So, what does this guy have in his memory?

He closed his eyes, sinking his consciousness into the memory of the young man in front of him.

After that, her consciousness continued to sink.

This is a beautiful beach, with white clouds slowly fluttering in the sky, calm and comfortable.

The sun shines on the finely shimmered sea, like a layer of shimmering silver, and like crumpled blue satin. On the golden sand, small soft-shelled crabs can be seen crawling furtively...

This is a certain beach that belongs to Destiny, and now, this area has been contracted by Destiny's ace force, the Indestructible Blade, and it has become a vacation spot after the mission.

Takamiya Mio stood by the sea and opened his eyes.

She lowered her head, and the figure of the boy was reflected in the sea water.

The black hair is like ink, the black pupils are tinged with a touch of red, and the delicate and girlish facial features do not have any expressions.

Without a doubt, it was the reflection of the guy he hated the most.

However, compared to someone in his own impression, he looks more indifferent at the moment.

"Senior, you have fished again, Lord Hollander won't be angry."

Beside him, the girl with a very soft voice was looking at him, with a little apprehension on her delicate little face.

As the pretty figure emerged, the silent memory was triggered.

Anna Shaniat.

A member of Xuelian Squad, who caught the girl who wanted to send herself to the Inextinguishable Blade to work overtime when she was fishing, but she was dragged by her to fish.

"That kind of thing doesn't matter."

Like a melodrama playing automatically, under the circumstances that Takamiya Mio was out of control, the body uttered lazy words that were completely inconsistent with the stern face.

"Anyway, the captain is so strong, and one person can defeat all the collapse events. It doesn't matter if I go or not."

As if adding something, the boy shook his finger.

"Have you forgotten that my job is actually a diplomat? It's not an incident involving anti-entropy, world snakes and fire-chasing moths. I don't need to appear at all."

Hearing those words, Mio Tatsumiya, who was rushing through his memory like a ghost, frowned.

What is collapse?

What is the chasing moth?

Destiny, anti-entropy, what is the world snake?

One by one, nouns that have never been heard before appear in my mind, and their impressions are constantly rising.

As such doubts arose, it was like a blowout, and a mass of memories that did not belong to Takamiya Mio began to appear.

The answer quickly emerged.

The collapse is a periodic natural disaster, and it is also the rhythm of the periodic adjustment of the universe.

Malicious gods continue to impose sanctions on human beings and cause disasters.

In this world, man and "God" cannot coexist.

In order to fight against the collapse, many organizations have appeared in this world.

Moth Chasing Fire, Destiny, Anti-Entropy, World Snake...

"My" name is Su Han.

The deputy head of the Destiny Extreme East Branch, the deputy captain of the strongest team, the Inextinguishable Blade, and the successor of Su, the forerunner of the Moth Chasing Fire.

Those memories reveal someone's identity.

"Is this your past?"

The "God" who was completely substituted into another person's memory read the memory of "own" and muttered in a low voice.

Su Han's true identity is very mysterious.

This is Wuhe Shiori and Wuhe Qinli's perception of it.

His appearance was too bizarre, and his strength was too outrageous. When we first met, he ate his own side to death, and he had no power to resist.

He is mysterious.

Mysterious and frightening.

However, the word mystery has a subjective will.

For kindergarteners, elementary school is mysterious.

For social animals, the quality of life of the boss is mysterious.

For poor college students, the female vote of the rich second generation is also mysterious.

Obviously, whether a thing can be called mysterious depends on the experience and cognition of the appraiser.

For Takamiya Mio, the concept of mystery does not exist in the world.

Because she is "God".

Although she is not as omniscient and omnipotent as the Lord of Armies in Abraham's mythology and the Nengtian Emperor in ancient Indian mythology, she is still a "god".

As long as the angel is activated, the existence of the laws of the world can be overturned.

Therefore, she does not feel that anyone is mysterious.

As long as she wants to, she can explore everything in the world in which she lives.

Therefore, she will not think Su Han is mysterious, she will only think that Su Han is a little unexpected and needs to be checked.

And now...

Chong Gong Mio, who invaded Su Han's memory space, pressed his temple with a slightly bewildered expression.

God is all-knowing and all-powerful.

However, everything that has appeared now has completely shattered her understanding of the world.

Gene fusion, mechanical transformation, Honkai can soar...

Just through the "identity" she put in, she got so many answers.

A technology tree completely different from witchcraft and elvish techniques was displayed in front of Mio Tsokiya, which made her expression even more dignified.

Su Han's real origin seems to be more complicated than she imagined.

So, what the heck is this guy?

Takamiya Mio pondered.

She hoped to find the answer from someone's memory, but as the memory probed, she became more and more confused.

"My dear friend, it is very leisurely and elegant."

As if it appeared out of nowhere, just as Takamiya Mio was still thinking about it, a man's extremely magnetic voice came from behind.

"Throw all your officers and subordinates on the battlefield, and then take your little lover to sunbathe."

"C-I'm not a lover!!"

Like a kitten whose tail had been stepped on, the girl beside "him" jumped up, her face flushed red.

"I-I'm just here to supervise Su Jun's duties as the vice-captain of the Inextinguishable Blade."

It seemed that she noticed something was wrong, or that she didn't believe what she said, and the girl added another sentence with a guilty conscience.

"Yes, that's it."

Love brain?

Takamiya Mio, who was completely incapable of evaluating other people as being in love, looked at the anxious look of the girl next to her after her mind was pierced, and thoughtfully.

Such a girl is really surprisingly innocent and cute.

Just like Xiao Zhen.

Whenever he meets a cute woman, he can't help but think of his lover's primordial spirit, and then his face becomes a little hazy.

She remembered the scene where a certain **** was teasing Shiori.

That kind of face-to-face tauren scene, every time I think of it, it makes him want to directly incarnate as a primordial elf, and shoot him at the Sanctuary of Vientiane.

calm down.

calm down.

It is most appropriate to wait until all the details of this guy have been explored, and then click him off.

Thinking like this, Takamiya Mio turned around and saw a man wearing a robe.

Otto Apocalis.

The ruler of the five hundred years of destiny, one of the most wise men in this world.

The man appeared in front of "self" and waved casually at the girl next to him, causing her to retreat reluctantly.

"Come to me, is there any mission?"

As if he had seen through the essence of the man in front of him, the young man raised his head unhappily, and said to the man who was considered his immediate superior.

"Can't I just invite you to take a dip in the hot spring?"

The handsome and noble man smiled and said.

"That kind of thing is still avoided."

"The last man who took a hot spring with you has already died in New York, in order to defend against you, the 'guardian of civilization'."

"Myself" opened his mouth and said.

The voice was very ironic, but it didn't make the blond man's face show a trace of unbearableness.

"Since you don't like the topic of hot springs, let's change the chat topic."

The man dressed like a sixteenth-century noble waved his hand casually, and someone brought the parasols and lounge chairs to the beach, and then sat on them.

"Remember the 'Tree of Imaginary Numbers' I told you before?"

"That kind of tall stuff, even if you want to forget it, it's very difficult."

As if complaining about something, "I" spoke again and said.

"Time flows on the trunk of the 'tree', like the crown of a tree, bifurcating into infinite worlds, each branch has a world, most of these worlds are imaginary spaces, and life will be born by chance real number space."

"And our civilization is just a speck of dust on those leaves, or a smaller thing."

"In order to have an advantage in the competition with the 'sea', the 'tree' is constantly pruning its leaves, and the leaves that can pass the 'trial' are qualified to survive. A world that has not passed the 'trial', Only rotten, to be the nourishment of the new world."

Very plain, the man named Otto spoke of the crisis this world was facing.

"Obviously, even if we are only facing the ripples of trials, human civilization will not be able to withstand that disaster."

"For the survival of civilization, I need your strength."

A trial based on the world, the winner can survive, and the loser turns to dust...

Even if it was Mio Takamiya, his expression changed.

She is very strong, and she can transform the planet under her feet at will. As long as there is enough time, she can completely turn it into her own domain.

This kind of power is definitely the exception among the exceptions.

However, what does such a force count in the face of a cosmic catastrophe?

If this disaster strikes...

Takamiya Mio's face suddenly turned ugly.

Her wish is to completely resurrect her lover, and then replace her as an eternal life. If there is such a disaster in the world, then what is the meaning of what she has done?

However, the fragments of the memory obviously won't stop playing because of her thoughts, and the conversation between the two men continues.

"So, you look for me, the guy who can control the key of space - the thousand worlds, and try to break through the shackles of 'tree' and 'sea' to find a world that is not disturbed by the collapse?"

In this regard, the boy who spoke in a really awkward way clapped his hands with a "you're awesome" expression.

After saying this, his expression became extremely indifferent.

"Do not make jokes."

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