The spaces opened up.

He found the bride's room.

Unexpectedly, he didn't say anything, and there was no expression on his face, but his eyes were empty and a little scary.

"Dear madam, please don't panic. As you can see, I am a gentleman's robber. I have an important talk with your future husband. Please cooperate with me." In the plan, he should be so graceful speak.



When that touch of silver hair appeared in his field of vision, the man named Maxwell lost his ability to speak.

If you want to ask why...

"Why, are you here?!!!"

"My goddess, Vera!!!"

There was no expression on the Demon King's face, but his empty eyes were a little scary.

Chapter 16 Absolutely, will never give Vera to you!

Charming and pure.

Concepts representing the two extremes of glamour should not overlap.

However, in a world full of gods and demons, it is not impossible for people with such characteristics to exist.

for example

The cute-looking bride.

Wearing a wedding dress is a very beautiful girl.

She was obviously just a small girl, but the bulge on her chest was enough for a certain immortal who did not want to be named to shout, "Don't believe rumors, don't spread rumors"

An extremely pure look, a figure that can only be described as "immoral sexy".

Every move is charming and endearing, yet glamorous and **** at the same time.

To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that the character problem is too serious, the popularity of this girl among the people is estimated to be no less than that of a black rabbit!

Seeing such a beautiful girl in a wedding dress, most men would be deeply regretful, jealous or wish the lucky groom.


Maxwell doesn't feel that way.

Because his heart has been filled with anger to swell!!

He's going crazy!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!"

The Demon Lord, who was acting like a gentleman most of the time, let out a howl like a beast!

"Vera, my bride!!!"

"My only love, who forced you, I'm going to kill that bastard!!"

However, in the face of the angry thermodynamic demon, the girl named Vera just pushed out a piece of letter paper and spoke lightly.

\"Are you here for my wedding?""If so, fill in this.

The bright red and festive letter paper filled the eyes of the demon king of thermodynamics.

It was like a sponge that had absorbed water, occupying all his vision.

That is...

wedding invitation.


As if something was broken in the body, the Demon King's face lost its brilliance as a living creature.

The next moment, centered on Maxwell, who lost his life, violent heat waves and cold waves blew up. Hundreds of thousands of cold and warm storms that are released in turn in one second transcend the laws of the material world, causing plasma to flow around in the atmosphere.

The gap in the realm was shattered, and the space was shattered like a glass handicraft.

That scene made the expressions of the Demon King Alliance members who were supposed to be in contact with the outside world suddenly change.

"What's the matter with that guy Maxwell!!" Galji was anxious and angry.

According to the plan, Maxwell should have relied on his unparalleled realm gate technology to bring the hostages to see him, and then go back to negotiate.


I didn't even see the shadow of being a hostage.

On the contrary, Maxwell's Linger inexplicably began to swell.

This was completely beyond expectations.

after all--

In the plan, there is no concept of a storm at all.

If successful, hold the bride and negotiate.

If it fails, flee directly and wait for the next opportunity...

The result is good now, Maxwell went crazy, and now he has liberated his spirituality!!

"That pervert has lost his mind and confused the three-digit and four-digit numbers. He doesn't think that the combat power of the four-digit numbers is the same!!

Cai Liling murmured, her expression extremely ugly.

Is this guy crazy?

As far as his half-hearted third perpetual motion machine spirit is concerned, he will use his head to fight the hidden god!!!

And considering that the other party's news was provided by the White Night King, this guy is very likely to have a good friendship with the White Night King, and if the movement gets bigger, isn't that just slapping the White Night King in the face?!!

Although the White Night King is now limited to four digits, even if it is four digits, she is an exceptional four-digit number!

Moreover, there are fourteen Sun Sovereigns in the hands of that guy, and he can summon fourteen and four-digit strongest species of the same rank as himself...

The enemy is strong and I am weak.

You can only hold back and fight in a roundabout way.

This is something that anyone with a normal mind will understand.

However, today's Maxwell would not consider that kind of problem.

If you want to ask why, it is

"If you're coming to a wedding, please dress decently and maintain basic manners."

The boy wearing glasses did not know how to appear in front of the Demon King.

The boy who appeared completely in the attitude of a victor seemed not to be afraid of big things, he held the petite girl in his arms, and there was a playful look in his eyes.

Lu Xian's cold eyes were like a man with an umbrella looking at a dog that was soaked by the rain.

Pity for his misfortune, but also because of the dirty water in his body, he is not happy.

It's disgusting...

The face of the winner!


The once graceful Demon King turned into a mad beast almost instantly

"go to hell!!!"

When the words fell, Maxwell raised his hands.

- A burst of violent hot wind and extreme cold wind suddenly exploded from Maxwell's raised hands, and a storm of ice and fire, mixed with red and blue light, rushed in all directions.


Vera exclaimed in surprise.

It was the full force attack of the thermodynamic demon, even because Maxwell was one of the four figures who was not good at fighting, but his strength was enough to tear the earth apart!!

However, in the face of such an attack, the boy just stretched out his hand with great regret.

Cluster Link - Wind Herrscher.

next moment.

The wind blows.

Ideal fluid, one of the few forces that can be called the strongest shield.

In the collapsed world, because of the problem of precision, the Herrscher of the Wind has always been a shameful thing.

However, after arriving at Hakoba, this power has also been enhanced.


The gust of wind condensed silently.

Invisible and intangible, but it has a hardness far beyond that of rock or even mountains!

It is obviously only a thin layer, but the rushing ice and fire storm hits it, but it is like a wave hitting the reef, and it can't hurt at all!!

Maxwell's heart tightened, and he finally regained his senses. Without thinking, he jumped up and tried to escape.

However, the next moment, Maxwell's pair of eyes suddenly shrank rapidly.

Because, almost at the moment when Maxwell jumped up, an orange "realm gate" had appeared behind him.

The mass of a hand rested on his shoulder.

"I think it's not time to get married yet." The boy's voice was very indifferent.

However, on the contrary, the other hand of that guy has turned his palm into a fist and hit it!


The strong and powerful force brought up the whistling energy and shattered Maxwell's chest.

The minced meat and bones sputtered like scattered pieces of paper.

It was undoubtedly fatal.

Not to mention human beings, except for the extremely tenacious Shura Buddha, there are monsters, ghosts and monsters.

However, that was by no means the end of the attack.

In Maxwell's painful expression, the boy's hand that penetrated his chest was spotless.

The faint wind was spinning around the hand and fluttering.

Under the action of the master's will, those winds that had been used as "shields" were torn apart and turned into countless tiny fragments.

Countless blades that can tear objects apart from the subatomic level...

With that faint sound.

The devil named Maxwell was "blown up".

literal meaning.

In an instant, Vera's vision was dyed blood red.

Bloody, confused like fog.

Chlorine soaks the air and moistens the land.

Perhaps, in the near future, a lot of spiritual grass will grow here.

after all--

This is already the land irrigated by the blood of the four-digit Demon King.

This is how a four-digit Demon Lord died.

Like a leek cut by the main force.

"So strong!"

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