
The prince looked at the man with a tentacle on his head and eyes on the tentacle.

That is, the master strategist beside the prince: Mr. Yu.

Sir, Xiaoli Village is enveloped by the power of time, and my subordinates' magical powers are beyond their reach. Mr. Yu shook his head.

Come here, send someone to turn into a spy and go to Xiaoli Village to investigate. Ji Wushuang looked at the embarrassed Shenqi, Hailan and his group, and gave the order thoughtfully.

In Xiaoli Village

Cui Yu held Zhu Wuneng in his palm, and Zhu Wuneng looked at him pitifully. He had just escaped from the tiger's mouth, but he didn't expect to be caught again.

I thought I could escape the clutches of the devil smoothly, but unexpectedly I was caught by the other party again.

My precious mount, look at this world, there is still no shortage of people with a keen eye for gold. No matter where you go, there will be no shortage of people to rob you. Thanks to my increased ability, otherwise I would really be killed. I snatched you away. Cui Yu stroked Zhu Wuneng's head, and Zhu Wuneng lay on the ground with an expression of despair.

Ignoring Zhu Wuneng, Cui Yu held the dragon-binding lock in his hand and tied the golden-winged Dapeng to one end. He began to drool at the corner of his mouth: This alien species was born with the energy of heaven and earth, and it is extraordinary. Especially the golden feathers on its body, it seems to contain It has an inexplicable Taoist charm.

Let's first try to see if the magical power of taming the bird can subdue it. If the magical power of taming the bird can subdue it, I will definitely get a great killer in the future. If it cannot be subdued, I can only kill it and roast it to eat to nourish my martial arts.

As he spoke, Cui Yu held down the Golden-winged Dapeng's head, and the spiritual imprint flew out and flew towards the Golden-winged Dapeng's head.


But before Cui Yu's spiritual imprint could get close to the Golden-winged Dapeng, he saw the golden light flowing around the feathers of the Golden-winged Dapoc, crushing Cui Yu's spiritual imprint.

The difference in cultivation level between me and the other party is too great. The bird-training technique is simply incapable of dealing with this big guy.

How about plucking the feathers and roasting them? Cui Yu stroked the golden-winged roc.

Zhu Wuneng laughed at the words and looked at the golden-winged roc with schadenfreude, and then looked at Cui Yu who was drooling, and his whole body couldn't help but shudder.

When Cui Yu said roasting, he was really roasting it, and there would never be any sloppy roasting.

It's a pity that the little Golden-winged Dapeng King was beaten back to his original shape. At this time, he couldn't speak at all. His body was restrained by ropes, and he couldn't even scratch or pull the writing with his claws.

Looking at Cui Yu, King Jinpeng showed a hint of disdain in his eyes. He didn't believe that Cui Yu really dared to roast himself and eat it.

This is the next moment. King Jinpeng looked at Cui Yu's movements and couldn't help but panic!

Everyone was in a panic!

Cui Yu looked around, took out a big pot from the house, and started to boil hot water in the yard.

Boat water? Why are you boiling water? Little King Jinpeng felt bad.

What else can I do? Of course I will cook you and eat you, and shave your hair. Zhu Wu was lying under the tree and gloating.

What? How dare he! I am the great Demon King of the Wilderness. How could I have been caught by him if I had not fallen into this restricted time zone? If he dares to be rude to me, isn't he afraid of the revenge of the Demon Clan of the Wilderness in the future? Little Golden Winged Dapeng The king was a little panicked.

Soon, a pot of water was heated. Cui Yu pulled the little Golden-winged Dapeng down from the tree, then calmly picked up a ladle of hot water and poured it on the little Golden-winged Dapeng.

Get some hot water! Pluck!

The temperature of the hot water is not as good as that of Little Jin Peng Wang, but Cui Yu's strength of thirty thousand kilograms is enough to pluck the hair.

With one fell, a large piece of beautiful feathers were plucked out, and then placed neatly in the basket building by Cui Yu.

This feather looks extraordinary. It will definitely fetch a good price in the future. Cui Yu cooed while plucking the feathers.

Little Jinpeng King suddenly became anxious and struggled desperately, but how could he compare to Cui Yu?

Cui Yu was pinned to the ground, unable to move at all. He could only watch the beautiful hair on his body leaving little by little, and then he turned into a bald chicken.

Grandson, let me go!

Grandson, if you dare to be rude to grandpa, grandpa will definitely treat you well in the future.


Grandson, stop! My brother will not let you go! I will lead the Great Wilderness Monster Clan to cross Dragon City and destroy all the countries near your Two Realms Mountain!

The Golden-winged Dapeng King began to scream desperately.

It's a pity that Cui Yu couldn't understand the call of the Golden-winged Dapeng King. He looked at the bare Golden-winged Dapeng King with a look of surprise: That's weird, where is the bottle hidden?

He has not forgotten that the Golden-winged Dapeng King also has a bottle that can hold the yin and yang.

It didn't matter if he couldn't find the bottle. Cui Yu then began to mix various spices, and then marinated the little Jinpeng King in the spices.

This is an ancient alien species. Every drop of blood is precious. It cannot be killed alive. It must be pickled raw and then roasted over fire. Cui Yu looked at the little Golden-winged Dapeng King and subconsciously licked his tongue.

There is nothing he can do!

I can’t surrender but I can’t!

What can he do if he lets him go but is afraid of retaliation in the future?

There is nothing he can do!

In this case, it is better to eat it, maybe it can nourish your martial arts and help your martial arts of gods and demons to advance further.

He had to take down the Dragon Binding Lock. Without the Dragon Binding Lock to protect his body, Cui Yu had no sense of security at all.

If it weren't for the dragon-binding lock, I'm afraid he would have fallen into the hands of the birdman this time.

Even with the power of time, it is still possible to crush one's claws and explode before the power of time erodes the opponent.

The other party can eat me, why can't I eat the other party?

Cui Yu was happily pickling the little Jinpeng King here, but in the distant thatched cottage, Miao Shan was in trouble.

Let's say that Nanhua and Miaoshan were watching the battle in the sky. Seeing Yang Suchan entangled with the little Jinpeng King with the help of the lotus lantern, they couldn't help but praise:

The Lotus Lantern is indeed the most precious treasure that suppresses the Zhou royal family.

Cui Yu was snatched away by the yin and yang cylinder of the little Jinpeng King. Didn't Taoist Master take action to rescue him? Miao Shan looked at Nan Hua.

That kid has his own destiny, and he has good fortune in times of adversity. The old Taoist priest stroked his beard: This is his fate. He even dares to dig into the bodies of gods and demons. If he can't dig into the yin and yang two cylinders of Little Jinpeng King, I feel weird about escaping.

That's true. He can even bring back the dead. Is there anything in this world that he can't do? Miao Shan nodded.

Just as he was talking, Master Nanhua suddenly said: Yang Suchan has not erased her birth and death certificate after all. I'm afraid she is no match for the little Jinpeng King. She will fall in a matter of seconds.

As soon as the words fell, the little Jinpeng King in the sky smiled wildly, and then Yang Suchan fell towards the Liangjie Mountain.

Yang Suchan has a cause and effect with me, but she cannot die here. Miao Shanxiu grabbed her hand, and Yang Suchan, who was hundreds of miles away, disappeared out of thin air. When she appeared, she was already here, and she was lying directly on Miao Shan's body. feet.

However, although Yang Suchan was rescued, her internal organs were all broken, she only had one breath left, and half of her feet had entered the gate of hell. If it weren't for the lotus lantern hanging there, my soul might have entered the underworld by now.

Although Miaoshan had the rain to heal his injuries, there was a flow of yin and yang in Yang Suchan's body, which prevented Yang Suchan's injuries from healing, and Miaoshan also had a headache.

Little King Jinpeng is so cruel. Miaoshan took a breath.

Can the old immortal lend a helping hand? Miaoshan looked at the old immortal Nanhua for help.

Master Nan Hua shook his head: You also know me. I am good at killing people, but not good at saving people. But there is a divine water in the jade bottle of the great master, which can give birth to human flesh and bones, but it can't save this girl?

It's not that it can't be saved, it's that it can't be saved. It's not like you don't know the relationship between the Great Thunder Sound Temple and the Great Wild Monster Kingdom. If I save her, King Jinpeng will definitely trouble me in the future and ask me to pay him a lotus. Deng. But if I don’t save her, I have a good relationship with her master, and we will not be able to interact with each other in the future. If the little Jinpeng King uses this as an excuse to provoke the disaster of Dahuang and Daleiyin Temple, and miss the plan of the Buddha, then that is Real fucking trouble.

It's difficult! Miao Shan looked at Yang Suchan and couldn't help scratching his head: The real person is known as the best in the world, I didn't expect him to be jealous.


I'm afraid of a little Jinpeng King.

The peacock is not a good person. He has to fight for three points without any reason. If he is justified, why not go to heaven? This is your cause and effect. I dare not interfere. Master Nanhua shook his head repeatedly, obviously he was quite afraid of the Peacock King. .

While the two were talking, something suddenly happened in Lijia Village. From the young King Jinpeng being captured to the young King Jinpeng being plucked and pickled alive, Cui Yu did what he did so skillfully that Miao Shan and Nan Hua could not help but twitch at the corners of their mouths. .

Little Jinpeng King can't just die here in frustration. If he dies, Peacock will be furious and lead hundreds of millions of monsters to cross the Dragon City. By then, all life in Kyushu will be devastated and there will be another catastrophe for the people. Master Nanhua watched. To Miao Shan.

What do you think I'm doing? What does it have to do with me? Miao Shan scratched her head. She was still worried about Yang Suchan's injury. How could she have time to care about the little Jinpeng King? Looking down at the dying girl in front of him, he couldn't help but feel dizzy.

How come it has nothing to do with Da Shi? Da Shi doesn't want to have a karma with Little Jin Peng King, but there is someone who shouldn't be afraid of having karma with Little Jin Peng King at this time. And he happens to have the ability to save Yang Suchan. You are now Send Yang Suchan and rescue the little Jinpeng King by the way. The little Jinpeng King will definitely be grateful, and it will be of great benefit to the spread of Buddhism in the future. Master Nanhua said:

Furthermore, by saving Yang Suchan now, you have already completed the cause and effect. Now that you save the other party, it is the real Dzogchen. Little King Jinpeng will never come to trouble you.

Miaoshan looked at Master Nanhua and felt that what he said was very reasonable. .

But will Cui Yu save her? Miao Shan heard the key.

He is a kind-hearted person. Master Nanhua said.

Miao Shan raised his head and looked at the little Jinpeng King who was pickled with pepper, star anise, aniseed and other ingredients in the village. He couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth: It's really miserable for the little Jinpeng King to fall into the hands of this person. I’m afraid there will be another Zhu Wuneng.”

The rope is really so powerful that it can trap the yin and yang of the little Golden-winged Dapeng King? Miao Shan didn't understand.

Of course the dragon-binding lock cannot trap the two qi of yin and yang. Master Nanhua said with a smile.

Then why...? Miaoshan looked at the miserable situation of the little Jinpeng King and was puzzled.

Little Jinpeng King is also unlucky. The yin and yang qi in the yin and yang two cylinders, but he has accumulated thousands of years of experience, but who would have thought that Cui Yu would suck them all away. Where is the yin and yang qi in his body? Want to recover The two qi of yin and yang still need to be practiced again, and the essence of heaven and earth, the sun and the moon are absorbed. But Cui Yu trapped him, how could he have a chance to practice? As long as there is a ray of yin and yang in his body, the dragon-binding lock cannot trap him . Master Nanhua wanted to laugh.

I have seen unlucky people, but I have never seen such unlucky people.

He is obviously a high-ranking and powerful person, but he ends up in such an aggrieved end. Who can he reason with?

There is no place to reason.

Just like Zhu Wuneng, isn’t his cultivation level high?

But if you run into the time zone, wouldn't you end up with the same fate?

There is no other way!

If a person is unlucky, it will clog his teeth more than drinking cold water.

What do you think of the Yin-Yang Diagram? Miao Shan asked after hearing this.

The potential is endless. Master Nan Hua was silent for a long time and then said: It would be even more amazing if it could be transformed into innate yin and yang.

Miaoshan didn't say much, just picked up Yang Suchan and walked towards Xiaoli Village.

Watching Miao Shan walk away, Master Nan Hua stroked his beard and said with a smile: Good fortune! What a good fortune.

As soon as he turned around, he came to the waterfall where Yang Erlang practiced in Liangjie Mountain.

Master! Yang Erlang, who was practicing, quickly stopped his practice and bowed respectfully to Master Nanhua.

My good disciple, your destiny has arrived. Master Nan Hua smiled like an old fox.

Please give me some advice, Master. Yang Erlang said.

Your brother is really lucky. He actually captured an innate divine golden-winged roc. Now he is boiling a pot under water and preparing to cook. If you can get a few drops of divine blood, you can definitely succeed. Golden Winged Dapeng Transformation can transform into the innate talent in childhood


gods. At that time, whether it is killing the enemy or protecting oneself, it will be a great guarantee. Mr. Nanhua stroked his chin.

Capturing the innate gods? How is it possible? How could he have such ability? Could it be that the master made a mistake? I don't know about my brother yet. He is a master whose heart is higher than the sky. Although he has received some good luck, if he turns into an innate god , it’s a bit too exaggerated.” Yang Erlang couldn’t believe it.

Whether it is yes or not, you will know when you get back. But I want to tell you, your brother is absolutely extraordinary. This is a blessing sent to you by God. If you can transform into a golden-winged roc, you can obtain the golden-winged roc. With flying skills, when the time comes, the entire wilderness will be at your disposal, and no one will be able to check or balance you. Master Nan Hua looked at Yang Erlang:

When Kunlun Cave Heaven is born and you gain good fortune, it's time to say goodbye and go to the wild world. Take advantage of now to talk about the past with your brother. I don't know when we meet again.

Disciple, please follow Master's teachings. Yang Erlang bowed and was about to go down the mountain.

By the way, you have a younger sister, right? Seeing Yang Erlang about to go down the mountain, the old Taoist priest suddenly said.

Exactly, I can't hide this from Master! Yang Erlang looked surprised.

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