There is no decoration, not even the floor, what is the rough, here is what it is.

This is where she is now.

The girl who was lying on the ground, but didn't feel the cold on her body, looked down and saw a floor that looked like a mattress on a taxi.

She even had a not-so-big coat on her body as a quilt.

She moved her body slightly, except for a coma for a while and a little headache, she didn't feel any discomfort.

This kind of development made Leidian Yayi feel confused.

yourself, is this kidnapped?

However, since he was kidnapped, why is he not bound by ropes or handcuffs?

So, what exactly happened to you?

Feeling that his situation was kidnapped, but something was wrong, Leiden Mei looked around and looked around.

"Yo, you're awake, the surgery was done successfully, you're already a handsome boy."

Turning his back to her, the teenager didn't look back, and spoke with great interest.

"Next, let's go to the custom shop together. It's my first female ticket. I invited it."

Leidian Yayi was startled, and subconsciously grabbed the place three inches below her lower abdomen, and then she didn't catch anything.

Clearly, she was being tricked.

When she finally reacted, the boy who had his back turned to her also turned around.

It was a very handsome young man.

Black hair is like ink, and dark pupils are like obsidian.

Looking at the handsome face of the young man, Leidian Yayi suddenly became alert.

This person was really unforgettable to her.

Not long ago, the owner of this voice shouted "Please, Miss Tokisaki", which caused him to faint.

So, did you really meet an enemy?

Like a startled and vigilant beautiful deer, Leidian Yayi jumped up and stared at the direction behind him.

There, a black-haired boy wearing only a white shirt was looking helplessly at the kidnapped Herrscher of Rice.

"Who are you?"

Leidian Yayi stared at the young man with a vigilant voice.

"Of course I'll explain who I am."

In response, the boy just sighed and pointed to the jacket that was trampled on the ground because she jumped up.

"But before that, can you give me my clothes back?"


Thunderbolt Yayi was stunned.

She couldn't help but look at her feet, where the coat just spread on her body was stomped on by herself.

Then, she discovered that the boy on the side had one less coat than the previous image.

Is this his coat?

Lying on the ground for a long time, the look on the delicate little face of Leiden Yayi, who was basically leaning on the cushion and this jacket to keep out the cold, was suddenly stunned, and the whole person was a little helpless.

"Can you give me my clothes?"

Not long ago, I asked Tohsaka Rin to set up an arrow barrier around this broken house, Dadalia prepared for the battle, and the boy who let Tokisaki Kurumi hide in the shadows looked at the girl who needed to convince himself next, and sighed. tone.

"In today's world, it's cold without a coat, and if you don't need that warmth, give it back to me instead of stepping on the ground."

"Hug, sorry."

The voice full of resentment fell in Leidian Yayi's ears, making her look stiff, making her move quickly, picking up the coat on the ground, dusting off the dust on it, and handing it over.

"I did not do it on purpose."

Then, she froze again.

She was kidnapped, why should she apologize to the kidnappers?

Thinking of this, her expression became vigilant again, and then she stared at the boy in front of her.

"who are you?"

"Why kidnap me?"

In the face of Leiden Mei's questioning, the teenager who organized the kidnapping case with his group friends quickly gave a reply.

"It's hard to explain who I am, but the purpose of kidnapping you is to save you."

Kidnap yourself to save yourself?

What magic theory is this?

As if the three views were refreshed, the delicate little face of Leidian Yayi became a little distorted.

The back of her head still hurts!

The voice of Miss Raiden, who was obviously a little hot because of someone's words that sounded extremely nonsense, couldn't help but become sharp.

"Sir, please don't say things like this that sound like a lie."

"No, it's not bullshit."

After spending a lot of points, the boy who was summoned by his group friends to hunt for gems of conquest shrugged.

"It's a fact, I'm here to save you."

It was like a superhero's speech to the affected people, which made Raiden Mei stunned again.

Su Han's words sounded outrageous, but inexplicably gave her a very real feeling.

Raiden Yayi felt that he must have been knocked out just now.

Kidnapping herself is saving herself, such a nonsense thing, she would actually feel that there is such a possibility.

No matter how you think about this kind of thing, the robbers are making fun of themselves!

"Help me, why?"

Raiden Mei once again questioned.

Although she is a prisoner theoretically not qualified to question the robbers, but it is really uncomfortable not to ask some questions.

"Are you sure you want to listen to my reasons?"

As if thinking of something very interesting, after thinking about it for a while, a playful smile appeared on the corner of the boy's mouth.

Raiden Mei nodded seriously.

This matter is related to whether she will listen to the unknown young man in front of her next.

Seeing Raiden Yayi nodded, the smile on the corner of the boy's mouth became even more pronounced.

Under Raiden Mei's earnest gaze, he slowly opened his mouth.

"I said I'm your future husband, do you believe it?"

In TV dramas and movies, there are often some **** plots.

The person he likes/lover dies in an unexpected event. In order to save the person he likes/lover, the male protagonist uses various means to go back to the past, trying to reverse the past and change the deadlock.

There are still quite a few such examples, among which the more typical ones are 486 and Okabe Rintaro.

With the help of the ability of the time system or the time-travelling machine, there will be a happy or unhappy ending in the end.

Seriously, the boy who had nothing to do with Raiden Yayi blinked and started talking nonsense.

"Jump to the parallel world through the second **** key, and then use the parallel world as a springboard to jump back to the original world again. You can completely choose your foothold in the past, right?"

"Although it is a bit dangerous to take the key of the second **** from su, and the process of crossing the parallel world is a bit tortuous, but I still went back to the past and got the opportunity to change history."

"After getting the opportunity to change the Great Collapse of the Sky City, is it strange that you want to rescue the lover who was persecuted by the mortal enemy of your father-in-law, and even use it as an experiment to change her unsightly past?"

The boy who didn't even blink when he told a lie looked at the girl beside him and spoke softly.

"After all, at this point in time, except for Kiana, no one will accompany you, right? It's strange to see your lover being lonely all the time."

Second God's Key, what is that?

who is su?

Human experimentation... and what?

Because of his father's protection, Raiden Meimei, who didn't even understand the concept of collapse, glared wide.

She wanted to continue to ask something, at least she should understand what the terms the boy in front of her said meant, but when she raised her head, she saw the eyes of the boy.

The light in those obsidian-like eyes was very soft.

Since her father was arrested, the girl who had been living in an environment full of malice felt the soft eyes, and her heart was inexplicably confused.

A little warm feeling.

In fact, she is a high-grade middle schooler, and the girl who had fantasized about some stories that spanned time and space looked at the serious boy, and her pretty face flushed a little.

Just now, he said the names of his father and friends, he should be very familiar with himself.

Even if he is talking nonsense, he knows himself very well.

So, try asking.

"Are you really... my future husband?"

She stared at the boy's warm eyes and asked softly.

That look, like a frightened deer.

"Of course I lied to you."

At a time when Leidian Yayi was in an unprecedented panic, the boy's voice sounded again, pouring a basin of cold water on her.

"Are you a middle-aged and middle-aged person? You even believe in the nonsense of traveling through time and space."

"....what are you talking about!"

Miss Yayi, who was almost given away in the brain supplement just now, was like being poured cold water on her head, and her whole body was awake.

The girl's newly born love shattered like glass smashed by a hammer, and at the same time, a blush of anger appeared on Miss Mei's cute little face, and her slender hands clenched into fists.

It's not that she never thought that the person on the other side was talking nonsense, and even felt that the probability of the other party talking nonsense was very high, but, at the moment when her young girl's heart sprouted, directly laughing at the second disease was obviously not an ordinary person.

Use Fire Fist on him!

This is the only thought in Raiden Mei's heart at the moment.


After seeing the shadow that looked like a girl at someone's feet, Raiden Mei suppressed her anger and held back her fist.

This **** who makes fun of himself seems to have the ability to manipulate shadows.

If you fight him by yourself, the final result will only be self-inflicted humiliation.

I can't do anything.jpg.

Big fire.

Really super hot.

The girl who was full of fire, but could only swallow it forcibly, stared at some bastard.

If sight is lethal, a certain entertainer should have been shot into a sieve by now.

"This gentleman, are you making such a bad joke just to make fun of me?!"

Raiden Mei's voice was colder than ever.

"No, I just briefly introduced you to your current situation in a more interesting way."

Facing Raiden Mei's question, the boy shrugged.

Can you briefly describe your current situation?

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