Now that I have this, I'm really sorry for not having a wave of reinforcement.

Almost as a matter of course, in front of Bai Yasha, Su Han integrated the spirit into his body.

Seeing the god-like figure who was clearly planning to fight the Crusaders, Shiroyasha couldn't help but sighed.

Before, she also hoped that Su Han would hook up with the Crusaders, so as to put pressure on the Queen of Halloween.

it's good now.

There is a big problem with crucifixion.

If Su Han is allowed to go, it is estimated that Hakoten will move quickly away from gg.

So, what's next to get the Halloween Queen to give in and lend those things out.

Shiroyasha felt a pain in his head.

Although she feels that if she can recover to the dawn period, she will be very strong...

But fighting isn't one-on-one

Seventeen of the areas of Hakoni's authority have been identified.

The ghost knows how many of them are on the side of the old little garden.

If you are all on the side of the new small garden, even if you are a Sequence Two in the full power domain, it is useless!

She has to nurture a little help.


It is obviously hard to find help that can affect the situation of the war in the struggle in the full power field.

Thinking of this, Bai Yasha really felt that he had two big heads.

The premise for Su Han to complete the awakening of the godhead is that ten of the zodiac signs provide him with support, but...

However, he meows, this matter can't be solved without the Queen of Halloween!

"By the way, do you have any ideas for solving the Halloween Queen?\"

Shiroyasha inserted her hands into her own hair, perhaps because of the sadness caused by the problem of the Cross religion, she even lost a little bit of hair.

"The solution to the Halloween queen. It's really hard to think of!"

"If the old guy from the Star Sea Dragon King was still there, it would be much better." Bai Yasha sighed.

Star Sea Dragon King.

The false star -- the star spirit of Tai Sui.

Different from Bai Yasha, whose leadership ability is useless, the star who has the qualification to lead the group of gods is given a simulated star chart.

Simulated star creation map "Void Star Tai Sui"

A "simulated star creation map" that can seal the strongest species other than dragon species into a fictional world

Although it can only have the effect of halving the spirituality of the strongest species, it is relatively limited in that it can overcome any difference in strength and win as long as those two races are opponents. change.

The upper limit of this simulated star chart is terrifyingly high.

Unless it is like the World King Kurimo, the White Night King, and Yawei, who has a single-digit potential, whoever comes will be beaten.

For the Queen of Halloween who is a sun star, it is an overwhelming weapon.

If you don't bring a simulated star chart to offset it, then the Queen of Halloween will probably fall into the situation of her two brothers and sisters, no, sisters and sisters.

Consecutive defeats.

"Just use your simulated star chart to offset the simulated star chart of the Celtic gods, and then, ambush the queen.."\"

"However, the Star Sea Dragon King is gone."

Su Han lowered his eyes, then raised his head and said:

"Yeah, not anymore."

==Separation line==

"Your Highness, Maxwell is dead."

In an area some distance from the station of Perseus, there is such a sound


The source of the voice was a girl.

Black hair, with a knife on his waist.

That's Cai Liling.

The strategist of the Demon King's League.

At this moment, the face of this girl who was always very lively in the past was gloomy with layers of gloom.

The second most important member of the League of Demons, Maxwell, is dead.

As a member of the League of Demons, Maxwell is not a very popular guy.

This is not difficult to understand, after all, it is quite difficult for a normal thinking person to mix with that super invincible perverted stalker.

In addition, the identity of that guy is very special, even if everyone in the Demon King Alliance felt that something was wrong, they did not go forward to rescue him because of Galgi's words, "I feel a plurality of spiritual qualities that are equal to or even higher than me."

Everyone is not stupid.

Who would risk annihilation for the sake of a perverted spy sent by a superior?

In fact, they may have made the right choice.

after all

Their strength may be really strong, but they definitely can't handle someone who can get through with Shiroyasha.

There is only one possibility that the entire army will be wiped out.

However, there are advantages and disadvantages.

for example

"His Royal Highness, although I don't like that guy either, but Maxwell is dead. How should we explain it to our superiors?"

The gryphon on the side made a worried voice.

Maxwell is not a serious member of the Devil's League.

He was sent by the superior to monitor everyone present.

In the past, the Demon King Alliance lost one person, who happened to be the watcher. It was hard not to let the superiors think about it.

Considering Maxwell's unparalleled running speed...

To be honest, no matter how you look at it, it seems that the Galji people who were dissatisfied with Maxwell's surveillance, joined the outsiders to kill Maxwell.

If a reasonable explanation is not given, then it is estimated that the entire Demon King Alliance will be cleaned up.

Galji's heart was very anxious.

He will not die.

He is the hero that Ouroboros needs to get past Kali-Yuga, and without him, it is estimated that another disaster will follow.

Unless the upper-level people have a brain cramp, otherwise, they will never attack themselves.

However, his subordinates are different.

They are just optional accessories.

Lord of Armies and Krishna.

As long as those two adults... no, maybe they don't need to express, their subordinates make a little noise, and then there will be countless four-digit demon kings "coincidentally" appearing in their subordinates. Around, "coincidence" unfolds the boon game, or "coincidence" unfolds the battle..

His subordinates will die without a place to be buried.

Imagining the horror of the gods and demons in the upper classes, everyone present fell silent.

The **** that the Saxon gangs have to respect, that is not an ordinary unreasonable.

But fortunately...

Not without a turnaround.

"Lin, take that out." At this moment, Gargi spoke.

Following his order, the girl named Suzu was startled, and then reached under her skirt.


A tattered flag was taken out from the skirt that seemed to lead to a different dimension.

Fabric on a red base and gold edges. The pattern is in the shape of a hill with a rising sun and a girl, and it is the only flag in this world.

That is the flag of the community that has defeated the most demon kings in this world.

They have dimmed the sun, made the Black Death epidemic, weakened the Holy See, and created the Renaissance.

They fought fiercely against the three-headed evil **** and nailed it under the volcano in the city of flaming flames at the cost of blood.

It was a miraculous community.

The only thing to regret is...

Their miracles didn't last forever.

They lost to someone from the Crusaders and the Sun Kings.

Therefore, all the top members were expelled from Little Garden, and the middle members were sold as gifts to various places.

Gargi mourned the past of the radiant body, and then took the flag in Suzu's hand.

\"The horn of the Dragon King of the Star Sea and the flag of the alliance of Arcadia." The young man looked solemn.

"You should know what I mean.

Everyone present in the Demon King Alliance nodded.


In the eyes of the true superiors of the Demon King Alliance, he and others are dogs that have not yet been domesticated.

Maxwell is the dog who watches over the dog.

Hunters are always accustomed to sending hounds to hunt down large animals, and in the process, there must be losses.

As long as they can capture the last prey, no one will care. During the capture process, several dogs died.

Even if the dog that I am most comfortable with was bitten to death by other hounds because of public anger.

"We should go."

The boy named Gargi spoke slowly.

"Go to the City of Brilliant Flames and liberate that Demon King."

ps: I lost love last night, and there was a problem with the update. I'm really sorry.

Will make it up today.

Chapter 19 Boy, something happened to you, hurry up and run away!

Miss Black Rabbit is very depressed.

Very frustrating.

As an unnamed new diplomatic member, she was entrusted by her friends from another world to convey the news of the alliance to her former friends.

This is not an easy task.

This is visible to the naked eye.

Although Nameless is Arcadia, Arcadia is definitely not Nameless.


"It's a partner after all, so I should be able to chat a little bit.

With this thought in mind, the girl named Black Rabbit came to the City of Brilliant Flames.

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