Once the Yin-Yang Diagram is unfolded, all things in the world will be transformed into Yin-Yang attributes and sealed within the diagram.

The picture scroll rotates forward and seals all things.

The picture scroll is reversed and everything is refined.

Cui Yu holds the Yin-Yang Diagram as if he were holding a scroll without a scroll, or a rolled-up notebook.

He saw the confused Hailan, the frightened Shenqi, and the hundreds of frightened knights running inside the Yin-Yang scroll.

At this time, Cui Yu's board was also updated:

[Yin-Yang Diagram: Magic weapon. (+)]

[Note 1: Twelve levels of prohibition. 】

[Note 2: The activation requires ten drops of divine blood. 】

In just a few minutes, the Yin-Yang Diagram swallowed up the Yin-Yang power of Little Jinpeng King, and it actually increased to twelve levels of prohibition, and the previous five drops of divine blood per breath was converted into the current ten drops of divine blood per breath.

Cui Yu looked at the Yin-Yang Diagram in his hand, with a look of seriousness in his eyes: What a treasure! Now I have a trump card, right? The Dragon Binding Lock is the best way to suppress the situation, but this Yin-Yang Diagram is a powerful weapon against group fights.

He set his sights on the plus sign behind the Yin-Yang diagram, which could evolve into a Tai Chi diagram.

I don't know what's so great about the Tai Chi diagram. Cui Yu put away the scroll and looked at the space in front of him.

This is a bottle with a radius of ten miles. He can even see the outside world dimly through the bottle.

Outside, a monster with an eagle's beak and a bird's head was holding a bottle, looking around and thinking about it, with golden light in his eyes, looking at the emerald green light above his head.

It's actually a monster. It must be this evil beast that captured us. This evil beast is so capable, but it can't touch the power of time. Thousands of thoughts flashed in Cui Yu's heart:

I don't know if my dragon-binding lock can capture him. Cui Yu had a thoughtful look in his eyes.

This bottle looks like a good treasure. It actually has its own space. It's really amazing. Cui Yu felt a little sore and numb in his body, and wanted to activate the True Water Formless, but at this time, his body's endurance seemed to have reached its limit:

Forget it, it won't be too late to go out after my body recovers.

Thoughts flickered in Cui Yu's mind, and he began to transport Qi and blood, constantly relieving his body's fatigue.

Cui Yu collected his yin and yang energy and put the picture scroll into his sleeve. King Jinpeng, who was looking for Yang Suchan outside, immediately noticed something was wrong:

Why is my bottle so light?

Little Jinpeng Wang held the bottle with one hand and had the clearest grasp of the weight in the bottle. When he lowered his head and looked down, he saw that the bottle was empty. Where was the yin and yang?

There was only a tiny figure sitting cross-legged in the bottle, not knowing what to think.

What about the innate alien species? Where is my yin and yang energy? King Jinpeng was immediately anxious. He quickly opened the lid, chanted the incantation, poured Cui Yu out of the bottle, and held it in his hand:

Boy, how come the yin and yang in my bottle disappeared? Where did my innate alien species go?

The golden-winged roc didn't know what method it used. Cui Yu was like a palm-sized rag doll, tightly held in the opponent's hand.

Cui Yu was stunned, looking at the bird's head and golden scales so close at hand, as if it could swallow him up at any time, and the next moment the dragon-binding lock was activated.

The opponent is so close to me, why not activate the Dragon Binding Lock?

The dragon-binding lock came out from Cui Yu's waist and wrapped around the little Jinpeng King's arm in an instant.

The little Jinpeng King sensed something was wrong and slammed Cui Yu away, turning into golden light and escaping.

But the dragon-binding chain followed him like a shadow, and like a tarsal maggot, the little Jinpeng King had just flown three feet, the power of time in the air fluctuated, the little Jinpeng King screamed, and the divine power on his body was continuously weakened.

Without the protection of the Yin and Yang cylinders, the power of time caused fatal trauma to the little Jinpeng King.

Impossible! Impossible! My yin and yang two-cylinder cylinder can block the power of time, how could it suddenly lose its power? The little golden-winged Dapeng King was so frightened that his body trembled, and he no longer dared to mobilize the huge evil energy in his body.

Without the resistance and struggle of the little Golden-winged Dapeng King, Cui Yu's dragon-binding locks had already followed the little Golden-winged Dapeng King's arms and enveloped his whole body.

Then the dragon-binding lock shrank, and the little Jinpeng King was knocked back to his original shape, turning into a rooster-sized golden eagle with golden hair, and fell heavily to the ground.

Once entangled in the Dragon Binding Chain, not even the Little Jinpeng King can escape.

It turns out to be a chicken? Cui Yu looked at the true form of the little golden-winged roc, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Surprise indeed.

A bottle almost killed everyone, but it turned out to be a chicken. How could Cui Yu not be shocked?

This world is too dangerous!

A bird has become a climate.

The little Golden Winged Dapeng King looked at Cui Yu, his body trembling with anger, his eyes full of disbelief.

Is there yin and yang that he has accumulated for thousands of years in the bottle?

Just gone?

How did the other party break his own yin and yang?

Little King Jinpeng's eyes were full of unwillingness.

The mistake was not in the time limit, how could he just catch it without any help?

The power of time is really powerful. Although he is an innate being, he still has the concept of birth, old age, sickness and death.

Just like the monkey in the Huaguo Mountain in the previous life, even though he is an innate creature, he still cannot escape the five degenerations of heaven and man.

Then Cui Yu held the legs of the Golden-winged Dapeng King, looked at the empty village, and casually tied the Golden-winged Dapeng King to a tree.

The little golden-winged Dapeng King was tied up like a chicken, and his face turned green with anger.

who is he?

A powerful being in the wilderness who can fight against all the gods, Buddhas and bodhisattvas of Buddhism is now hanging on a tree like an ordinary old hen. How can he survive if word spreads? Doesn't he want to lose face?

But at this moment, the little Golden-winged Dapeng King was beaten back to his original shape and could not say a word. He just glared at Cui Yu with wide eyes, his eyes full of unquenchable anger.

Cui Yu took out the Yin-Yang scroll from his sleeve and looked at the figure in the scroll, his eyes a little tangled, murderous intent and goodwill constantly wandering back and forth.

The little golden-winged Dapeng King on the side saw Cui Yu's yin and yang diagram, his eyes widened, and his heart beat wildly: Such a treasure is simply a blessing. This treasure was born in response to the yin and yang of heaven and earth. It belongs to me. Everything. This is my treasure! This is my treasure! If I can have this treasure, even that old monk in the Western world may not be able to fight!

Looking at the yin and yang diagram in Cui Yu's hand, the little Golden Winged Dapeng King's mouth was filled with laughter.

When the Yin-Yang Diagram does not accept people, it can be placed inside the body for conception. But once it does, it can only be placed outside the body. Cui Yu stroked the Yin-Yang Diagram and looked at Shenqi and his group in the Yin-Yang Diagram, his eyes full of Tangled.

My pig was robbed for no reason, and the other party went straight to my home, obviously well prepared.

It's useless to kill them. There is some kind of prince behind them. Cui Yu shook his head. He thought of Hai Lan. If it weren't for Hai Lan, he wouldn't be able to practice Tai Chi.

I have made the Yin-Yang Diagram, and I can destroy it with just a few prayers. These people are obviously from Haojing. The background of Haojing is too big and the water is too deep. What I need most now is to recharge my batteries and be wise and wise to protect myself. Even if it means killing, We also need to find a place where no one is around! Moreover, this person looks exactly like me, 80-90% similar. If we have to do something big in the future and we can’t get away with it, we can use this person to resist the thunder. Otherwise, call him. Did you resist the pot in the God and Demon Well for me?

Then he flicked the Yin-Yang scroll and released the person in the scroll.

Inside the yin and yang tai chi diagram

As Cui Yu rolled up the Tai Chi diagram and disappeared into the Tai Chi diagram, the flames in the sky disappeared, and the shocked Shen Qi and the three hundred remaining samurai equipment gathered over.

Little Jinpeng King is really ruthless. He actually wants to refine us all to death here. Isn't he afraid of the Emperor Zhou's punishment? Shenqi looked panicked at this time and ran from a distance with Zhu Wuneng in his arms.

Hai Lan did not speak, but looked at the empty horses beside him with his eyes thoughtfully.

She could guess that Cui Yu must have used the Yin-Yang Diagram to trap everyone here, and then escaped from the Yin-Yang realm himself.

What about the boy? Could it be that he was burned to death by the flames? Shen Qi looked at Hailan's empty horseback with a trace of hatred in his eyes.

He has no enmity with you, why do you have to be tainted with Karma and kill him? Hailan looked at Shenqi.

He looks so much like me. God prayed back.

Just because I look like you? Hailan was a little dazed.

Why does a commoner look like me? Is he worthy? Shen Qi spoke domineeringly.

I don't recognize you now. Hailan sighed.

Shenqi didn't speak, but just raised his head and looked at the gray world outside Yin and Yang: I just hope that the strong men of Great Zhou can arrive in time and rescue us. Maybe King Jinpeng didn't refine us to death, because it was the strong men of Great Zhou. The attacker took action and interrupted Little Jinpeng King’s methods.”

Hailan didn't speak.

The silent waiting is the most upsetting, especially for those who have just experienced a life-and-death vendetta, and their hearts are filled with unspeakable fear.

Hailan sat on the dragon horse, looking up at the intersection of yin and yang with his eyes: Now the choice is in his hands, and the time to test humanity has arrived. I just hope he is a good person and don't blame us for being rude, otherwise I am afraid that today Everyone is going to die.”

Hai Lan suddenly wanted to laugh at this moment. After living for so many years, it was really not his character to place his hopes on others.

But now there is nothing to do but wait.

I just hope he can pass the test of Little Jinpeng King. Hai Lan stood in the Yin and Yang world, looking at the Yin and Yang Qi flowing around him, with a touch of emotion in his eyes.

Then he looked at Zhu Wuneng. All this was caused by this pig.

What kind of pig was it? It was called the Crown Prince of the Great Zhou Dynasty. The noble man, who was used to seeing countless geniuses and treasures, traveled thousands of miles to miss a black and white native pig.

At this time, Zhu Wu was able to break the ban, but he did not dare to show any signs of his magic, for fear that these stupid young men would bite him.

Zhu Wuneng clearly knew the charm of the innate beast.

In other words, no one knows better than him!

Tell me, it's such an ordinary pig. Why did Ji Wushuang go to all the trouble to find him? Hai Lan felt confused after hearing this.

Shenqi lowered his head and looked at Zhu Wuneng in his arms: There are many capable people and strangers in the Great Zhou Dynasty, some who can see through space, some who can see through time, and the reincarnation of cause and effect. Who knows? Maybe this pig has... Maybe there’s something special about it.”

This is a bet that tests humanity.

Shen Qi wants to kill Cui Yu. Will Cui Yu repay evil with kindness and let Shen Qi and his party go?

To be honest, the feeling of waiting is not pleasant at all.

Time passed bit by bit, and Hai Lan didn't wait long. Suddenly, the Yin and Yang world in front of him was distorted, and the familiar Lijia Village appeared in front of everyone.


Seeing the familiar scenery, Shenqi was so excited that he was speechless, and his voice was full of fluctuations.

Cui Yu put his hands in his sleeves and looked at the group of people expressionlessly: Everyone, return the pig to me.

You still want pigs? Shenqi turned his head and stared at Cui Yu with murderous intent in his eyes.

Cui Yu ignored Shen Qi and instead focused on Hai Lan: What do you think?

God pray, give him the pig. Hai Lan looked at Cui Yu, the light in his eyes flashed, and then turned to look at Hai Lan.

What? Shenqi was stunned.

Without him, we would all be beaten to death by that golden-winged roc. Give him the pig. Hai Lan said.

His eyes were gentle, but for some reason, Shenqi couldn't bear it. He could only pull out the pig hidden in his arms: I can give him the pig, but how can we deal with His Highness? Hundreds of dragonriding imperial troops died. , the pig has not been caught yet...

Shenqi muttered, his voice full of complaints.

Of course I will be on duty with His Highness. Let's go! Hai Lan turned around and left. Shen Qi turned around and looked at Cui Yu again, then turned around and followed him.

There is a very unique blood in that pig's body. It seems that there is a kind of 'divine' power flowing in his body. After walking a long way, Shen Qi rode up to Hai Lan and lowered his voice.

What? Hailan was stunned when he heard this.

Don't you feel wrong? Hai Lan heard.

Maybe. Shenqi narrowed his eyes: That pig is an innate mutant. If that pig hadn't protected me, I would have died under the yin and yang flames.

A congenital heterogeneity? No wonder the prince traveled thousands of miles to come to a small village in order to capture a pig.

Don't make it public. I'll send someone to investigate secretly. Hailan lowered his voice: Besides, congenital alien species are not something we can covet. You should know the strength of the Shen family. The glory of the Shen family has passed. Since then, The whereabouts of the third lady were unknown, and the Shen family began to be targeted by the Zhou royal family.

When the group arrived outside Lijia Village, they saw that Ji Wushuang had set up a tent and a group of people were sitting in front of the tent eating wine and meat.

Seeing the disgraced Shenqi and his party, Ji Wushuang frowned: What? Why are there so few people in the Dragon Riding Forbidden Army?

Reporting to Your Highness, Little Jinpeng King took action. We were about to take away the pig, but Little Jinpeng King snatched it away. Even the Dragon Riding Forbidden Army under him was put into the Yin and Yang two cylinders by Little Jinpeng King. . Hai Lan replied in a neither humble nor overbearing tone.

Little Jinpeng King? Ji Wushuang frowned: It turns out that Lijia Village turned into black and white before, and it was Little Jinpeng King who took action.

But without that pig, how can we communicate when we go back? Where is the little Jinpeng King? Ji Wushuang asked.

Hai Lan shook his head when he heard this.

Ji Wushuang frowned and looked at the strange man with tentacles on his head: Sir, I have another favor for you.

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