In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 150 Zhu Wuneng, he is my doom

Just tell me whether you want to do this deal or not. Mr. Nan Hua's old face was slightly red. After someone exposed his details, he felt bad.

Do it! Zhu Wuneng nodded without hesitation: I will do it even if it is despicable and shameless and has no bottom line in order to defuse the evil Taoist friend.

Tell me how to resolve the confusion. Zhu Wuneng said without any bottom line.

Master Nan Hua smiled and said, I'll teach you a trick. Although you can't kill the Heart Ape, you can transfer the Heart Ape back to Cui Yu's body.

Master Nan Hua taught the formula and left, leaving Zhu Wuneng sitting there in a daze. After a moment, he stood up with a fierce look on his face: Destroy the Heart Ape? Why should I kill the Heart Ape? I want to kill Cui Yu instead. That's right. If Cui Yu is killed and the golden elixir of all calamities is taken away, my strength will definitely be restored. Once Cui Yu dies, the monkeys and horses in his body will definitely be dominated by me. At that time, I will surrender the monkeys, horses and horses, or simply give up the avenue and give up. This skin can directly transform into the Supreme Demon Lord and reside in the hearts of all living beings. Wouldn’t it be great to live forever and live forever?”

Even the Western religion's methods can't do anything to me when the time comes. Ancestor, I am free and happy to be a demon lord, so why bother to work as a thug here? That little girl Miaoshan is not here, I just go to find Cui Let's settle the accounts. After saying this, Zhu Wuneng got off the lotus platform and ran away without saying a word. The few ups and downs turned into water vapor and disappeared between heaven and earth:

Besides, there is the Kunlun Mirror, the most precious treasure in Lijia Village. If I can get the Kunlun Mirror, even the Lingshan Buddha will eat it for you.

Zhu Wuneng ran away like a girl.

In Lijia Village

Miaoshan stood on the stone bridge, looking around with his eyes, trying to find the place of induction.

Then I saw the mirror under the stone bridge.

After carefully looking at it for a while, Miaoshan suddenly praised: Old Immortal Nanhua is indeed a person who has achieved great success in cultivation. This man has the world in mind, and he does not even take the Kunlun Mirror and other supreme artifacts in his eyes.

He reached out to grab it, but his palm actually penetrated the Kunlun Mirror.

Not on this shore, not on the other shore. This thing is between the past and the future. If you want to take it off, you have to recognize its owner. Miao Shan retracted his palm and looked at it carefully for a while before frowning.

Just when Miaoshan was comprehending the formula, he suddenly raised his head and looked into the Two Realms Mountain: Zhu Wuneng is going to run!

Normally, I see him cultivating his moral character, as if he admits his mistake, but who would have thought that he is still evil-minded, and it's all just a disguise!

Miaoshan's expression changed: That's not good! That's not good! I knew that Zhu Wu could live for more than two hundred years, and now he is transformed into a canopy embryo. It's a good time to show off his talents. How could he be willing to surrender?

Miao Shan turned around and left, not daring to stay at all.

Facing an old monster like Zhu Wuneng who is so powerful, if the opponent is given a chance, it would be a joke to ask the opponent to make a comeback.

Let's say that Cui Yu was washing the dirt on his body by the creek, and then suddenly a cold wind whistled behind his head, and a strong wind hit him, making Cui Yu shiver in surprise.

Can't hide!

This was the first thought in Cui Yu's mind.

The second thought is: Who is attacking me? Could it be that he is a master of the Yumi family who has been hiding secretly?

The third thought is: material transformation.

Cui Yu's skull turned into diamonds.

Bang~ There was a sudden loud noise, and then Cui Yu felt dizzy, and blood spurted out from his mouth and nose.

He dared to turn his skull into diamonds, and even his scalp and flesh into diamonds, but he would never dare to turn his own head into diamonds.

When matter is transformed and then transformed back, it will no longer be its original self.

The brain was shocked and went blank.

Cui Yu knew that at this moment, he must not give up!

Even if your head falls off, you must not fall down. Once your brain is shocked and you lose consciousness and have no ability to fight back, you will really be finished by then.

As if aware of Cui Yu's danger, Gonggong's true blood in Cui Yu's Yongquan acupoint circulated and appeared in Cui Yu's mind in an instant. Then the ancient Gonggong blood actually resolved the huge force that shook his brain, and wisps of it Qingliang asked Cui Yu to regain consciousness.


The next moment, Cui Yu suddenly turned his head, and the Dingxian Divine Light subconsciously activated.

But at this moment, his vision went dark, and another rake appeared in front of Cui Yu's eyes across time and space.

Cui Yu's Immortal Light is ineffective against physical attacks like rake.

Then Cui Yu's mind suddenly shook again, and Gonggong's true blood fluctuated, neutralizing the shaking power.

The next moment Cui Yu stretched out his hand and grabbed the rake in front of him.

Impossible! You were raked twice by me, my ancestor, how come your head is still fine? Zhu Wuneng was shocked.

But before Zhu Wuneng could finish speaking, the next moment the Gonggong bloodline in Cui Yu's body turned and pulled, a blue light flashed in Zhu Wuneng's body, and a little light penetrated into Cui Yu's body.

The light is subtle, but it seems to illuminate the world in all directions, turning the world into a country.

After swallowing a ray of light from the canopy, the Gonggong bloodline in Cui Yu's body changed, as if some inexplicable evolution had occurred.

Cui Yu's palms were filled with cold air, and a layer of frost followed the rake and spread to Zhu Wuneng's whole body.

In an instant, Zhu Wu was frozen and turned into a statue.

Cui Yu sat in the stream and rubbed his head vigorously. The pain was so painful that he couldn't breathe.

A rake couldn't break open his own scalp, but his brain was too fragile. If it weren't for Gonggong Zhenxue's protection at the critical moment, Cui Yu would have been afraid that his brain would have been knocked into a lake of pulp.

After a long pause, Cui Yu gradually regained consciousness, and then looked at his cold palms, revealing a hint of surprise: Unexpectedly, such a change occurred at the critical moment, and part of the magical laws bred in Gonggong's blood were stimulated.

Cui Yu sensed Gonggong's blood in his body, and saw that strand of Gonggong's blood flowing along Cui Yu's Du Vein, flowing into the kidneys, and stationed in the kidneys.

The Gonggong bloodline actually left the Yongquan point and automatically settled in the kidneys.

Cui Yu felt that he could sense the water vapor between heaven and earth with every breath he took.

The endless water energy in the stream flows towards him continuously, and is absorbed by the blood in the kidneys through the pores of the skin.

That strand of Gonggong's blood circulates through the body's water vapor cycle, deriving mysterious patterns that continue to circulate in Cui Yu's body, seemingly turning into some mysterious pattern.

It's a bit like the power of blood controlled by strangers, but it's essentially different. Cui Yu's vision was too low and he couldn't understand it.

It was simply developing in a good direction, Cui Yu didn't care about him, but looked at the frozen objects in his house.


A pig?

A pig!

And it was a little pig, looking only a few months old.

Although the pig is small, its face is terrifying and ferocious, and the hair on its body is like steel needles, flashing with strange lines.

Those small fangs seemed to be able to pierce even the sky.

The piglet's hooves were holding a strange-looking rake, and it was hitting him.

Canopy! Ancient canopy! Cui Yu looked at the little pig in front of him. This image was too familiar to him.

As long as there are monks who have practiced Tianpeng Transformation, there is no one who is not familiar with it.

All the monks who practiced the Canopy Transformation saw the ancient Canopy in the deepest part of their minds.

A living canopy? Cui Yu was shocked.

Didn’t it mean that the Ancient Canopy was dead?

But...why does the canopy appear in Two Realms Mountain? Are you here to sneak attack on yourself?

Question: What should I do if I catch a Taikoo Canopy?

If there was no martial arts foundation before this, Cui Yu would of course be so happy that he would simply eat the whole canopy to build his martial arts foundation, but what about now?

Cui Yu stared at the ancient canopy and looked up and down, unable to think of a good way to deal with it for a while.

Cui Yu looked at the canopy thoughtfully, and suddenly the corners of his mouth turned up: What a coincidence! I was born to defeat you.

The ancient Tianpeng controls the power of the ancient divine water, but Gonggong is the law of water and the incarnation of the great road. He is the immortal and immortal demon god. All water in the world is under his jurisdiction.

This is a windfall from heaven! God is taking care of me

. With this ancient canopy, wouldn't there be great potential in the future? I don’t know if I can subdue this canopy by using the method of regulating birds. ” Cui Yu’s eyes twitched.

If you can control a canopy in its infancy, then when it grows up, where in the world can't you go?

Furthermore, it would be great to study the secrets of the canopy yourself and continue to make canopies in batches in the future.

No matter what happens, you can eat a meal of canopy meat, or use it to feed your cubs. From now on, you will be the only one selling canopy meat in the Dazhou practice world!

I just took the opportunity to peek into all the secrets of the Canopy bloodline and compare it with my own Canopy transformation to see if I could avoid the cost of using the Canopy transformation.

What's more, it would also be a good choice to specialize in selling Tianpeng's blood in Dazhou in the future.

It's good to develop a mount and ride a pig in the future. Although it's unsightly, it's very powerful!

Cui Yu narrowed his eyes, trying to use the skill of regulating birds, and branded the body of the canopy.

The magical power was imprinted on Tianpeng's body, but before it penetrated Tianpeng's body, the imprint was actually resolved by the lines on Tianpeng's skin.

Huh? Cui Yu frowned, with a hint of surprise in his eyes: My own bird-training skills can't help Zhu Wuneng?

There was a thought in his eyes: The ability to control birds is just a small magical power, which is a bit too low. If you can evolve into the ability to control birds and gather beasts, you may be able to control Canopy again.

Looking at Cui Yu who was meditating, ancestor Zhu Wuneng felt a storm in his heart.

Cui Yu looked at Zhu Wuneng and felt strange in his heart.

He felt that he seemed to have an inexplicable connection with the canopy in front of him, and could even affect the power of the canopy in front of him through Gonggong's true blood.

Zhu Wuneng looked at Cui Yu. Although he was in a frozen state, his consciousness was still there.

At this time, Zhu Wuneng's eyes were full of horror: What did he see?

He is the ancient canopy, the being who controls all water in the world, and now he is frozen?

He is actually frozen now?


It’s incredible!

How could he be frozen?

He is immune to all true water in the world.

Moreover, when he raked down the opponent, he did not knock the opponent to death. This made Zhu Wuneng's heart hit rock bottom.

Especially now that he was controlled and frozen by Cui Yu, it made his heart keep falling.

Big trouble!

Not just any trouble.

Why did it fall into the hands of this kid again?

What can he do? He is also desperate!

Heaven, earth! Buddha, Bodhisattva, wonderful little nun, come and save me! I'm in the hands of this kid again. Zhu Wuneng started to panic.

He originally thought he could knock the other party to death with a rake, but now that the other party is not dead, what should he do?

I have evolved into the Ancient Canopy, am I still going to be chopped off?

Zhu Wuneng wants to curse!

At this time, Zhu Wuneng was filled with resentment and wished he could go up and bite Cui Yu's head off with a curse.

Cui Yu didn't care so much. He thought in his heart and saw the frost on Zhu Wuneng's body flowing back and returning to Cui Yu's body. Then Zhu Wuneng, who was frozen in the air, fell down with a snap and fell into the stream.

Zhu Wuneng wanted to run, wanted to use his magical power to escape immediately with water escape, but for some reason, his body became weak in front of Cui Yu, and he couldn't even mobilize any of his magical power.

It's over! The human calamity hasn't been over yet! The human calamity hasn't been over yet! Zhu Wuneng wanted to cry.

This is clearly a characteristic of human calamity.

Cui Yu took out a rope from the Qiankun bag, then turned the rope into a steel wire, and casually threaded the steel wire through Zhu Wuneng's nose.

For some reason, facing Cui Yu's movements, Zhu Wuneng was like a piece of fish on a chopping board, unable to move.

Cui Yu held the wire, and then Zhu Wuneng was like a puppet, following Cui Yu in a daze, asking the people in Lijiacun


Back in Lijiacun, looking at the familiar pigsty and the familiar old sow, Zhu Wuneng suddenly collapsed to the ground for some reason, and the whole pig felt bad.

What's wrong with this pig? Cui Yu looked at Zhu Wuneng who collapsed on the ground, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

Picking up Zhu Wuneng's collar casually, Cui Yu grabbed him into the yard, but he didn't dare to put him with the old sow and the piglets. Cui Yu tied him to the millstone in the yard with a smile.

Then after thinking about it, Gonggong's bloodline activated at the next moment, drawing a mysterious symbol and landing on Zhu Wuneng's body.

It's strange, why did I draw that symbol? That symbol... seems to be specifically designed to restrain the water tribe. Cui Yu said thoughtfully: This is the instinct that comes from Gonggong's true blood.

Cui Yu was thoughtful, then ignored Zhu Wuneng, turned around and walked into the house.

After Cui Yu left, Zhu Wuneng immediately stood up from the ground. He seemed to have regained his vitality. He looked at the steel wire with a gleam in his eyes: How can a mere steel wire trap my ancestor Zhu Wuneng? Today is the fate of my ancestor Zhu Wuneng. The day of perfect escape from tribulation.”

Then he opened his big mouth and bit the steel wire, only to see a blue light flowing on the steel wire. Ancestor Zhu Wuneng's teeth rattled when he collapsed, and then tears started flowing down his face.


It hurts so much!

Isn't this just an ordinary wire? Why can't I bite it? Zhu Wuneng wanted to curse, but unfortunately for some reason, the moment he saw Cui Yu, he seemed to have turned into a real pig. Even the ability to speak has disappeared without a trace for some unknown reason.

Why do I feel like I have turned into a real pig again? Zhu Wuneng wailed in his heart: I regret not listening to the wonderful words. Nanhua, you monster harmed me, and I will never let you go.

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