"Listening to the White Night King, that guy seems to have moved to Perseus' residence and is preparing for a wedding."

"I think that as a threat, that bride should be enough."

Chapter 15 The Demon of Thermodynamics, see above


The greatest hero in Greek mythology after Hercules.

As his descendants, the descendants of Perseus were also able to establish a rather large community.

But now, in this area belonging to the descendants of Perseus, it has become a wedding ceremony venue.

The beasts in the forest were also driven out.

Hundreds of Pegasus knights are patrolling around.

The slightly hidden fortress in the past was also painted white.

There's a real wedding going on here.

This is what all discerning people can see.

Honestly, this is a very surprising thing.

after all--

This is the home base of the Perseus family.

Even if the leaders of the past dynasties get married, the palace that symbolizes the face of the family and the community will not be changed to a festive white.

There, the boy who didn't specially put on any groom's clothes stood there casually, looking into the distance.

He is waiting.

Wait for two people.

As a person who has a little understanding of the problem children's worldview, Su Han is very clear that the alliance of demon kings at the lower level is the white glove of the upper level.

And in that connection, the most important ones are naturally Kalji and Maxwell.

The main force - Galji.

The demon that monitors Galji, Maxwell.

Of these two, one is the tenth incarnation of Vishnu and the other is the angel of the third perpetual motion agency.

Even, the former body also has a Leo sovereign.

Maxwell was given a mission to find himself, and considering the identity of his watcher, Galji would not be allowed to leave his watch.

Therefore, Galji is likely to be pulled here by it.

That is to say.

Su Han had a chance to catch them all in one go.

"So as long as I'm here. Marry you, then Maxwell will show up, and then you can fix it?\"

The girl, who had changed into a bridal outfit, looked at the side with a worried look on her face.

It was a very beautiful girl.

Silver hair, blue eyes.

Even with a nervous look on her delicate little face, she still has a natural stoic taste.

That's Vera.

The demon of blue flames, Vera.

Of course, she is also the goddess of some super perverted stalker.

"I think, judging from that guy's obsession, that guy shouldn't choose to leave after seeing you."

As far as running speed is concerned, the boy who was definitely not some perverted thermodynamic demon shrugged.

Then, he looked at Vera, and there was a slight difference in his expression.

"But to be honest, I really didn't expect you to agree so decisively." "After all, girls and so on, they should value reputation very much.

"Please get rid of him!"

It was extremely rare that the girl who always gave people a cute feeling had indignation on her face.

For a girl named Vera, Maxwell is undoubtedly the number one **** in the world.

Chasing women is a normal thing.

However, that guy Maxwell did not follow the normal path at all!!

Teleportation - This term is often used in various genres of fiction.

It is not a clichéd move that moves at high speed or tricks the five senses, nor is it an ability that belongs to one person alone, but the unlocking grace that Hakoniwa bestows on all those who are in charge of the realm.

To unlock is to open the door of the realm.”

Ignoring the passage of time and appearing where I want to appear, it is known as the gift of \'the strongest movement technique\'.

There are only a handful of people who hold this gift in the whole Little Garden, and Maxwell is one of them.

And Maxwell with this ability, even if he is disgusted, he will stalk him, and he is already a perverted stalker!!

Recalling her past contact with Maxwell, the girl named Vera only felt goose bumps all over her body!

It moves instantly when sleeping.

When eating, that guy may also appear at the bottom of the table...

Even when you go to the toilet, you have to worry about it...

Thinking of that pervert, in order to occupy himself, he actually started penance again, and even invested in the Demon King Alliance in order to gain power.

And all of this is for occupying myself!!

Why are there such perverted and persevering people in this world!

Give me practice to prove myself or become stronger! You bastard!!

Even Vera, who was essentially a super-problem child, could not help but let out a groan in her heart.

However, that guy's perseverance is completely in the wrong place!

In the story of Wen'er, the most persevering one is Sun Wukong's younger brother and Tiangu, the Great Sage of Fuhai.

The Jiaolong, who is only an inferior descendant of Huanglong, has cultivated for thousands of years in the abyss of stars and obtained the spiritual quality of "Xianlong".

Relying only on his own mixed dragon blood, his spirituality was at a level that could rival both the Sea God and the Earth Goddess, and even a single punch was enough to match the breath of the stars.

But now, a pervert named Maxwell is really following him with the great perseverance of the Great Sage of the Sea when he was cultivating...

This matter, for those being followed, is undoubtedly too dark.

Where do you like me, can I change it?

Honestly, Miss Vera really wanted to say something to that pervert.

"Don't worry, you won't be bothered by that guy again in the future."

The boy who had already received Shiroyasha's contact narrowed his eyes and counted the time.

"The guy who tries to release absolute evil, but doesn't want to solve absolute evil, doesn't have much time."

===Dividing Line-==

"Ah, that big man in Lord Yawei who has a similar heritage, doesn't he want to report to the Cross?"

From the shop with dry eyes, a perverted handsome guy with long blond hair took the latest information and introduced the situation to his friends.

"According to the information given by the White Night King, the young man who holds the inheritance of the hidden God is not very interested in going to the upper floors."

"He came to Hakoten because he had received a drifting bottle from Hakoten before. Well, in the words of the White Night King, it was a girl who threw a bottle through the gate of the realm and expressed her distress, and the one located in Lord Yawei has a very high similarity. Dude, I just received it, and started dating online."

"Now, he chose to prepare a wedding in the residence of Perseus, who was captured by him."

It was very rare, and a hint of admiration appeared on the face of the Demon Lord named Maxwell.

He likes this kind of simple and unpretentious people.

If you ask the reason, the reason why he came to Hakoba is also the same.

Vera, my love.

When I finish this vote, I will go to the City of Brilliant Flames.

When I finish this vote, the entire city of brilliance will fall into disaster.

At that time, if I use the realms to save the entire city of brilliance, you will definitely marry me.

Ha ha.

It doesn't matter if you don't like it, after all, marrying me is a prerequisite for me to save the City of Brilliant Flames.

The Demon King was intoxicated with his own plans.

"So, what's our plan next?"

Galji looked at the monitor who seemed to be ill, frowned, and asked.

"There are no plans."

The Demon King who had the most powerful "lock-picking ability" had a proud expression.

"Just wait outside and wait for me to give it to you."

Wait for this guy, steal the person, and then take it away by yourself?, Galji instantly understood the meaning of this shameless man.

He will steal the bride who is the holder of the spiritual identity of the hidden God and give it to himself, and let himself watch it from a distance, so as to prevent the enemy from being extremely strong in combat, robbing the bride, and possibly even crushing himself. Possibly on this side.

You can tear up your votes at any time, this is your greatest guarantee...

"I see."

Gargi, who was bound in the same way, was silent for a moment, and then gave a random answer.

After receiving an affirmative answer, a smile appeared on the face of the man with the strongest movement technique.


The next moment, he disappeared from the front of the Demon King Alliance.

He arrived outside the city of Perseus.

"Oh, it really looks like the castle that welcomes the bride." Looking at the white castle, Maxwell exclaimed.

If only Vera were here.

In this case, I might be able to convince her here and get married here


While the Demon King was indulging in his love concept, the rage belonging to the Pegasus Knight sounded!

Those were the guards of the Castle of Perseus. Under the anger of the guard captain, they raised their spears in unison and charged at the man who suddenly appeared!

"Oh, unexpectedly sharp, really a good team.

Facing the group of knights, the man who was discovered just smiled slightly.

However, no matter how good it is, it is only the best among the five-digit community.

For a four-figure Maxwell, the guards here are ridiculous.

The man clapped his hands, and the next moment, the invisible door had been opened.

Those charging knights rushed into it unexpectedly, and then were directly sent thousands of miles away to fight sea monsters.

After dealing with these minions, it is time to find the bride.

The man smiled gracefully, then jumped into the sky, overlooking the composition of the castle.

Where does the bride's position come from?

Oh oh, yes there.

Incomparably relaxed, the man found his target.

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