Hearing Xiang Yan's words, Shi Long's eyes showed a wave of fluctuation, but this wave of fluctuation was quickly suppressed again.

Apart from your parents, there is no other person in the world who can extend your life.

Xiang Yan is indeed a good friend, but I, Shi Long, am born heartless. Shi Long sighed in his heart.

If he had his heart, he would not betray Wuzhuang Temple and escape.

No matter how much you give me, it can't compare to the Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations. That's the Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations! Shi Long felt a little regretful, because Xiang Yan was really nice to him, but compared with tens of thousands of years of life, Far from enough to see.

What are your plans, sir? Shi Long said.

Viscount Tang Chen of Great Xia is indeed extraordinary. He actually used an army of eight thousand to develop the Qilin Formation. It can attract the blessing of the power of the ancient Qilin. The eight thousand army can form a town and can fight against the fourth level of martial arts. But I am different. I have The magical power of martial arts is huge, and it can contain his Qilin formation. Xiang Yu has already practiced the military formation of my Yu clan, and borrowed the ancient black bird formation, you can help Xiang Yu, defeat the rest of the armies of Da Xia and Wei, and then come again Help me. Xiang Yan said.

Have you mastered the military formation? Shilongtong couldn't help but shrink.

If an army wants to form a formation, it is impossible to train troops alone. It also requires unique treasures that can bring together the spirit and energy of the army's officers and soldiers, and then form a unique formation.

This kind of treasure can be a strange thing, or it can be a flag, or even a piece of armor, or a knife.

Congratulations, sir, congratulations, sir! Shi Long said.

Xiang Yu shook his head and wrote lightly, as if he didn't feel that practicing military formation was something to be proud of.

It's a pretense! I can't tell you how happy I am! Shi Long secretly spat, and then said to Xiang Yan: I am willing to go with the Viscount to deal with the Qilin Formation. If we can collapse the Qilin Formation first, Master, then It also reduces a lot of pressure.”

Shi Long said with a smile: Although my iron-smelting hand has lost its lifespan, its power is not much at all. It can already reverse the void and control the five elements.

Have you achieved supernatural powers? Xiang Yan was stunned.

The corners of Shi Long's lips curled up, and he couldn't help but reveal a hint of pride: It's just a coincidence.

Okay! In this case, I'm 100% sure! Xiang Yan slapped her thigh: Get ready to go out immediately and have a fight with Daxia.

The horn sounded, and by the time Cui Yu arrived at the camp, the army had already begun to mobilize.

Cui Yu did not dare to step forward for fear of being caught as a spy, so he could only stand on a large mountain in the distance and look down at the battlefield below through the golden leaves.

Sir, that Jin Biao is a little weird. It has been hiding in the clouds, observing the movements of our army. Shilong suddenly raised his head and pointed at the Jin Biao that was shuttled through the clouds.

Xiang Yan raised her head and took a look: It must be Daxia's spy. So what if he peeks? We will defeat them openly this time.

Then he ignored it and led the army to rush over.

Seeing tens of thousands of troops swarming on the ground like ants, Cui Yu sat on the mountain and ate melon seeds leisurely.

Seeing the armies of both sides meeting each other, the earth-yellow light flowed from Daxia's 8,000-strong army. The countless rays of light gathered together and turned into an earth-yellow unicorn.

The unicorn merged with the army and stood tall. Although it looked a bit illusory, it was lifelike and detailed.

Then Qilin took a step forward, gathering the power of the earth with a radius of dozens of miles on the sole of his foot, and rushed towards the Daxia army on the opposite side.

One step down and the ground shook.

Thousands of troops behind Xiang Yu flashed with green light. The green light gathered from each soldier's body and turned into a green cloud. The cloud seemed to have an inexplicable power. When he sensed it, it twisted into a cloud. A big emerald green bird.

The black bird chirped, and the golden bird in the sky was frightened to death.

Then Cui Yu's eyes darkened, and he suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes full of disbelief: Supernatural power! Supernatural power! Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! Those soldiers are just ordinary people, how could they summon Supernatural power?

It’s incredible!

A group of ordinary soldiers can actually exert something comparable to supernatural powers!


Cui Yu felt that his world view had been subverted!

Hearing the chirping of black birds and unicorns in the distance, and the flickering light between heaven and earth, Cui Yu's eyes showed a hint of shock.

on the battlefield

Xiang Yan looked at the rushing Qilin from a distance, with a hint of thought in her eyes: There is something about Tang Chen in Daxia. Could it be that the Qilin bloodline in his body has awakened?

There are thousands of thoughts in his heart, but he doesn't show any weakness: Isn't it just martial arts and magical powers? I have mastered it a long time ago!

Gather the mountain! Xiang Yan shouted angrily, and the next moment smoke and dust rolled up from the earth, and the vast sand gathered and adhered to Xiang Yan's body. In an instant, Xiang Yan condensed into a thirty-meter-tall giant, and then in one step He took a step forward and faced Qilin.

Boom! The unicorn and the giant collided, shaking the earth for a moment.

Qilin pounced, and every move he made was accompanied by the power of wind and thunder. For a time, lightning and thunder roared in a radius of a kilometer, and the power of thunder and fire intertwined. Not to mention ordinary soldiers, even powerful heavenly and human beings who could borrow the power of heaven and earth had to do it. Stay away.

This is the military formation!

The military formation originated from this dynasty and was the greatest weapon for this dynasty to destroy the previous dynasty of Great Xia.

The sage Ji Chang signed a pact with ghosts and gods, which allowed ordinary soldiers to borrow the power of ghosts and gods. This was the prototype of a military strategist.

Later, Taigong learned from the covenant between ghosts and gods, and actually bypassed the contract and signed a covenant directly with all kinds of powerful and incredible ancient beings from all over the world, and then the military strategist became successful.

Not only can you borrow the power of ghosts and gods, but you can also borrow the immortal marks of countless heroic spirits from ancient times.

The ancient heroic spirits reappeared in the world with the help of military strategists.

Facing Qilin, Xiang Yan looked serious. Although he was a strong man in the fourth level of martial arts, he still had to be cautious when facing the power of a military strategist.

The power of the military strategist not only attracts the ancient heroic spirits, but also the laws corresponding to the ancient heroic spirits and the authority that the ancient heroic spirits held during their lifetime.


Xiang Yan turned into a clay giant, and with a sudden wave of his hand, he collided with Qilin, and the two were anxious for a while.

The rocks on Xiang Yan's clay giant were smelted into magma, but were filled with more soil. The clash between the two swept hundreds of meters in radius, causing wind and clouds in their path, causing countless deaths and injuries.

Seeing that there was no distinction between the two sides, three figures suddenly jumped out of Xiang Yan's shadow, holding black daggers in their hands and rushing towards the clay giant that Xiang Yan had transformed into.

How brave! How dare you do this! Xiang Yan's face was expressionless. In an instant, the soil surged behind him, and three more arms grew and attacked the clay giant.

The two sides struggled for thirty moves, and the three arms shattered into rocks and flew in all directions.

Although the martial arts magical powers of those three shadows are shadows and do not directly add combat power like Xiang Yan, they are still at the fourth level of martial arts. Xiang Yan evolved three arms out of clay and passed thirty moves with the opponent, which is already quite good.

Seeing three figures about to break through the soil and attack Xiang Yan's true body in the soil, he suddenly heard a distant Shilong shout: Don't panic, Viscount Xiang, wait until I come to help.

Tomson's eyes lit up, knowing that the opportunity had come.

After Shi Long finished speaking, he turned to Xiang Yu and said:

Quickly, please defeat the rest of Daxia's soldiers, then the Daxia soldiers, and the Dahan soldiers, and then go to help me.

Shi Long urged, then took a step forward and flew directly towards Xiang Yan: Sir, let me help you.

The stone dragon rose into the air, and the next moment red light flashed behind it, forming a three-meter-high red giant. The red giant directly wrapped the stone dragon inside, and then rushed towards the three killers with the sulfur gas of fire and poison:

Despicable rats, you dare to rely on the numbers of people to bully others, and even have a fight with me.

Shi Long punched out, leaving Xiang Yan unprepared. The punch actually passed through three figures, and then hit Xiang Yan in the back.

Xiang Yan staggered, but before he could react, the next moment he stone

The dragon has already taken action: The five elements are reversed!

Brush ~ brush ~ brush ~

The soil on Xiang Yan's body turned directly into sand, and the giant collapsed in an instant.

Caught off guard, Xiang Yan was directly bombarded by three figures in the chest, and the three black figures penetrated directly through Xiang Yan's chest.


Smoke and dust were everywhere on the ground, and Xiang Yan hit the ground. At this time, without dying, her eyes were fixed on Shilong in the air:

I...I treat you badly, why do you...why do you...why do you...

Xiang Yan's eyes were full of disbelief.

Shi Long did not answer, but turned his head and looked into the distance.

At this time, a figure walked out of the unicorn. The figure was dressed in khaki clothes, with a enchanting and handsome face, and seemed to have an indescribable evil charm.

Xiang Yan, you idiot, I told you not to trust others easily, but you just don't believe it! The young man's eyes were full of regret.

Tang Chen, when did you collude with Shi Long? Xiang Yan's eyes were full of unwillingness: What did he give you? He actually taught you to betray me?

What a shame! Tang Chen raised the knife and dropped it, causing Xiang Yan's head to roll to the ground.



Xiang Yu in the distance was shocked and overwhelmed by this sudden turn of events.

Surround Xiang Yu and don't let him escape. Tang Chen looked at Xiang Yu in the distance.

Shi Long! Why did you betray my father! Xiang Yu's eyes were full of grief and anger, and Taotao's anger continued to burn.

It's your father and son who are to blame for trusting people so easily. Shi Long looked at Xiang Yu with a look of indifference: For the sake of my friendship with your father, as long as you surrender without restraint, I will spare your life.

He Shilong wants that 30,000-year lifespan!

Can he tell Xiang Yu about this?

If you want to kill Cui Yu, you must pass the level of Xiang Caizhu. Xiang Caizhu was angry afterwards, and Shi Long didn't need to judge too much about which side the Xiang family and his son were on.

Compared with a life span of 30,000 years, a mere few decades of friendship is nothing more.

You~ Xiang Yu was trembling with anger: Blue Bird Formation!

The next moment the blue bird took off, Xiang Yu turned around and wanted to run away without saying a word.

His name is Xiang Mangzi, but he is not Xiang Fool.

The three men in black, plus Shi Long and Tang Chen, were five fourth-level martial arts heavenly beings. They were definitely not something he, a mere third-level martial arts heavenly being, could handle.

Even building a foundation in the martial arts of gods and demons won’t work!

There is a huge gap between martial arts gods and martial arts!

If it was one on one, he might be able to give it a try. Even in a one-on-two matchup, the outcome is still uncertain.

His bloodline has not yet matured, and his martial arts is far behind. If he doesn't run away, will he wait to die?

Moreover, only by relying on the Blue Bird Formation to temporarily elevate oneself to the fourth level of martial arts can one escape.

Can you run away? At this moment, Gao Dasheng in the crowd suddenly took action, and a silk thread flew out, passed through the blue bird formation, and trapped Xiang Yu's body.

You bastard! You despicable villain, how dare you sneak up on me? Xiang Yu said with an angry look on his face: Power! Power! Power!


Xiang Yu roared, and all the strength of the fly whisk thread trapped in his body disappeared, and fell softly under his feet.

Not good! Gao Dasheng's heart suddenly trembled. Faced with Xiang Yu's angry eyes, his heart was filled with fear.


Xiang Yu roared angrily, smashed down the spear in his hand, and the void exploded like a firecracker.

Escape! Gao Dasheng wanted to escape.

He was also a martial arts master of the fourth level of martial arts. When facing Xiang Yu, he just wanted to run away and didn't even have the courage to resist.

The foundation of the martial arts of gods and demons is nearly one hundred and eight thousand kilograms of power!

Coupled with the awakened magical power of martial arts, it is completely a miniature version of the fourth level of martial arts!

How do you tell him to fight?

Even a strong person in the fourth level of martial arts would not be able to

Even those who practice martial arts dare not take this punch!

The Man of Steel can beat you to pieces!

Only with the help of the power of heaven and earth can martial arts and law compete with it!

Stop being so arrogant! Paradise Boy took action.

Gao Dasheng is his confidant, Xiang Yu must not let him be beaten to death directly.

The fourth level of martial arts!

It’s the fourth level of martial arts again!

The blissful boy found a pair of iron rods out of nowhere and took them towards the fallen spear.


The next moment, the Paradise Boy flew out, blood spurting out of his mouth, and a sound like exploding beans came from his muscles and bones.

With a force of one hundred and eight thousand kilograms and the giant power ability, no one knows how heavy Xiang Yu's spear is.

Injuring the blissful boy with one blow was enough to illustrate his method.

The five strong men from the fourth level of martial arts who were following closely were also shocked.

Don't confront him head-on and try to entangle him. This kid has awakened the magical power of power. Could it be that he used the bones of the ancient Giant Spirit God to build the foundation? Shilong also looked serious.


At this time, the fire unicorn came entangled and rushed towards Xiang Yu without fear.

Seeing this, Xiang Yu quickly returned to the Blue Bird and began to control the formation to compete with the Fire Qilin.

The two mythical beasts fought together. Xiang Yu's strength of 18,000 kilograms was equally divided by tens of thousands of troops. For a while, it was difficult to win and achieve an overwhelming victory.

If his military formation is broken, this boy will have no choice but to wait for death! Shi Long smiled coldly: You hold him back and lead me to break the balance of his five elements.

Three figures jumped into the shadow and stabbed directly at the blue bird's neck. Then the blue bird flapped its wings and directly forced the three martial arts masters back.

But it was Xiang Yu's fluttering of wings that gave Shilong a chance.

The battle between masters is only on the front line.

Winning is life, losing is death.

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