"Hey hey hey, is it really good to use the evocation skills on a mage?"

Very leisurely, the boy opened his mouth.

"Master, you understand."

"Some intelligence, some elemental mastery, and some more money to play ice control with an expert in the energy system like me, you are also a genius."

"You who were beaten by me, it's better to capture you now."

Su Han's hypervariable factor came from Theresa.

And Teresa's blood, in addition to Vishnu, also has the bloodline of Kaslana's family - Kevin's hypervariable factor.

Although the super-variable factor has basically been smashed by Vishnu, there is basically no chance for Su Han to awaken his ice control ability.

However, Su Han himself is the holder of the Eye of Darkness, and has full attribute adaptability.

Under the stimulation of that super-variable factor, Su Han, who never knew how to control the elements, finally gained the ability to be like a mage.

Watching the ice created by herself was captured by the enemy, unprecedented solemnity appeared on the girl's face.

The enemy is far better at manipulating ice than himself, which is extremely bad for him who has always used ice manipulation as his attack method.

Judging from his gracious attitude, it is impossible for him to outperform him in ice control.

Anna's brain kept turning, analyzing the situation.

The enemy is the warlock.

In his joking way, he is a warlock with intelligence and elemental mastery.

In most professions, there are differences.

The Kaslana family is rich in knights, and their family members are unparalleled in melee combat, but they are not proficient in Honkai power control.

The same principle applies to the Shaniat family. The melee combat ability of the Shaniat family is very weak in front of the Kaslana family, but they are good at using the Honkai to fight.

If the enemy is so good at controlling ice, then he must have put a lot of thought into it...

Click on Intellect and Elemental Mastery...

So, how is his melee level?

Looking at the young man who had basically no trace of professional training in his standing posture, a little joy flashed in the girl's eyes.

Good, it's a novice.

Since he is a novice, unless his stigmata is a melee-enhanced type, his fighting ability is naturally weak.

And he can easily seize his creation. From this point of view, his stigmata is obviously not a melee-enhanced type.

A little joy appeared on Anna's face.

As the Valkyrie of Destiny, she has received considerable combat training.

Therefore, her close combat ability is not weak.

At least, it's enough to deal with Xiaobai.

"Are you really not considering surrendering?"

In fact, the boy who was not a warlock at all looked at the girl in front of him who seemed to appear as the Herrscher of Ice in the plot, with a surprised expression.

As a plot party, he is more patient with the characters who have appeared in the plot, not too dark and beautiful.

Therefore, he didn't really want to use this cute looking girl to test his strength.

After all, he is now a half fusion fighter, and he had already tested the stigmata before, and he had already been separated from the banya who did not need to reload the little rabbit.

If you count the power of genetic enhancement now, if you punch yourself, the girl in front will probably lose her memory.

"You should know that you have no chance of winning in a fight with me."

Very straightforward, the boy said.

Have you started to declare your victory before the official launch?

It is arrogance.

The girl who will become the Herrscher of Ice in the future, looking at the young man in front of her, Qiong's nose twitches slightly, and she seems a little unhappy.

However, this is still a bit good for his own battle.

The girl who had been slowly moving forward, looking at the boy who did not keep a distance from her and kept the distance of her surgery, estimated the distance she could reach in an instant.

Thirty meters.

Twenty-eight meters.

Twenty-five meters.

It's now! !

The girl's body suddenly tensed and exerted strength,


Turned into an arrow from the string.

The smooth power surged in her body, like a fit female leopard.

Just teach yourself a lesson, this arrogant mage!

Victory is yours! !


The very slender hand clenched into a fist, bursting out with huge energy, and smashed it fiercely behind him.

The Shaniat family is not known for their physical strength, but even so, their family members still possess extraordinary powers.

The demeanor of that blow, even the silver-backed gorilla would be beaten directly to the ground, making a choice between dying or being unconscious.

Don't think that the daughter of the Shaniat family can only control the creation of Honkai! !



The boy's fair and slender hands easily grabbed the girl's slender wrist.

The moment she was caught by him, Anna's expression changed suddenly. The majestic strength supported her, as if being clamped by a vise. Her hand could not move at all.

That enormous power made Miss Anna's face froze.

"Are you... home delivery?"

The boy squeezed the girl's slender wrist and gave a comment.

"You don't think I'm a pure legal character."

So far, the young man who has been fighting with his body basically relying on his blood and energy, looks a little surprised.

"Forget it, since it's delivered to your door, then I'll deal with it as a surrender."

He also asked when Miss Anna had something to say, the other hand he freed up had already knocked on Miss Anna's head.

The huge pain made Miss Anna's eyes black.

Before being engulfed by the darkness, Miss Anna's mind was filled with only the idea of ​​despair.

Why, there are such things as hexagonal warriors in this world! !

Chapter 66 Do you think Otto can control me?

If this is a dream, it must be a nightmare.

Otherwise, it would never have encountered such an outrageous thing.

The first moment she regained consciousness from the darkness, Miss Anna's mind came to these words.

"There is no such thing as a perfect career in this world."

"Everyone's energy is limited, and if you put your limited energy into all fields, even a genius will degenerate into a mediocre person."

This is what a retired A-rank Valkyrie taught her when Anna was still at the Valkyrie School.

In TV shows and movies, this kind of scene always occurs.

When the end of the world came, a macho man single-handedly destroyed the big boss behind the scenes and saved the world from fire and water.

The kind of bravery that turned the tide and enough special effects were enough to hit the adrenaline of the audience in an instant, making them cheer and scream.


In reality, that would undoubtedly be outrageous.

Because the villain will not be one person, but a whole team.

The macho men who fight alone are naturally excellent, but the villains are not vegetarians!

After excluding the protagonist's halo, personal heroism is obviously no better than the villain who is side by side.

Obviously, compared to creating a hexagonal warrior, it is more reliable to let a group of excellent people develop and form a team in their own areas of expertise.

"So, what if you really meet that kind of hexagonal warrior?"

After receiving the teaching, the young Anna asked this question on a whim.

"It can't be saved, wait to die, and say goodbye."

The words that once made Anna suspect that the teacher was out of pocket fell into her ears.

However, since the only thing she could call a hexagonal warrior was her own tactical nuclear bomb, she also forgot about this teaching.

until today.

A towel soaked with cold water was spread on Miss Anna's face, making her whole body awake.

"You're awake."

She opened her eyes helplessly, and in her field of vision, the handsome young man greeted her kindly.

"This is where?"

Miss Anna, who didn't understand the situation at all, murmured unconsciously.

"This is Western Russia, where the potatoes are dug. Welcome to Siberia, dear Hans."

The boy smiled and said.


Western Siberia, where potatoes are dug?

The girl of German nationality shuddered instinctively.

So, this is Lubyanka Square?

Miss Anna, who was almost beaten on the head by someone, instinctively looked around.

Here is a room.

The room was furnished with a bed that seemed to sleep comfortably, a table with a breakfast tray, a large wardrobe, and a door that seemed to connect the bathroom to the bathroom.

It seems that this is someone's residence.

Obviously, this is not Lubyanka Square.

I've been fooled myself.

Miss Anna's delicate little face was red with anger because of anger.

"Speaking of which, you haven't eaten yet."

"I have eaten all the buns before, and now there is only boiled corn, do you want some?"

However, before he had time to get angry, the young man smiled slightly, as if performing a trick, and from the shadow under his feet took out a whole corn that seemed to have been boiled with sugar water and smelled very sweet.

So fragrant.

Smelling the sweet and greasy fragrance, Anna couldn't help swallowing.

Because she overslept, she didn't have time to eat breakfast, so she hurried to perform the task, and the cold wind blew in the alleys of Changkong City for most of the day.

After smelling the fragrance of the corn, at this moment, she already felt that her stomach did not belong to her.

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