The strongest sword that should only be wielded to save the world is too powerful to be regarded as an armament for personal use. Therefore, the king of knights of an ancient country and his twelve knights set strict regulations on holy swords and implemented them.

That is, the second sheath that hides the true body of the holy sword. + Three restraints.

The holy sword is released only in situations where multiple honors and missions can be achieved.

If the enemy is Gaetia, then it must be enough.

The boy raised his sword.

Endless magic was poured into it.

"Roundtable, start!!"

===Split ===

fgo world line.

Sumerian Plain.

The aura of the divine tree stirred the atmosphere within a few kilometers, and the terrifying shock wave formed a violent storm, which swept away from the clouds in an instant, across the sky and the earth.

The dazzling thunder burst in the sky, occupying a large area of ​​the sky, sweeping away in all directions, and the explosion resounded through the sky, like a dragon roar.

On the ground, endless darkness surged.

What kind of black is that?

Rage, arrogance, jealousy, greed.

Desire to kill, appetite, lust, desire to die..

It's just a fusion of evil.

No, that is the source of all evil in the world!!


The cascading sound waves spread frantically, like 10,000 giant dragons roaring at the same time.

Like a tsunami, endless darkness surged towards the tall divine tree!!!

The scattered petals wiped out the dark ocean.

The manic branches turned into sharp swords, tearing the ocean apart.

From an external point of view, there is no doubt that the divine tree has an absolute advantage.

But, in fact, at the same time that the sea of ​​sin is destroyed, double damage will manifest on the tree of gods..

If it weren't for the fact that every swung sword and pollen would turn into magic power and automatically return to repair the injury after hitting the enemy, then the sacred tree would probably be scarred by now.

A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye.

This is the authority of the beast of vengeance.

The most basic law of revenge showed its ferocity on this battlefield.

Two monsters of the beast level, fighting on this land, randomly changing the sky, the earth, the ocean...

If that scene was recorded, it would be a new mythical epic.

"Are they equals to each other?"

In the empty space, a pair of eyes are looking down.

It was a monster named Getia.

The beast who took the initiative to provoke a fight and even longed to devour other compatriots stood under the Ricoh wheel with an indifferent expression.

That indifferent demeanor is enough to make anyone feel the chill.

Obviously, this battle is already related to his survival, but he is still watching indifferently.

after all

As long as he joins it, then the battle situation will change.

He will directly usher in the victory of the Battle of Sumer.

However, he stood there, looking like he was watching a movie.

"Your Majesty, do you want to continue watching like this?"

On his side, there is the sound of the Demon God Pillar, emitting.

"The Chaldeans and the beast of revenge are now evenly divided, as long as you join them, the battle situation will change.

"Keep waiting."

The king named Getia is indifferent.

Obviously, as long as you are there, you can change everything.

However, he chose to refuse.

If there is a reason, it is that Getia believes one thing.

The enemy is a hero from another world.

A madman who kills gods.

Under the circumstance that he understands himself, he still chooses to scold himself and regard himself as a servant...

Such an arrogant existence, his power, should not only be so little.

He must have other backers.

As if responding to his expectations, the next moment, the man in the green coat whimpered and transmitted his memory from another world.

That is...


A part of his own composition, and the Demon God Pillar that monitors another world.

"Your Majesty, I met another 'group owner'."

That Demon God, sucking in the cold air, then gave an answer.

"As you might expect, the so-called "group master" has a backhand, and the one who is now fighting against the beast of revenge is only a part of him."

"Now, he is obtaining the spirit body that summons the Holy Grail and has captured the Sword of Salvation!!"

Those words caused the Demon God Pillars standing beside Getia to turn pale in surprise.

Although they know that the so-called group owner is not something to be messed with, they obviously did not expect that the guy who is holding the beast of revenge here is just a clone!

If the Black Holy Grail in the past is released, then the next man who also has the personality of the beast of revenge is likely to seize the promotion ceremony of Angola Manuel and become a complete beast!!


He even took the Sword of Salvation.

That sword is a holy sword in its normal state.

However, if the enemy changes into a catastrophe, its power will expand exponentially!!!

Unfortunately, beast is a human catastrophe.

If that man had completed the completion ceremony and appeared with the Sword of Salvation.

Then the consequences are unimaginable!!

However, at the moment when many demon **** pillars were trembling, the man named Getia showed a rare smile on his face.

"Is that so? That's great."

Your Majesty, is this crazy?

The Demon God Pillar present couldn't help but have such thoughts in their hearts.

"That's good news isn't it?"

"You guys, you should think about why he wants to take the Sword of Salvation."

That had been waiting, Su Han showed the smile on the face of the demon king who was behind him, like a blooming flower.

"Almost infinite resilience, the ability to cover the world in an instant, and the ability to call the dead to fight for themselves.."

"This is the power of the enemy."

"But, don't you think, he's missing something?" What's missing?

The Demon God Pillars present fell silent.

"He lacks a deadly attack on the beast."

The expression on the man's face became grim, and then he laughed happily.

"For that, he needs to capture the Holy Sword of the Stars!!" Yes.

The Holy Sword of Star is not suitable for Su Han.

Because, he himself is also within the special attack range.

If you are not careful, you will be accidentally injured.

However, he still chose to capture the sword that was not suitable for him, and tried to complete himself, and then officially started a war with himself.

So, do you have a chance to complete the plan?

The man named Getia had an unprecedentedly cold smile on the corner of his mouth.

Chapter 60 Maybe, this is hxd

The black mud that rolls with waves like the sea.

There were mountains of dry corpses everywhere, and they were gradually sinking into the sea.

The sky is red, as red as blood. In the black mud rain, the dark sun dominates the sky.

Wind is curse and mourning.

Su Han, take a step forward.

As he stepped out, everything around him began to twist.

turned into a burning city.

Furious flames burned in the ruins of the city, and the whole city was submerged in the sea of ​​fire.

The steaming hot air scorched Su Han's eyes, and the fragile nasal mucosa was dried by the scorching hot air, and then he smelled the unique smell of burning human fat on the battlefield.

The heat steaming above the flame distorted the air, and Su Han felt his skin lose water and tighten under the high temperature heat.

Whether it is a person who is asleep or a person who wakes up, I am afraid that they will be burned alive by this flame and turned into a charred corpse.

There are flames burning in all directions, deep in the sea of ​​​​fire.

Needless to's hell.

This is a world where only the dead can survive.

This is a projection from the future.

If there is no one to prevent the youth who was cursed by people from ascending to the gods here and becoming the fifth beast, then the future of this world will be swallowed up maliciously and turned into an endless hell.

"Really. If you need to build a **** for Elle, this place may be used directly,

The boy raised his head, looked up at the sky, and muttered.

There is the center of the world, a "hole" in the sky. The unfathomable darkness inside, the density seems to crush everything.

A neurologically normal human wouldn't think that "hole" was anything

nice one.

That is the Holy Grail that has been polluted to the extreme.

Although not yet in shape, the container has been filled. According to the entrusted wishes, it can change the corresponding appearance. Only then can it acquire the posture and shape of the present world, and only then can it appear in the outside world.

If the holder wishes to become the tallest man in the world, then anyone taller than him will be cut in half.

If you make a wish to become the world's first wise man, then the smart people in this world will become dementia children.

If the holder makes a wish for world peace.

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