In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 376 Chen Lu: The Divine Sword recognizes me as the master

Have you obtained the inheritance from Nuwa? Chi You looked at Cui Yu in surprise, his eyes full of astonishment.

Yes, just surprised!

Incredibly surprised.

Why do you say that? Cui Yu asked back.

The means of creation are unique to the Nuwa Empress. Even the ancestor Hongjun cannot master them. Although your means have not yet reached the realm of creation, they have already gained some momentum. Chi You said: If it is If you practice to the highest depths and reach the Daluo realm, you will definitely touch the threshold of creation and understand the laws of creation.

Da Luo? Cui Yu murmured. Da Luo's realm was too far away from him, extremely far away.

Touching the sword in his hand, Cui Yu smiled knowingly and threw the sword casually and it fell into the small world within the Dharma Realm.

How do you plan to use this fake sword to exchange for the real sword? Chi You asked curiously.

Cui Yu ignored Chi You, but took out a little flat peach juice from the Dharma Realm, then transformed the flat peach juice, and saw a flat peach appear in his hand.

Go and take this fake flat peach, create a strange phenomenon of the peach appearing, and attract all the powerful people here. I will definitely steal the sword during the chaos! Cui Yu threw the fake flat peach to Chi You.

Chi You stared at the flat peach in his hand, then looked at Cui Yu, and couldn't help but shudder: Whoever steals this fake flat peach will be in bad luck.

Chi You left, Cui Yu packed up his bamboo hat, and came all the way to the hill again. Looking at the innate divine sword stuck on the mountain, the power of the Big Dipper in the starry sky was pulled in at this time, and the infinite essence of the sun and moon spilled down, captured by the seven stars. The sword absorbs.

By the way, why didn't anyone move the innate sword and the stone away? Maybe cutting the stone will do? Cui Yu muttered as he walked.

Although Cui Yu's muttering was not loud, it fell on everyone's ears, as if he was talking in their ears.

Ying Zheng on the side suddenly laughed when he heard the words, and took over the words in a hearty voice: Brother, you don't know something. The innate divine sword is inserted on the top of the mountain, and it has drawn all the energy of the surrounding earth veins for thousands of miles. With the blessing of the earth's energy, the entire mountain is indestructible, sucked together with the energy of the earth's veins. In addition, the innate divine sword responds to the three lights of the sun, moon and stars, attracting the blessing of the seven ancient stars, just like the arrival of the ancient stars, trying to shake this place. The top of the mountain is like moving all the Big Dipper stars away. Not to mention us, even all the saints working together can't do it.

After hearing what Ying Zheng said, Cui Yu stopped and glanced at Ying Zheng: What you can't do doesn't mean that I can't do it. What a saint can't do doesn't mean that no one in this world can do it. You They say they can't dig up this mountain, but I don't believe it. I want to dig up the mountain and carry it away with the innate divine sword.

Cui Yu came to the top of the mountain where the Innate Divine Sword was inserted, took out an ax with a cold light from behind, and slashed at the ground.

When the ax fell to the ground, there was only a bang sound. Cui Yu felt his muscles and bones numb, and the energy and blood in his body were shaken by a strange force. He couldn't help but take three steps back, and the ax in his hand fell to the ground.

Hahaha, where did this idiot come from! Zhu Wuneng held his head and laughed, his voice not hiding his sarcasm.

That's right! You are simply ignorant. How can you shake such a big mountain that has been blessed by the power of earth veins and stars? Taoist White Bones also laughed and laughed. The bones on his body were shaking, making people worried about whether the bones would be damaged. Suddenly it fell apart and fell to the ground.

At this time, there were roars of laughter in the mountains, which made Cui Yu a little angry: I really don't believe it. No matter how hard this mountain is, as long as I don't change my will, I can cut it open.

As he spoke, Cui Yu was naive and angry with his ax and kept hacking at the rocks around the divine sword.

After tens of thousands of kilograms of force, a few pieces of gravel were finally smashed and fell.

Looking at the gravel falling on the ground, Cui Yu felt proud: Did you see that the gravel has fallen? As long as I knock it down with determination, I can always break the stone into pieces and take out the sword.

Cui Yu pointed at the gravel on the ground proudly.

Boy, according to your speed, if you want to smash this big stone with an axe, it will take you a thousand years. Have you stopped practicing in these thousand years? When the disaster comes, how will you avoid the past? Now? Now that the laws of heaven and earth have changed, disasters will inevitably come in five hundred years. I'm afraid you will die before you break the rocks. Mi Zhu couldn't help but advise.

Although Mi Zhu was wearing a bamboo hat, Cui Yu recognized him.

Those who come here to seize the sword, unless they have absolute confidence in their own strength, will hide their faces.

I don’t blame everyone, but it is really necessary to hide one’s face. Why do you think that is? Because once the Innate Divine Sword is born and you really get it, what will you do?

Of course, hide it and run as far away as possible.

At that time, the importance of hiding one's head and showing one's tail was revealed. As long as you hide, get the innate sword and run away, who can find you?

It's a pity that these people met Cui Yu, who had the magical power to bring the dead back to life. Although they tried their best to hide all the vitality around them, to Cui Yu, they were still like candles in the dark night.

Resurrection is too sensitive about life and death.

Cui Yu was holding an ax and chopping stones noisily. Although everyone felt a little annoyed, they ignored him.

At this moment, a colorful and auspicious light suddenly rose into the sky in Kunlun Mountain, and a strange fragrance filled the mountains.

The aroma is so peculiar that when you breathe it into your mouth and nose, you can't help but open the pores all over your body, desperately trying to absorb the faint fragrance in the air.

That fragrance has an instinctive temptation for all living beings.

The aroma makes people want to go crazy, and they rush to fight for it desperately.

Pan peach! A flat peach has been born! A flat peach has been born in Kunlun Mountain! Chen Lu couldn't help but exclaimed.

Chen Lu had seen Pantao before.

Not only Chen Lu had seen it, but also Tang Zhou and Yan Qu.

Especially Tang Zhou, who ate a flat peach himself, how could he not be familiar with the aroma of a flat peach?

So Tang Tuesday stood up and rushed out without saying a word.

The powerful people in the field who had received the imperial edict heard Chen Lu's word Peach and rushed over without saying a word.

Flat peach!

Legend has it that the rare treasure King Mu of Zhou ate was a flat peach that extended his life by at least three thousand years.

Now that the laws of the world have changed, treasures that can extend life are even more precious to everyone.

All the old antiques who felt that they had a few brushes ran over at this time, intending to take the flat peach into their pockets.

That’s the flat peach that can make people live longer!

A group of people rushed over like a swarm, and all the masters who had cultivated to the imperial edict were heading towards the place where the flat peach was born.

Those left behind are some monks who, although they have some abilities, have never entered the imperial edict.

Seeing that all the masters who had entered the imperial edict were transferred away, Cui Yu raised the corner of his mouth and showed a sneer: Success!

Why did he say it was successful?

Because imperial-level masters have begun to interfere with the operation of the Dharma Realm, the small world has descended from the Dharma Realm, hiding it from everyone, but not from those masters who can touch the Dharma Realm.

Therefore, if Cui Yu wants to change the situation quietly, he must first transfer all the masters who have entered the imperial edict.

Even Chen Lu followed closely behind Tang Zhou and rushed towards the two realm mountains.

Seeing that all the masters who had entered the imperial edict had left, although there was still a group of black-robed men left in the field, and although it was not known whether there might be some old treacherous person who had entered the imperial edict hidden among them, Cui Yu couldn't care less at this time.

Even if there are only one or two masters left who have joined the imperial edict, Cui Yu feels that the other party can't help him. To be precise, he can't help his own small world.

The next moment, the small world distorted the void and descended onto the field quietly.

When the small world comes, there is nothing abnormal, but the laws of the small world are shrouded.

The innate sword was shrouded in the small world, and in an instant, the earth veins in the mountains and the Big Dipper in the sky lost their connection.

Then he saw that the innate divine sword was absorbed by an inexplicable force, and the innate divine sword made by Cui Yu was inserted into it.

Then the laws of the small world quickly retracted.

This movement sounds very slow, but it is just a flash of lightning.

From the moment the small world came to the moment when the two swords were silently exchanged, it was just a breath of time.

Although the monks in the field felt that the laws around them seemed to have changed, they didn't think much about it. This is the Two Realms Mountain, the place where Kunlun fell. Isn't it normal for the laws to change?

Those experts went deep into the Two Realms Mountains, but where are the peaches in the Two Realms Mountains at this time?

Cui Yu didn't even keep any fake flat peaches.

A group of powerful people kept wandering around the mountains, trying to trace the source of the fragrance, but they were helpless. The fragrance had disappeared long ago.

A group of powerful men returned and saw Cui Yu who was still banging on the rocks, with a hint of ridicule in their eyes.

There must be a flat peach born in the Kunlun Mountains, but we are just afraid that someone will get there first, so we will be late. Tang Zhou was itching with hatred that someone got there first. How could he bear it?

But what if you can't stand it?

There was nothing he could do.

The flat peach seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. No matter how many people used their methods, they couldn't even find any trace.

Are there really flat peaches in this world? Ying Zheng approached Tang Zhou curiously and asked.

Divine objects that can last for nine thousand years are naturally rare.

This world is not without treasures that increase lifespan, just like the Golden Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations in Dalin Temple, but those are treasures passed down from countless kalpas ago. If you ask the Buddha now if you can refine the golden elixir of all calamities, would you believe that the Buddha will give you two big slaps in the face?

If the Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations were so easy to refine, how many old antiques would Dalin Temple have had in the past 18,000 years?

After practicing for 18,000 years, even a pig should become enlightened. With 100,000 years of accumulated mana, even a pig should become a genius.

How precious is the golden elixir of all calamities?

Even though the Zhou Dynasty did not take the Golden Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations seriously, it met the prodigal King Zhou You who wanted to use the Golden Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations as a fetal medicine.

Who told King You of Zhou to dote on Bao Si too much?

The turmoil caused by the Ten Thousand Tribulation Golden Pill was far beyond Cui Yu's expectation. He just didn't know about the higher-level game.

Of course there are flat peaches. Tang Zhou glanced at Ying Zheng: Once you take one of the Golden Pills of Ten Thousand Tribulations, it will have no effect after taking the second one. But flat peaches are not. That flat peach is an innate spiritual root. Take one bite. It has the effect of one bite. It can be said that as long as you have flat peach, immortality is definitely not a dream.

With flat peaches, can I live forever? The saint only has a lifespan of 129,600 years. If I get flat peaches, wouldn't I be able to survive the saint to death? Ying Zheng's eyes lit up. The eyes seem like a pair of light bulbs.

I must have flat peaches! I must have flat peaches! I must find the legendary flat peaches and live forever! Ying Zheng's heart surged.

Tang Zhou would never know how much karma his unintentional words would cause in the future.

It's a pity that no one knows.

At this time, Cui Yu was still chopping stones with his axe. After seeing Cui Yu's actions, some people just laughed scornfully, and then everyone continued to sit down and appreciate the rhythm of the innate sword.

Speaking of Chen Lu, after sitting down, she looked at the innate divine sword in front of her with her eyes. For some reason, she always felt that the innate divine sword was emitting a strange summons towards her.

It was as if... it was as if the innate divine sword exuded an inexplicable kindness towards him.

It was as if he and the Innate Divine Sword had met each other's eyes!

For a moment, a strange feeling arose in Chen Lu's heart: It seems that I have a destiny with that innate divine sword.

After the thought fell, Chen Lu went to communicate with the sword. The next moment, the sword buzzed, turned into a ray of green light, and fell into Chen Lu's hand.

Holding the Xiantian Divine Sword in her hand, Chen Lu was stunned: What the hell? Are you just going to admit the master?

Sure enough, God will never stop me from showing off!

After obtaining the Innate Divine Sword, I wonder which of these people dares to come to me to demand payment.

Chen Lu's heart suddenly surged, and a sense of ambition rose in her body.

Then it turned into a stream of light and escaped directly.

I can't escape!

Although he has obtained the innate divine sword, he has not yet refined and mastered the innate divine sword. How long will it take him if he doesn't run away now?

If those old guys react, I'm afraid they won't be able to leave.

Chen Lu's escape was very fast, especially since Chen Lu's bloodline power was converted into the speed of light, and she disappeared between heaven and earth in an instant.

From the moment the innate sword recognized its owner to Chen Lu obtained the innate sword, it only took a moment.

By the time everyone reacted, Chen Lu had disappeared into the world. Where could she find traces of Chen Lu?

It is impossible for people to chase the light!

Never possible!

At this time, everyone in the field looked at me and others, looking at the empty stone platform with confused expressions in their eyes.

who I am?

Where am I?

Did the innate sword recognize its owner just like that?

The innate sword just ran away?

It’s simply unreasonable!

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