In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 181 The Innate Divine Sword


The next moment, the innate divine sword turned into a stream of light and escaped from between the big fingers.

As expected of the Innate Divine Sword! The big hand that covered half of the sky also dissipated, and a figure in cloth appeared in the field. His eyes glanced at Liu Xiu, and then his eyes fell on the Innate Divine Sword.

Come to Da Zhou and hand over the Innate Divine Sword. Da Zhou can protect the Kunlun Cave for you. The person who came here was in his forties and looked very similar to Wu Guang.

Wu Qi, you old man is too overbearing! The Kunlun Cave is too big for your family to eat. You have to leave some soup for us. Gong Yangyu rolled the bamboo stick in his hand in the void.

This is the emperor's decree. Do you dare to resist the decree? Wu Qi said with a smile. He only waited for the opponent to open his mouth and captured the opponent.

Of course we dare not disobey the emperor's decree, but I suspect that you are pretending to be the emperor of Zhou. How can the emperor of Zhou care about such a trivial matter as the Kunlun secret realm? True Lord Fire Dragon was a little angry.

Oh? Are you an old loach? Wu Qi slowly touched the sword at his waist with his palm.

Infinite Heavenly Lord, the Soldier Saint is too aggressive. Li Si's voice sounded in the sky: This innate divine sword, everyone has to rely on their own abilities.

In that case, let's each rely on our abilities. Wu Qi glanced at Li Si, and the next moment he suddenly stretched out a palm, covering half of the sky, and went to capture Liu Xiu.

Li Si over there also had a judge's pen in his hand, and he also pointed it at Liu Xiu.

Seeing that he was being cut up like cargo, Liu Xiu's eyes showed a hint of aggrievedness. The next moment, he continued to activate the innate sword and slashed towards the coordinates in the sky.

Damn you bastard! Stop it quickly! Wu Qi scolded, his voice like thunder.

Haha, don't panic, everyone, just wait and see what I can do! Shoucheng smiled, urging the power of cause and effect in his hand, and then Liu Xiu suddenly changed his color. He felt that the innate sword in his hand was out of control. Not only did he not hit the coordinates, Instead, the location of Kunlun Cave was cut out.

Liu Xiu's face changed color: It's over! We can only find a way to escape today.

After taking out a jade plate and engraved the four characters Don't Ascend, the innate sword in Liu Xiu's hand once again burst out with mighty power. The power of time flowed, and he once again borrowed the innate divine power.

The divine light of the innate sword burst out, and the divine power came from nothingness and was poured into the sword.

Then an unparalleled divine light erupted, and everyone took action, surrounding and suppressing the sword light.

The jade plate with four words engraved on it was affected by the force and broke into pieces. The word Bu was annihilated by the mighty power. The remaining three words Want to Ascend, wrapped in the power of the Innate Divine Sword, fell towards the small world. go.

But when the sword light in the sky subsided, there was only one innate sword floating in the sky. Where was the trace of Liu Xiu?

No one paid attention to Liu Xiu. At this time, everyone took action to get the innate sword.

Haha, the Innate Divine Sword is born, but it is destined to me, so I should take it. At this moment, a laugh came from Daliang City, and Gong Nanbei's figure twisted and appeared above the clouds.

At this moment, Gong Nanbei is like a sword, an extremely sharp sword!

The whole person's body was surrounded by sword energy, grabbing at the innate divine sword.

Gong Nanbei! Li Si couldn't help shrinking when he saw Gong Nanbei appear: This divine sword must not fall into Gong Nanbei's hands.

Then countless chains of order flew out from around the body and entangled towards the north and south of the palace.

If you were really here, I might be wary of you. But you are just a projection here now, and you dare to meddle in my business? The next moment Gong Nanbei pointed out, the sword energy was lingering at the fingertips, and there seemed to be something Derived from infinite worlds.

That is a world composed of sword energy!

The sword gives birth to the world! Li Si's voice was full of disbelief, and then the projection collapsed.

Gong Nanbei sneered, turned around and joined the battlefield, flying straight towards the Innate Divine Sword: I am the best swordsman in the world, and this Divine Sword should belong to me!

Gong Nanbei, you are too arrogant. Wu Qi frowned, and then punched the sky and the earth, like a


The hill smashed towards the north and south of the palace.

Wu Qi, I'm about to learn from you a clever move. Gong Nanbei's voice was cold.

When Gong Nanbei faced the military sage Wu Qi, he was not afraid at all. In the next moment, his whole body turned into overwhelming sword energy and struck Wu Qi on the opposite side.

Three heads and six arms! Wu Qi twisted his shape and turned into three heads and six arms. Then with a roll, a hill in the Two Realms Mountain was pulled up, and with infinite power, it smashed towards the north and south of the palace.

The power to move mountains? Gong Nanbei smiled coldly, and the sword light burst out, piercing the mountain: Wu Qi, without an army of one hundred thousand, you are definitely no match for me. Even if you are known as a military saint, but that one on the battlefield Trapped and fighting in the arena are not the same thing.

Really? I have an immortal true body. Although your sword energy is sharp, it can't break my true body. Wu Qi will never lose face.

Really? Gong Nanbei sneered, and an extremely bright light suddenly appeared on his fingertips.

At this moment, a black smoke suddenly flowed in the void, inexplicably carrying ghosts crying and wolf howling, and gathered towards Gong Nanbei, Wu Qi and others.

When Wu Qi saw the black smoke, he quickly jumped out like a frightened rabbit.

Disaster! Disaster is coming! Wu Qi's eyes were full of seriousness.

Gong Nanbei also looked serious, and then the energy in his body quickly converged.

But it was too late at this time, the aura of disaster in the sky had begun to gather, turning into a large net and covering everyone in the field.

At this moment, an inexplicable yellow wind suddenly rolled up in the void, scattering the black mist in the air, and then the yellow mist gathered into a silhouette of a figure in the lake: Everyone, you need to be careful when taking action, in case a disaster strikes and the Kunlun coordinates are destroyed. what to do?

You are fighting for life and death here, but not everyone can control the Innate Divine Sword. If you want to seize the Innate Divine Sword, you need the approval of the Innate Divine Sword.

Besides, a strong man in the realm of disasters will cause disasters if he is not careful. At that time, not only you will suffer the disasters, but the entire Yu Kingdom will be affected by the disasters. Once the Emperor of Zhou is held accountable, I am afraid that You can’t afford it.”

There are no rules without rules. Once a real fire breaks out later, I'm afraid the whole country will be wiped out. How about we set some rules?

However, at this time, Nanhua was just a faint yellow light, and even had no appearance. When everyone felt the mighty Qi energy, they all knew that there was no mistake. The legendary number one Qi practitioner had seized the body. The existence of heaven appears.

With the appearance of Master Nanhua, the battlefield suddenly became quiet.

Neither Wu Qi nor Gong Nanbei said a word.

The Innate Divine Sword fell from mid-air and landed on Liangjie Mountain outside Xiaoli Village below, and was inserted into a bluestone of Liangjie Mountain.

The Innate Divine Sword is right here. If you have the ability to make the Innate Divine Sword recognize its master, you might as well use it. Old Immortal Nanhua said with a smile: It's just a strong person who is above disaster, but you can't take action anymore. If you accidentally provoke it, An inexplicable natural disaster will not only harm yourselves, but also countless sentient beings. With so many powerful people in the disaster realm together, if a natural disaster really comes, none of us will be able to escape.

After hearing what Master Nanhua said, everyone was silent, which seemed to be acquiescing to what Master Nanhua said.

I'll come first! Gong Nanbei was not polite, and directly reached out to grab the innate divine sword, using the sword energy in his body to communicate with the innate divine sword.

But the next moment, the sword buzzed, and a sword energy burst out, sending the palace flying north and south.

If the master of this sword is not dead, we will never be able to defeat the Innate Divine Sword. Gong Nanbei got up in embarrassment, his eyes full of gloom.

We must catch the ascended one so that we can have a chance to surrender the Innate Divine Sword!

The innate divine sword cannot be retrieved, and the treasure is right in front of them. How can everyone be willing to do so?

Let's think about how to open the Kunlun world. Where did the ascended person go? Master Nanhua asked, and after looking around, there was no trace of Liu Xiu.

That man may have run away with the help of the power he unleashed from the Innate Divine Sword, Shoucheng said helplessly.


Then first understand the coordinates of the Kunlun Secret Realm, and let's try to communicate with the Innate Divine Sword! What if there is a chance to be recognized by the Innate Divine Sword? Gong Yangyu said.

I'll go first! Master Huolong wanted to step forward.

Why should you go first? I should come first! Gong Yangyu refused.

In an instant, the two of them were fighting each other again. Even Master Nanhua couldn't help but shake his head when he saw it.

Inside Kunlun Small World

Countless monks looked at the broken space with a look of longing and envy in their eyes.

At this moment, a fragment came from the sky and slowly fell into the crowd.

I want to ascend! The Emperor wants me to ascend! Someone caught the jade plate, their voice full of fanaticism.

The Emperor has taken the lead and told us to ascend! The voice was full of fanaticism.

Outside the small world

Everyone in the big world has already lost their wits. For a moment, everyone surrounded the innate sword, and the sky above Daliang City changed color.

Cui Yu stood in the yard and saw only the divine light flowing in the sky and the mighty power surging, but he could not see a single figure.

Turning around to look, I saw the old Taoist priest Nanhua and the little nun looking at the sky seriously. I couldn't help but get curious and asked, What happened up there? Could it be that the Kunlun Cave was born?

An ascended person appeared above, and that ascended person actually took an innate divine sword, and then all the old guys took action and knocked the shit out of them. Miao Shan explained beside him.

The Innate Divine Sword? Cui Yu's eyes lit up when he heard this, and then he frowned: Whose hand did the Innate Divine Sword fall into?

How can the Innate Divine Sword be so easy to surrender? If we don't fight for ten days and a half, we can't even hope to determine the winner. Master Nan Hua took over the words from the side.

Can you two see clearly? Cui Yu glanced at the two of them suspiciously.

Neither Nan Hua Zhenren nor Miao Shan replied, but looked at the sky with their eyes full of curiosity.

Seeing this, Cui Yu was too lazy to pay attention to the two of them. Instead, he picked up the basket and hurried towards the mountains in the distance.

Now that Kunlun Cave Heaven was born, it would be no longer safe for his parents, younger brother, and younger sister to stay here. He wanted to send his younger siblings and parents to the old Confucian scholar.

Cui Yu looked at the light that was constantly flashing in the sky. That mighty and immortal divine light was flowing with infinite power. How could he not know that there were powerful people fighting against each other?

This world is too scary. Is this the real top power? My ability is really far behind. Cui Yu turned into mist and floated all the way to the top of the hill.

Cui Yu showed his figure at the foot of the mountain, then quickly climbed the mountain to the front of the thatched cottage.

At this time, the younger brothers Cui Li and Cui Lu were pointing at the colorful lights in the sky and giggling.

Mother was also standing in front of the door, raising her head and looking at the sky, her eyes filled with unprecedented seriousness.

At this moment, Cui Yu felt that his mother seemed to be filled with an inexplicable temperament, which was completely different from the woman in the past who could only do housework.

Brother, Caiyun! Cui Li pointed at the clouds in the sky, showing excitement.

Brother, Caiyun can also change forms. Cui Lu's face turned red and he clapped his hands in excitement.

Cui Yu held the two little ones in his arms, teased them for a while, and then looked at Cui's mother:

Mom, where is my dad? Who knows where that dead ghost went to join in the fun. Cui's mother withdrew her gaze and looked at Cui Yu: Don't worry about him. Your dad has many years of hunting experience. It's safe. Very good.

Mom, I think Liangjie Mountain is no longer safe, and I want to take you to stay at a friend's house in the city for a while. Cui Yu looked at Cui's mother and asked carefully.

In the city? I heard people say that the Yellow Turbans in the city are even more unsafe. It's better to stay in the remote mountains and old forests where few people visit. Cui's mother rejected Cui Yu's words.

Mom, my friend is absolutely safe. Cui Yu quickly stepped forward.

The Xiang family has fallen, where is the safety? Cui's mother rejected Cui Yu's words: We are hiding here, no one knows, this is the real safety.

Let Cui Yu rub his tongue


Son, Cui’s mother just doesn’t agree.

Cui Yu had no choice but to secretly make up his mind to come back more often.

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