That appearance made the one-eyed demon **** narrow his eyes.

This guy has a problem.

It may be more special than his nemesis and the Protoss.

So, let yourself catch him. Then proceed to interrogation! !

Almost at the same time as she said such words, her murderous aura erupted into the sky with her as the center, and then reappeared as the pressure gradually spread to the surrounding area. She had already arrived in front of Su Han.

She shook her fist.

There was no storm that rolled up magic power, no sword energy that slashed everything, no bombardment that instantly turned a building into fly ash, or a heavy blow that ripped apart the earth.

Some are just this unremarkable move.

But at the moment when he made his move, a strong sense of crisis was like a cold poisonous snake climbing up on the boy's body.

It was a fist from the Demon God.

In theory, one punch could shatter the entire world!

Must go all out!

Without any thought, Su Han followed instinct and swung a one-handed sword named Heiyuan.

So, the sword and the iron fist meet.

A strange thing happened. The fist and the sword were connected and competed, but there was no sound.

As if it was just being held together.

This is a balance that cannot be maintained.


As a matter of course, from the fist and the sword, the terrifying aura burst out, like a storm and raging waves, the terrifying aura swept through, as if it would destroy everything in the world and engulf it, spreading outwards without limit.

The surrounding space was violently distorted. If it weren't for the special battlefield prepared by the quasi-demon god, I'm afraid this area would have been smashed tens of millions of times.

Then, the jet-black flames shot up.

That is the power from the Demon Lord. Back to Utopian version.

If it is eaten by it, even a two-digit **** and demon will die instantly! !

The violent flame vortex exploded on the ground, turning into an impacting wind wave, carrying a surging airflow, and expanding wildly towards the surroundings, creating a hell-like scene.

However, Othinus looked indifferent in the face of the flames that were deadly to gods and demons.

The so-called Demon God has never been a creature, but a realm.

Her race has always been human!

Of course, in the words of Hakoba, it should be a humanoid phantom beast—a warlock.

Her strength does not depend on faith!

Therefore, although the flame in front of her is dangerous, it is definitely not dangerous enough for her to avoid it! !

His long golden hair swayed in the gust of wind. Her jade-like eyes were burning with fighting intent, and the long sword with cold light slashed a splendid silver arc, dancing suddenly with her bumpy body.

Just like dancing, it is enough to be included in the wonderful swordsmanship of the textbook, sideways, back and forward, forward, change direction, horizontal sword... The simple and gorgeous movements are so precise that it is like a surgical operation. Heart, technique, and body seem to cooperate with tacit dance partners, without a trace of fear or self-confidence, and their own strength and agility are combined to the right degree, and every trace of strength is just in line with every point of speed.

It's like cutting a knife through butter.

The terrifying blade ripped apart the flames of purgatory.

The surrounding ground also exploded open one by one as if it had been hit by the tip of a tornado.

As if caught in the catastrophe of the Great Destruction, they were destroyed one after another.

The girl rushed out of the black flames that were extremely difficult for the Hakoba Gods and Demons.

Extremely majestic.

That gesture, placed in any mythology, can add the crown of the God of War or the God of War!


The boy who fought completely in accordance with the rules of classical martial arts, without hesitation, launched a kick against the vacant chest of the demon god.

Su Han's strength is exceptional.

The gods and demons of the small garden are often used to turning themselves into stars, and then pile up "quality" for themselves.

Therefore, Su Han's "quality" is definitely at a high level!

If you are kicked by an open character, let alone a human being, even if it is a divine beast, the internal organs will burst directly from the mouth.

Feeling the terrifying power, the girl demon's expression changed and she burst back.

However, it was still too late.

The manic blow directly hit her lower abdomen, like kicking a soccer ball, and threw it ruthlessly.

This is, how's it going?

On the side, Shiroyasha wanted to help, but was stopped by the quasi-demon **** who almost became Othinus' help.

"The ability of Othinus. It is doomed that she and the enemy will be divided into five and five. If you join it, it is still fifty-five. It has no meaning. Instead of joining it, it is better to accumulate energy and prepare for the next battle."

The next moment, the demon god, who looked very beautiful, crawled out from the depths of the soil...

"Very good fighting experience."

The Demon God climbed up from the deep-sinking ground, with red bloodstains on the corners of his mouth.

She spoke, her voice as cold as ever.

It seems that the person who has just been hit hard is not her.

"However, the real battle is not something that can be decided by fists and feet."

Infinitely extending complex patterns stretched out from behind the Demon God, like ten wings to cover the world.

"Don't die so easily."

Chapter 22 Fight, what fight?

The Demon God showed her power.

The gray world has lost all its colors. The realm of black and white is intertwined and distinct. Kinetic energy and heat do not exist on any particle of matter. Walking through the cracks of time, the horizon of seeing the world is so unique.

Incomparably slow, but incomparably fast, fantasy and reality, stillness and flow, the boundaries are so ambiguous. The physical laws of reality cannot constrain one's own action, and the law of the world has also been weakened a lot. This is a certain period of time that is shorter than an instant, but it can only be described as an instant.

Against this background, it is a crossbow.

The beauty with long blond hair raised the crossbow.

In an instant, the infinite brilliance spread to the world without limit like the tentacles of Jewish capitalists! !

"Is that a miracle?"

The unaware children looked at the "wings" unfolding in the sky and exclaimed.

Beside her, the mother who seemed to be religious was saluting to the wings in the sky, expecting God to bless her...

The scene was widely circulated online.

Countless meteorologists have tried their best to explain the infinite wings of light scientifically, but they have been unable to get results.

At the same time, countless ordinary people are cheering for the astronomical wonder that has never appeared before.

The whole world is happy.

However, that scene fell on the magic world, but it made the whole magic world go crazy! !


The man with long red hair was sitting on a chair that only the Pope could sit, his body trembling slightly.

Sit in the Pope's seat.

In religion, it is undoubtedly an act of great treason.


That red-haired man is sitting directly in the Pope's seat, and there is nothing inapplicable...

It's easy to ask why.

That is the fire on the right.

The leader of the "Right Seat of God", the darkest part of the Roman Orthodox Church, actually controls the Roman Orthodox Church. The "Holy Right" contains "power enough to save the world" in his body. To be honest, this guy with the Holy Right Hand is more suitable than the Pope who is busy every year because of priests and boys. Represents the Roman Orthodox Church.


Today, this man representing the Roman Orthodox Church is shaking violently.

It is hard to imagine that this guy who is arrogant and will even try to reshape the world with the power of God in the future is trembling now. Cold sweat, like a reservoir with an open gate, wet his whole body.

Obviously, he is so powerful.

No, it is precisely because of his power that he is afraid.

In the sky, the so-called wings are actually a crossbow.

A weapon that does not belong to "Odin" but is exclusive to "Othinus".

When activated, there will be complex patterns covering the world, using the world as a crossbow to send out ten arrows, each with great speed and the power to cut off one or two planets.

If that thing is pulled away, then the fire on the right side of the planet will be completely destroyed, and this is clearly understood.

"I fought with you!!"

As if in the future, he was charging against the demon **** and the monk, the man representing the top combat power of the Roman Orthodox Church waved his third hand against the sky, but, that hand has not yet been able to be waved, that The Demon God noticed him, and in his spare time in actual combat, he glanced at him, and the next moment, great pressure was slammed on his face, making his whole figure like a spinning top, all the way from the high steps Roll down the hill...

Like a spinning red top.

In the future, the existence of three world wars will end with this ridiculous image...

The shadow called the Demon God has officially begun to appear in front of the world.

And the divine crossbow was facing Su Han.

If hit, the probability of death is fifty percent.

Without any calculation, Su Han came to this conclusion.

Fifty percent is the probability that the Demon God committed the fault of the Tohsaka family.

If the chain is not used, then the next step is the infinite combo of the devil...

Feeling the turbulent flow of time and space around him that had begun to disintegrate, Su Han couldn't help but let out a sigh...

His luck is not very good, it seems that he encountered the latter.

If nothing else, after this blow, he will either be sent back to Hakoba to read the article, or he will have to spend the group points to revive himself.


"If you just die like this, it will prove that you are an incompetent rat.

"Everything you said before was nothing but false words."

Not long ago, because of Su Han's words, the demon god, who had been shaken for a moment, slowly pressed down the strong crossbow in his hand.

In response, the boy just closed his eyes.

Bright light rages on.

Like the traces of an eraser on a pencil, the figure of the boy disappeared from this world...

Light and fluffy, without taking away a cloud.

just died?

The feeling of astonishment rose in the heart of the devil.

She looked at the void that existed not long ago, where there was no one, only a piece of paper that looked like an invitation letter, a piece of paper that looked like a ticket...

Could that be a trap?

Almost instantly, the demon girl thought of this possibility.

However, it didn't take long for her face to be replaced by a proud look.

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