When that strange guy was still there, he wasn't afraid.

Now, it would be too ridiculous to be afraid of a letter left by that guy and a ticket or something.

Almost as a matter of course, the Demon God stretched out his hand towards the two pieces of paper.

The next moment, the invitation letter turned to fly ash.

"Nail—, your friend, Odin joined the group chat."

Almost instantly, such a voice sounded strangely in the Demon God's mind.

The voices from different worlds caused the demon **** who hoped to create a perfect world to crash on the spot.

It turns out that there are so many worlds outside the world?

The devil, his eyes widened.

Through the medium of so-called group chat, she sees infinite possibilities...

Among the infinite possibilities, there is even a world that you want to shape, but cannot shape the level of success...

"Your heritage is really rich."

The Demon God muttered, not even caring that the White Night King and his nemesis were gradually entering battle mode.

That envelope gave her such a big surprise, so what about the last invitation letter?

Without hesitation, the Demon God tore open the invitation letter to Hakoten...

The next moment, the infinite light devoured the devil...

"Group owner Su Han, remove Odin from the group chat."

With such a voice, the Demon God completely disappeared.

Chapter 23 The Death of Othinus and the Artificial Heaven

The third floor of the box garden.

Where countless universes overlap.

If the normal world is regarded as a piece of paper, then it is probably a pile of books stacked with textbooks from elementary school to university.

It is a very unfriendly world for a Demon God who is accustomed to adding "phases" to the world and then changing the world through phases.

Well understood thing.

A piece of paper is rubbing casually for people.

But if ten books are stacked together, that's another story.

The third floor and above of Hakoniwa is very unfriendly to demon gods.

In addition, the Demon God is an omniscient and almighty being, invisible, and will be suppressed by the paradox of omnipotence...

The girl in the name of Odin felt the malice from the multiverse, and her expression was unexpectedly relaxed.

In the moment of group chat, she uses Hakoba as a medium to see the infinite world...

Infinite time and infinite dimensions are intertwined, and there are too many derived worlds. Among them, there are even worlds that are almost the same as their ideal world.

turn out to be...

Has your wish come true?

He was clearly in a world that was extremely unfriendly to him, but that Demon God's mood was surprisingly calm.

She could feel her power shrink.

Her attack ability is rapidly degrading.

She didn't get weaker.

It could even be said that she is a little stronger than usual because of the name "Odin".


The world's malice towards her is too strong.

She was like a shark, but was suddenly thrown into the land.

Sharks fall on land and die.

Although the demon gods are piled up in super thick places in this world, although they will not die, it is definitely a lie to say that they are comfortable.

That feeling of being confined to home is really uncomfortable.

"Do you still want to fight?"

The young man who should have been defeated immediately walked out of the endless history.

The appearance of that boy made the girl who should be called "Odin" in this world couldn't help but look over.

Not long ago, that young man ate all his attacks with a defenseless posture.

Obviously he is the top angel, a monster only slightly inferior to the devil,

However, he does look like he has no resistance...

No doubt, it was a rather eerie scene.

It's so weird that even Othinus doesn't believe he's dead. ,

In fact, Othinus was right.

The three most powerful species of Hakoten.

Protoss is bound to the multiverse chronicle.

Gods and demons are bound to the multiverse human history.

Except for the dragon species that became stronger by perfecting their worldview, the other two races were not ordinary.

Following Hakoten's call, Su Han returned here very easily.

In the name of the cancer that hides God and man.

And now, he finally showed his fangs.

"Can you tell me the principle of your resurrection?"

As if he was hanging out with his friends, the one-eyed devil asked the young man who had come back from the dead.

"Do you think I'd say something like that?"

The boy smiled and looked ahead.

Demon God Odin.

Race: Innate God Buddha

Three-digit exception (three-digit exception ~ two-digit sequence two).

Su Han's mouth twitched a little when he saw that data.

After this guy obtained the spiritual power, if he was not weakened, he could actually be ranked second in the two-digit number? ! !

Even being cut is considered a three-digit exception.

Considering that this guy has been cut so badly by the Almighty Paradox, it is estimated that he is also classified into the category of the most perfect god-Almighty God.

Give this guy some time, maybe he can break through the limitations of the omnipotent paradox, and maybe become a single digit in King's Landing Hakoten.

Should it be said that Othinus is the top-ranked among all the demon gods?



If there's anything inappropriate, it's...

Her luck is so bad.

Before the endless glory came, he ushered in the most difficult enemy in his life.

"Want to try and fight here again?"

The young man looked at the girl who had been given the name of a natural **** and demon, with a little playfulness in his expression.

He is not very good at dealing with demons.

However, dealing with demons is different.

He's an old hand at this.

Unfortunately, the invitation letter is ridiculously expensive, with 10 million points per piece.

Otherwise, he really wanted to try to get one for every Demon God.

As long as you owe one or two hands, you hold the invitation letter after joining the group chat, and the next word is the lore.

If Othinus does not appear, it is estimated that the boy who will wait for a quasi-demon **** to fight with him and then steal the victory will be counseled.

However, should it be said that it was his luck?

Things are going in the best direction.

after all--

Absolute evil and the power of a tyrannical ruler, he controls part of it.


The power of the Star Sea Dragon King is also in his hands.

"Of course."

The demon **** felt his weakened power to the extreme, and the young man whose feelings were constantly shifting toward the "natural enemy" from the opponent, shook his head.

Her gut told her that she would lose.

Completely lost.


The girl who should probably be called Odin chose to take off her blindfold.

In that empty eye socket, endless power is being released.

Like the spear of an unfinished artifact, from which it was born.

The Demon God held the long spear with endless fighting intent in his eyes.

If a magician is an existence born to fulfill a wish, then a demon is an existence after the wish is fulfilled.

If one's wishes have been fully fulfilled, what awaits them?

—The end of the finite will return to nothingness. The infinite is not the accumulation of a large amount of matter, but the disappearance of desire.

In Othinus' view, there is no difference between life and death.

Her only obsession is not creating a perfect world.


She and saw the world.

So, she doesn't need to care about anything! !

"Let's fight."

The gods and demons who had lost all their desires looked indifferent.

Next, all she needs is to defend the dignity of the Demon God.

Weakness does not prevent her from fighting the enemy.

==========Dividing Line==========

"Nordic phase, collapsed."

In a certain windowless building, such a voice came out.

The angel named Aiwass has an extreme difference in his voice.

In her field of observation, the "phase" called Northern Europe is collapsing.

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