There is absolutely no good end to himself.

Emiya Kiritsugu, who had just finished listening to Su Han and Miss Alley's speeches, thought.

Ai Lei, the **** of the underworld, wants to rebuild the order of the underworld, by giving blessings to the good and punishing the evil, to achieve the effect of persuading people to do good.

She sentenced herself, who committed countless murders in the name of salvation, to three hundred years of hard labor.

Su Han's idea was that if it was sent to torture anyway, it would be better to send it to 007, a sweatshop, to earn some extra money.

Of course, this extra money must end up in his pocket.

Otherwise, he would never be so active.

Working in a sweatshop for 500 years, to be honest, according to the calculation of the 50-year life expectancy of social animals, this is basically the tenth generation sinking into 007 hell.

"Surprisingly good punishment."

The man showed a rare hearty smile in the eyes of Miss Ailey who looked at a neurotic patient.

Such cruel torture, even if it is reincarnated, it will leave a certain impression in the next life.

If everyone is afraid of doing evil, then the world will be a better place.

One's own wish can be regarded as a part of fulfillment.

If five hundred years of forced labor is a sacrifice, and it can be exchanged for the reappearance of the underworld trial mechanism, this can be regarded as a **** profit.

The only pity is that...


The man looked at the mark on the back of his hand and smiled bitterly.

He likes Arthur very much.

Flexible, flexible, obedient, strong, noble, and ambitious..

Arthur is really an excellent Servant.

Unfortunately, I was dragged down by myself.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been defeated without even releasing the Noble Phantasm.

"Can I see Arthur before I die?"

Because of the Command Spell, it was certain that Arthur was not a dead master, and he smiled reluctantly.

"I might have to say sorry to him."

"Just tell me directly."

In Emiya Kiritsugu's dazed expression, the boy smiled and said.

"Because, in a way, I'm Arthur."

The young man smiled, and the next moment, his eyes turned into vertical pupils unique to dragons.

The sword of brilliance appeared in his hands.

"The Holy Swordsman of the Stars - Arthur."

The fifty-ninth chapter finally arrived, the time to fight back

Star Swordsman.

This is not an unfamiliar title to Emiya Kiritsugu.

Because, the title of his Servant is this.

A hero who was awarded the Sword of Salvation.


Why, the man in front of me...

Feeling the vague contract between him and Su Han, Emiya Kiritsugu only felt that his brain was shaking.


I understand that my servant is a blond and blue-eyed guy who doesn't look like a Celtic handsome guy at all.

However, his own contract, if there is nothing, is indeed proving one thing.

The young man in front of him is his servant.

Britain's Red Dragon, Arthur.

Emiya Kiritsugu's expression became unprecedentedly dazed.

The contract between the Servant and the Master is absolute.

However, in his own memory, Arthur was not the boy in front of him at all.

Even, the beatings he and Arthur received were the poisonous hands of the guy in front of him.

He should be his own enemy...

"Is it hard to understand?"

As if he had encountered something very interesting, the young man laughed, with a slight shyness in his smile.

"Sub-Servant - A special life form between humans and a follower that was born by integrating human beings with the spiritual base of a follower."

"After I made a promise, Arthur gave up his life and fulfilled me."


gave up your life?

Emiya Kiritsugu was stunned.

"I will never die until I see the revival of Britain."

As long as he doesn't encounter a character with a twisted mind like the root princess, the words of the knight king who can talk well echoed in his ears.

It can make Arthur give up everything and fulfill the conditions of others.

"The promise you gave is.\"\"

Vaguely, Emiya Kiritsugu thought of a possibility.

"bingo, is the revival of Britain."

The boy snapped his fingers, affirming Emiya Kiritsugu's unspoken thoughts.

Perhaps it was because the last one had been planted, and the cheerful boy gave an explanation for Gaetia's trap.

"For the planet itself, there is not much difference between humans and gods." "It's just microorganisms living on their own bodies."

"The prosperity of life, for the planet, is happy to see." Emiya Kiritsugu's expression was blank.

What Su Han was talking about was common sense in the magic world.

The ball's will to the body surface microbes - human and god's view.

But, what does this have to do with Arthur?

During the time of his doubts, the young man laughed and continued to talk. "

"But here comes the problem, the prosperity of man and the prosperity of God are in conflict with each other

"The environment that God needs is a high-magic environment, and that environment is basically a sickle for humans. Maybe a few heroes can become extremely powerful under the oppression of magic, but most humans will only be high-level. It is difficult to survive under the oppression of an intense magical environment.”

"When mankind shows a future that is far brighter than that of the gods, the age of the gods will end, and the mystery will begin to shrink."

"This is the decision of the planet under our feet."

God, forsaken.

It was as if a tsunami had ushered in the heart of Bamiya Kiritsugu.

The magic world has been arguing about why the gods left the world.

Some people think that the gods disdain the world.

Some people think that the environment has changed drastically.

Others believe that gods seldom reach the human world, and that legends about gods are rich only after thousands of years of accumulation.

Now the answer is out.

The value of God's generation is lower than that of human's.

They were eliminated.

"And the Age of Gods didn't want to come to an end like this. Therefore, the last mystery gave birth to Arthur - Lord of Britain, Arthur the Eternal King."

Arthur is so stubborn?!!

Emiya Kiritsugu was also stunned.

Although he killed his Xueba father with one shot, he lost a lot of homework, but he was a magician after all.

A symbol of the mysterious return of light to the earth.

Such a person, in mysticism, is definitely not weaker than King Solomon

"Britain is a battlefield, a battlefield between the Age of Gods and the Age of Men. Arthur is the mysterious son who happened to be born in Britain."

"His rule does not represent Britain, but the Age of Gods, the Age of Gods that has been tacitly regarded as "the past" by the planet under his feet."

The teenager gave an interpretation of the birth of Arthur.

Emiya Kiritsugu understood why a larger place in Britain was able to spawn a super-sized Servant like King Arthur, and something a little wrong like the Knights of the Round Table.

The large-scale Servants of Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table appeared on a large scale, and theoretically should only appear in areas such as Sumer, ancient Rome, China, and Greece.

Because, only those places that have the conditions to be favored by the gods and have a brilliant civilization at the same time have the soil to produce a large number of heroes.

Not to say that this is contempt for other civilizations.

However, where the volume is too small, it is simply not enough to be a stage for heroes.

Although Xingyue is a heroic view of history, even if it is a heroic view of history, the Basic Law must be discussed.

Leonidas took 4,000 people to guard the hot spring gate, which is called tragic and solemn. What would the story of the Eight Hundred Spartans become if the mass base were reduced?

The Greek rogue Leonidas took four people and fought in the streets with the Persian village chief Xerxes.

The earth has chosen human beings, and the next is the era of human beings.

Unless it is to tear apart the quantum record tape, the cornerstone of pan-human history, and then re-write the resurrection of the Age of Gods, otherwise, Britain can go as long as it perishes.

Once Arthur makes such a wish and tries to establish a country, he is against the will of the earth and the entire history of mankind!!

Arthur, who symbolizes the abandoned gods...he can't save Britain no matter what.

"King Arthur is impossible to win."

"Once he understood this, he gave me everything he had in exchange for the possibility of rebuilding Britain in an area beyond the control of Earth and pan-human history."

"Isn't this a very simple thing?"

That boy, Shi Shiran smiled.


He sacrificed his life for his country.

However, why does Su Han yearn for Arthur's power?

Obviously, his performance is strong like a fairy.

Immortal, do you need the power of a mere Servant?

Emiya Kiritsugu's expression became dazed.

In this regard, the boy did not continue to answer his questions.

after all

No matter how to explain it, it is difficult to understand what kind of super-sized weapon the sword that the king who symbolizes the counterattack of the Age of Gods is.

It is said that a single hero is not enough to decide to use the Holy Sword of the Stars. The sword that breaks the enemy beyond the planet.

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