No, not slow at all.

Tokisaki Kurumi thought.

Your efficiency is already superb.

"So, where are you going to do the experiment?"

Tokisaki Kurumi looked at his outrageously efficient partner and asked.

"I asked Grey Snake to send things to Changkong."

He also informed Thunder and Lightning Ryoma to invite several other anti-entropy performers and asked them if they were interested in the technology of the World Snake. The teenager stretched his waist.

"Let's go, let's go back to Changkong City."

==========Dividing Line========

Destiny, floating island.

Somewhere in the Destiny Database where the data was drawn.

The path paved with slate stretches to the end of the field of vision, the green plants full of vitality are prosperous, and the virtual sun shines warmly on the ground, giving people a bright feeling.

If Kayaba Akihiko saw this scene, he would definitely burst into tears.

After all, the one in front of them is too real.

It's just like another world.

The Destiny Library, which has inherited the black technology of the previous generation, has been transformed into Vienna five hundred years ago according to the master's order.

The handsome blond man sat in front of the shop where he often drank afternoon tea and ate pastries with Karen when he was young, enjoying the sunlight of five hundred years ago and looking at the surrounding scenery.

At the end of his vision, a little girl with white hair was holding a boy's hand and running on the road.

"Run faster, or you won't be able to buy cakes!"

The girl who looked very lively ran and shouted, running towards the shop where the blond man was sitting.

"Otto, hurry up!"

As if something had been triggered, the man sitting on the table suddenly stood up, took a step forward, and stretched out his hand slightly.


Just as the hand was stretched out, it dropped again.

There is no other reason, the little girl who was dragging a sick seedling to run has passed through him.

All this is just a dream.

Not long ago, the man who had flashed a little warmth in his eyes closed his eyes. When he opened his eyes again, there was no emotion in his eyes.

The false world also shattered.

"Master Bishop, you are awake."

In the bishop's exclusive office, an assistant named Amber shouted respectfully.

"Had a good dream."

Probably the IQ ceiling of this world, the man on the emotional quotient floor rubbed his face.

For this man who lived in the shadow of killing Karen, every time he dreamed of the scenes of his youth was a beautiful dream.

However, a dream is a dream after all, it is not real.

To make Karen come alive, other preparations are needed.

In the second collapse, the man who met "God" in person and learned some information from his mouth had cold eyes.

He needs the power of the Herrscher...

Controllable, the power of the Herrscher that can be used for oneself.

However, in this game, it seems that there are other people who are deliberately touching k423.

Not long ago, there was a man who received a message from an old friend of his, and there was a little playfulness in his eyes.

A young man of unknown origin defeated Cocolia not long ago, ending the third artificial collapse that he was also looking forward to.

Afterwards, the guy seemed to rescue the Thunder and Lightning Ryoma and let it integrate the forces of Cocolia.

Afterwards, his lovely granddaughter seemed to have also secretly went to Changkong City, and then applied to the headquarters for a large amount of materials.

What an interesting guy.

More interestingly, how did the guy get to the point of each problem so accurately and then destroy it?

If he remembers correctly, whether it is the third collapse or the android plan, they are all secrets in anti-entropy.

Recalling the news from the informant he buried in the anti-entropy, Otto's eyes flickered.

Even if his informants were not able to collect the information, that guy could find it.

So, that guy is the successor of Walter II?

Or... a member of an older organization?

It's a bit unreasonable.

From an old friend of his in St. Freya Academy, the man who got a new professor in the academy fell into thought.

After all, if it is Walter II's back-hand, he should be working hard to clean up the endgame of anti-entropy, instead of fooling his niece.

The organization called Snake is still in the incubation period and should not be so publicized.

It's really unpredictable.

Otto stretched his hand to the drawer, and then took out a gem whose color was no longer bright, and was even full of cracks.

If Tohsaka Rin was here, he would be surprised.

Because it was a gem that was emptied of her magic power and lost its value.

But now, this item that has no value has become the collection of a real giant in this world.

There was a man who sent his subordinates to collect information, and then got this gem that once contained unknown power, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Completely different from the power of Honkai Impact.

So, what will happen to the people who leave such fragments?

I am familiar with many forces in this world, but they use a power completely different from Honkai Energy...

Is it a visitor from the world with the ability of prophecy?

Or a member of a secret organization that you don't know about?

Or, something more peculiar?

"How elusive it is, my dear friend."

The man named Otto sighed.

"Sir Bishop, you are..."

Amber, who didn't understand why his bishop made such remarks, was stunned.

She didn't quite understand why the bishop woke up holding a gem of extremely poor quality, and then suddenly sighed with emotion.


Faced with questions from his subordinates, after the sudden death of Cocolia, there has always been the bishop who asked people to investigate the situation in Changkong City with a smile and replied to the replicator who was copied with the Karen gene.

This matter is a bit complicated. With the IQ of Amber and Karen, it is difficult for him to explain it to her.

"By the way, after meeting my lovely granddaughter, my new friend didn't stay there for too long, but chose to borrow a plane and go to London?"

Presumably to change the subject, the Bishop of Destiny talked about another matter.

"If that ally of yours hadn't lied, it should have been."

Very respectful, the secretary, whose IQ is in the same line as Kalian, spoke up and gave the answer.

"You seem very interested in him, do you need to send troops to hunt him down?"

"The Xuelian Squad is on vacation and has no mission, so they can be recalled."

Xuelian Squad, one of the famous elite squads of destiny, the Valkyries in it are generally B-level, and the captain and vice-captain are rare A-level Valkyries.

If a whole team is dispatched together, that power is definitely considerable.

In response, Otto just smiled and shook his head.

"Don't underestimate the strength of my friends."

Taking care of himself, the man who used friends to call Su Han and others rejected Amber's proposal.

Although Cocolia is an incomplete form of trash, she still has some skills.


Just now, news came from London that it was suspected that the Second God's Key had appeared.

My lovely friend just went there, and the whereabouts of the second **** key appeared there...

No matter how you want to have some connection.

The bishop, who has long been concerned about a certain traveler, has a cold look in his eyes.

Expecting to use an elite team to solve the guy who is a little bit incomprehensible to him can only be said to be a gift from a thousand miles, with courtesy and affection.

"what do you mean-"

"Replace the Snow Lotus Squad with the Inextinguishable Blade, and then let the Snow Lotus Squad be the supporter of the Inextinguishable Blade."

To put it mildly, the Bishop of Destiny issued an order to replace the Xuelian Squad with Destiny's strongest Valkyrie's unit, the Indestructible Blade.

"Order each branch to look for his whereabouts, and once found, leave and report to the Inextinguishable Blade and Xue Lian Squad, and go search."

"Live to see people, die to see corpses."

Chapter 60 The Temptation from Avalon

On the floor of a high-end restaurant in Changkong City that is generally not open to the public, a faint scent of agarwood permeates a certain room with antique decoration.

After the fall of Cocolia, the anti-entropy agent easily accepted Cocolia's subordinates, and then easily washed his reputation, and once again became the chairman of the me company.

As the chairman of the me company, finding a hidden place suitable for some members of the anti-entropy assembly is undoubtedly an extremely simple matter for him.

A man with hair color and facial features very similar to Mei Raiden was sitting in front of the tatami.

In front of him, there were two people sitting.

One person has red hair and red eyes, wears red-rimmed glasses, and often wears a red robotic arm in his left hand.

One has dark blue eyes, a doll-like round face, and a smell of the legendary "mad scientist" on his body.

Those are the other two representatives of the anti-entropy conservatives.

Frederica Nikola Tesla

Liesel Albert Einstein

These two outrageous enforcers of political struggles came to Longsky City because of an invitation from a man who had successfully escaped prison.

Now, these two agents are sitting in front of Thunder and Lightning Ryoma solemnly, their slender eyebrows raised.

It's definitely a great thing to meet a member of your faction after a long time.

However, the mood of Tesla and Einstein at the moment is not very good.

the reason is simple.

Raiden Ryoma did not escape from prison by himself, and then fought for his rights back through political battles.

his right...

It was won by a young man of unknown origin.

"Thank you two for coming."

She was released not long ago, but her daughter, Thunderbolt Ryoma, who was detained, poured tea for the two guests in person.

"They are all old acquaintances, Ryoma, don't pay attention to these meaningless etiquette."

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