In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 182 The army sealed off the village


Cui Yu couldn't help but frown and checked the child's meridians. They were broken every inch, with no trace of any practice.

Consider yourself lucky to have met me. Cui Yurou White Bone cast, and as a drop of sweet rain fell, the child's injuries were quickly repaired, and even the broken meridians in the body were gradually reconnected.

Seeing that the child's injury was stable, Cui Yu couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. He raised his head and accidentally saw an ancient stone mirror under the bridge. He praised it in his heart: The mirror is very beautiful. The craftsmanship is very good.

It was just an ordinary stone mirror, Cui Yu didn't care. Many people hang mirrors and swords under bridges to suppress water veins, which is not an uncommon thing.

Then he held the child in his hands and walked back. Passing by Master Nanhua's yard, Cui Yu took a look. At this time, Master Nanhua and Miaoshan were not at home, and Shoucheng and Zhang Jiao were also missing.

When he opened the door and walked in, Zhu Wuneng raised his head blankly and looked at the sky.

Seeing Cui Yu walking in with a child, he couldn't help but look surprised: When did this big devil become so kind-hearted?

Poor child! It's useless if it falls into Cui Yu's hands. Zhu Wuneng shook his head and continued to lie on the ground, gnawing on the grass leisurely.

Wu Guang was standing under the sun in Daliang City, looking up at the colorful clouds flashing in the distant sky, with a hint of envy in his eyes: They are all resources.

Don't make trouble! Tang Zhou hasn't settled it yet. How can we provoke others? The Demon King couldn't help but his mind was full of black threads.

I'm just sighing. Xin Yuan snorted.

When Kunlun Cave Heaven is born, you will be in charge of this physical body. Xin Yuan said.

Relying on me to host? What about you? The Heart Demon Lord was stunned.

I have a bigger plan. After Xin Yuan said this, he asked again: What's going on with that god-killing spear?

The weapons of the Great Zhou Martial Saint Wu Qi, Wu Qi will use Wu Guang's blood to breed the soul of the divine weapon. Don't touch that gun, we can't mess with that gun. The Inner Demon Lord hurriedly ordered.

Wu Qi is indeed a ruthless man for using his own descendants to breed divine weapons. Xin Yuan secretly smacked his tongue.

Wu Guang!

Just as thousands of thoughts flashed in Xin Yuan's mind, about how to use the God-killing Spear to taint Wu Qi, he suddenly heard a sound coming from his ears.

Xin Yuan turned around and saw a man in black robe standing in the corner looking at him.

He couldn't help but be stunned, because he didn't recognize the person in front of him.

He is Wu Qi. The Heart Demon Lord reminded him quickly.

Greetings to our ancestors. Xin Yuan immediately bowed down without saying a word.

Get up. Wu Qi helped Wu Guang up: How is your martial arts practice?

There is still one step left to reach the fourth level of cultivation. Xin Yuan said quickly.

Not bad! Not bad! Wu Guang nodded repeatedly when he heard this.

Why are ancestors here? Wu Guang quickly asked cautiously, fearing that the person in front of him would constrict his soul and feed it to the God-killing Spear.

I came here for the Kunlun Cave. Your Majesty sent the prince and the descendants of three hundred ministers to come here. They want to experience in the Kunlun Cave. Wu Qi looked at Wu Guang:

When an innate divine sword was born in the Kunlun Cave, I came one step ahead. In three to five days, the prince and others will arrive here.

I want to send you to the Kunlun Cave for some training. What do you think?

The disciple has now lurked beside Tang Zhou on the Taiping Dao. The disciple feels that although the Kunlun Cave is good, it may not be blessed by chance. Instead, it is better to follow Tang Zhou. If there is trouble in the Taiping Dao in the future, the disciple can take the opportunity to make great achievements. When the time comes, Climb up step by step. As long as the imperial court eliminates the masters of Taiping Dao, my grandson will be able to take charge of Taiping Dao and use the entire Taiping Dao as the foundation of my Wu family. Xin Yuan looked at Wu Qi and began to persuade him earnestly.

That makes sense.

He is quite smart. Wu Guangdao: Now there is a battle of fortunes near Liangjie Mountain, with Quyu Mountain accounting for two portions, Tang Zhou, the actual controller of Daliang City, accounting for two portions, and the remaining five.


It belongs to all living beings in Daliang City. Once the Kunlun Cave is opened, he will definitely get great opportunities and good fortune, and his strength will reach a higher level. If you stay with him, you can share some of the benefits.

Follow him and see what opportunities he can seize. When the time comes, we will knock his sap off and take away his fortune. Wu Qi narrowed his eyes.

He set his sights on Tang Zhou.

Time flies, and it’s the third day with just a snap of the fingers

Along with the mighty banners and the roar of the earth, a team of thousands of people appeared on the boundary of Daliang City.

Your Majesty, Great Xia Tangchen, respectfully welcomes the Crown Prince.

Looking at the thousands of steel torrents, the cold-gleaming armor on his body, and the dragon horse riding under his feet, Tang Chen fell to his knees directly.

Isn't Daliang City the territory of the Xiang family? When did it fall into the hands of your Tang family?

The cavalry dispersed, and a man wearing a purple dragon robe and a heroic look slowly walked out of the crowd.

The situation in the mountains of the two realms is serious, and experts from all walks of life are constantly coming. I saw that Xiang Yan was not managing well, so I seized the land for His Highness to send. Tang Chen did not feel guilty at all.

The 365 princes under the jurisdiction of the Great Zhou Dynasty attacked from time to time, which was nothing special.

I heard that a few days ago, an ascended person who escaped from the Kunlun Cave appeared. Do you know where this person is? The prince's voice was serious.

Reporting to Your Highness, the man managed to escape without any trace of what means he used. Only the innate divine sword is still inserted in the coordinates of the two realms.

Tang Chen knelt on the ground, not daring to raise his head even though the restless hooves of the dragon and horse stirred up dust.

Trash! You are in charge of Daliang City, but you can't even find a single person. Prince Ji Wushuang frowned, and with a whip, he pulled out a bright red blood mark on Tang Chen's face on the ground.

Your Highness, please forgive me. I will try my best to find this person for you. Not only did Tang Chen dare not feel resentful, but his forehead was even lower.

Ji Wushuang ignored him, but turned her head and looked at a man next to her who had first-born tentacles with naked eyes.

Mr. Yu, do you know where the ascended one is? Ji Wushuang asked.

Mr. Yu's eyes radiated golden light, he looked around in all directions, and then said: Your Highness, don't be impatient. As long as that person opens his mouth, I can lock his position.

Ji Wushuang turned around and looked at Tang Chen: Do you know where there is a place called Lijiacun in Daliang City?

Prince, the place where Kunlun Cave Heaven was born is called Lijia Village. Tang Chen said.

Do you know who is Cui Yu? Ji Wushuang asked.

He has not forgotten that the Queen Mother asked him to rob the pig.

At the same time, he was also curious in his heart, what kind of pig was worthy of the Queen's concern.

Although he was the prince of the Great Zhou Dynasty, his foundation was not solid. There were 108 princes under the Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty. He was just born early and took advantage.

His younger brothers are eyeing his throne, and if he wants to completely overwhelm those younger brothers, it is very important to gain the support of the Queen.

Cui Yu? Tang Chen was stunned when he heard this, and then nodded: I know.

He planned Daliang City, but he also had some understanding of Cui Yu's affairs.

Take me there quickly, Ji Wushuang said.

After the words fell, a huge group of people gathered, and Tang Chen also ordered tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, all the way to Lijia Village, surrounding Lijia Village.

Your Highness, this Xiaoli Village is shrouded in the power of time. Some people suspect that it is the power leaked from the Kunlun Mirror. As long as you use the power of magic in Xiaoli Village, you will suffer the backlash of the power of time. You should not go in.

Seeing that Ji Wushuang was about to drive into the village, Tang Chen quickly stopped him.

Shrouded by the power of time? Ji Wushuang raised his head and looked at the emerald green light above his head: Is that the coordinates of the Kunlun world?

Not bad! said Tomson.

Ji Wushuang nodded, turned around and looked at the large group of people behind him, as well as the princes and grandsons in royal robes: Who is willing to snatch that pig for me?



You look at me and I look at you, but no one responds.

To snatch a pig?

He really doesn’t look good!

Are they shameless?

How can you hang out in Haojing after the news spreads?

When no one responded, Ji Wushuang looked unhappy.

At this moment, a man came out on horseback: Your Highness, I would like to go!

Brother Shenqi Dao. Ji Wushuang looked at the visitor and couldn't help but a wave of confusion flashed in his eyes.

Don't worry, Your Highness, I will go get the pig for Your Highness. Shenqi said with a smile: You are afraid of jokes, but I am not. To tell you the truth, my family has been in decline for three generations, so I don't care about the so-called face. .”

Shenqi is tall and handsome, and he has an indescribable grace and luxury when sitting on the horse.

Behind him followed a woman with a bun on her head, dressed as a man.

The woman has a very sweet appearance, big eyes, white skin, and pretty lips. She just holds a sword in her arms, which gives her an extra three cents of air-conditioning.

You are allowed to lead the five hundred dragon-riding imperial army, plus this thing. Don't let this king down! Ji Wushuang took out a yellow talisman from his sleeve:

This thing can mobilize the power of all the gods in the three hundred miles of the Two Realms Mountains to support it. The empress wants something by name, so don't be careless. There must be something weird in it.

Shenqi took the talisman and looked at the woman dressed in men's clothing: Hailan, wait for me here.

I'll go with you so I can take care of you. The woman's dragon and horse stirred up and came to Shenqi's side.

That's fine. Seeing the look in the woman's eyes, Shenqi didn't know how to refuse, so he could only nod in agreement.

Let's go! With an order, the five hundred dragon-riding imperial troops rolled up the billowing smoke and entered the village together with Shen Qi.

inside the house

Cui Yuzheng looked at the unconscious young man on the bed. Seeing the young man's injuries slowly healing, he couldn't help but smile.

It is always a joyful thing for people to be able to save some lives within their own capabilities.

He is a human being after all, not a cold-blooded devil.

At this moment, there was a rumbling sound, like an earthquake, which shook the small village and caused layers of dust to fall from the straw on Cui Yu's roof.

What happened? Cui Yu's heart tightened, and he quickly opened the door and looked around. The next moment, he couldn't help but shrink back.

The entrance is golden armor!

The golden armor shone with divine light in the sun.

Sitting down is a strange horse with dragon horns, and the horse's body is covered with fine scales.

Sitting on it were five hundred knights.

The breaths of the five hundred knights connected together to form a huge force field. Cui Yu's breath couldn't help but stagnate as he watched.

Five hundred heavenly beings!

An army of five hundred heavenly beings!

When did the masters of heaven become so worthless?

The most important thing is that he has met the leader, Viscount Tang Chen of Daxia.

Sir, this is Cui Yu's home. They are the only ones who raise pigs. Tang Chen led the five hundred dragon-riding forbidden troops all the way to the gate of Cui Yu's house and surrounded Cui Yu. :

Cui Yu was shocked: When have I ever provoked such a terrifying opponent? Five hundred Celestial Knights is really too extravagant.

Cui Yu couldn't help but be stunned when he looked at the adult that Tang Chen was talking about.

So similar!

It’s so similar!

At least seven points similar to myself!

Cui Yu saw Shen Qi, and Shen Qi also saw Cui Yu. The two looked at each other and were both stunned. The same feeling arose in their hearts, as if they saw themselves.

He was just a man on horseback, wearing brocade clothes and jade robes, with an air of wealth and nobility flowing around him, and an endless sense of power and domineering.

The other one was wearing coarse linen clothes, standing in the dust, but there was an indescribable elegance about him.

Who is he? Shen Qi looked at Cui Yu with his eyes.

Sir, this person is the Cui Yu you are looking for. Tang Chen replied, then turned around quickly


He looked at Cui Yu and said angrily: Why don't you come and pay me a courtesy? This is the son of the Shen family of Haojing in the Great Zhou Dynasty: Shen Qi.

Cui Yu clasped his hands and said, I have met this noble young master.

Kneel down?

Kneeling is impossible!

You bastard, how can you stand and talk in front of the young master? When Tang Chen saw Cui Yu standing there and saluting, he couldn't help but look angry and wanted to go forward and beat him.

Wait a minute. Shenqi waved his hand to stop Tomson's movements: Forgive him as a bumpkin from a remote country. How much knowledge does he have? Does he know what etiquette is?

Come here, go take out his pig. Shenqi waved his hand.

inside the house

Zhu Wuneng looked at Shen Qi and others arriving, and couldn't help but burst into tears with excitement: The Great Zhou Dragon Cavalry Forbidden Army! The person who saved me has arrived! I can finally escape from the misery and escape from the sea of ​​suffering.

As the noble prince finished speaking, the dragon-riding imperial army dismounted, jumped over the courtyard wall, and rushed towards Cui Yu's house.

Wait a minute! Cui Yu stepped forward and stood in front of the dragon-riding imperial army.


The Dragon Cavalry Forbidden Army were all martial arts masters. With a single wave of their hands, they pushed tens of thousands of kilograms of force directly towards Cui Yu.


Cui Yu, who had a strength of 30,000 kilograms, was pushed and staggered.

The dragonriding forbidden army pushed it casually, with a strength of at least 80,000 kilograms.

This is too much! The next moment the Dingxian Divine Light was activated, Cui Yu did not hesitate and unsheathed the long sword in his hand.

What about martial arts heavenly beings?

Facing the divine light of Dingxian, he was still powerless to resist.

Hot blood spurted out, heads rolled, and everyone in the venue was stunned. Even the dragon-riding Imperial Army who was taking steps could not help but be stunned, as if they couldn't believe their eyes.

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