
Pull your legs and run.

Just kidding, who wants to get in touch with a character like a gangster movie!

Raiden Mei thought angrily, and fled with the flexibility brought by her years of exercise.

But then again, why don't they chase?

Leiden Meiyi, who was running away, turned back and suddenly found that the trio didn't mean to come to chase?

How is this going?

Raiden Yayi was a little puzzled.

An extremely ominous premonition struck her heart.

"Please, Miss Tokisaki."

There was a slightly helpless voice from the young man behind him.

The black shadow suddenly burst out.

In Raiden Mei's bewildered look, her vision returned to darkness.

The Herder of Rice.jpg

Chapter 5 Chat Group Friends (×) Kidnappers in Different Dimensions (√)

"So, our action is now over?"

In the back seat of the black luxury car, such a voice sounded.

The source of the voice is a girl.

The black hair is like ink dye, and the blue eyes are precipitated with gem-like light.

She was wearing a dark red top and a black skirt that was very suitable for action.

Under the fluffy skirt were long, curvy legs. The fair skin under the skirt was gently restrained by black stockings, and the flesh was slightly overflowing.

At this moment, the girl was sitting in the back of the car with a slightly strange expression.

Not long ago, she came to another world at the suggestion of a guy who got the position of the leader of the group as soon as she joined the group.

This is also impossible.

In group chat, points are very important materials.

As long as you have enough points, you can enter the group store to search for items from various worlds at will.

Not long ago, there was even an item called Hufu in the group store - an item that summons a Heroic Spirit and then signs a contract with it.

The battle over the "Holy Grail" that can fulfill the wish of the bearer is the Holy Grail War in a broad sense.

About once every sixty years, Fuyuki City holds a ceremony called the Holy Grail War.

Seven heroic spirits and seven magicians sign a contract to kill each other, the loser dies, and the winner holds up the almighty cauldron that can realize all wishes.

Rin Tohsaka, who is the three family of Fuyuki, was moved the first time he saw Hufu.

The three families are the ones who will definitely be able to obtain the title of Master.

As long as Rin Tohsaka is present in Fuyuki City, she will definitely be able to summon a Servant. Under these conditions, if she can buy that one, wouldn't she be able to have two Servants at the same time?

However, the price of Hufu's stuff is a bit outrageous.

The full price of 6,400 once made Tohsaka Rin feel that his eyes were drained.

- Even if she pawned all the gems of the Tohsaka family, she couldn't afford them.

But, sometimes, it just so happens.

Just when she was worrying about Hufu, an invitation from the younger generation came over.

Thinking of this, Tohsaka Rin couldn't help but looked over to his side.

There, the black-haired boy with magical energy radiating from his body was looking at the scenery outside the car through the car window.

Not long ago, he was the one who invited himself, Dadalia and Kurumi Tokisaki, to come to his world to find the "conquest gem".

According to him, the conquest of the gem is part of the power given to the second apostle by the "one god" of this world, and the power contained there can even slaughter an entire city of creatures in an instant and build a Only kill legions.

As long as you can get that thing and sell it, you will naturally have a lot of points.

"If I'm alone, I don't have the confidence to solve the enemies that I may encounter next. Would you like to help me?"

Under this invitation, Rin Tohsaka, who was extremely short of points, followed after hesitating for a while.

Next, she needs to participate in the Holy Grail War in need of points in exchange for some help.

For the long-cherished wish of the Tohsaka family - to hold the cauldron of omnipotence, even if there is a crisis in the future, she will move forward bravely.


Tohsaka Rin couldn't help but looked towards the side.

It was a boy who seemed to be younger than himself.

The black hair is like ink dye, the facial features are delicate like sculptures from famous artists, and the skin is delicate like white porcelain.

In the early days of China and Rome, people often used black hair and black pupils as their racial symbols, but most of the so-called "black pupils" were dark brown.

True black eyes are actually quite rare.

And that young man's eyes are pure black that can no longer be pure.

That appearance always reminded Rin unconsciously of his younger sister who should have been adopted into the Matou family, but was adopted into a farther country because of the downfall of the Matou family.

"The type of boy I like is black hair and black pupils, and looks very young."

Not long ago, in the spare time when she and her sister were writing letters, she overheard her aesthetics.

To be honest, Rin Tohsaka has complained more than once what the **** is a "young-looking senior"?

However, Sakura tends to laugh about it and start asking questions.

"My sister is so beautiful, there must be many suitors at school, do you have time to bring a brother-in-law to Finland to see?"

Obviously, the poor eldest lady has no boyfriend now. After being questioned like this, the next step is to be led by her old sister by the nose, and then let it go.

If you don't take into account the weird "looks young and old" condition, this guy fits Sakura's aesthetic very well.

Tohsaka Rin looked at the boy beside him and thought.

Not long ago, it was this guy who seemed to fit Sakura's aesthetics who invited his group.

The reason for the invitation is that there will be a strong enemy next.

And the enemy...

Tohsaka Rin couldn't help but glance at the shadow beneath his feet.

There, a candidate Herrscher who was implanted with a gem of conquest was imprisoned.

In theory, as long as they take out the gem in her body, they can tear up the invitation letter and return to their own world.

This is why they agreed so readily to help Su Han.

Because of the chat group, they have a very high advantage in terms of strategic retreat. Even if they encounter a high-intensity battle, they can easily escape.

Rin Tohsaka, who thought that he would encounter a difficult struggle next, was inexplicably confused.

Is this the end?

That's it?

"Mate, this situation is different from what you said before."

From the co-pilot's seat, Dadalia complained.

In the worldview called Genshinji, there is an organization called the Fools.

They belonged to the goddess of ice, and they would always cause various incidents in the Tivat continent.

In an organization full of intrigues and intrigues, the Eleventh Executive Officer Dardalia is a little different.

He is a pure fighting maniac.

Unlike Rin Tohsaka who came for points, Dadalia accepted the invitation only to fight against the strong.

Obviously, the Herrscher of Rice, who was beaten by Tokisaki Kurumi Sanyi, was not considered a strong man in Dadalia's eyes, not even a recruit.

"Don't worry, Dadalia, the battle will follow."

In the face of complaints from the group, Rin Tohsaka hypnotized the driver and set the end of the journey in an area far from the city, shrugging his shoulders.

"Conquering gems is a very dangerous and precious item. Raiden Mei is also an excellent test subject in the eyes of Anti-Entropy and Destiny. They won't let a few strangers take her away."

As those words fell, Rin Tohsaka, who was sitting beside the boy, and Dadalia, who was in the passenger seat, changed slightly.

Now that the transplant of the so-called gem of conquest is so easy to obtain, it can only be regarded as a poor intelligence.

after all-

People with anti-entropy radicals will not know that a neuropathy will suddenly come to rob people.

By the time they reacted, it was time to fight.

"A strong man from another world?"

Dadalia clenched his fists, and there seemed to be an invisible flame burning in his blue eyes.

"It's really exciting."

"Certainly looking forward to it."

The boy who aimed to deal with the anti-entropy radicals who would come after him in the suburbs smiled and said.

"However, before that, we have to find a suitable battle location."

Chapter 6 Love from Another World

How does it feel to be directly locked in a small dark room?

However, today's Raiden Buds can indeed answer this question.

after all-

She was really locked up in a small dark room.

After being engulfed by the shadow, she lost most of her consciousness.

After an unknown amount of time, she just recovered from her trance.

The first thing that catches the eye is the cement board that cannot be called a ceiling at all.

Afterwards, a cool breeze blew into the room from the broken window, causing Leidian Yayi, who was lying on the ground, to shudder.

One moment he was running away, but the next moment he opened his eyes and found that he was lying in an abandoned house in the deserted countryside. This kind of strange feeling is like a dream but not a dream, like suddenly falling into the world of a movie or a game.

Raiden Mei shook her head and tried to clear her mind.

In the end what happened?

As the cold wind blew through again and again, Raiden Mei's brain gradually woke up.

Not long ago, she walked out of school, going to buy some food to prepare dinner.

Then, the whole street disappeared.

Then, a number of black limousines came, and then a very strange combination came to hunt him down.

She got up and then fell.

A shadow knocked her unconscious and pulled her into the darkness.

I'm going to fall into the dark and can't do anything.jpg.

So, what are those people looking for themselves for?

Leidian Yayi, who was obviously kidnapped, but was not **** with a rope, or was directly packed in a sack, raised his head and looked around.

Surrounded by rather rudimentary concrete houses.

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