Before the anger could erupt, it was overwhelmed by hunger.

This is a very sad story.

After all, it is better to have food than to have no food.

"I need to."

The girl who probably broke the jar and fell, has been defeated and captured, and is not afraid of encountering a tragedy such as being drugged, looked at Su Han and extended her hand.

Although she is imprisoned now, her legs are only locked by the hard and outrageous ice locks, and her hands are still free.

So she could ask the enemy for something to eat, trying to fill her stomach.

Su Han looked at the girl a few times, and the long chestnut hair that reached her waist was dimly dazzled by the light, because the clothes were wet by the rain, and the graceful curves were faintly visible.

The innocent and lovely face has a hint of timidity, and it looks pitiful, like a bullied animal, which makes people want to embrace it.

Really cute.

Seeing that girl's pitiful appearance, Su Han's heart trembled, and then——

Then, in Anna's shocked eyes, she brought the corn to her mouth and gnawed it.

Σ(°△°|||)! !

At this moment, Anna's delicate face has been covered by Yan Yi.

Just kidding, is he the kind of guy who softens when he sees a beautiful girl?

If cute is used as an adjective, the cook, the paramecia, and the banya are all first-class beautiful girls. At that time, he should also extort and extort, distribute the distribution, and beat the beating.

Now just because Anna is good-looking, if you are soft-hearted, you will be too sorry for those girls who have been miserable by yourself.

"In your hand, is there a way to contact the dumb goose?"

Like a conjuration, new corn appeared in the boy's hand, and then dangled it in front of Anna.

For this kind of guy who took the initiative to surrender to himself, Su Han didn't really want to use force, and was trying to tempt him with food.

"Tell me how to get in touch with Hollander, and I'll buy you some corn, and then I'll buy you fried chicken and chips."

In an instant, Anna woke up.

"That is impossible!"

The girl answered firmly.

Hunger is indeed the enemy, but only the enemy.

How could he who has been trained by the Valkyries reveal the information of his teammates to the enemy.

Ahhh, it seems to have collapsed.

Someone who was obviously an expert on collusion, looked at the girl with a slightly distressed expression.

Anna, in the plot, seems to worship the goose, and she even wrote a letter to her.

"You admire Du Du very much?"

Looking at the girl, the boy suddenly made a sound.

"Doo-Doo" is English slang for "fool".

If the pronunciation is shortened - dodo, the meaning will become the dodo of the scientific name fool dove.

Hollander is a very upright person, until it makes people think that the child is an idiot.

Therefore, after Otto said such a sentence unconsciously, this statement began to spread in the destiny, and the Valkyries even called the "Gurandelle" as "DD" and "Dudu". '.

Such a name is also considered a harmless joke.


For Anna, who is a fan of Miss Dodo, such a joke is obviously too much.

"Please don't make such a joke!!"

"That would be too rude to Lord Horandelle!!"

Miss Anna, who was obviously a fan of Miss Goose, looked angrily at the boy who called Youlander Dudu.

emm, is this considered rude?

In the past, the boy who called Youlan Dale as You Lan Duo Goose fell into contemplation.

"It seems that you really admire Hollander."

The boy eating corn sat on the girl whose ability to move forward was blocked by the ice, and looked carefully.

God gave me a cage, imprisoning thousands of souls, freezing the world, the king of frost.

This is the power that Anna will possess in the future.

After confirming that the surrounding Honkai Energy was not strong enough to support her by shouting "I can't do anything", she continued to speak.

Anna didn't speak.

No need to talk about this.

Most of the Valkyries of Mandate worship Hollander.

"Is it the worship of power?"

"After all, it's a monster whose body has merged with the whole world. At this point in time, the only person who can beat her is the ancestor of Kaslana's family, but now Kevin is still in the sea of ​​​​quantum, and now she , is the strongest in the world."

The boy with the third magical perpetual motion mechanism in his body sighed with emotion.

"If you want to knock her down, even if you fill in the entire anti-entropy, it won't be enough."


Is it that strong?

When those words came out, it was Anna who was stunned.

World Bubble, Quantum Sea, Kaslana's ancestors...

Unconscious words echoed in her ears, making her stunned.

Then, doubts arose in her mind.

Now that you know that Lord Yulander is so strong, why does this guy dare to be the enemy of destiny?

Aren't you afraid of encountering, the goose is falling from the sky?

"You know, the team that came to encircle you this time is so strong, why haven't you surrendered?"

Anna, who finally had a clear understanding of the strength of Tianming Village's tyrant, Youlan, could not help but ask.

Now that he knows that the strength of Hollander is exceptional, this guy dares to defy the destiny of the strongest goose in this world.

"If possible, I certainly don't recommend surrendering to the destiny."

If possible, I would like to join Destiny as the head of the extreme eastern branch, and then assign Teresa as Captain Hyperion. Su Han, who deducted her salary, raised his eyebrows.

"However, if you surrender, you will definitely be brainwashed by Ottona's **** with fake Yu Duchen or even genuine Yu Duchen."

The boy who should have left after completing the fusion fighter experiment shrugged.

"At this time, even if I really want to talk to Otto, I can only ask Otto's student-Gurandelle to pass a few words to Otto instead of me."

In order to speak to the bishop?

Anna's brain was in chaos.

If Su Han hadn't lied, the current state of affairs would have been obvious.

He was deliberately attracting Destiny's attention, letting someone close to the bishop appear in front of him, and then using it as a medium to negotiate with the bishop.

"What the **** do you want to do?"

The girl who was asked for Hollander's contact information felt her throat go hoarse.

She seemed to be in a terrible chess game.

The boy whose partner was Kurumi Tokisaki smiled, with a little joking in his smile.

"I want to ask him, can he who is eager to reverse the past be able to control me who can travel through time and space?"

Chapter 67 Su Han's Abacus (two in one)

"So, you took a trip and actually caught a Valkyrie back?"

Like a ghost seeing Zhong Kui, the anti-entropy executive named Tesla looked at a young man who had just returned from the shadows, his crimson eyes staring like copper bells.

Not long ago, the executives of Anti-Entropy, under the temptation of the area called "Avalon", chose to optimize the plan of "Fusion Warrior Vishnu" for someone.

After the experiment, Su Han, who was very satisfied with the reinforcement he had received, didn't do anything wrong. He readily agreed to people with anti-entropy to explore and read Avalon, but for humans, it was no different. in the land of the Garden of Eden.


Then came the problem.

Choose who to represent and explore the land known as "Avalon".

That is a task that involves the survival of civilization. For Anti-Entropy, whose mission is to save the world, it is undoubtedly something that requires careful negotiation.

From the point of view of the meeting, this time is quite long.


It was just a meeting! !

Looking at the teenager who disappeared after shouting "Catch a few Valkyries as maids", Tesla's eyes almost jumped out.


In a world where there was a long meeting, this guy actually caught a Valkyrie and came back.

"Let me tell you, it's always dangerous to catch that Valkyrie."

When Miss Tesla was so shocked, the boy just nodded, then patted his chest hard, with fear written all over his face.

"It was agreed that the addition of Shaniat's profession is elemental mastery, but that guy actually used martial arts on me."

"I was completely stupid at the time."

"If it wasn't for my superior skills, I probably wouldn't be able to see you now."

Grass, I was almost killed by this idiot, but fortunately I am superior.jpg.

Looking at someone's speech like a Dou Tudi, Tesla's whole expression was, old man, subway, mobile phone.

She is one of Su Han's chief surgeons, and she still has a good understanding of Su Han's physical strength.

His super-mutable genes are the same as Theresa, although because of the different emphasis on strengthening, the frontal combat power is not as good as Theresa, but considering that this guy probably has other backers, at least S class.

Moreover, it is still relatively fierce in the S-class.

Maybe he's just no better than the village tyrant of Tianming Village, but it is definitely within his grasp to clean up a certain maid and the white-haired dumpling who was pitted by his grandfather.

Such a person said that he was taken aback by a B-rank Valkyrie...

"Can you stop talking nonsense?"

Tesla sighed, and said to a guy who can keep surfing without encountering a ceiling of combat power.

Su Han is a fun man, but a rational fun man.

It is very reasonable for him to be happy all the time during the adventure, but it is obviously impossible for him to choose adventure because of fun.

Considering that in his previous speech, there was a sentence "It would be good to give a list before I was chased and beaten all over the street by Hollander", it is not difficult to guess what.

He was guiding intentionally, and Hollander appeared in front of him.

Under this premise, kidnapping the Valkyrie under the command of Youlandel is undoubtedly a provocation to her.

Challenging Grendel, making her speed up, searching for herself...

Everything is for an early meeting with Hollander.

"You weren't bullying that Valkyrie named Anna just now, so you're going to ask her for the connection to Hollander."

as if suddenly thought of something

Thinking of this, Tesla's expression of looking at someone also became subtle.

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