After the Demon God Pillar, which was supposed to be inseparable from Su Han, touched the corner of his mouth after the Demon God in his hand lost the last blood, he immediately destroyed the mummified corpse.

This guy is useless.

Instead of letting him stay on the battlefield, it might be possible to enhance Su Han's combat effectiveness, it's better to kill him yourself and get a piece of the pie.

At the very least, in this case, as an ally, you can get some of the principles of revenge, and you can try to use this "principle" to resist the curse of revenge.

"Happy cooperation..!

The young man smiled, the next moment, the sword of brilliance has been swung!

Sword of Oath of Victory Level: EX



Max catch:???

The shining holy sword that saves the stars.

Forged to defeat foreign enemies who want to destroy the stars, a golden blade that can repel almost all evil.

The more terrifying the disaster that the enemy can bring, it is also a tyrannical weapon against the disaster.


Since it is a battlefield, why pay attention to etiquette?

This is not the Spring and Autumn Period, where are there so many pre-war rituals?

For Beast, it was no different than a highly poisonous light bombarding the Demon King who had just absorbed about half of the power of Angora Mainu.

No one would doubt the power of that sword.

That is the sword of light that Chengqiu made to defend against the enemy!

Even the enemy of civilization, the white giant god, will drink hatred in front of him if he does not have time to quickly complete the final evolution!

In this regard, the Demon God's eyes did not have any waves.

He suddenly raised his head and called out softly, the next moment, the endless brilliance ripped apart this dark world.

The light and heat that people take for granted are bombarded directly!

What comes across is the light of salvation, and what falls from the sky is the wheel of human rationality!

More than words can describe, the manic heat erupted.

The starlight of salvation and the flame of human nature collided fiercely, and in synchronization with it, cracks intertwined, split, and spread in the world. The space that should have been invisible and intangible was like a glass that was hit by a heavy hammer, with crisscrossing cracks. Emerges in front of everyone's eyes, showing the most vulnerable side of the world without reservation.


As if something fragile was shattered, the world changed.

In this way, the dark space fault suddenly appeared with the crack, swallowing all the things involved in it, annihilating it into nothingness, and creating a living hell.

The next moment, this small world based on the appearance of the Holy Grail turned into flying ashes.

A small world just disappeared.

The two monsters fell into reality.

The part of the heat that escaped from the destroyed small world that was not absorbed by the space fault also suddenly burst.

The manic heat instantly turned the entire Einzbern Forest into a forest of flames!

The scorching temperature has reached an unbelievable level, even if it is a monster

Walk into this territory and take a few breaths of air, and the hot wind will destroy the throat, organs, and then die on the spot!!

However, in the eyes of the two armed masters, the temperature was not even a sauna.

An atmosphere was frozen into ice by the scorching flames.

Although it is absurd to say that, it is true.

The scorching fighting intent and the frost-white murderous aura covered the air, and the murderous intent that almost disturbed the normal melody of the world radiated from the two, allowing the chill to spread in this scorching hot forest that could almost burn the fantasy species to death.

That scene made the magicians far away in the city tremble instinctively.

What kind of monster is this?!!

It was only a preliminary fight, but it evaporated the Holy Grail World alive, and the excess heat, even if a space fault was poured into the imaginary space, still partially escaped, directly destroying a forest.

"If it goes on like this, the final result will definitely be that the world will be evaporated."

A very ugly look appeared on the face of the magic monarch named Kenneth

He was charmed by the three Gorgon sisters before, and then knocked out.

As a result, when I woke up, I saw that the Ricoh Wheel was activated and the Sword of Salvation was activated...

The power emanating from these two super-sized weapons has been proved. They only need one more collision to make the Far East disappear from the world.

If the battle escalates next, I am afraid that the entire Pacific Ocean will not face the danger of being evaporated!!

"Is there any way to organize all this? Teacher Kenneth?" Weber was also sweaty.

He understood, what is the gap.

"There is no way, even if there is a small world and imaginary space blocking it, it can still affect the reality, such monsters, only magicians are qualified to come forward to fight with them.

Nice took a deep breath, and this arrogant man felt a rare sense of powerlessness in his heart.

From the very beginning, the Masters who came here for honor and experimentation were just scumbags.

He didn't understand all this in the past.

Now, the surprise has told them the reality..

Almost synchronously, the two of them seemed to be violent at the same time trying to test the level of authority they had seized from a beast who died tragically.

The demon **** who inherited everything from King Solomon immediately rose from the ground, the power of his feet stepping on the ground, the turning of his waist, and the twisting of his shoulders multiplied together, and the result was an unstoppable huge roar!

Those are Jacob's siblings.

Jacob, Moses, and then to Marda, the ancient martial art of the saints of Christ. According to legend, a saint who learned this skill beat and killed a man who led 12,000 angels. "Angel of Destruction"!

As a demon **** who resides on the body of King Solomon, Getia also understands such martial arts.

Almost astonishing in time and space, the punch easily hit the boy's chest.

With the crisp sound of bone cracking, Su Han's chest suddenly sunk, and the penetrating impact pierced his chest and back out, and the surrounding air and the earth trembled violently!

The guts were absolutely torn to pieces!

Anyone who sees this scene can easily come to this conclusion.

Simultaneously, a momentary pain flashed across the face of the man named Getia.

The principle of revenge.

The oldest curse.

As the perpetrator, any attack he made on Su Han would be counter-injured.

Even if he took 15% of the reason for revenge, he could only resist the curse to a certain extent, but could not completely erase it.

That scene fell into Su Han's eyes, making him a little unhappy.

Because of the principle of revenge, can it resist the curse of revenge?

Gaetia, who should have received the same damage, is now only half of his own damage!!

It seems that this guy, Getia, is also quite capable.

Since there is only half of the injury, let yourself make up for the remaining half!

The next moment, an extremely terrifying scene happened.

In theory, the young man whose internal organs should have been completely broken only showed a fierce light, like a furious red dragon!

For an existence like him that has been almost completely out of the scope of biology, even if all the organs are destroyed, it is only a matter that can be repaired in an instant.

If you want to ask why, the answer is that he is a god-killing devil! A beast of human rationality!

Without hesitation, it was not so much that he was injured, but that the enraged Demon King wielded the sword of salvation.

Without any hesitation, the assembly of the Demon God Pillars who inherited the Crusaders' legacy also threw their fists again!

The martial art that is enough to make mortals slaughter the archangel, no matter what the occasion, will have a very high killing efficiency!!

Therefore, he does not need weapons.

Because, you are the best blade!!

Even if there is a land of death ahead, he can still tear open a piece with this fist.

the way!

But, this time, he did miscalculate.

"One-step supersonic, two-step uninterrupted, three-step absolute sword!"

The boy swung his sword and recited the declaration of liberation of the subordinate Noble Phantasm.

An unnamed three-stage stab.

A secret sword bred with unparalleled skill and speed.

Launched by the stance of Ping Qingyan, it is not a horizontal thrust that is \"almost at the same time\" but \"exactly at the same time".

"One's Thorn" contains "Two's Thorn" and "Ginseng's Thorn"

At the moment when the three thrusts are launched, the one thrust, the second thrust, and the ginseng thrust "exist" at the "same position" at the same time. Even if the first thrust is blocked, the second thrust and the ginseng thrust will penetrate the same position. Due to such a contradiction, the tip of the sword will cause "event collapse"! In essence, the three thrusts become impossible to defend against. The sword and halberd!


Blood spilled.

In the sombre look on the king's face, the fist he swung was cut off!!

Chapter 62 The time to wear the crown has come, so as to inspire Vientiane!!!

Broken hand.


The hand of the wearer's five rings was cut off like that and fell to the ground.

The next moment, in the space, orange-red ripples were generated, engulfing it.

Five rings will be born on your boy's finger.

That's the Ten Commandments.

Ten Commandments given by God.

Legend has it that King Solomon once met the One God, was favored by him, and was given a ring symbolizing endless wisdom.

The Ten Commandments he possessed also became the endorsement of King Solomon.

In the Xingyue worldview, the ten precepts are the Noble Phantasms created by King Solomon fearing magic and fearing that the development of such a taboo technique to the extreme would lead to the demise of mankind.

Therefore, in theory, this Noble Phantasm has the power to dominate, transform, and even completely erase modern magic from history.

Here, it also includes the ultimate magic - the human body burning style.

Theoretically speaking, whoever can collect the ten precepts can easily overturn the magic world, dominate the Demon God Pillar, and even kill the power of the first beast.

Like a monster-killing explosion equipment, the boy quickly put the Noble Phantasm on his hand.

That scene made the white-haired man's face involuntarily raise a sullen look.

Ten Commandments.

For Gaetia, there is actually no power bonus.

However, the Demon Pillar is a monster without an official name.

Su Han asked Romani how he named the Demon God Pillar. Romani's answer was that it would kill him to name seventy-two names in one go. The second name is used as the code name.

Therefore, the seventy-two demon gods actually have no names.

Even the name Getia is just a transliteration of the key.

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