You know, the way he pays his taxes is to collect paintings at low prices, send them to auctions for speculation, and then donate them to museums.

(In Ami, donations can be tax-deductible, so many bosses like to collect low-priced paintings, then send them to auction, auction a high price, and then give them to the museum, using the auction fee (if it is their own auction, no need to pay) and cheap paintings, offsetting huge taxes)

Now, Shiroyasha actually reached out to him for money?

Good guy, the tax bureau of the lighthouse country has no such courage! !

Su Han narrowed his eyes, thinking about whether he should be a white yaksha, and then framed the blame on Jehovah.

However, what kind of person is Su Han?

How could it be entangled because of the mediocre money issue?

Soon, Su Han thought of a suitable explanation.

"The funds are not available to you for the time being."

"I am of great use."

The young man spoke very calmly.


Harvested Shiroyasha's suspicious eyes.

This fellow Su Han has the highest-scale spiritual figure of the little garden. In addition, this guy also has a simulated star creation map with the essence of "Eternal Calamity Destruction" and the authority of the Demon King's dystopia.

This guy, as long as he is willing, will soon be able to reach the two-digit sequence one by relying on the accumulation of spiritual energy.

Is there anything in this world that can be difficult for this guy?

"Don't you plan to use our money to take care of the little girl?"

The White Night King thought for a while, his expression solemn.

After thinking for a while, she suddenly remembered that there seemed to be a lot of pretty girls beside Su Han all the time.

She doubted whether Su Han shared his assets with the little girls to buy toys, and the words of a guy who was making money with his confidante's eyes floated.

However, the next moment, his face became serious.

"What are you thinking? I'm thinking, how to overcome the decadent wind!"

decadent winds...

As the name came out, Bai Yasha's face could not help but become solemn in the true sense.

A name that is even more desperate than dystopia.

As a demon king, the wind of decadence is very unstable.

It is a demon king between seven and one digits.

There are a lot of variations.

And to overcome its condition is to show a spirituality that will not be wiped out by it.

Generally speaking, it refers to the spirituality that is just one level stronger than it.

And that Demon King's final posture is undoubtedly the "single digit" that will blow Hakonii away in one breath.

"If you desire human beings to complete the final evolution, then the three major demon kings—absolute evil, closed world, and decadent winds must be defeated."

Su Han said slowly.

"But in reality, it's ridiculously hard to expect humans to beat them."

"So, the most appropriate way is actually to find a spirit that is absolutely above the wind of decadence and forcibly suppress it."

"A spirit above the wind of decadence?"

Shiroyasha's expression froze.

Hey, hey, Xiongtai, have you lost your mind again?

A decadent wind, then he is not someone with 1-digit potential like himself and Jehovah, but a genuine 1-digit!

And because of the rules of the little garden, his strength may be a little higher than the normal single digit! !

Looking for a spirit above the winds of decadence?

"Are you out of your mind..."

As if seeing a neurotic, the White Night Demon King hugged Su Han with great concern, as if he was looking at a handicapped child.

"Tell me, is it a black hand from the Lord, as long as you nod your head, I will go and call on Xiaoju, the Great Sage and the Queen of Halloween together to help you vent your anger."

That speech made Su Han roll his eyes.

Hell, this guy obviously has a bad relationship with Jehovah and wants to find a chance to beat him up..

"Calm down, I also count on him to spend money to buy things back and help me complete the accumulation of spirituality as soon as possible."

The boy who was obviously planning to take the throne of a certain Demon King sighed and said words that were enough to make Jehovah listen to his feet.

"The relationship between Jehovah and me is very high, and the same is true for tyranny rulers. If you kill them, the demand for other souls will greatly increase when I am promoted to the single digit. It will cause a lot of damage. .."

Those words caused the confusion on the White Night King's face to increase again.

Su Han, is it possible that there are other means beyond single digits?

Become a half-digit number?

Heck, is there such a thing in the Hakoniwa universe?

Miss Shiroyasha felt a pain in her head.

She felt that humans were too noisy.

It may be better for Hakoniwa to remove the mutual observation with human history, and choose a quiet object to be observed...

It may sound a little unreliable, but compared to Su Han's so-called 0.5 digits, it is obviously very reliable.

"Open your eyes a little bit."

Very straightforward, Su Han drew two trees in front of Bai Yasha.

One is the divine tree rooted in the infinite sea.

The second is a Kabbalah.

Those two trees made Bai Yasha frown instantly.

Her intuition told her that these two trees were not simple.

"To explain a little, the former is a tree of imaginary numbers whose existence is equivalent to the 'multiverse', and the latter is the forbidden Kabbalah that, although it is a single world, has nurtured countless demons and lives above demons."

"The former can be regarded as yes, and the existence of the complete Little Garden world. Well, it is actually weaker. After all, the multiverse and space-time guided by infinite time are infinitely diverse, but there is still a bit of a gap. For the latter, it is The ultimate form of my power."

The boy whose own power is Hermes Kabbalah said lightly.

"I'm thinking, if I can deduce my simulated star chart to the level of the forbidden Kabbalah... Maybe, I can try to replace the tree of imaginary numbers."

Imitate the ultimate Kabbalah tree, then replace the imaginary tree, and convert everything on the tree into "soul energy".

That crazy speech, even Shiroyasha couldn't help but change color for a while.

The young man smiled and exchanged the points for "World Adjustment Mode" in front of Shiroyasha.

"You don't think, by then, I'll be—"

"0.5, is it even zero?"

Chapter 1 Entering the New World

Gakuin City is a city occupying one-third of the western part of Tokyo, and it is a representative of scientific forces (laughs).

Most of the students of the college city live in the dormitory of the school and receive ability development in each school. Most of the students of Academy City acquire superpowers through drugs, hypnotism, and electrical stimulation.

There are various types of different abilities, which can be divided into incompetent (LevelO), low-ability (Level1), super-ability (Level2), strong-ability (Level3), high-ability (Level4), super-power according to the range and power. Those with absolute ability (Level 5) and those with absolute ability (Level 6).

The founder of Academy City was Aleister Crowley. It is under the sole authority of the "Overall Council". In order to prevent the leakage of technology and superpowers, there are strict restrictions on the entry and exit of the population.

Well, in theory, no one is allowed in without their permission.


"Wuhu, let me see what the identity I've been placed in is."

A voice belonging to a certain super pervert resounded in this land.

That is an uncompromising beauty.

His silver hair reached his waist, and his golden eyes were a thousand times brighter than the sun.

That's the Night King.

Miss Bai Ye is actually very happy, very happy.

After exploiting Jehovah fiercely, she got an invitation from a girl named Shokuhou Kauki and came to a very magical world.

The world is full of demon gods who are equivalent to fully solving double-digit combat power.

In this world, the pose of the world seems to be close to Hermeticism.

For Su Han, who is the suzerain of the Hermes theory, this is undoubtedly a good world - he can read the composition of this world, and constantly complement his own cosmology that simulates the creation of stars.

And coincidentally, the worldview in this world can be rubbed at will.

Well, as long as it doesn't arouse the ideology of the demon gods, it is completely possible to rub the template of the theory all day long, and then become a spiritual support for oneself.

At that time, even if he doesn't use the authority of the organizer, he will be a two-digit Demon Lord.

This place is undoubtedly heaven for Su Han and Bai Yasha.

The only problem is-

Members of the outside world may come and go at will, which may lead to the onlookers of the demons.

But it does not matter!

With the Messiah classmates scavenging for money and materials in the small garden to earn the sovereignty of the sun, Su Han is no longer a ridiculous ten million-level capitalist, but a billion-level! !

"So, let's just come back so casually, is it really okay?"

Not long ago, Miss Shokuhou Caoqi, who had finally escaped from the clutches of a super invincible golden goose, poked her head, her expression a little timid.

As a local resident of the forbidden world, Miss Shokuhou Caoqi was actually quite panicked when she saw her homeland.

Life must die, apples must fall from top to bottom, one plus one equals two


These are the "laws" that will never change in the world.

However, for the ultimate warlock, these bins are not absolute, they can all be

Destroy, reorganize, and create with magic written in the Book of Magic.

One plus one will become three, the apple will fall from the bottom to the top, and the dead will be resurrected.

A magician calls a person who can do such a thing a demon.

And in this small universe, there are a large number of demon gods that cannot even exist in the universe, but can only exist in the "phase".

They only need to rely on their will to easily destroy the universe, and they can also reshape them in a single thought...

There is no doubt that compared to the gods and demons who basically add their attribute points to their lives, they are more inclined to add points to their martial arts.

From this point of view, if the demon gods are not divided, they may be able to beat the two-digit figures to the ground.

As a goldfish in a fish tank, after learning that his hometown has been destroyed by a group of Levi

After the contract, to be honest, it is absolutely false to say that you are not panic.

Even in this small academy city, there is a hidden existence of the phase **** level.

Frankly speaking, Miss Shokuhou Caoqi's biggest wish is actually to see if she can go home and drag away the people in her family who are close to her...

This garbage world really doesn't want to stay for a second. Let's reopen it.jpg.

Who wants to stay in this universe that will be restarted dozens of times as long as the devil is a little angry! !

However, even in this super dangerous world, the existence of a young man named Su Han is indeed a smile.

"The so-called devil is difficult to deal with, in the final analysis, it is just the ability to recharge money..."

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