In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 157 The Fall of Xiang Yu, the Incarnate Giant

Shilong had already noticed the blue bird's flaw and landed directly on the blue bird's crest. The next moment, his magical power was activated: Invert the Five Elements!

At the moment when Xiang Yan died, countless warriors in Daliang City swarmed out following Wu Guang's order, and the entire Daliang City changed its doors in an instant.

In front of Shilong Martial Arts School

In front of the sloppy Shilong Martial Arts School, there was only a group of disciples sitting around and spanking.

In order to rob and kill Xiang Yan, all the martial arts elites were transferred out.

Shilong, Shilong, I can't kill you, so why can't I kill your disciples? I ransacked your lair, that's not too much, right? Song Fuyun slowly appeared in front of the martial arts gym and walked into the entrance hall with a swagger.

His current identity is just a disciple of Pi Chai.

Song Fuyun swaggered all the way and rushed straight to Shilong Courtyard.

Stop! How can you, just a handyman, come to the backyard? Chen Chuan was practicing the five internal organs in the yard. When he saw Song Fuyun, who was wearing the clothes of a handyman disciple, he couldn't help but scolded him with a cold face.

Senior Brother Chen, I have something to report to Master. Song Fuyun moved her feet for a moment, then bowed respectfully to Chen Chuan.

What's the matter? Chen Chuan asked impatiently.

Song Fuyun hesitated, looked around and refused to say: I want to tell Master personally that this secret is very important. If I tell it, people will die.

Song Fuyun's attitude made Chen Chuan interested: What do you want to tell the master? Just tell me directly! Talking to me is the same as telling the master.

I told my master that I can become a direct disciple. Song Fuyun still looked stubborn and refused to speak.

You can become a direct disciple if you tell me? Chen Chuan was really interested this time. He stepped forward and looked at Song Fuyun: Tell me, I can also ask you to become a direct disciple and teach you in my martial arts hall. My top-secret martial arts. You should know what weight my words have in front of Master, right?

Seeing Song Fuyun's mysterious appearance, Chen Chuan became interested and stretched his head over.

Song Fuyun's knife is very fast!

It was so fast that only a flash of sword light could be seen. Before Chen Chuan, who was at the second level of martial arts, could react, his throat had been cut.

You... Chen Chuan covered his neck and looked at him in disbelief. His whole body was in complete disbelief.

He didn't expect that a mere martial arts school servant would dare to sneak attack him.

He never expected that a handyman disciple of a martial arts school could have such good skills.

Song Fuyun smiled, faced Chen Chuan's disbelieving gaze, walked past Chen Chuan, and entered Shi Long's secret room.

The lights in the secret room were bright, and a stone slab stood in the secret room with strange and complicated circuits carved on it. Chen Chuan's eyes lit up.

The five internal organs strength! This is the supreme secret method of purifying the five internal organs of Wuzhuang Temple! It is said that after it is practiced, it can form the five kinds of strength of metal, wood, water, fire and earth, which are specially designed to destroy the human internal organs.

Song Fuyun was a little in disbelief, feeling as if he had been hit by a big gift package: Impossible! How can Shilong have the secret method of Wuzhuangguan? Could it be that Shilong is a disciple of Wuzhuangguan?

Song Fuyun stared at the picture in front of him with his eyes. After a long time, he looked away: What a big bargain! What a huge bargain!

Then his eyes wandered around the stone room and suddenly fell on a bronze statue in the corner: Isn't this the Hunyuan Five Elements Secret Dharma that is spread in the world?

Song Fuyun quickly came to the bronze statue, stretched out his hand to touch the bronze statue, and then tinkered with the bronze statue with his palms. In an instant, the bronze statue turned into squares and scattered on the ground.

Inside the copper cube, there were actually printed formulas and a roadmap for practicing martial arts.

You really made a lot of money! Song Fuyun quickly spread out his clothes, packed up the countless copper blocks, and then quickly packed up and left.

Shi Long had no idea that the treasure he had worked so hard to steal from Wuzhuang Temple was actually taken away by an unknown person.

edge of battlefield

gathering and dispersing into gas

No one noticed that a figure appeared out of thin air

Now at the edge of the battlefield, he took away the gold and Cui Yu turned into gas again and went away.

To be honest, gathering and dispersing Qi is not suitable for rushing. It is about the same speed as normal people running.

When traces appeared on a mountain, Cui Yu took out the golden corpse that was frightened to death, then poured down a drop of sweet rain, and then poured a ray of divine blood into the golden corpse.

After continuously pouring divine blood into Han Xin, Xiang Caizhu, and Yu, Cui Yu now has some experience in pouring divine blood.

With a crisp cry, Jin Fei fluttered his wings, and the distant battlefield once again appeared in Cui Yu's eyes.

At this time, the battlefield has reached a fever pitch, and only a tragic cry of the blue bird can be heard, and then it explodes with a bang.

Thousands of soldiers fell to the ground, each one spitting blood, and they were no longer able to fight.

Looking at Xiang Yu again, he is now holding a spear and standing on the ground with an expressionless face. His eyes are looking at the people who are watching eagerly, and his eyes are full of anger.

Xiang Yu, as long as you surrender, my previous promise will still be valid. Shilong's body was surrounded by colorful energy.

Despicable, if I survive the catastrophe today, I will cut this old guy into pieces in the future. You can kill me and my father today, but my sister will avenge me! I, Xiang Yu, would rather die in battle. I will never surrender! Xiang Yu's voice was full of grief and anger.

Hahaha, you Xiang Mangzi has fallen to this point, and you still want to survive in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds? It's just a joke! What a big joke! Gao DaSheng stood up with more than a heart in his voice, his voice filled with excitement. It's a taunt.

What can your sister Xiang Caizhu do no matter how powerful she is? Can she still be compared to the masters of Taiping Dao? Of course there are masters in Taiping Dao to deal with her. Gao Dasheng sneered.

Taiping Dao? It turns out that Taiping Dao was the one who wanted to seize Daliang City. Xiang Yu's voice was cold.

Don't argue with him, just take action! Shi Long snorted coldly.


The next moment, all the martial arts masters came over to kill him.

Even if I die, I will have you buried with me!

Xiang Yu roared, his clothes exploded, and he rose straight up from the ground, turning into a ten-meter giant.

Fa Tian Xiang Di? Cui Yu, who was watching the battle from a distance, was startled.

Be careful, this guy has awakened the art of transformation. His body size has grown by one meter, and his strength has increased by one level. Now that his height has increased by eight meters, his strength may have doubled. Shi Long has been in contact with the Xiang family for decades, and he has a strong understanding of the Xiang family. The Xiang family knows everything:

The strength of this giant technique will increase, but it is not without its flaws, and its flexibility will also decrease.

Don't fight him head-on. Avoid spears and hit his weak spots. His magical power is strong, but with his strength, he won't be able to hold on for long. As long as he waits until the divine blood in his body is exhausted, he can be killed and chopped into pieces by then. It's not just something we concocted at will. Tomson sneered from the side:

I know the Giant Technique. It compresses the time for exerting one's strength into a very short time frame.

In other words, he could normally fight for five hours, but through the effect of the giant spell, the power of five hours was superimposed into one hour.

For example, if a person can carry three thousand kilograms of things in five hours, then the giant technique is to concentrate the power of three thousand kilograms in one hour, and he can exert the effect of carrying three thousand kilograms of power in one call.

He is at the end of his rope! Shi Long nodded, and the next moment he grabbed the earth with his five fingers, and saw that the earth suddenly sunk, causing Xiang Yu to fall down.

Then the soil gathered together, and in an instant the five elements transformed into steel, trapping Xiang Yu from the knees down.

Cui Yu saw this scene from a distance and couldn't help but widen his eyes: Referring to the physical form?

Open it for me!

Xiang Yu roared angrily, and the iron knot under his feet shook, but he was unable to break free.

At this time, the strong men from all walks of life all took action and stabbed at Xiang Yu's body.

What a Xiang Yu, the spear in his hand was used perfectly, protecting his whole body.

Faced with the roaring power of the spear, coupled with the Giant Technique and the Giant Strength Technique, the air continued to explode, like firecrackers exploding.

Zhongtian, at this time, did not dare to fight, but kept consuming back and forth, using the technique of exhaustion.

At this time, Xiang Yu was trapped and couldn't even escape.

Xiang Yu is finished! Cui Yu passed the bird hawk and saw the scene in front of him, and couldn't help feeling frightened.

Xiang Yu's power exceeded his expectations, but the difficulty of this world's martial arts masters also exceeded his expectations.

He did not take action to save him, but watched quietly from the side: If you take action now, I will catch up with you myself, and there will be no second result.

Cui Yu was most afraid of the three assassins hiding in the shadows.

And Shi Long's ability to control the five elements made Cui Yu confused.

It's difficult! I just hope they leave Xiang Yu's body intact! Cui Yudi muttered.

Time passed little by little, and half an hour later a shrill scream was heard:


! Peaceful Road!

! I, Xiang Yu, will never give up with you! I, Xiang Yu, swear to heaven that if I survive, I will destroy your way to peace!

Then the Giant Technique was knocked back to its original shape, and the next moment three shadows jumped out, and Xiang Yu was directly divided into three parts.

Head dropped!

The waist to the neck is one section.

There is one section below the waist.


Xiang Yu is dead after all!

Take Xiang Yan's body and go back to take over Daliang City. Shi Long looked at the Ji Le boy of the Sanhe Gang: I still need to find a place to regain my strength.

After speaking, Shilong disappeared directly.

The Xiang family's father and son had removed the last obstacle that prevented him from seizing Cui Yu's golden elixir. He could not wait to seize the golden elixir from Cui Yu.

Shi Long left in a hurry, and several people looked at Tang Chen. Tang Chen swept across the battlefield and said, Bury Xiang Yu!

Clean the battlefield, take control of Daliang City, and block all news about Daliang City. Tang Chen said with a smile.

An hour later, the battlefield became empty, with only patches of bright red blood describing the previous tragedy.

There was a fluctuation in the air, and Cui Yu's figure appeared. Looking at the little dirt bag in front of him, he couldn't help but feel filled with emotion.

No matter how talented and talented you are, there will always be opponents stronger than you in this world.

So the magical ability to escape life is very important. Cui Yu made a sound of certainty and secretly gave himself a thumbs up.

There are always people stronger than you in this world, and the only way to survive is to escape.

Cui Yu looked at the soil on the ground, looked around, and then quickly squatted down to dig.

Not long after, Xiang Yu's three broken body was dug out from the soil.

Looking at Xiang Yu's body, Cui Yu was a little confused: Tell me about you, if I just watch you die like this, how will I face Xiang Caizhu in the future? But if I save you, I will waste my divine power.

Cui Yu took out the Qiankun bag, then packed Xiang Yu's body, and the next moment it turned into air and disappeared between heaven and earth.

Revealing his true form outside Lijia Village, Cui Yu's eyes showed a hint of thought: Now that the news that I have the Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations has been leaked, I'm afraid Shi Long won't let it go. If you want to curse Shi Long, you still need to find someone. It’s a secluded place. It’s no longer safe here, I’m afraid Shilong will arrive soon.”

Cui Yu hesitated for a moment and came to his house. He was about to pack his things when a thought flashed in his mind: I'm going to run away, and I need to inform my dad so that he doesn't know about it and bumps into Shi Long's hand. superior.

Distracted thoughts flashed in Cui Yu's heart. When he was packing his things, Cui Huhu walked over with a hoe outside the house.

Standing outside the door and scanning Cui Yu's small yard, Cui Huhu nodded with satisfaction: Not bad. If you can be a pig farmer in peace, dad will take you back to Zhenwu Temple in the future!

Baby! There are too many old monsters in this world. You can't control it, so you should just be a pigger. I will use the Kunlun Mirror to find the treasure in Grandpa's notebook later, and then I will take you back. Zhenwu Temple! Cui Huhu said with emotion:

Unfortunately, your qualifications are

You are stupid. When you were a child, I tried you with oral formulas, but you had no understanding. When you return to Zhenwu Mountain to raise pigs, it will also be a good choice. Live your life in peace, and I will kidnap your wife back. That will be perfect.

Cui Laohu thought to himself, then swept across the pig pen in the yard, looking at the old sow and piglets eating vegetables, and showed a satisfied smile.

Then he looked around and saw that there was no one in the yard. Cui Laohu quietly opened the door and opened the yard. After scanning around, he picked up the small shovel on the side and went to the place where Cui Yu dug out the jar last time. Digging up.

Hey, the soil is a bit loose!

As soon as the shovel went down, Cui Laohu noticed something was wrong, and suddenly his heart tightened.

Has anyone dug it?

Cui Laohu quickly dug away the soil, but as the soil dug deeper and deeper, Cui Laohu suddenly felt his heart tremble, and his hands became a little faster.

Suddenly there was a squeaking sound from the hoe, and Cui Laohu dug out a jar from the soil with a happy face.

It is exactly the same as the jar Cui Yu dug out that day!

But the jar Cui Yu dug out that day had obviously been grabbed out of thin air by a big hand?

Cui Laohu opened the jar and took out a volume of books, which was exactly the same as the secret that Cui Yu had seen.


Just when Cui Laohu was holding the jar and smiling happily, a pig snort suddenly came from his ears. Cui Laohu subconsciously looked at it, and then his eyes shrank, and he couldn't help but feel horrified, and the jar in his hand almost fell to the ground:

The Ancient Canopy!


Why did the Taikoo Canopy appear here?

As far as he knows, the only one in the world who has the hope of turning into an ancient canopy is the one from Laoshan, right?

Cui Huneng looked at Zhu Wuneng, and Zhu Wuneng looked at Cui Huneng.

Their eyes met, and Zhu Wuneng's eyes showed a hint of excitement: Hum hum ~ (Cui Laohu! Didn't you die back then? Why are you here?)

Zhu Wuneng is very excited!

Not ordinary excitement!

Although he and Cui Laohu were not from the same sect, and even had a dispute over their orthodoxy, how could they not be excited when they saw an old friend with a great fortune and whom they had lost contact with for eighteen years?

If he remembered correctly, Cui Huhu possessed an ancient secret: the technique of killing three corpses, right?

Back then, it was because of the Three Corpse Killing Technique that there was a bloody storm in the Zhenwu Temple. I don't know how many strong men died in that battle.

Who knew Cui Huhu would appear here?

Cui Laohu's brain was shut down, and he stared blankly at Zhu Wuneng. Thousands of thoughts were running through his mind for a while, and he was a little overwhelmed.

Recognize each other?

Fuck you!

I have lived incognito for eighteen years, just to be able to awaken the Kunlun Mirror next time. I saw that I could kill three corpses with that Taigong rare treasure. Now that it is exposed, wouldn't it be a big trouble?


Judging from Zhu Wuneng's appearance, it seems that he has turned into an ancient canopy?

Has this old guy become enlightened?

Although it is the ancient canopy from childhood, can I take it down quietly?

Now that Kunlun Mountain is born, I don't know how much commotion is caused. If a fight provokes other people's ideas, my eighteen years of hard planning will come to nothing.

Cui Huhu, I recognize you! You are Cui Huhu! Zhu Wuneng looked at Cui Huhu, his eyes full of excitement.

Can you not be excited?

It took a lot of effort to find someone with the same mindset.

Cui Laohu was a little at a loss at this time. Just when he didn't know what to do, Cui Yu opened the door and walked out of the house:

Dad, what are you doing?

When Cui Yu came out, Zhu Wu was able to shut up and obediently lower his head and eat grass in the yard. An inexplicable sadness and anger arose in my heart: Dad? Cui Yu is Cui Hu’s son?

You, Cui Hu, have actually raised such unworthy descendants. See if I don't settle the score with you in the future! Zhu Wuneng was a little sad and angry.

He is in Cui Yushou

How many deflations have you eaten? How much torture!

In his eyes, Cui Yu is a big devil! There is no chance for revenge in this life. But what did he hear Cui Yu call Cui Laohu?

If Cui Yuyao was really a nobody, things would be difficult to handle. He, Zhu Wuneng, could only swallow his anger and endure it silently. But now that Cui Yu’s background is discovered, it will be much easier to handle!

If I can't settle the accounts with you Cui Yu, why can't I settle the accounts with you and me?

Moreover, Cui Huhu had been hiding here incognito for eighteen years. Thinking about the Kunlun secret realm, Zhu Wuneng suddenly felt that he seemed to have discovered something.

I see that there are overgrown weeds in your yard, so I want to help you get rid of them. Cui Laohu calmly held the jar in his arms, pretending that he had brought the jar.

The jar was in Cui Laohu's arms. Cui Yu didn't see the whole picture of the jar, and didn't notice Cui Laohu's movements. He just stepped forward and picked up Zhu Wuneng by his hind hooves: Dad, this little piglet is a bit fierce. It's the one I used to He was caught in the mountains, please stay away from him from now on.

Seeing Cui Yu's movements and the swaying Zhu Wuneng, Cui Huhu didn't come back to his senses for a while.

When he saw Zhu Wuneng's desperate, sad and angry eyes staring at him, Cui Laohu's scalp exploded instantly and his whole body became numb.

Son, do you know what you are carrying?

What you are carrying is the face of the entire Laoshan Mountain!

What you are carrying are the dreams of countless monks in the spiritual world! The beliefs of countless monks!

Cui Huhu's entire body was numb, and he didn't know what to do for a moment.

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