"You're not the kind of person who cares about the survival of human civilization."

"All you care about is harvesting the power of different worlds from another world, resurrecting the person you love completely, and then making her a 'god'."

The young man said sarcastically.

"If the Honkai God can return your tragically dead love to you, you will rebel against humanity right away."

"My friend, you still know me."

The man chuckled and admitted it.

"If I really have no clue to resurrect Karen, and God can return God's soul, will, and body to me, I am willing to be His **** and end this world."

It turns out that there are people like yourself in this world?

In order to resurrect his lover as an eternal life, Takamiya Mio looked at the blond man with unprecedented shock in his heart.

"As far as I know, you have observed elves that can reverse the timeline, and Tianbu gods who reincarnated humans into immortal life, haven't they?"

As if everything was in his hands, the man opened his mouth and said words that made Takamiya Mio couldn't help but care.

She also has a plan to turn her lover into eternal life.

Swallowing his lover and giving birth to him as a child, let him inherit from himself the physique that can capture the power of spiritual crystals.

In theory, as long as this guy keeps absorbing spiritual power, Shiori Gokawa will become a life like himself.

But the problem is-

Is Shiori really Xiaozhen?

After a person is reincarnated, is he still the same person from the past?

Such philosophical questions often make Takamiya Mio feel on pins and needles.

If Shiori was the only one who became an elf in the end, what would he do?

And now, in another world, someone seems to have worked out other plans to turn people into eternal life...

Such a situation caused ripples in Mio's heart.

"You asked me to activate the Thousand Realms and bring the elves of time and the blood of the gods of Tianbu here?"

As if hearing the words that were very troublesome, the boy sneered.

"The zeroth rated power of One Thousand Worlds can only be activated once a year. Every time it is activated, it will consume the power of an entire Herrscher gem. Such consumption..."

"I can afford that kind of consumption."

Just like the evil dragon who gnawed his teeth and sucked blood opened his eyes, the blond man burst out with a terrifying aura, and there seemed to be infinite indifference in his green eyes.

"As long as Karen can be resurrected, even if the entire world is destroyed."

"As long as Karen lives, I will live forever..."

The next moment, the world composed of the memory fragments shattered.

Yes, let the little man live forever.

In the infirmary, the original elf opened his eyes.

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Chapter 39 In this way, Shiori will be safe (assured)

True Ancestor, the name of the strongest king of vampires.

The essence is that the fallen gods create "offspring" through natural reproduction and "first embrace", and their offspring also have the same reproduction method as their ancestors.

Through generations, they constructed an extremely strict social order.

True ancestors - royal family - elders - nobles - commoners, each class represents both status and power.


Such classes are not irreversible.

The best thing the vampires in Blood Devouring Raid are good at is to share ghouls like the ghouls in Tokyo foodies, and to **** up his blood while the superiors make mistakes, and go down to the top to complete the bloodline upgrade.

Theoretically, even the most inferior vampires have a chance to incarnate into the True Ancestor—a fallen **** who gained power through the "inherent accumulation time" accumulated over a long period of time.

Really, the blood that makes people want to heart.

Originally planning to finish checking the news, Chong Gong Mio, who made Su Han disappear from the world, looked at the boy who was hypnotized and had no vision in front of him, and took a deep breath.

Reverse time through the power of the Spirit of Time, then find the still alive lover, call her a royal vampire, and kill the true ancestor to replace him...

Such a plan is undoubtedly as worth looking forward to as its own.

Reverse the timeline, and then use external force to transform the target's bloodline, turning it into an immortal life.

Takamiya Mio recalled the words of the man who seemed to be his own kind, and his eyes flickered.

we can even say. This plan is better than your own, and easier to reproduce.

Takamiya Mio will not give up his plan just because a man with a similar character to him has given another plan.

but. Since there are two plans, it is obviously more appropriate to carry out the two plans at the same time.

If his plan fails, and the resurrection is not the Xiaoshi, it seems like a good choice to capture Shizaki Kuangsan to reverse the timeline and inject the blood of the true ancestor into Xiaozhen.

So, this guy really gave himself a surprise.

Chong Gong Mio stroked the boy who, probably during the journey, fell into the neighboring world and gained a small amount of spiritual power, and then entered this world again, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

However, after thinking of something, the smile on Takamiya Mio's face gradually disappeared.

One ride of a thousand worlds - an ark that can only be placed on the sea of ​​imaginary numbers and driven by two people.

By sending a message to another user of the God Key on the ark with the imprint of the God Key, he can make it appear, and then inject a power equivalent to the "Herscher Gem", which can ride the wind and waves to reach the new world.

What a hassle.

Takamiya Mio looked at the boy in front of him who claimed to be the user of the Second God's Key with a slightly distressed expression.

According to the information she found out, the other user is Su of Moth Chasing Fire, who is a fusion warrior specializing in spirituality. If a companion has mental problems, it is absolutely difficult to deceive his eyes...

She had planned to directly tamper with the memory of the young man in front of her, and then gave him a few spiritual crystals to let him travel and regain the blood of the Fallen God.

However, the man named Su really made her wonder for a while whether she should attack or not.

If it is a battle, Chong Gong Mio has the confidence to make the Lao Shizi fusion warrior into a mosaic with one blow, but what she needs is to fool him, and then take Su Han or even go on a voyage by herself.

This kind of thing obviously has nothing to do with frontal combat effectiveness.

So, what method should be used to get this man to get the blood of the true ancestor for himself?

Tatsumiya Mio frowned, and for a while, there was a feeling that a fox had caught a hedgehog and had no idea what to do.

Mind manipulation is difficult to achieve.

Because the other holder of the Second God's Key is a spiritual specialist, once Su Han is left with strong traces of control, he will definitely be aware of it.

So, without mental manipulation, how can you make him your own helper?

A few thoughts popped up in Takamiya Mio's mind.

That idea is actually ridiculous, it takes a lot of time to set up, and if Su Han walks faster, it will even fail.

However, fortunately, this guy can't run away for the time being.

There was a slight smile on the corner of Mio's mouth.

The so-called Thousand Worlds One Multiplier is an item that can only be activated once a year. Judging from this guy's memory, he came to the neighboring world a year ago, and then arrived in this world recently.

In exchange for "I will help you investigate the primordial spirit", he reached an agreement with Tokisaki Kurumi, got her help, and then activated that power not long ago to send Tokisaki Kurumi away.

For the next year, he simply couldn't run away.

I have a whole year to hold this guy in my hands, and I am not in a hurry at all.

Besides, True Ancestor Transformation is just a post-plan for Elf Transformation.

The next solution to this guy will be on Ratatoskr.

Wait until his layout is complete, and then let him enter the game.


So, next, let him stay by Shiori's side?

Seeing that the boy was apparently commissioned by Kurumi Tokisaki, and then investigated the boy of Shiori Wukawa, Takamiya Mio's face gradually became a little tangled.

Keeping this guy on Ratatoskr always feels very unfriendly to one's own head.

Although this guy doesn't seem to have much interest in Shiori, the so-called letting Shiori dance in a maid costume or something is mostly just out of personal bad taste rather than sexual interest.

However, Shiori Five Rivers took it seriously!

If Shiori continues to seduce like this...

Takamiya Mio's face became a little ugly.

She doesn't know if Su Han can stand it, but if she thinks about it from another perspective, she feels that she shouldn't be able to stand it.

So, leave it behind.

Tatsumiya Mio thought about it, then stretched out his hand and pressed the forehead of the young man with a feather hanging around his neck.

"You have no interest in Shiori Wuhe, and you have no sexual interest!"

"That's the most useless woman in Ratatoskr. Around girls like Kotori Gokawa and Tohka Yato, her charm can only be said to be the light of rice..."

Simplest hint.

In other words, he just used a special technique to add some scenes of Wuhe Shiwei's embarrassment and the charismatic scenes of Wuhe Kotori and Yatoshen Tohka into Su Han's memory.

When such a thing is used on others, it is easy for people to notice that there is a problem with memory, but Su Han is different.

He observes things randomly all day, and his consciousness is full of all kinds of messy fragmented memories.

There is no problem at all by stuffing a small memory fragment into it.

Wuhe Shiori has already conquered Wuhe Kotari and Yatoshin Tohka, and gained their spiritual power.

Next, you have no studio for the time being.

So let's use you to fight the disaster.

Takamiya Mio let out a sigh of relief.

In this way, Shiori will be safe.

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Trying to exchange a picture for a ticket.jpg

Chapter 40 is giving away, giving away (two in one)

Blood is rising.

Like a fog, the blood-colored fog diffused in this factory, and the smell of fishy rumours was disgusting.

Among the blood and water, there are dozens of corpses of monsters with strange postures, which are particularly conspicuous.

That hideous gesture, even if it is the remains of ghosts and gods, will be believed by some people.

If someone passed by, they would be frightened by the scene at the moment, trembling, and if they were less timid, they would scream and then lose consciousness.

After all, the scene in front of me is too reminiscent of a scene from a myth.

Those who do not respect others, who do not honor their parents, who are not upright, and who are crooked, will be thrown into the pool of blood and suffer drowning.

And the scene in front of you is simply the projection of the blood pool hell, falling on the world!

"Thinking about it, maybe I should take a few selfies and pose for a series of villains."

In this blood pool, words that were extremely damaging to the atmosphere rang out.

The appearance of those words was like in Journey to the West, seeing that Tang Seng was actually a Saitama-faced discord, because the sense of depression that was difficult to accumulate in ninety-nine-eighty-one was all zero.

The source of the voice was the boy in the blood energy center.

He pulled a small bench and sat there, knocking melon seeds while watching the blood gushing into his shadow.

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