This is a very difficult thing.

after all--

The water in this world is deep.

Demons are not the end of this world.

Above them, there is a higher existence.

Those guys are the real masters of this world.

Kamijou Touma, who possesses a power that even a monk can't see directly, undoubtedly needs careful study.

However, before that, it seems that I should have a good relationship with this guy.

In other words, how do you get a good relationship?

Su Han pondered, then, looking around the empty room, asked Kamijou Touma.

"Kamijo-kun, do you need my help?"

oh oh oh! !

Are you an angel? !

Kamijou Touma almost burst into tears.

This new neighbor, not only gave himself an emm, but at first glance, it was not the food produced by Academy City as a gift, but now, he has to lend a helping hand to himself! !

This is the angel!

"No. No need."

"Perhaps, you can try to get a bug."

The boy with beautiful facial features and even a little girly, after thinking for a while, spoke very seriously.

"Life is a game, as a player, you can get stuck in bugs."

"For example, Flammulina velutipes, this kind of thing is a bug prop.\"

"Enoki mushroom is known as the "traveler" passing through the intestines. It is not easily digested because it is rich in dietary fiber - fungal polysaccharides, the main component of which is chitin.

Chitin is an animal dietary fiber, generally only soluble in inorganic strong acids.

The Flammulina velutipes eaten by people are processed by gastric acid and decomposed into "chyme", but some of them are not corroded and come to the small intestine intact.

Since the small intestine is alkaline, it can no longer be broken down, and it will be excreted with the feces. "

"So, theoretically speaking, you can buy Flammulina velutipes to get the bug card and get the allowance."

The young man blinked his eyes and said nonchalantly.

Too much!

Take back the foreword, this guy is a devil.

In an instant, Kamijou-san's eyes widened.

Is this guy encouraging himself to be the eighth? !

Also, bastard, "chyme" is just the residue that hasn't been digested yet. In fact, most of the protein, vitamins, trace elements and other nutrients in Flammulina velutipes have been digested and absorbed! !

If you are really stuck with bugs, you will definitely be malnourished! !


The boy seemed to have noticed Kamijou Touma's strangeness and blinked.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Kamijou Touma felt as if he saw a very cute girl sticking out her tongue playfully at him.

The anger that had just been made a bad joke was instantly reduced by more than half.

"Next, I need a senior to help lead the way, may I ask you, Kamijou-senpai?

to help? Well, it's paid, I'll pay you three meals a day and lost work. "

The boy smiled and said.

Oh oh oh that's awesome.

Under the powerful banknote ability, the boy named Kamijou Touma succumbed in an instant.


Very quickly, he grabbed the hand of his classmate and shouted.

"I am willing to serve you."

Chapter 4 The invincible Railgun, here she comes!

Kamijou Touma was surprisingly easy to handle.

Su Han looked at the unfortunate man who was full of tears and packed a pile of fast food from Mai Kee, thinking.

As one of the few beings in this world that can't be seen by the demons, it was easy to gain Kamijou Touma's friendship.

A basket of food, a scoop of drink, in a mean alley, people can't bear their worries, and they don't change their joy when they come back.

For this unlucky **** who has completely lost all protection due to his ability, a full meal is something that can make him feel extremely happy.

"So, Su Jun, are you actually a transfer student who transferred to our school?"

Maybe he thought that the food should be eaten slowly at home, so he chose the man who packed it.

Looking at the classmate who only held a cup of milk tea next to him, he made a curious greeting.

A certain high school is a not very attractive high school.

Schools at this level are actually not very attractive to transfer students.

This is not difficult to understand.

Although Academy City is in the extreme east, it does not belong to the extreme east at all.

Totally China.

Coming here to study is basically equivalent to studying abroad.

Except for the guy who simply goes out to gild... ah, and because his strength is not enough, he can't gilt the gold of the Ivy League and other famous schools, who would choose a foreign pheasant university?

Maybe it's someone who is just as incompetent as himself.

Kamijou Touma looked at the boy sitting on the edge of the flower bed with a little sympathy in his expression.

If it were the same unlucky person as myself, I really could only enter a certain high school.

"Well, the original school wasn't quite right for me."

The young man drank the milk tea with a big mouthful, but, under a layer of weird filter, to outsiders, it was an elegant tea tasting.

"Tokiwadai...that school means nothing to me."

Kamijou-kun looked like he was teasing me, it seemed to outsiders, it was always a young man with a filter looking back, saying so.

Those words made Kamijou-san froze instantly as if he had been struck by lightning.

Tokiwadai, there are only other famous schools in the middle of the country.

The members in it are at least level three. Considering that they are still young, the future development space is much higher than that of high school students. A considerable part of them will become powerful people second only to superpowers after they exert their potential.

"Are you joking?"

Kamijou-san, who wanted to comfort each other with Su Han just now, looked like a ghost.

"Well, just kidding."

Seemingly wanting to protect Kamijou-san's pitiful emotions, the boy rarely chose to lie.

"Actually, I chose this place because it's freer and easier for me to act, and then look for opportunities to become stronger."

This is the truth.

Su Han came to Academy City, thinking about replenishing his strength here.

The ultimate goal - to complete the road of the Fire Sword and reach the single digit.

Enemies may appear in the middle - demons/phase gods.

May become a supporting role, and become a supporting existence on the way of self-completion——

Kamijou Touma.

For this, what needs to be prepared - Demon God-level power/Anti-fiend magic formula.

As a two-digit **** and demon, Su Han's combat power can only be said to be average for a demon god.

To this end, he intends to raise a wave of strength before engaging in the incident.

He intends to become a demon in this world.

Demon God - The God of Magic.

A person who is close to the person in the domain of authority, but is more brave and good at fighting.

Under the premise that he is a full-power domain, after Su Han becomes a demon, his combat power will be stronger than that of a normal demon.

In the plot, a famous little yellow book warehouse will fall into Kamijou's house.

Infinite knowledge, and the similarity with the strongest god, may be enough to push him toward the demon god.

If it is enough, it is naturally the best development.

The background of the devil plus two digits is completely lore.

If you can't, you will probably go to Europe to find the quasi-demon **** Othinus, and learn the mysticism of anti-demon - elves.

"Goblinization" is the unconscious transformation of Othinus from the great power of the Crusaders.

In the historical fact of the "dwarfing pagan god", the spell that was drawn and reorganized, penetrated the opponent's heart through the light stick out of the palm to "goblin".

This trick is only valid for "devils", and the "devils" who endure this trick will be dragged out of the realm of "devils" and forced to return to the realm of humans.

Different systems have different advantages and disadvantages.

Once the Demon God falls, his strength will drop outrageously.

"Is it to become stronger?"

Kamijou Touma muttered.

Getting stronger requires free time.

In order to increase free time, choose inferior schools.

Also seems reasonable behavior.

But speaking of fights...

There seemed to be a eldest lady here before.

Kamijou-san, who had met a certain superpower, couldn't help but feel a little more resentment on his face.

"Do you all have such strange hobbies?"

"Who are you talking about?"

Su Han couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he was interested.

"I said a beep—"

Before he finished speaking, Kamijou Touma's expression froze.

In the reflection of Kamijou Touma's pupils, lightning strikes wildly!

========Dividing Line========

Time goes back one minute.


In an area not far from where a certain guy was, the girl with a peaked cap put down the telescope in her hand.

The delicate and lovely face has a slightly gloomy expression.

As the pinnacle of Tokiwadai—level five, Miss Misaka Mikoto has a good relationship with the principal.

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