They weren't really named until after Solomon died

A name inherited from Romani.


Now, someone actually took Solomon's symbol in front of their face!!!

This matter, for Gaetia, is simply

"It's really unpleasant."

"Has no one taught you not to touch other people's things casually?" The Demon King's voice was extremely indifferent.

Even though his hand was directly cut off, what the Demon King cared about was only the five rings he lost.

Almost in an instant, the breath on the man was burning like a flame that had been doused with gasoline.

No, that growth rate probably shouldn't be used in the metaphor of a fire with gasoline.

after all


It was extremely difficult. The magicians located all over the world looked up at the sky, and only dullness remained in the eyes full of wisdom in the past.

Ever since King Solomon, who was the spokesperson of God, chose to cut off the Age of Gods, the mystery of the world began to flow into the inner layers of the world.

For this reason, magicians who were almost omnipotent in ancient times could only reluctantly give up the powerful techniques of the Age of Gods, and chose to rely on meticulous manipulations to be able to show the glory of modern magic in the past.

However, today, the mana in the air is constantly rising, even to the extent that normal humans feel uncomfortable.

However, no magician would be happy with this scene these days.

If there is a reason, it is probably

Because, the magic power that appears in the world today, the halo that was obtained at the cost of burning human history, is overflowing with magic power!!

The extremely bright magic light wheel shines in the sky.

The omnipotence of controlling all the principles of heaven and earth, as well as the coercive feeling of hating all human beings, makes the magicians who deeply know what such a large source of magic power mean, their faces become extremely pale.

Original Sin No. 1, the band of light that announced the end of mankind.

And that light wheel, under the master's will, is already approaching the surface of this world without limit.

And the area it aimed at was not the boy who cut off his hand directly.

But the surface civilization circle!!

"Don't you like guarding Renli very much? Then, let me see what you can guard!"

The Destroyer of Humanity had a slightly contemptuous smile on his face.

This is provocation.

With scheming provocation.

The enemy is the guardian of human nature, and protecting civilization is far more difficult than creating or destroying civilization.

Moreover, in a battle of the same level, if you want to protect the weak, then you must pay a price.

And that price will undoubtedly affect the battle.

The light and heat with the destructive breath descended from the sky, and the extreme high temperature and endless light descended on the world in an instant.

The scene that was enough to instantly evaporate the surface fell into the eyes of the young man who was the guardian of humanity.

Unsurprisingly, he held out his hand.

In the next moment, the black and white divine tree will directly penetrate the heaven and earth!!

The world called Neighborhood was shrouded in the original world in an instant.


It was like countless giant dragons roaring, and the terrifying sound shook the atmosphere.

The atmosphere is boiling, the land is melting, and the fiery flames are soaring into the sky. Everything seems to have been evaporated by the scorching high temperature, disappearing.

The shock wave beyond the common sense spreads without limit, and the extra wind pressure rages on the dry and sore ground, crushing the surrounding things that have not been burnt out.

It was the most terrifying disaster in the world.

The desolate world was torn apart in an instant.

The fabricated crust was torn apart, lava spewed out, poisonous gases flowed through the air, and oceans were driven by shaking continental plates, triggering a tsunami that could engulf everything.

After the earth and the sea, the sky is also cracking.

The power of space that stabilized this world, under the bombardment of the ultimate magic torrent, let out an overwhelmed wailing.

It is not difficult to understand things, the so-called neighbors, the correct statement should be the world egg.

This kind of power that the "egg", which can only be regarded as a newborn in the "world", can't be compared with the "universe" outside.

Almost predictably, the world is at risk of collapse.

If such an attack falls on the surface, then the destruction of human civilization is almost doomed.

Fortunately, now this disaster is confined to the neighborhood.

Just like the only **** in the myth of the Crusaders, the boy who transferred the disaster once again stretched out his hand and revised the rules of the world.

Like a randomly fabricated clay, the shattered world came to a standstill.


Time starts to run backwards.

Once again, cosmopolitan the young man's mind - the wasteland.

Reenacting the world, for him, is there only so much consumption?

The Demon King frowned,

It is not surprising that Su Han will summon another world to replace the earth and accept his own destruction.

From the very beginning, his idea was to hold Renli hostage, forcing him to take a blow from himself, consuming part of his strength, and accumulating advantages for himself.

However, judging from the current situation, the other party's repeating the behavior of the small world only weakened his breath for a moment.

Almost at the moment when the small world was stabilized, those magic powers that spilled out in this world were marked with an unknown "brand" and began to return.

In fact, a considerable part of the overflowing magic power is the source of his own Noble Phantasm.

"It's the ability to foul."

Even Getia couldn't help but be amazed.

Eye of Darkness.

This source of magic power that brought Su Han to the extraordinary route has the characteristics that are too bizarre.

However, any magic power that passes through it will be forced to be regarded as part of the host, and then the magic power that disappears due to the use of the spell will be returned to the body.

Under special circumstances, you can even use the method of "dipping" to forcibly make everything around you go back to magic and strengthen your own power.

If only you could get this quality...

Then, in the following words, it is almost destined to become the supreme one in this galaxy.

An unprecedented desire flashed in the eyes of the man named Getia.

The life form of the boy in front of him is far more perfect than his own.

If he uses his body as a container for "self", he will definitely become stronger!!

No, it will even be more noble than returning to the beginning of the birth of the planet and replacing it with the attitude of life!!

So, it must be left behind.

Even if all the power obtained by burning the human principle is burnt out, I will leave it behind


The man who was no longer satisfied with his status as the number one beast roared in his heart.

However, what should I do to leave this body behind without hurting it.

There was distress in Getia's expression.

"Your eyes are really disgusting."

The boy's indifferent voice sounded behind him without warning.

The next moment, the holy sword of salvation directly penetrated Gaetia's chest.

There are no signs.

The divine light of salvation flowed directly into the body of the beast of calamity along the body of the sword, eroding his body like aqua regia melting silver.

Visible to the naked eye, the body was being evaporated, giving off an indescribable odor.

That is undoubtedly painful for beast.

Even Gaitia, who had almost no emotions, was distorted by the pain under the erosion of the divine light of salvation.

Because if he unleashed all his power in one breath, almost no one could match him, so much of the king's mind was devoted to thinking about how to capture the nature of Shun, and as a result, his kidneys were directly cut open.

This is a good warning.

Getia clenched his fists, how to use the power of the enemy should be something he can only think about after winning.

So you should be careful


Like a baseball being beaten out, the god-like devil flew backwards.

It was a powerful jab.

The next blow was a more vicious elbow strike.

Before Goetia could react, the elbow hit him in the chest, smashing the bones of his chest into pieces!! At the same time, the Holy Sword of the Star also A terrifying light erupted, cutting off Gaetia's other ring-bearing hand!!

Not long ago, the man who relied on his hooks to obtain martial arts that rivaled Getia's easily slammed his fist into Getia's face!!

It is hard to imagine that such a close-to-one-sided scene would appear in a battle of the same level.

However, such a scene actually happened.

What's going on here?

Questions arose in the mind of the Demon God Pillar who could kill the Archangel just by virtue of his martial arts.

He wanted to use martial arts to counterattack, but found that it became very difficult for him to throw a punch now.

Damn it!

It's time bound!!

Gaetia, who is the world's top fighting force, thought of this word in his mind after he smashed his face with a heavy punch.

Time, stood still.

Like, this is a script that has already been written.

The world runs according to the will of "God".

Therefore, when the **** wields the sword, time will pause and space will spontaneously open the passage.

For beast, time is not an unbreakable bondage, but it will undoubtedly take time to break free.

As long as the enemy's speed is fast enough, you can beat yourself to the point where you don't realize that you are bound!

In this field, unless it has the same nature as Su Han or is far superior to his "power", otherwise, in this field, there is no chance of winning!

"You are really strong."

That scene made the man who was still thinking about how to show weakness, let the group leader stay, and then let the man who completely detonated his power and destroyed his spirit with one blow clearly recognize the reality.

In the time of Sumer, he had also seen a field called critical, but because the critical field was really fragile, he did not take it to heart.

However, today's scene is to prove that his idea is wrong.

If the strongest weapon in the enemy's hands was not the Holy Sword of Stars, but a more terrifying weapon, then his life would probably end.

So, allow yourself to develop this power.

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