At the request of the principal of the school, Miss Misaka began to investigate a certain problem child classmate.

With the invincible hacking technology.

She quickly found out the situation of a certain classmate.

Gender: Female

Personality is slightly withdrawn.

But his academic performance is very good, and in the past, he has been the king of rolls in first-class schools.

From this perspective, she is quite diligent and studious.

Moreover, considerable emphasis is placed on the platform as a learning venue.

However, such a person was recruited into Academy City not long ago, and when he was already admitted, he chose to give up Tokiwadai in an instant.

That reaction was kind of weird...

Maybe there is something hidden here.

Miss Misaka, who has many years of experience in watching Detective Conan, soon felt an abnormality.


Miss Misaka also followed quickly here.

"So—, who is that man?"

The sound of crackling electric current sounded beside the girl.

In her field of vision, a spiky head, who seemed to have helped a delinquent teenager, was pulling his classmates and striding towards a place that was not really a prestigious school, with an expression full of... treacherous.

"That smile really looks like a swindler."

From Misaka Mikoto's earphones, there was a voice very close to Shiroyasha.

Shirai Kuroko.

A first-year student of Tokiwadai Middle School, Misaka Mikoto's junior and roommate, a girl with brown hair with double ponytails who can move through Level 4 space.

As a disciplinary committee member, he has a strong sense of responsibility and justice.

However, under that honest appearance, there is a heart that can be called a low-profile Shiroyasha.

She is a pervert.

She likes to wear swimsuits and underwear with strong impact and little fabric in front of Misaka Mikoto, whom she admires.

She even ordered computer accessories for Misaka Mikoto.

As one of Misaka Mikoto's few friends, after Misaka Mikoto encountered difficulties, this pervert had extremely difficult to give up worship with a new superpower, and chose to appear as a help.

"Based on my years of experience, I think the poor-looking guy who doesn't look like an Academy City person is deceiving."

The girl who was very active as a disciplinary committee member said firmly.

Misaka Mikoto nodded involuntarily.

Although that treacherous expression, it looks more like a dog that has been hungry for two days and two nights, and is leading good-hearted people to the high-priced dog food store.

The situation is now obvious.

On the one hand, he was used to being in a high-level institution, but in the end he chose the top student of the pheasant school.

On one side is a liar with a treacherous face who looks a little hopeless.


If I remember correctly, this guy seems to be still in the past, and he covered the little gangsters.

A little combination of the two...

"Is this the guy who tricked my classmates all the way from Tokiwadai to that place where birds don't shit?"

I don't believe that someone would give up a top school to enter a junk high school, and there is an electric light in the broken hair of Misaka Mikoto's forehead!

"Sister, this is a commercial street, be careful!"

It seemed that he saw someone's anger, and Kuroko Shirai, who had never been very vocal, couldn't help but feel a little flustered.

"Trust me, Kuroko."

"It's simple enough to scare an underwhelming liar with a scary-looking ability."

Almost instantly, the girl snapped her fingers.

"—That's probably how it feels!"

He had just finished speaking—suddenly, a thunderstorm shot through the plastic bag Kamijou Touma was carrying like a spear without making a sound.

No, to say that it is a long gun, it is actually more like a laser light.

The force was well controlled, and it just smashed the plastic bag in Kamijou Touma's hand.

The heat from the lightning made Kamijou Touma's face froze as he was about to go home for a big meal.

I don't know what happened, but——

His dinner seems to be gone.

At the same time, the expression of the young man standing beside Kamijou Touma couldn't help but be a little stunned.

This high-precision lightning strike..

There seems to be only one person in Academy City.

"Crackling - crackling -"

Blue-white sparks flashed and made a sound.

It wasn't because the girl was wearing a stun stick, but her long brown hair swayed side by side, sending out bursts of sparks like electric shocks.

"Hey, the spiky head over there, can you let go of your hand from my classmate?"

Just like a chivalrous girl who has just stepped into the arena, the girl is majestic.

Chapter 5 On how shameful a superpower can be

"Hey, the spiky head over there, can you let go of your hand from my classmate??"

Just like a chivalrous girl in a martial arts novel, the majestic girl from Tokiwadai is a majestic girl.

Walking towards the front, the beautiful eyebrows are full of heroic spirit.

Accompanying it is lightning...

Under the control of the superhuman, the lightning, which is almost an uncontrollable disaster, accurately hit the bag in the hands of the gangster and burned it to the ground...

"Although I don't know which immoral school you are sent to deceive my roommate and let her go to your school to get the school ranking..."

It was obviously a stern voice of a girl who regarded Kamijou Touma as the subordinate of some **** principal who wanted to attract students to the school and improve the school's ranking.


The largest rough stone.

These titles are really attractive to the schools in Academy City.

As long as a person with superpowers can be coaxed into admission, many projects will be affirmed almost as long as they are reported.

In addition, the source of students in the next few decades will not be a problem.

However, this behavior is undoubtedly unethical.

Because, developing superhuman abilities and developing low-level superpowers are two concepts.

This is a well-understood thing.

Perhaps because of the scientific side, which training a superpower person needs to receive requires calculation.

And the rigor of those experiments is harsh.

The most typical is the absolute ability plan.

When Accelerator met Misaka Mikoto on the way, he wanted to kill her, but he chose to give up after hearing Misaka's sister's prompt that "it may affect the results of the experiment".

It is clear...

It is undoubtedly very difficult to make superpowers rise up.

It is not something that ordinary schools can do to cultivate superpowers.

This guy is the one sent by Yeji High School to fool his classmates.

Taking advantage of the reputation of classmates for profit, regardless of whether the future of their classmates will be restricted because of this...

If it weren't for the fact that there were still people around, Misaka Mikoto felt that she was so angry that she was going to drop a thunderbolt here! !

"Last warning, if you don't let go of my classmates, my lightning gun will not be aimed at your handbag."

Those words made Kamijou Touma lower his head stiffly and look at his handbag.



The miserable mourning that was enough to make the listeners cry echoed in the air and lasted for a long time.

In that scene, even Su Han rarely felt a little unbearable.

He could only sigh and threw a 10,000 yuan bill to the poor **** who lost his food, and then walked in front of the girl who was called Sister Cannon by all corners of the world.

"Um, Misaka-san, you seem to have made a mistake..."

\"I voluntarily enrolled in that...that what high school."

Su Han was telling the truth.

Squatting next to Kamijou Touma, he can get 108,000 magic books...

This will be the basis for him to become a Demon God.

As long as he becomes a Demon God, he will have the upper hand in the next battle to seize the sovereignty of the closed world. …

In addition, Kamijou Touma also has problems worthy of further investigation.

In comparison, Tokiwatai is really a little bit for Su Han...

Recalling Bai Yasha's wickedly smiling face, Su Han couldn't help but rest his forehead.

If you go there, you will most likely be pulled to peep.

Taking into account the gender issue, if unfortunately found out, that guy would never mind changing his body from a **** to a "passing good-hearted person" who came to arrest Su Han.


Going to that kind of school is really bad for Su Han.

However, that statement made Misaka Mikoto look at Kamijou Touma's eyes, becoming more and more serious.

What the **** did this guy say to let his classmates go to that **** school! ! !

It seems that there is indeed a problem?

Misaka Mikoto took a deep breath.

Explain, can't explain.

After all, no matter how eloquent you are, you can't compare to the guy who engages in MLM.


Next, you can only use force to send that **** to the bureau for judgment, and then let yourself expose the true face of that spiky head in front of your classmates.

Almost instantly, the girl made a decision.

"Heizi, control that fraud suspect."

Without hesitation, the superpower lady made a very strong statement.


"Received, my elder sister!"

With the sound of such a voice, Kamijou Touma felt it.

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