In order to successfully continue the drama of the rookie class ruler vs. the rookie demon king, he specially contacted the class ruler in the East District - Shiroyasha, who can be as famous as the Queen of Halloween.

Judging from that person's strength, as long as she is there, no matter how strong the Demon King is, he won't be able to make waves.

Therefore, there are only two endings to the drama of the Demon King's invasion.

1. The ruler of the Northern District and Sandora Teldorek defeated the Demon King.

2. The ruler of the Northern District and Sandora Teldorek defeated the Demon King with the help of Shiroyasha, the ruler of the Eastern District.

Perhaps, after the incident, Bai Yasha will learn about the small operations of these people...

However, limited to the lower classes, Shiroyasha is not a very cruel Demon King.

Compensation with her own head and half of \"Salamandra\"'s current savings is enough to quell her anger

At this moment, very abruptly, a strange bell rang from Mandela's pocket.

Mandela woke up in an instant, and looked frightened.

That is the biggest insurance of the Fire Dragon Birth Festival - the connection of Shiroyasha.

"Lord Shiroyasha, what's your order--"

"Mandela, something happened to you boy, run away!!"

Before he could say all the words, Shiroyasha's slightly anxious words had already entered his ears!!

"Nameless guy, I'm coming to settle accounts with you!!"

unnamed guy...


Chapter 20 Fair and Open Bounty Game (Confidence)



Incomprehensible words came out from the communicator.

Fire dragons, although declining, are still born in a five-digit community.

Nameless, a seven-digit low-end community entirely supported by Hakoba nobles!

The seven-digit community actually wants to retaliate against the five-digit community?

"You, are you kidding me!"

Perhaps because of excessive shock, the fire dragon's voice stuttered.

There was silence for a while.

The reason for his silence was that he had never thought that a younger generation whom he was quite optimistic about could ask such a stupid question when it was time to run away with a red bucket.

After a long time, Shiroyasha made a sound.

"You don't think Black Rabbit is bullshitting you!"

Fear surged in Mandela's heart like a flood in a year of floods.

There really is the strongest species in Anonymous!

Innate gods.

Different from the acquired gods who were promoted to gods by the belief of later generations, they were gods as soon as they were born.

Like the acquired gods, they are also bound to the human chronicles, but, unlike the gods who have been upgraded because of the beliefs of later generations, in the universe they live in, they are often the creator, the master of the world, and the shepherd...

Before the establishment of Hakoba, they had walked in countless worlds, accepting the kneeling and worship of the tens of thousands of people.

They are the supreme primates, and even if they lose the spirituality endowed by the little garden, they can look down on the "gods" of the world.

pure blood dragon

Pure-blooded dragons are not 'born', but 'occurring'.

A species that was assembled by powerful forces without warning on a certain day - this is the pure blood of the dragon.

They were born into a separate world.

With the passage of time, their own \"cosmology" will gradually become complete, without any experience, it will continue to become stronger. It will eventually become a walking universe


If you want to add a ranking, the Protoss will be at the top of the strongest species.

This is not a question of combat ability, but because the Protoss has nothing to do with the origin of human beings. They are the incarnation of shining stars and the framework of the mythical universe. Therefore, in order to completely kill Protoss, there must be an infinite world that can destroy the Protoss. The secret technique of destroying all "a certain star\" in ..

The spirit is powerful and immortal.

These are the three major groups that are respected as the strongest among the endless groups.

Recalling the description of the three most powerful species in his own impression, Mandela only felt that his soul was frozen.

In the world of Hakoniwa, where the game of gift comes first, racial differences will be pulled to a very low level.

After all, in the game of boons, intelligence is the most important element.

However, although Hakoba is the best game of gift, it does not mean that there is only game of gift...

What if the strongest species doesn't want to play the gift game with you?

Or, do they ask you to force yourself into the game they want?

Recalling the majestic figure of his ancestor, imagining that he stood on the opposite side of himself.

Mandela only felt that his soul was shaking.

Instinctively, he wanted to turn around and rush in the direction where the black rabbit left!

Although Shiroyasha asked him to run away quickly, as a fire dragon, if he runs away, the entire fire dragon will be angered!!

To untie the bell, the bell must be tied, he must find the black rabbit in the shortest time and seek forgiveness!!


"Do you still think you have a chance?"

A hand, I don't know when it was placed on the shoulder of the fire dragon.

Mandela petrified.

literal meaning.

The moment the boy's hand touched, his body froze.

At the same time, the dead gray black started from his legs and continued to spread upwards.

Perseus, the middle name is Algol, which means the burial star, and the western name is Algol, which means "demon"

The head of Gorgon Medusa in Greek mythology, called "Horus" in Egyptian mythology, "ghoul" in Arabic, Satan in Hebrew mythology, and Lilith...

It is the most evil star in the starry sky.

Everything that comes into contact with it will suffer misfortune.

And now, Mandela has offended the holder of the sovereign power of the magic star.

"Even if you refuse my invitation, what should you say if you dismiss my secretary as a beggar? Shiroyasha has never done such a thing."

"Do you need me to help you find a few poets to spread your "great cause beyond the Demon King of the White Night"?"

The young man's voice was very light, and it even made people feel like a spring breeze.

Had they met elsewhere, Mandela would have thought this was a gentleman of great taste and invited him for a drink.

The premise is...

Not petrified by it.

"Let me think about how my family manages these guys who don't give themselves face."

"Is it directly turned into salt, or is it endowed with a fire from the sky? Or is it a violent flood that is thrown directly into hell?"

Transformed into... the world's great heaven.. the flood of the world.. the final judgment..

This guy is crucifix!!

Recalling those familiar words, it is clear that most of the body has been petrified, but Mandela can still feel that his body is really sweating constantly.


By far the most murderous sect in human history.

Even among gods and demons, it can be regarded as famous or notorious

If you are targeted by this group of gods, the entire fire dragon community will be forcibly suppressed, then stigmatized by countless poets, and finally thrown into hell!!

Like being sunk into the deep sea, the boundless fear suppressed Mandela's heart

"Please calm down, Mr. Nameless.

"You must understand that the fire dragon is one of the class rulers in the North District. Although it may be something that can be easily destroyed for you, you must know that once you do this, it will definitely give your resume. Add a very disgraceful one..

"You may be labeled as a devil for this."

Almost instantly, Mandela began to organize the language and released an amazing desire to survive.

"You also know that the White Night King is a **** and demon who is very keen to guard the lower order. If you become an unsettled person - a demon king, you may directly make enemies, which is not good for you."

Reasonable answer.

Su Han thought.

First, tell the problem from the opposite angle, and then point out the risks.

Next, express an apology attitude and give a large amount of compensation, which can indeed be understood by many people.


"Almost there."

"The devil is coming, shouldn't you be happy?"

The boy's expression was flat, and he said words that made Mandela shudder.

"The demon king who specially introduced the piper has also plotted a wave of Shiroyasha. Do you think if I tell this thing now, can Shiroyasha rip off your skins?"

"Even if Shiroyasha is in a good mood because he peeped at the beautiful woman and doesn't bother you, I don't think the city of flaming flames is the only community of you, the fire dragon, isn't it? If the fire dragon birth ceremony is also held, there will even be a large number of external communities. People are coming..."

Having said that, the corner of the boy's mouth also brought a faint smile.

Imagine that, as a cadre of another community, you received an invitation from a community to play a simple gift game, earn some extra money to eat, and take a look at beautiful women.

In the end, TM's, after I went there, the gift game was the Demon King game!

I didn't get any extra food, I just ate a wave of the Black Death virus, and the beautiful woman I saw was a demon king who wanted to transform herself into a gift.

If you think about it a little bit, you can feel the annoyance and anger of those community members.

In order to increase the popularity of one's own community and the legitimacy of the successor class ruler, it is a good method to directly pull other communities into the disaster created by oneself, but it is also really immoral.

"Guess, if this news gets out, the community that received the invitation letter and is the capital of flames will be able to rip off the skin of your fire dragon." Those words directly made Mandela's face change instantly. become the color of death.

Absolutely will be over.

The flag of the fire dragon will be cast aside, the position of the class ruler will be deprived, and the major communities that receive the invitation will be evil with the fire dragon...

The fire dragon will definitely be finished!!

"This is just what I did. If you need punishment, please don't take anger on those unknowing members!"

Almost of course, the fire dragon named Mandela made a choice!


He bumped into the boy's eyes as if looking at a fool.

"Apart from Sandora, doesn't anyone know about the Demon King's invasion?"

As if the final judgment had been opened, that speech made Mandela fall into complete despair.


The things on my side have been noticed by outsiders unknowingly.

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