In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 129: Cui Huhu, my wife is the most virtuous in the world


Iron and stone will not turn into gold and silver for no reason, it will all be filled by the mysterious power that the monks draw from heaven and earth.

A monk is just a monk, after all, he is not an immortal god. A monk's Taoist practice is related to his life. If his Taoist practice increases for one day, his life span will increase by one day. If the increase of his Taoist practice cannot keep up with the consumption of life, the monk will not survive a hundred years. Deadline.

Mana is not obtained out of thin air, but is obtained by constantly stealing the creation of heaven and earth, and the mysteries of the sun and moon. It is to form a cause and effect with heaven and earth, and disaster will come to your door in the future.

If you want to live a good life in the ordinary world, you cannot do without money.

Brother, look what I brought you. Yang Erlang was carrying an old sow on his shoulders. The old sow had a bulging belly and looked like it was about to give birth to cubs.

At this time, the old sow was lying on Yang Erlang's shoulder with a tame expression, as if tameness was written all over the pig's face.

Well, Yang Erlang, I really have yours. Cui Yu looked at the old sow on Yang Erlang's shoulder and couldn't help but be overjoyed: Put it in my pig pen first. Thanks to me, I built the small pen in advance. I will repair the big pen later.

Cui Yu was overjoyed and quickly directed Yang Erlang to put the old sow into the pig pen and said exaggeratedly: Brother, you are too strong.

I'll bring you some wolves, worms, tigers and leopards soon, and you can eat some bear bile. You have the strength. At this point, Yang Erlang stuffed the old sow into the pig pen:

Ever since you taught me martial arts the night before last night, I have felt that there is always an inexhaustible energy in my body that is constantly expanding, and my strength has been growing. It stands to reason that if I have such a wonderful method, my strength is higher than mine. Why? Are you envious of me?

Oh, it's hard to put it into words. Cui Yu looked at the old sow in the pen: There is no comparison between human beings. I am a normal person, but you are not human!

What? Yang Erlang was stunned.

Cui Yu patted the dust on his hands and washed them carefully with water: When you came back, did you see any strange people at the entrance of the village?

There are people outside our village. If you have to say what good fortune our Lijia Village has, which one are you talking about? Yang Erlang asked.

Forget it, just pretend I didn't say it. Cui Yu thought of the people in the Jianghu area around Lijia Village and shook his head.

Yang Erlang looked at the old sow in the pig pen and said, Brother hunted an elk in the mountains today. Let's have barbecue tonight.

By the way, what else does this old sow eat besides pig grass? Cui Yu asked.

Pigs are omnivores and will eat anything. Yang Erlang began to introduce pig raising techniques to Cui Yu with great interest.

that night

Cui Yu and Yang Erlang were roasting elk in the yard, eating happily, but it was in the belly of the old sow in the pig pen. At this time, the old Taoist priest was furious.

Bastard! What a bastard! How could I, Lao Zhu, exist, yet I was reincarnated into a wild boar. There is a time domain here that has been turned into a restricted area. What a bastard, it's all because of that damn bastard, otherwise Lao Zhu and I wouldn't have chased him all the way. , crashed into the restricted area? A certain pig fetus in the sow's belly yelled.

After scolding Cui Yu, he scolded Nan Hua again: That bitch Nan Hua, I don't believe he doesn't know that there is a time restricted area here. He must have come here for the power of time, but he didn't remind me. He is really a bastard. He clearly has harmful intentions. I.

Just being reincarnated into a pig was not what he wanted in his heart, but at this point, he had no choice but to make the mistake.

All his abilities were wiped out by the power of time, and only a little bit of his true spirit fell into Tianpeng's womb. All his abilities were reduced to naught. The only thing he could do now was to embark on the path of cultivation again.

It's just starting from scratch, from a pig fetus to a great monk who dominates the world. It's difficult! Zhu Wuneng was in a low mood: It's not without its benefits. At least I escaped the recruitment of the Demon Suppression Division. But now I'm reincarnated as a pig. But unexpectedly, with the help of the innate energy in the pig fetus, I refined my true spirit and had the opportunity to perfectly integrate with the embryo of the canopy, transforming me into an ancient canopy. It was just left to me. My time is running out. Although I am reincarnated, my lifespan will not be recalculated. My current lifespan is already in danger. It was not my fault that I condensed the canopy embryo and condensed a little of the canopy's true spirit into the innate canopy. In the embryo, I am afraid that the fetus will have exhausted its lifespan at this time.

Chapter 129 Cui Huhu: My wife is the most virtuous in the world! Free to read.


Dead in the belly.

The pig fetus transformed by the old Taoist priest chattered, not daring to delay for a moment, condensing the canopy transformation in the fetus. Along with the operation of the technique, it turned out to be unexpectedly smooth. An unprecedented qi gathered in the body, and the blood in the body was tempered by that opportunity, and it turned out to be stained with a little golden color.

Innate vitality? The bloodline of the ancient Tianpeng? Zhu Wuneng was stunned in the pig's womb: It is said that Tianpeng is the ancestor of all pigs in the world. Is it true? How can the high-ranking God Tianpeng be the same as an ordinary wild boar? Is there any connection?

After the banquet was over, Yang Erlang left and went to the mountains to sleep soundly. Cui Yu carried a lantern and walked all the way to the village. Looking at the dark Liangjie Mountains, the dark mountains and vegetation seemed to become individual trees. A huge beast with a wide mouth, as long as Cui Yu walked out, he would swallow him up in one bite.

Impossible! How can I still have hallucinations when I have cultivated to this level? Someone clearly called me in the mountains today, chasing me and asking me to hand over the Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations. Cui Yu stood at the head of the village holding a lantern. , there was some confusion in his heart: Am I guilty of being a thief? It shouldn't be! Who can say anything about the golden elixir I obtained by relying on my skills?

After standing at the end of the village and watching for a while, Cui Yu walked back with a lantern and said, Never mind that, I'll go out and take a look tomorrow.

When he came to the pig pen, he looked at the old sow sleeping soundly in the pen and grinned: I will be living here for a long time in the future, and raising pigs is the way to go. Inflation in the Great Zhou Dynasty, Gold and silver are not as good as paper, and only food is the greatest hard currency.

The outside world is wonderful. Wonderful for the strong. After Cui Yu saw a powerful man who could truly change the world at the foot of Quyu Mountain, he felt hooked again.

It's best to find a book of Qi training formulas and use the Qi training formulas to increase the divine blood. It's not appropriate to always swallow the corpse ancestor. Cui Yu fell asleep in the room.

Cui Yu stayed in the small mountain village for two days. He used the sparrow eagle to observe the surrounding area for hundreds of miles. No suspicious people were found. Moreover, the area near the Two Boundary Mountains was now full of people looking for chance treasures. Cui Yu's observation seemed to be of no use. .

On the third day, Cui Yu went to the God and Demon Well, and after extracting dozens of strands of the female demon's blood, he cautiously and cunningly stepped out of Lijia Village.

Standing at the place separated by the Time Barrier and the Two Boundary Mountains, Cui Yu stood for a while before walking out expressionlessly, making up his mind to flee back immediately if something unexpected happened or someone attacked him.

He left the sparrow hawk to look after the house and his old sow to prevent it from being stolen. Then Cui Yu wandered out of Lijia Village and walked in circles outside Lijia Village for another half an hour. After digging around, I just got some pigweed and came to the secret place where I was hiding.

Dad! Mom! Cui Yu came to the mountain and saw his father and mother decorating the house with red satin: What are you doing?

We're getting married! I'll prepare a new house for you! Cui's mother said with a smile, I'm telling you, Nini is a good girl. You have to be nicer to her in the future. If you fail her, I will never let you go.

Mushini on the side was numb all over! The little face stood there stiffly, like a wooden stake.

What can she do?

She is also very helpless!

Don't worry, I won't touch you even if you get married. You are too young now. Follow me to practice well in the future. I will find a good master for you. When you become successful in your practice in the future, we will be a Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a happy couple with gods? Cui Yu came to Munini and patted Munini on the shoulder.

Really? Munini's numb eyes finally became brighter, and a pair of water-like eyes sparkled.

Of course it's true. Why did I lie to you? Cui Yu knocked on Muni's shoulder: I don't even look at you. You have no breasts, no face, no face. You're an immature yellow-haired girl. Brother, I don't care about you. Not interested.

Cui Yu stroked the little girl's head as if stroking his own little pet: Go, bring me a basin of water to wash my feet.

... The good impression that finally arose in Munini's heart dissipated completely in an instant.

But he still turned around obediently and fetched the water, grinding his white teeth: Good boy, you dare to teach me to fetch you water for washing your feet. It's really a living thing.

Chapter 129 Cui Huhu: My wife is the most virtuous in the world! Free to read.


Tired of the taste. But don't fall into my hands, otherwise I will force you...

Mushini thought about it and felt that cutting it off seemed not a good idea, something was wrong: I have to ask you to kneel on the ground every day to warm my bed.

Time flies, two days slip by, and the wedding day arrives in a blink of an eye.

Cui Yu put on a big red robe. Next to him, Munini was as dumb as a doll, looking at the surrounding scenery as if he was sleepwalking: Are you getting married now? Are you getting married now? I am Munini. Will you get married one day?

Munini couldn't believe it. She thought that she would contribute to the unification of the Demon Sect throughout her life and die alone, but who would have thought that she actually got married!

Is she, Munini, going to get married one day?

Yu, who was beside him, was also wearing a big red robe. He looked like a ball of flames, his cheeks were rosy with excitement, and he was in an extremely excited state.

Worship heaven and earth!

Two bows to Gaotang.

Husband and wife bow to each other.

Yang Erlang was officiating at the wedding, and he didn't think that it was abnormal for his family not to have a wife.

Enter the bridal chamber!

Yang Erlang shouted loudly.

Cui Yu was a little dizzy. This was the first time he got married in two lifetimes. It seemed that the feeling of getting married was very subtle, indescribably subtle.

Cui Yu held two red ribbons in his hands, with two big red flowers tied to them, and led the two girls into the new house.

Light the high candle

Big red lantern hanging high

Cui Yu sat on the bedside, looking at his children in big red robes, one big and one small, the whole room was glowing red. Cui Yu couldn't help but feel dazed, and thousands of distracting thoughts burst out in his body, and there was something unexpectedly unreal. The feeling, countless thoughts exploded in my mind.

Xin Yuan appeared in the corner at some point, looking at Cui Yu quietly, with a touch of satisfaction in his eyes.

I don't know how long he waited, but Gao Zhu left tears, and Cui Yu came back to his senses. He took out a golden pole in his hand and pointed it towards the red hijab.

outside the house

Cui Lu and Cui Li had gone to bed, and Cui Mu, Cui Huhu, and Yang Erlang were sitting together drinking.

Cui's mother looked a little confused: Eighteen years have passed before I knew it. I am getting old, my son is getting married, and I will have a grandson soon.

Yeah, time flies, and it's been eighteen years in a blink of an eye. Cui Laohu was a little moved, and stretched out his hand to hold Cui's mother's palm: You know? Eighteen years ago, I felt that my time was wasted, until eighteen When I met you years ago, I realized what living is and what my pursuit is! That is something more meaningful and important than life! It is you who make my life more meaningful.

Cui Laohu touched Cui's mother's hands affectionately, his eyes full of sincerity: You are the meaning of my life, thank God for letting me meet you. Although you are very ordinary, sometimes you are stingy and not good-looking. , I have a bad figure, I always pick my feet and talk while eating, I don’t care about etiquette at all, and the food I cook is terrible, but I don’t know why I just like you. I like you to the core! I feel that meeting you is the biggest blessing in my life. pleasure.

Cui's mother looked moved when she heard the first half of Cui Laohu's words, but after hearing the second half, she rolled her eyes in anger.

What does it mean to be ordinary?

What does it mean to be stingy?

What does it mean to be in bad shape?

When did she pick her feet while eating? Is she picking her feet? She was drugging Cui Huhu!

Does the food I cook not taste good?

I don’t understand Confucian etiquette?

Cui's mother was so angry that her lungs were about to explode!

You sleep on the floor tonight! After saying this, he slammed the door and walked out of the house.

Cui Laohu looked at the angry Cui mother and looked at Yang Erlang with some confusion: What? Did I say something wrong? Did I say something wrong? I just told a little truth? Why is she angry?

Yang Erlang was speechless and didn't answer. He picked up the melon seeds on the table and walked out of the house while cracking them.

My words

Chapter 129 Cui Huhu: My wife is the most virtuous in the world! Free to read.


Not finished yet! Cui Laohu scratched his head and said to the candlelight: Thank you for liking such an ordinary me too! Really like me as a person, not the aura attached to me. 「

It's a pity that Cui's mother didn't hear this.

Honey, you are my blessing! The greatest blessing in my life! Cui Laohu shouted outside the yard, then fell on the bed and looked at the roof with a giggle:

Don't worry, even if the world changes drastically, I will protect this peace. I will never allow anyone to hurt your wife. Cui Laohu gritted his teeth and seemed to be strengthening his will:

No one can tear our family apart.

Cui Laohu, who was speaking, did not notice that a wisp of green smoke slowly blew in from the window.

Chapter 129 Cui Huhu: My wife is the most virtuous in the world! Free to read.

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