Unfortunately, the person who got the news was an unknown person who had just been looked down upon by him and even kicked out directly...

This time, the fire dragon is really going to end.

You are the biggest sinner of the whole community.

"Don't be so discouraged."

Just when Mandela was about to die, the teenager smiled and patted him.


Beside him, a scroll of parchment was flying.

"Come on, let's try to use the gift game to bring back your dignity." The gift game

A game that competes with each other using "favors".

In addition, the structure of the bounty game is very simple, that is, the winner will receive the prize provided by the game "host".

A sense of hope rose again in Mandela's heart.

Yes, as long as you pass the gift game, you can ask yourself from an anonymous member to keep silent about what you do.

With great difficulty, Mandela picked up the parchment that had been thrown on the ground.

He picked it up, read it, and tried to find the possibility of breaking the gift game from the game regulations.


Is this possible?

Mandela looked at the words on the parchment and trembled violently again.

On that gift game, there are only two words.


Chapter 21 The omen of the awakening of absolute evil

"Boy, now the fire dragon is your property?"

In the community called Dry Eyes, the voice of Shiroyasha came out.

The "girl" with white hair and golden eyes looked at the news from the North District with a look of astonishment, as if she had seen a ghost.

In response, the boy sitting in front of Shiroyasha was just drinking tea there.

"Hey hey hey, why don't you say something!!!"

The relaxed look of the old **** undoubtedly made Shiroyasha's temper tantrum.

She shouted, wishing she could just tear Su Han's mouth open and let the words jump out of her throat.


The boy gave an answer that made Huolong's group collapse.

"I played a total of three games of boon with them."

"The first was a duel, and I took their wealth." "The second was a duel, and I took their land." "The third was a duel, and I took their flag.

Righteously, the young man said words that made Shiroyasha's expression instantly subtle.

three games.

It's all a **** duel.

"You are really careful." Bai Yasha's expression was very strange.

On the lower level of the box garden, the upper limit of the space here is four digits.

And Su Han is a four-digit exception.

That is, the genius who leapfrogged monsters in many immortal cultivation novels.

Just looking at Lingge, his combat power is already comparable to three figures.

In the lower level of the little garden, it is simply invincible.

"Give you a fair, just and open chance to play a gift game with me

Recalling the news from the North District of Dry Eyes, Shiroyasha couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

This guy is so shameless.

"That's also impossible.

"After all, what they do is inherently immoral."

"Using you as a shield and bullying the Black Rabbit, don't you feel ill-fated?\"

Facing the tongue-slapping Bai Yasha, Su Han raised his eyebrows and gave his reasons.

Mandela's ten very inauthentic dragons.

This guy, in order to be able to revitalize the fire dragon, directly undertook Shiroyasha.

It is reasonable for Su Han, who was bullied by his companions, to beat his community directly.

Of course, this is only superficial rhetoric.

People who cross the sea of ​​stars. The two beards are pointers, and without beards, you can't cross the sea.

This is a sentence from Boon Game: Between the Stars.

If there is no "beard" of the Star Sea Dragon King, then no one can reach the absolutely evil sealing site.

Therefore, if you want to liberate absolute evil, then the premise is to find the "beard" of the Dragon King.

In other words, let Galji and the others get the "beard" of the Star Sea Dragon King.

For this reason, he decided to directly take over the fire dragon forcibly, and then "accidentally" lost the "beard".

Of course, in the process of achieving this goal, it is necessary to vent the anger for the black rabbit, beat the idiots of the fire dragon, and even send Mandela directly to the emergency room for oxygen.


She's a really good girl.

Shiroyasha looked at the young man in front of him, belly in his heart.

For Miss Black Rabbit, the **** in front of her is obviously very charming.

When Nameless was almost on the verge of collapse, giving food almost for free

Seeing that Wuming is weak, he simply led his partners to join Wuming.

After failing to carry out the mission on his own, he did not blame himself at all, and then forcibly formed an alliance by himself.

Recalling what happened recently, Shiroyasha smacked his tongue again.

Because of this kind of thing, the black rabbit boy was obviously in love with Zeus, Di Shitian, and the guy who was on the same level.


There is actually a piggong cabbage faster than himself..

The Protoss, who was also wicked towards the Black Rabbit, sighed.

I am also old.

Back then, I was able to go to Yaotai with Di Shitian to peep at the fairies taking a bath, and I was able to run away before being discovered by the fairies, leaving only Di Shitian to be beaten there.

Now that the person is old, even the speed of the cabbage cannot compare with the newcomer.

Perhaps, in the future, I should stop drinking tea and make goji berries instead?

Shiroyasha looked at his teacup and fell into thought.

"By the way, I should go."

Because the matter was too big, the boy who was invited by Shiroyasha to drink tea put down the teacup and said.

The essence of his coming here is to explain the logic of his actions to Shiroyasha, so as to prevent her from having any unnecessary misunderstandings.

Now that the explanation is over, it's time to plan the next step.

"What are you going to do?"

Shiroyasha asked a question, with a suspicious look on his face.

This guy Su Han is really the world's first-class troublemaker.

Only a few days after I came to Hakote, I stole one of the Queen of Halloween's Sun Sovereignty, and then hit the messenger of the Crusaders.

This guy, as an ally, is quite reliable..

However, this is too troublesome.

"An Xinla, I won't take action against any large-scale community next." Facing Bai Yasha's vigilance, the boy just smiled Xia Ran.

"I'm just going to talk to a few lads."

====Dividing line====

Hakoniwa North District, a cave that became a temporary stronghold for some people because of the desolation.

"Your Highness, the information you want has been collected."

She was wearing a sleeveless black dress, and the jacket tied around her waist was swinging with her movements. At first glance, she looks like a lovable girl, but there are several short knives on the belt hanging around her waist, indicating that she is far from being as weak as she looks.

Its name is Cai Liling, and her talent in cracking the gift game is higher than that of the genius of Izayoi, and she is also the counselor of the "Street-tail Snake" of the Demon King Alliance.

The girl who was the counselor of the Demon King Alliance jumped to the edge of the stone a few meters away, and said with a smile to a teenager sitting there.

The one called His Royal Highness was a handsome boy.

His white hair was messy, and his golden eyes exuded a calm temperament that didn't match his age. He was dressed in a loose white robe, but he couldn't pick out the slightest incongruity.

His name is Kalji, created by storytellers as a "god", the last incarnation of Vishnu in Indian mythology, holding a simulated star map incarnation, was born to break the natural disaster caused by the gods. hero.

"Lin, did you get the information about the beards used in the Boon game to guide you so quickly?"

The boy sitting on the stone looked at the military **** who belonged to his side, and a slight smile appeared on his face.

"Isn't that a matter of course?"

The girl, whose talent for cracking the boon game is simply terrifying, stuck her tongue out playfully.

"Okay, don't give a shit."

He clearly has the potential to become the center of the group of gods, but for the past three years since his birth, His Highness, who has been forced to be the **** of some big man, looked at his subordinates indulgently and said so.

To be honest, a three-year-old who was only given a lot of knowledge at birth looked at a 12-year-old girl with doting eyes, this kind of thing is a bit weird.

"There is no such thing as a beard!"

The black-haired girl sat beside His Highness and spoke in a rather relaxed and pleasant tone.

"In the gift game, 'two beards are pointers, without beards, you can't cross the sea, and the beards in it are actually the inheritance token of \"Salamandra\', the dragon horn of the Star Sea Dragon King. "

"Is that so?"

His Royal Highness nodded, in this case, the goal of the next action in the North District will be very clear.

They want to seize the inheritance props belonging to the lineage of the Star Sea Dragon King.

"His Royal Highness, why don't we just break into the 'Salamandra' while the Black Death Reaper is recovering in the 'salamandra' and create a game of compulsory gifts, and **** the dragon horn of the Star Sea Dragon King."

The black-haired girl shook her little head and said in a joking tone.

"Lin, although I want to do it too, but I can't."

Kalji shook his head and said regretfully.

"Although I have been in the East District before, I lost the right to obtain first-hand information on the North District. However, from what I saw and heard on the way back, the North District has changed a lot."

Those words made the girl named Suzu frown.

Obviously, this matter is enough to make Miss Counselor a very painful topic.

"It has changed a lot from before. For various reasons, the Fire Dragon's people lost to Wuming from the Eastern District. It is said that they were forcibly included in the Wuming Alliance."

"In that case... can the Dragon Birth Festival still be held?

Galji only felt a headache for a while.

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