, he will be able to understand the true secret of the operation of the power of heaven and earth.

Come, transport the ice cubes to the yard for me. Cui Yu urged Lifu and kept transporting the ice cubes to the yard.

The ice was so turbid that it was impossible to see what was frozen inside.

Junior brother, why do you smell so good? There seems to be a strange fragrance circulating? Wang Yi came over and asked curiously.

The peculiar fragrance was from the roasted dragon legs. The dragon meat was so fragrant that it spread continuously out of the body along the pores of Cui Yu's skin.

The dragon meat seems to have a unique energy, which flows along Cui Yu's body, is stored in Cui Yu's blood, and slowly spreads out along the pores.

It is a unique fragrance that anyone who has smelled it will never forget.

Anyone who has smelled the cigarettes of Fenghuang Sun will never forget the smell of Fenghuang Sun.

After transporting a group of eagles and raptors to the yard, Cui Yu watched seven or eight Lifu pushing the huge ice block behind him. The Dragon King of the East China Sea was sealed in the ice block.

However, the ice cubes formed by rainwater were so turbid that no one could see through the ice cubes to see what was in the ice cubes.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea is not dead, so he still has not recovered his dragon form.

In addition, he was bound by the dragon-binding chain, so he couldn't break free at all, and he still maintained his human form.

When Cui Yu saw Lifu putting the ice cubes away, he called out again and asked for a carriage to be transported outside Daliang City.

Looking at Cui Yu's back, Wang Yi exclaimed: He is truly a god!

Zhang Liang didn't say anything, he just stood there in despair, staring blankly at Cui Yu's back, with one thought in his mind: Are all the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas just like this?

This was the only thought in his mind at this time.

Otherwise, how could the mighty Dragon King of the Four Seas be defeated by a nobody?

Outside Daliang City

In the nameless valley

There was deathly silence in the mountains, no more birds chirping or wolves howling.

Huang Shigong and the Ape Demon Great Sage were sitting in the mountains, with a chessboard in front of them, and they were slowly playing chess. On the side, He Bo was silent and kept playing with a little rabbit.

Suddenly at a certain moment, the two of them stopped moving, turned their heads and looked into the distance, and both fell into silence.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea has failed! The beasts in Daliang City ran away. Looking at the defeated army, it is obvious that the Dragon King of the East China Sea has lost control. Huang Shi was fair.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea's supernatural power ranks among the best in the world. How could it be destroyed in a small Daliang City? What kind of terrifying thing is there in Daliang City? A rare look of solemnity appeared in the eyes of the Ape Demon Great Sage.

Then the two of them lost interest in playing chess. They both threw the chess pieces on the chessboard and looked at Daliang City with both eyes, waiting for the information about Daliang City sent by the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

In the eyes of the two of them, although Daliang City is a dragon's den and a tiger's den, the Dragon King of the East China Sea has an innate physical body that is powerful and has innate spiritual treasures to protect his body. Even if he encounters danger in Daliang City, he will not be unable to escape.

The two of them sat on the mountain and fell into silence as they watched the wild beasts escaping from Daliang City.

The mountains were filled with deathly silence for an unknown amount of time. Suddenly, a strange fragrance drifted over from the direction of Daliang City.

This scent is so unique that anyone who has smelled it will never forget it.

What smells so good? the Great Ape Demon asked subconsciously.

Dragon meat! This unique aroma can only be found in dragon meat! Huang Shigong said. Don't ask him how he knew. An old guy who has lived for so many years must have tasted dragon meat.

But this was the first time he encountered dragon meat with such a strong aroma.

That scent came from Daliang City! Huang Shigong subconsciously looked at Daliang City, and then swallowed.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea hasn't come out of Daliang City yet, has he? The ape demon great sage's body was straightened, and his orifice was shrinking continuously.

Is it baked? Is it so miserable? Huang Shigong answered.

He Bo glared angrily.

Huang Shigong quickly changed his words: Don't panic! Don't panic! The one who was roasted might be the Third Prince Long!

The great ape demon shuddered.

Regardless of whether the person being roasted was the Dragon King of the East China Sea or the Third Dragon Prince, the situation at this time looked bad.

I don't care, the Dragon King of the East China Sea must be rescued! He Bo was anxious.

He invited the Dragon King of the East China Sea. If the Dragon King of the East China Sea dies here, how will he explain to the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea?

So He Bo looked at the Great Monkey Demon with his eyes and couldn't help but become anxious. Now that the Dragon King of the East China Sea was involved, things were in big trouble.

The Ape Demon Great Sage was also scratching his head: Don't look at me. If I had the ability to enter Daliang City, I would have gone in long ago. When Donghai Dragon Lord wanted to enter Daliang City, I tried to persuade him, but he just didn't Listen to my advice. Now that I'm trapped in Daliang City and being roasted, can you blame me?

If you hadn't instigated the destruction of Daliang City and stolen the Third Prince Long, how could this have happened? He Bo said angrily.

The Great Monkey Demon was speechless upon hearing this.

Facing He Bo's glare, the Ape Demon Great Sage raised his head and looked at the starry sky: Why don't I bring a star and directly smash Daliang City down. Daliang City is destroyed, and the characters hidden inside will eventually come out. Alright?

You moved to Xingchen? I'm afraid it won't take three to five years. By then, even the bones and dregs will be gone. He Bo said angrily.

After hearing what He Bo said, the place became solemn and everyone was silent.

Actually, it is very simple to destroy Daliang City. At this moment, Huang Shi publicly spoke.

Sometimes, the ones who are most cruel to you are not your enemies, but your own kind.

He Bo and the Monkey Demon Saint both looked at Huang Shigong.

If you simply raise the ground with a radius of hundreds of miles, or crack a hole in the ground, causing the fire and lava to spurt out, will Daliang City be destroyed? Huang Shigong said lightly.

The monkey demon great sage looked hesitant when he heard this: Changing the heaven and earth without authorization is interfering with the movement of heaven. This is a cause and effect karma with great cause and effect. In the future, when disaster strikes, it will definitely be liquidated by heaven and earth.

The Monkey Demon Great Sage was hesitant.

What people fear most in practice is cause and effect, especially the cause and effect with heaven and earth.

Normally you don't show off, but once the karma comes to your door, you will be punished and you will die without a complete body.

Heaven and earth have worked hard and spent an unknown amount of money to create this flawless world, but you used your magical power to destroy it?

If the world is not looking for you, who is it?

Not only is heaven and earth looking for you, but they are also trying to settle your accounts in the future.

This is the only way, otherwise the Dragon King of the East China Sea will really die in Daliang City, and then your Laolao Mountain will be besieged by the Dragon Clan. He Bo looked at the Ape Demon Monkey King with his eyes.

The method has been laid out before you, it just depends on whether you follow it and whether you want to do it or not.

Of course the Monkey Demon didn't want to do that, but facing the aggressive He Bo, he could only walk down the mountain with his stick on his back with a melancholy look.

He Bo was his friend, and the Dragon King of the East China Sea also had a good relationship with him. Of course, he couldn't fall out with him, let alone sit idly by when he saw the other person in danger.

After all, he was the one who started all this.

The Great Ape Demon felt bitter in his heart, but the Great Ape Demon could not explain it.

If I had known earlier, I might as well have just pried the earth veins. What did the Third Prince of Dragon Stealing do? He ruined my reputation for nothing. The Ape Demon Great Sage stood on the mountain and looked around, constantly observing the direction of the earth veins, and finally determined one of them. After reaching the key point, he jumped and disappeared among the mountains.

Cui Yu asked the coachman to drive the carriage all the way out of Daliang City, and after walking for dozens of miles and out of the forbidden area, he sent the group of coachmen back.

Feeling the gradually reviving divine power in his body, Cui Yu waved his sleeve and put the Dragon King of the East China Sea into his sleeve.

By eating a leg of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, my cultivation has already completed one of the six internal organs, and even the foundation of the five internal organs is deeper. If I eat the complete Dragon King of the East China Sea, wouldn't my foundation be even stronger?

Thousands of thoughts flashed in Cui Yu's heart, and he took out the Dragon King of the East China Sea from his sleeve as if he was remembering something.

Bitch thief, kill me if you can! The ice around the Dragon King of the East China Sea melted, and blood flowed from the severed limbs. At this time, the Dragon King of the East China Sea glared at Cui Yu, his eyes filled with anger.

You old Dragon King are really ungrateful. I spared your life, so you're just ungrateful. You even cursed me. But who am I to be generous? I don't have to argue with you! Cui Yu used his magical power and saw the old Dragon King's severed limb. The flesh sprouts squirmed, and soon the entire dragon claw grew back.

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