The power with the exact same nature set off a violent shock, turning into an invisible shock wave, instantly destroying the entire Perseus camp.

Under the shock, the demon king named Maxwell staggered back.

The other person is still spotless.

Judgment high and low.

Despair, like creeping grass, is entangled in the heart of the thermodynamic demon.


Still not enough? ! !

Power, I need more power!

Even if you burn everything, you must gain strength!!

Maxwell roared at his own spirit in his heart, and the forces belonging to the outside world were absorbed into his body, adding to the inner cycle of energy, the third perpetual motion machine began to expand, and began to run wildly, toward the body of the thermodynamic demon. Enter power.

In an instant, the Demon King's breath almost reached the peak of four figures!!

This man, who was clearly a candidate for one of the final trials of mankind, finally showed his teeth.

Right, that is it

Feeling the power flowing between the limbs and bones, Maxwell laughed silently, he easily cut through the realm of cold and heat, and distorted the space.

A space jump flashed behind the boy in an instant.

"Give me death!"

In the ice-cold and crazy voice, Maxwell, whose eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, released a storm of flames in his right hand, and rolled up frozen snow in his left hand.

Hot and cold, warm and ice.

The two realms are intertwined and collide fiercely.

The demon who dominated the temperature difference roared, raised his hands together, and released everything he had on the boy's back!

But, would such an attack work?

"Do you know the gold content of Almighty God?"

At the moment when the Demon King vented his anger, the manic wind once again intercepted that power.

synchronized with it.

The orange door of space opened in front of the Demon King.

The next moment, the boy's arm was already straight along the realm gate, grabbing the neck of the demon king fiercely!!

Twist the neck and throw!!


Before Maxwell's muffled sound was fully released, it was completely cut off, and then, the whole person flew out of it, hitting the ground like an arrow from a string.

The earth in the ruins shattered under the action of the giant force, like a meteor falling, and the power of the thermodynamic demon when it landed shook everything around it into the sky.

In the sight of the Demon King, memories of the past flashed.

Life as an imaginary demon.

From being hypothesized by Professor Maxwell, wandering in the outside world, being fascinated by Vera, chasing after Hakoniwa, being taught by Kasukabe, and throwing himself into the Demon King Alliance.

Like a revolving lantern, the moments of his life kept flashing in his mind.

He was obviously immortal, but he was beaten and even came out of the revolving lantern.


This is the price of challenging "God" beyond one's own means.

The thermodynamic demon scrambled up from the ground.

His body changed again.

Before that, his body became a combination of blue and red.

But now, his body has changed once, and his clothes are different from the previous coat decorated with contrasting blue and red, and changed to white-themed clothes.

Something resembling wings grew out from the back, and the scoop was scattered with feathers of light.

To describe it like that, it's like an angel.

"The current him, I'm afraid it's a four-digit exception." The young man exclaimed.

The man named Maxwell is, after all, the angel of the third perpetual motion mechanism.

This spiritual personality, which is related to the final trials of many human beings, once the power is developed, the rise of power is almost a matter of course.



The angel who got up again has lost the ability to speak.

Just a crunching sound.

He has gone crazy.

The fear of Almighty God and the desire for Vera overwhelmed his reason.

Now he is just a beast who wants to take away Vera.

Maxwell, who stood up on both feet, charged forward with a fierce expression as if his mouth was split open.

That appearance is simply the most disgusting floating dog on the grassland.

Almost instantly, the angel's sharp claws had already reached his eye patch.

At some point in Su Han's hand, a black sword appeared.

The sharp sword, which was considered a divine weapon in the little garden, just joined the Demon King's sharp claws, releasing a terrifying black aura.

Almost in an instant, half of the Demon King's body was eroded away, withering like it was weathered.

As long as there is still a trace of reason, at this time, that person should know to retreat.

However, the demon king named Maxwell just howled furiously, slashing again with his only remaining hand, and quickly brought a storm. Above the sharp claws, the high temperature and low temperature broke out at the same time. Su Han used the black abyss as a block, but Under that power, he was actually cut off by the minions.

The cross section is like calm lake water, and the broken blade tip spins and falls.

It fell to the ground with a ding-dong sound.

Like a miracle, the Demon King seized the vacancy at the moment when the boy retrieved the gems on his sword and waved his fist. Even though the boy tried his best to avoid it, his cheeks were still bruised by misfortune.

A bloodstain appeared on the boy's face.

The blood, along the contour of the cheek, slid down, exuding the **** blood that made the beast excited...

Maxwell's eyes became even brighter.

It's like a floating dog that has been hungry for days.

In the face of that dog-like man, Su Han's expression was rarely distressed.

That distress is not because of injury.

But because of another thing.

"Really, your popularity in the Demon King's Alliance is so bad that even if you're at a dead end, you haven't come in to save you?

He waited here for so long because he was sure that the rest of the Demon King Alliance should also be there.

In the Demon King Alliance, there is a guy who, like himself, needs ten Sun Sovereigns to be able to open the inheritance.

That guy, if he kills him and turns him into a vassal, it will be of great help to him.


Su Han drew his sword and cut off the arm of the man who had turned into a beast, looking at


The people from the Demon King Alliance didn't plan to save people at all.

"Forget it, you can't run very far anyway, you just need to spend more time looking for someone."

In fact, the boy who doesn't really like to search for such manual work whispered.

And the demon king of thermodynamics did not notice his emotions.

It just followed instinct and growled.

Trying to tear off the flesh and blood from the boy's body, so as to enjoy the sweetness.


"You're worthless now."

Behind the young man, at an unknown time, the tree of gods began to appear.

He called out the name of the armed man.

"Ain (nothingness)."

Flowers bloom, flowers fade.

The seed, which symbolizes nothingness, falls with it.

Chapter 18 Battle, the City of Brilliant Flames

"Is this the spirit of the third perpetual motion mechanism?"

The white-haired star spirit looked at the spirit that was placed on the table and made into a gift, with a little strangeness in his eyes.

"Well, the third perpetual motion mechanism."

"The essence of that guy Maxwell is not the demon king of thermodynamics, but the angel of the third perpetual motion mechanism."

"Otherwise, it is impossible for him to reach the four-digit figure that only the strongest species and heroes can reach."

The boy spoke casually.

"As you can see, because I showed my unwillingness to join the Crusaders, an idiot Demon King under the Crusades tried to hold the people around me in order to force me to join them."

After solving Maxwell, Su Han chose to return to dry eye.

After careful consideration, he did not attack Galji.

It's not that I don't want Galji's simulated star creation chart and Lingge.

Mainly, the next challenge is absolute evil.

after all

After thinking about it carefully, it seems a little inappropriate to liberate the absolute evil by yourself.

If nothing else, Bai Yasha is definitely going to turn against himself.

In this case, it is better to let them go and let them go to the City of Brilliant Flames.

At that time, the Demon King Alliance has seized the dragon horn of the Star Sea Dragon King from the unknown poet, and then it is reasonable to directly open the seal.

after all

They weren't really good birds.

"Tsk - it's really a crucifix-style method." Shiroyasha commented.

As the **** worshipped by a famous gangster from Blue Star, the reputation of the Crusaders is obviously quite poor in Hakoniwa.

"What are you going to do with this spirit?"

After despising the Crusaders, Shiroyasha couldn't help but ask a new question

"This thing is generally unsteady for people to hold."

"Of course I keep it for myself."

Su Han rolled his eyes.

His basic ability is the Eye of Darkness, which has been transformed into the Tree of Kabbalah.

The Eye of Darkness is the magical third perpetual motion mechanism.

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