The next moment, the aura on her body seemed to explode, increasing without limit.

Host permissions.

Privileges possessed by high-level gods and demons.

The effect of Shiroyasha's sponsor permission is—

Back to the original!

Almost instantly, she had turned into the Demon King of the White Night.

The endless sea of ​​stars devoured everything in sight!

All that fell into the eyes of Jehovah.

Jehovah's face was very gloomy.

No, that can't be described as gloomy anymore.

The correct statement should be that a little twist on his face can trigger a storm.

He was angry.

Really angry.

In the plan, he should be able to borrow a considerable part of the power of the gods and demons of the small garden to build a new small garden.

After that, he can find an incarnation in the Land Abandoned by God and incarnate as a demon king to devour everything in the lower level of the abandoned Little Garden, quietly improve his spirituality, and then use the old Little Garden as a springboard to counterattack the new Little Garden. ..

But now it's all ruined!

If nothing else, the power of the Demon King's dystopia is really dangerous, and he has completely suppressed it by his own will...

However, this kind of repression is not eternal. If it cannot be completely wiped out within 100,000 years, this guy is likely to become a part of himself during the time he meets with himself, and then forcibly merge with himself..

At that time, I might not even be myself!

"You bastard...!"

The aloof **** had a rare look of anger on his face.

This guy interrupted his path!

However, before she could get completely angry, a sneer appeared on the face of the woman who could be called the King of Star Spirits.

"Can't you have fun?!"

"Aren't you arrogant before? Now that the offense and defense are reversed, you're going crazy?"

The moment Shiroyasha regained his power, a pure white wind blew on the ground!

That is the simulated prominence of the sun, the super-dense plasma radiation shatters the realm of the material world, and it easily shows the mighty power of shattering the starry sky!

That is undoubtedly unimaginable, here is the third floor of the little garden!

It's not the material world in the lower level of Little Garden, but the gathering place of the mythical world.

With the shattering of the sky, a day of silver, symbolizing the unsinkable, appeared in the sky.

It radiates light and pierces the starry sky, erasing the boundary between the horizon and the starry sky.

The bright sunlight contained a powerful force that penetrated into the space inch by inch. The sea of ​​clouds in the sky was immediately stirred and disintegrated under the power of the sun, revealing the real sky!

"Before being sealed by the old lady, give me a good taste of the power of the original star!!"

Just like the scene of the sneak attack three inches below Jehovah's navel, the Protoss who had returned to two digits roared in anger instantly.

That is the divine light that can be erased from the horizon or even the boundary of the starry sky!

And such a divine light emanated impressively, and the attack position was exactly three inches below the navel of the Lord.

Jehovah's face was ashen.

This guy, the White Night King, is still as rude as always!

Without too much hesitation, Jehovah gave up the so-called and chose to flee quickly.

In this case, there is no point in continuing to fight.

Maybe if he really fights, he can beat Shiroyasha to the ground, but, if he fights, he will definitely be locked up by the sponsorship of her shit.

Although the strength of **** is strong, it is really difficult to obtain benefits under the joint efforts of a group of two-digit figures. …

Therefore, the thing to do now is to win the support of several other two-digit figures who have not yet come forward to show their attitude, or forcefully dominate the other two-digit figures in order to get out of trouble.

However, the next moment, he was stunned.

If you want to ask why. Probably-

The endless black gale had blocked his path.

That endless gust of wind, in the world of gods, is simply the tide of death...

For Jehovah, that power was too familiar to him.


"Demon King. Dystopian power."

Jehovah said the name of the experience with a gloomy face.

In this world, there is another guy who can exist as a dystopian devil.

"Don't run so fast, senior."

The boy whose body was completely surrounded by the black mist said with a smile.

"We actually have room for reconciliation."

Room for reconciliation...

Looking at the endless black fog, for a moment, Jehovah seemed to feel something.


This guy, like himself, needs to start a dystopia.

He is the same existence as himself.

A guy who will lose part of his personality if he can't become a demon king dystopia.

This guy...

The Lord glanced back at the angry White Yaksha, but the young man seemed to have a very high majesty, causing the angry Protoss to stop attacking.

"I interrupted your way forward, but it is not impossible to connect that way."

"The redemption price is double. You only need to give 400 million points, and the group chat can give you all the solar sovereignty that I sold."

"At that time, your legacy will reappear."

"Control a little bit, don't be so aggressive, I don't think the White Night King will embarrass you..."

The young man laughed, with a faint smile.

"Want to try to make peace?"

"Let's not talk about peace, I'll take the Queen of Halloween and Alger to kill **** now."

Chapter 43 Beyond the single digit zero point five?

"Your asset balance is 210 million..."

In the respectful voice of the group, Su Han completed the review of his assets.

A total of 210 million.

The source of 10 million is the chambers of commerce and factories he established in many worlds.

The source of two billion is Sun Sovereign.

"So, you are expecting Jehovah to make money... to buy back the sovereignty of the sun?"

It was as if he saw the outrageous **** open the door for the outrageous, and Shiroyasha's voice was very complicated.

The LORD has stepped back.

Well, the demon king who has won every battle and even forcibly reached the double-digit number has retreated in front of the ugly face of the capitalist.

The reason is also very simple.

The result of the fight between him and Shiroyasha is definitely that they both go to jail.

Jesus, the guy who became a double-digit guy with the leftovers of his spirituality, is still a lot weaker than the White Night King who is constantly denied in the plenipotentiary domain, if he is the Queen of Halloween; The team of Protoss and a guy who is also a dystopian candidate for him is caught, I am afraid they will be beaten...


He does need sun sovereignty.

Without the sovereignty of the sun, then the dystopian realm will not appear, and if it does not appear, he will not be able to reasonably inherit the position of "tyrannical ruler"...

In the end, his soul may be tainted with the will of the previous demon king, and then deteriorate...

Under the accumulation of these conditions, he could only hold his nose and admit defeat.

"400 million points, how many things have to be sold?"

Shiroyasha smacked his tongue all the time.

Perhaps in order to block the Lord, she also sold her last two-sun sovereignty and Zeus's two-sun sovereignty...

One Sun Sovereign is only 10 million points, which is still the recovery price.

The normal selling price is two thousand w.

A minimum of thirteen Sun Sovereigns are required to unlock a dystopia.

That is, 260 million points.

Yahweh wanted to put things together, and it was estimated that the underpants were all in place.

When it's over, I have to worry about Su Han, who is also a candidate for the dystopian demon king, rubbing it cheeky, and then grabbing the throne with him...

"Do you have any clues about the general malnutrition of the domestic pandas in Sichuan?"

Very serious, Bai Yasha asked a guy whose wealth level was already crushing the whole group.

"That's probably because the sword cultivators in Shushan are facing Uncle Ge's unified national sword cultivating exam. They are so stressed that they go crazy and startled. They feel that eating more bamboo shoots is beneficial to their cultivation."

In the same seriousness, Su Han gave the answer.

Of course, Shushan Jianxiu did this kind of thing.

What does it have to do with me Su.

In this regard, there was a little appreciation in Miss Bai Yewang's eyes.

This shameless attitude has her three-point enthusiasm back then.

Considering that Su Han's current age can only be regarded as a baby among natural gods and demons, there is definitely hope in the future, surpassing himself.

At that time, it will be time to replace the three major problem children of Hakoniwa.

The star who was accustomed to letting the Great Sage Monkey King take his place sighed.

At that time, the three troubled children of Hakoten were definitely Su Han, Jehovah, and the Queen of Halloween.

In his own words, he is a model of Hakoniwa's morality (referring to being a woman who is not allowed to enter the women's bathhouse).

But having said that, in order to prepare for the points, Jehovah is unable to do anything right now, and it will be quite stable in the future.

so now-

"Should you transfer the money to me? The total is 140 million, not a single one."

Seriously, the White Night Demon King extended his hand to Su Han.

Of the twenty Sun Sovereigns sold by Su Han, only six belonged to him.

The rest are all White Yaksha.


In this regard, as a group of capitalists, Su Han's expression is very different.

Good guy, the money in the pocket of the black-hearted capitalist, do you want to take it out?

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