In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 377 Chen Lu I think I can do it again

Although Chen Lu could not be seen, a group of people still blindly drove away with the secret method, obviously unwilling to give up the sword.

And even though that person was wearing a bamboo hat, there were only a handful of people in the world who could evade light at such a speed. As long as you look carefully in the future, you can always find the whereabouts of the sword.

Let's talk about Cui Yu. He looked at the sword flying away, then threw away the ax and left cursing.

When he reached a place where no one was around, Cui Yu stretched out his hand and saw that the sword had fallen into Cui Yu's hand.

At this time, the divine light of the sword was restrained, and it was inserted into the scabbard without any abnormality.

The sword body is made of an unknown material. It looks like jade, but it doesn't have the warmth of jade. Like ironwood, but not as cold as ironwood.

The sword body is made of neither gold nor jade, and it feels like warm jade that has lasted for thousands of years.

There was a ball of tassel hanging on the hilt of the sword, which was constantly swaying like a stream of light.

The sword body was covered in a scabbard, and all the sword energy was contained within the sword.

Cui Yu looked at the sword with a sudden look in his eyes: It turns out that this sword does not have a scabbard, but the color of the scabbard is unique and changes with the light. So at a glance, ordinary people would think that there is no scabbard.

The scabbard is blue, and combined with the green light when it is activated, it makes people think that there is no scabbard.

The scabbard is filled with innate energy, making it impossible to see clearly at first glance.

Is this the Seven Star Sword? Chi You emerged from Cui Yu's shadow and looked at the sword with curiosity.

The Seven-Star Sword is the Supreme Saint’s real weapon for refining demons.

Items such as diamond bracelets and fairy ropes are just decorations on clothes in life.

Cui Yu's eyes were filled with joy as he stroked the sword, feeling that he had an inexplicable connection with the sword in front of him.

This is an innate sword. If it falls into your hands, you will be blind. You cannot control this innate sword at all. Why don't you give this sword to me for safekeeping. I can help you at the critical moment. Chi You came forward and said.

Cui Yu ignored the other party and stroked the sword in his hand, trying to pull the sword out, but he could not shake the sword at all.

Thinking of the sword-raising techniques taught by Master Tongtian, Cui Yu stroked the innate sword in his hand. The next moment, the divine power in his body activated, and a stream of power was poured into the innate sword.

Although Cui Yu had hundreds of drops of divine blood at this time, it was just a drop in the bucket for the innate sword.

Master Tongtian's sword-raising technique is very unique. He uses people to nourish his sword, and he uses his sword to nourish people. In the end, the man and the sword become one, and they can see the way of the sword.

The art of raising swords is simple, but it also contains the most profound principles in the world, and the achievements are immeasurable and completely depend on the sword obtained by the practitioner.

The better the quality of the sword you obtain, the greater your future achievements will be.

Cui Yu stroked the innate sword and kept chanting incantations. As he stroked the sword, under the infusion of divine power, Cui Yu actually had a faint connection with the sword.

A message came from the sword: Seven-star sword, forty-eight levels of innate restraints, the main killer!

There is no control formula for the Seven Star Sword. It seems that the Seven Star Sword has been mastered for a long time and has obtained the control formula.

However, the sword-raising techniques left by Master Tongtian are enough to mobilize the Seven-Star Sword, but it is a bit troublesome to mobilize, and it all depends on the hard work of water grinding and ink, tempering it bit by bit.

Along with Cui Yu's sacrifice, the mark of the innate divine sword on Cui Yu's back melted and turned into a wisp of pure innate sword energy, which descended from the back and landed in Cui Yu's Dantian.

This ray of sword energy is the foundation for Cui Yu to master the innate divine sword.

Cui Yu used this wisp of sword energy to continuously communicate with the Innate Divine Sword, absorb the sword essence of the Innate Divine Sword, and incorporate the sword essence of the Innate Divine Sword into his body. Finally, Cui Yu mastered the complete sword prohibition.

The ray of innate sword energy that Cui Yu now masters is nothing more than a telepathic communication with the innate sword.

Then Cui Yu took out a piece of cloth from Qiankun in his sleeve, carefully wrapped the Innate Divine Sword, and then carried it on his back.

When practicing the Sword Raising Technique, you cannot put the sword into Qiankun in your sleeve, but you must carry it with you at all times.

What Cui Yu has to do is to continuously transfer the forty-eight levels of restrictions in the Seven Star Sword into his body, or use his own sword energy to simulate the forty-eight levels of innate restrictions.

Cui Yu can simulate several levels of the innate divine sword's restrictions, and he can fully master almost 0% of the innate divine sword's power.

Seeing that Cui Yu had snatched a ray of origin of the Seven-Star Sword and turned it into sword energy, which was connected to the Seven-Star Sword, Chi You's expression couldn't help but change: Impossible! This is an innate treasure, how can you have the formula to sacrifice an innate treasure? ?”

The formula for sacrificing innate treasures was still a very precious thing even in the age of the ancient demon god.

Will Cui Yu explain to the other party about Lord Tongtian?

Of course Cui Yu wouldn't, but got up and rushed towards Daliang City.

The Kunlun Mirror was taken away by me, and the Innate Divine Sword also fell into my hands. It can be said that I am the biggest winner.

There is also a plain cloud flag. Cui Yu felt a little regretful.

Stop! The plain-colored cloud flag is not something you can decide now. At least you have to wait until you have completely refined the innate divine sword before you have the opportunity to make the idea of ​​the plain-colored cloud flag. The plain-colored cloud flag forms its own innate formation. Even if the saints want to break through, it will take a while, let alone you. Chi You followed Cui Yu, his eyes staring at the sword behind Cui Yu, with a hint of envy in his eyes.

If I had the Innate Divine Sword in my hand, how could I be afraid of those little Karami? It’s not like they kill each other!

Have good dealings with this guy! You must have good dealings with this kid! Chi You looked at Cui Yu's back and began to change his mind: This guy is a bit evil. It's like being a child of fate and a person who is destined to be robbed. How can he not offend? It’s better not to offend.”

Cui Yu walked away with the divine sword on his back, but he didn't know that Chen Lu was showing up in a mountain col.

Touching the innate divine sword in her hand, feeling the energy of the innate divine sword that seemed to be able to kill all things and kill gods and demons, Chen Lu felt that she was doing well again.

With this innate divine sword, even if the saint comes, I will not be afraid. I just hold this innate divine sword to bring the Haoran lineage under control and become the new leader of the Haoran lineage. Saint Li, you Look down on me! Yan Qu, you are purely using me and have never thought of supporting me! I will make you pay the price!

I will first refine the Innate Divine Sword. After I master the Innate Divine Sword, I will go to Daliang City to stir up trouble. Chen Lu's eyes were full of coldness.

He originally wanted to leave Daliang City in embarrassment, but now it seems that there is no need.

Cui Yu walked into Daliang City and looked at the people coming and going. He felt that the atmosphere in Daliang City seemed to have changed.

The originally anxious atmosphere turned out to be somewhat peaceful at this time. Countless disciples of the Haoran lineage were preaching on the streets, promoting the great path of the Haoran lineage.

Cui Yu's eyes were filled with wisps of sword energy, and he was always sensing the innate divine sword behind him. He was walking on the street with the innate divine sword on his back, when suddenly a shrill female scream came from the distance.

Then Cui Yu felt his eyes blurred. A girl with blood on her head, a bruised nose and a swollen face stumbled over from a distance and ran into Cui Yu's arms.

Then Cui Yu felt his chest move, and there seemed to be something in his arms.

At this time, Fan Zeng came angrily with a group of people from a distance, rushed forward, kicked the girl to the ground, and stamped the girl's hair on the ground with a fierce look:

Hand over the Jushen Fist Manual!

Master, this little girl doesn't know anything about the Jushen Fist Manual. Please do a good job and let me go. The girl lay on the ground, with a bruised nose and swollen face, and wisps of blood seeping out from her mouth and nose. The skin on his body was bruised and purple, and he no longer looked intact.

The surrounding crowd looked at the ferocious group of people and quickly moved away, leaving a space in the middle.

Cui Yu didn't want to cause trouble, so he backed away. He only took a few steps back when he suddenly heard Fan Zeng's ferocious laughter:

Little girl, don't pretend to be stupid! If we didn't get the exact information, how could we come to you to cause trouble for you? I tell you, someone above told me that we must get the Jushen Fist Book from you. If you are sensible, Hand over the boxing book, hello to us, hello to me, hello to everyone, let's save your life and sell you to a brothel, at least you can survive. But if you don't know what is good and what is good, then you can't blame us, we can only ask you to survive. You can’t die without asking for it.”

Uncle, I really don't have the Jushen Fist Book. Please! Please let me go! The girl kept kowtowing.

I've seen it all. You hid the Jushen Fist Book in your arms, why don't you take it out quickly! The big man grabbed the girl's clothes and began to fumble with his hands with a lewd smile.

Seeing the hand stretched out by the strong man, the girl's face turned pale: Stop! If you dare to be rude to me, my great-grandfather will never let you go. My great-grandfather is the famous great monk Zilu of the Haoran lineage. You guys These people dare to be rude to me without knowing anything about life and death, are they really getting tired of life?

Hahaha, you, a little girl who doesn't know how to lie, actually got involved with the great monk Zilu of Haoran's lineage. What kind of person is the great monk Zilu? How come the family records are in the small Daliang City? Do you really think we don't know your origin? The customer has already said that you are some down-and-out nobles who have fled here. You dare to pull the tiger's skin, you really think we are clay bodhisattvas.

As he was talking, there was a sound of tearing, and the girl's clothes were torn apart. The girl quickly hugged a ball with her face pale, and huddled naked on the street.

But the bruises and scars all over his body didn't look elegant at all.

No? If you don't confess, I will sell you to a brothel to pick up clients! Fan Zeng's face couldn't help but change when he saw that there was no boxing record, and his eyes were full of coldness.

in the crowd

Cui Yu frowned: Zilu?

Is the woman in front of me a descendant of Zilu?

How could the descendants of a great monk like Zilu be reduced to this level?

Caressing his chest, he saw that it was bulging and groaning. Cui Yu reached out and pulled out the object, but it was an old animal skin. On the animal skin, there were obscure ancient characters written on it: Gushen Fist. Big letters.

Jushen Fist?

never heard of that!

Brother, I clearly saw before that the woman escaped with an object in her arms. How could she disappear? a younger brother asked.

When Fan Zeng heard this, his brows swept across the crowd, and his eyes fell on Cui Yu:

That kid bumped into her before, and the boxing book in her arms disappeared. Maybe the boxing book was on him.

As he spoke, Fan Zeng's eyes fell on Cui Yu's hands, staring at the yellowed animal skin in Cui Yu's hands.

Run! The girl also saw the animal skin in Cui Yu's hand, and her face turned pale: That Gushen Fist Manual must not fall into the hands of these evil people.

The girl's eyes were full of anxiety, and she didn't care about being naked. She picked up a brick on the ground and threw it at Fan Zeng's head, trying to buy time for Cui Yu.

Stop him! Don't let him go! Fan Zeng shouted, kicked the girl to the ground, turned to look at Cui Yu, and saw Cui Yu standing there motionless, with no intention of running away.

Looking at Cui Yu, who was motionless as a mountain, with his calm expression, and the stick wrapped in cloth hanging behind Cui Yu's back, I couldn't help but feel a little moved in my heart, and instead became cautious: Your Excellency, are you a monk?

That's right. Cui Yu slowly looked through the boxing manual in his hand.

In the past, if we met the monks, we would naturally run as far as we could, but now that something has happened in Daliang City, the monks have become like ordinary people like us, so we may not be afraid of you. I don't want to offend the monks. , this matter has nothing to do with you. As long as you hand over the boxing manual, our account will be settled. You walk on your Yangguan Road, and I will walk on my single-plank bridge. Otherwise, we can only take action and make you a dead man. The first monk in our hands.

Cui Yu stopped looking at the boxing manual, folded the boxing manual slowly, and stuffed it into his sleeve.

The material of this boxing manual is the same as that of an iron smelting hand. It must be a treasure from the ancient gods and demons. Now that it is in his hands, Cui Yu will certainly not miss it.

What do you plan to do with this girl? Cui Yu asked.

We brothers will have a good time first, and then we will be sold to a brothel to be brothels. A younger brother next to him smiled lewdly, and then looked at Fan Zeng: Boss, this guy seems to want to meddle in other people's business. I haven't tasted what it's like to be a monk. , can you reward me with this monk?

When Cui Yu heard this, he looked at the younger brother with extremely cold eyes.

The next moment, cold air burst out from the pores of the ruffian, and in an instant it turned into withered ice, exuding white mist in the sunlight.

Maozi! Fan Zeng looked panicked when he saw this step: Impossible! All the monks in Daliang City have turned into mortals. How did you use your methods?

Fan Zeng was panicked. Qi practitioners were equivalent to gods to mortals.

Cui Yu smiled and looked at the girl with a bruised nose and face: Is Zilu really your great-grandfather?

Yes! Do you know my grandfather? Or are you from Haoran's lineage? The girl's eyes lit up when she saw Cui Yu's ability. She hurriedly got up and stared at Cui Yu.

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