In this regard, Tesla, who has always been outspoken, pushed the teacup away, spoke directly, and asked.

"Let's go straight to the formal conversation."

"That guy whose identity is unknown, invited us through you, what's the matter?"

Faced with such a question, Thunderbolt Ryoma was silent for a moment, then sighed.

Not long ago, he was offered a deal by a certain guy.

"Please contact Miss Tesla and Miss Einstein for me. I need their help on something important."

This is the transaction request sent by the guy who made Cocolia miserable not long ago.

"I need the top researchers in the world to comment on my body modification paper, and I need them to be my doctors."

The boy who had made a deal with Grey Snake not long ago, and who also held the Vishnu super-variable factor, contacted him like this.

To be honest, this kind of transaction is actually a very dangerous thing for anti-entropy.

Walter is still missing.

Most anti-entropy followers are the Herrscher of Reason who can deal with the destiny by himself and surround world peace, not a sick child.

He will not come forward until he regains a certain strength.

The matter of the radical leader Cocolia was exposed, and the agents who were afraid of being liquidated were frantically putting the pot on Cocolia and her companions, and then there was a dispute in the part of clearing responsibility, and the chaos turned into a pot of porridge. .

Now the whole inverse entropy can be regarded as reliable, and only conservatives are left.

The leader is missing, and more than half of the agents are tearing up. It can be said that if the anti-entropy conservatives are destroyed now, then the anti-entropy organization will basically be finished.

Therefore, Raiden Ryoma doesn't really want to contact his colleagues.

Although he doesn't think Su Han is a man of destiny, he even thinks that his character is not bad, as long as he pays enough price and can be entrusted with great use...

However, now that Anti-Entropy is in a crisis of survival, it would be better for those few still available agents to appear less frequently.

Not long ago, Thunderbolt Ryoma thought so.

"As an advance payment, I have sent Miss Raiden Mei to the apartment where she once lived. You can send it to other places for protection in the near future."

Yes, as long as he invites several top scientists from anti-entropy, he will let go of his daughter.

This matter is undoubtedly a condition that can shake the heart of Thunder and Lightning Ryoma.

However, this is not the end.

"When the experiment is successful, I will show you a great gift to the anti-entropy people."

Thinking of the gift, even Thunder and Lightning Ryoma felt that his body was shaking uncontrollably.

It was not out of fear, but shock.

In Celtic mythology, there exists a world called Avalon.

In the legend of King Arthur, Avalon is surrounded by swamps and fog, and can only be reached by boat. The island is guarded by elves. Without time and years, everything will not grow old.

There is eternal pure land, and no one can disturb the peace there.

The price the other party made was outrageous.

"Is there an ideal land without the intrusion of the collapse?"

Einstein murmured softly as he looked at the man who was shaking constantly.

Einstein could fully understand Raiden Ryoma's gaffe.

Because the remuneration offered by the other party is really a bit beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Honkai, as the background of the world, was born with civilization. The more human civilization developed, the stronger the will of Honkai became.

That is the nightmare of civilization.

As long as civilization exists, the gods above will continue to deliver divine punishment, causing their apostles to bring death to mankind.

But now, someone has offered such a reward to Thunder and Lightning Ryoma.

"I can take you to see Avalon, who is completely free from the shadow of 'God'."

"Honestly, this payment sounds like a scam."

After pondering for a long time, Einstein just opened his mouth and said.

In this regard, Raiden Ryoma and Tesla all nodded.

The collapse is the rhythm of the periodic adjustment of the universe, and it is the composition of the laws of this world.

If you want to find a pure land that is not polluted by the collapse, the difficulty is meaningless to find a burning fire on the bottom of the sea.

Unlike the Minco Chuba in Cocolia, all members of the anti-entropy conservatives can be professors for Ivy League professors. They know very well the nature of the collapse and know how slim the existence probability of the so-called "Avalon" is.


Slim, doesn't mean nothing.

In the long silence, Tesla spoke, putting a stop to the meeting.

"But, I have to admit, it's really tempting."

"Even if it's just a glimmer of hope, we should take it seriously, shouldn't we?

"Take us to see the patient."

"Hope, that ray of hope he brought."

Chapter 61 Who is the prey and who is the hunter?

For Changkong City, there is actually quite a lot of recent entertainment news.

This is not difficult to understand. In a whole city, there will always be some very outrageous news.

For example, zombies appear, and then they are knocked down by a beautiful white-haired girl.

For example, a natural gas explosion occurred in the suburbs.

For example, at night, it seems that there will be vampires infested.

All kinds of behaviors that sounded outrageous were circulated after dinner, and became words like "Pretty Girl of the Moon", "Hard to Find Natural Gas", "Blood Invasion" and so on.

"So, are these people sick?"

As if he was complaining about something, the handsome young man sat on the sofa in Leiden Mei's apartment, trying his best to complain.

"Damn, I was hungry the night before and ate a grilled chicken thigh with tomato sauce, and it could be called a vampire invasion.

"That's impossible."

"You have such long teeth, you don't even grind them, and you have to add tomato sauce on the barbecue. It's weird not to be mistaken."

The one who complained about it was a white-haired ball.

Ge You, the girl who is now using her sister's name, slumped on the other side of the sofa eating potato chips, then turned her head and rolled her eyes at the boy.

Without a doubt, this is Miss Paramecia.

Not long ago, she was taken to St. Freya Academy by Su Han and Theresa.

In order to allow her to get to know more people who are not related to "Kiana" as her future spiritual support, she chose to invite her close friend, Mei Raiden, to enroll.

Honestly, this is actually a tough thing to do.

Raiden Mei's father is the executor of anti-entropy who is the enemy of destiny. From a standpoint, it is impossible for her to join St. Freya Academy.

However, in order not to blacken her niece, Teresa could only bite the bullet and send out an invitation letter.

As soon as he heard that Leidian Yayi was about to enter school, the white-haired ball jumped three feet high and came to flicker in person, trying to pull him to his school.

"Do I look scary?"

The teenager whose canine teeth were obviously half longer than normal people picked up the mirror on the side and looked at it. The skin was much paler than before, and the canine teeth were a little prominent.

With a little blood and open wings, you can make cameo appearances in most movies.

"It does look a bit like it."

After confirming that Gray Snake had moved the facility back to Changkong City, instead of discussing the problem with Gray Snake, someone from Leidian Mei's home sat beside Miss Paramecium naturally.

After Paramecium's shocked eyes, he stretched out his hand and grabbed a small half bag of potato chips.

"But I'm not as interested in blood or anything as potato chips."

Someone who looks like a vampire in relation to a vampire shrugged and said.

"You are too much!!"

Just like a rabbit that protects food, the paramecia, which was still Ge You paralyzed just now, jumped up and grabbed towards the boy's hand.


Caught empty.

As a vampire in urban legends, he turned his body lightly and avoided the claws of the paramecia.

With the dual strengthening of Honkai Energy and magic power, his neural reflex speed is much stronger than that of Kiana.

After doing this, the young man stuffed the potato chips into his mouth as if nothing had happened under Kiana's incompetent and furious gaze.


"You spit it out for me!"

Just like a child who was robbed of snacks, the furious Miss Paramecium jumped up and turned into a cross flail for a certain guy.


Again missed.

The next moment, someone grabbed the back of Fate's neck and pushed her back onto the sofa in humiliation.

"Don't try to challenge the majesty of your mentor."

The boy who was the boss of the graduate students at St. Freya Academy easily overpowered a certain graduate student whose intelligence had recently declined.

"Guile, who wants to be a student for you!!"

As soon as she heard the word graduate student, Kiana, who was pressed on the sofa, seemed to be infused with strength, and broke free from someone's restraint.

She turned back and roared angrily.

"Damn, where did you ask students to substitute for yourself!"

Miss Kiana is a student by profession.

This is a sure thing.

However, her place is on the podium.

As a teacher at St. Freya Academy, a certain crumb naturally has classes.

Because he was not sure what Su Han was good at, the course that Teresa arranged for him was folklore.

Well, to the students, popular science is some myths from all over the world, and the course of stories is purely a sub-subject.

However, after the swarf finished receiving his salary, he directly threw his student on the podium, asked her to help him with the class, and then slipped away to London.

God knows how embarrassed she was.

She, a cultural idiot, was forced to tell the folk lessons in front of dozens of people.

"I think you speak very well."

After returning from London, Su Han, who was watching the video of the online class, looked at the guy who was talking nonsense the whole time, and admired him sincerely.

"Ajax invites Zhong Liquan three times, Solomon punches the dream demon, Stalin gathers Big Ben..."

"To be honest, you can make up this kind of story on the spot and tell it for three whole hours, it's really strong."

"In the future, I will leave all my classes to you-"

Before he could finish speaking, a pillow slammed into Su Han's face.


"Stop talking!!!"

After class, Qiana, who finally knew what she was talking about, picked up the pillow on the sofa and smashed it at a certain black-hearted boss!

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